hollisims · 4 years
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oyster meet this girl evie at school
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hollisims · 4 years
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happy birthday oyster and willie :D welcome to teenage-hood lol
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hollisims · 4 years
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rip brainy
you were always there for us. you always knew how to make us smile. your intelligence was out of this world. you were the best doggo a person could have and you will be very missed. <3
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hollisims · 4 years
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so what is the family up to?
downstairs: Oyster says something a little questionable to his dad... i wonder where he heard it from..
upstairs: pheobe is playing chess with her imaginary friend, she’s losing :(
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hollisims · 4 years
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HE’S BACK! <3 <3 <3
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hollisims · 4 years
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brainy ran away!!1!!11! pheobe stopped everything and printed out “missing pet” papers and hung them all around town :0
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hollisims · 4 years
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pheobe is having a hard time juggling her job and family :(
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hollisims · 4 years
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bros playing with voidcritters!
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hollisims · 4 years
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oyster and brainy playing! brainy hopes to get food afterwards!
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hollisims · 4 years
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hollisims · 4 years
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im emotionally attached to brainy
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hollisims · 4 years
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willie isn’t impressed...
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hollisims · 4 years
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oyster is telling willie a story about scary dragons destroying cities!! woah!
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hollisims · 4 years
“wow we love space” legacy challenge
I started a legacy and got an ask for the rules, but I realized it didn’t really have any so I wrote rules for this legacy! This legacy is all about space and each generation follows a space-themed thing but not every generation requires you to go into space, it’s just loosely spaced themed! Feel free to use the hashtag #wowwelovespace if you post your sims and gameplay!
here are the rules in a google doc if that’s more your style :D
Basic rules:
Cheats, like money cheats, are allowed but not excessively
You may live wherever you want unless it says so in the rules of the generation
Keep the lifespan on normal
Some packs are needed for certain traits, skills, and careers. If you don’t have the pack feel free to change anything to fit.
all of the generation rules are down below! If you have any questions feel free to send me an ask. (also this was very quickly done and there might be a few mistakes, although I have read through it. Just let me know if there is something wrong, thanks!)
Generation one: rocket ship
You were such a happy kid before the accident, but then your life changed forever. A part of you is broken, literally. Now you have set your life out to tinkering and building, to prove how much you can do. Your goal is to completely build an entire rocket! Or two…or three!
Traits: genius, geek, hot-headed
Aspiration: nerd brain
Career: astronaut, interstellar smuggler branch
Your sim must have a broken bone of some sort (you can use cc or just pretend)
Reach level 10 of the astronaut career
Master rocket science skill
Master handiness skill
Complete nerd brain aspiration
Build both the steampunk flyamajig rocketship and the retro rocketship
Generation two: telescope
Your parent was into rockets and technology but you’re more fascinated by detailed things. While everyone else is living their normal daily lives, you spend your time focusing on the small things of our world, like what it’s made of and how we came to be. Some may call you a freak or a nerd, but you don’t pay attention to them and continue coming up with theories about the meaning of life. 
Traits: vegetarian, loner, bookworm
Aspiration: renaissance sim
Career: astronaut (until you reach level 3), writer (until you reach level 5), then gardener, botanist branch
Complete renaissance sim aspiration
Master logic skill
Get to level three of the astronaut career
Get to level five of the writer career
Get to level 10 of the gardener career
Have twins (you can cheat for this)
Generation three: alien
Your sibling was very well mannered and well, very clean. You on the other hand loved to roll around in the outdoors and play with all sorts of gross creatures. You didn’t mind and loved spending your days outside. You’re not very judgmental at all and love the weird side of everything!
Traits: slob, loves outdoors, erratic
Aspiration: angling ace
Career: unemployed, you make money from outdoorsy things (gardening, selling collectibles, fishing)
Get married to an alien
Never get a job, make money from the outdoors
Master fishing skill
Master gardening skill
Complete angling ace aspiration
Have 3 kids (next heir must be the middle child)
Generation four: shooting star
You never got attention as a kid because you were the middle child. Now you want to shine like a star! It’s your dream to become famous! Sure you may be a little annoying, but you’re a super hard worker and will do anything to get to the top! 
Traits: ambitious, self-absorbed, materialistic 
Aspiration: world-famous celebrity 
Career: actor/actress
Complete world-famous celebrity aspiration
Master acting skill
Reach level 10 of the acting career
Get married to another celebrity
Become a millionaire
Have only one kid and have a negative relationship with them
Generation five: planet
Your parents were too busy worrying about their fame to spend time with you, you won’t be that kind of parent. You move away with 0 simoleons to live your own life and start a family. Even though you don’t have a lot of money, you will do anything to give your kids a good life! Like the solar system, you are going to have 7 sims (planets) in your household!
Traits: family-oriented, good, childish
Aspiration: super parent
Career: unemployed, stay at home parent
Move out of your parent’s house as soon as you age up to be a young adult. 
Get married as a young adult
Complete super parent aspiration
Have 5 kids (you must have 7 sims in total in your household)
Have all of your kids get As in grade school and high school
Have all of your kids max at least 2 skills
Generation six: galaxy
Like your parents, you love your children! But your children just happen to be well, pets! You are very into cute things, things that sparkle, and everything happy! Except you hate kids. Growing up with 4 siblings, all you wanted to do was move out, play video games, and be alone with your pets.
Traits: hates children, cat lover, dog lover
Aspiration: computer whiz
Career: tech guru, eSports gamer branch
Have at least 4 pets
Get married as an adult
Have a kid by accident
Complete computer whiz aspiration 
Master video gaming skill
Reach level 10 of the tech guru career
Generation seven: meteor
As a child you were crazy. You had so much energy and was always up to something. Causing destruction was and is your favorite thing to do! Some might say you’re a meteor. Your dream is to be a secret agent and “play” with spy tools all day. So that’s exactly what you do!
Traits: hot-headed, evil, goofball
Aspiration: chief of mischief 
Career: secret agent, villain branch
Complete chief of mischief aspiration
Reach level 10 of the secret agent career
Master mischief skill
Master charisma skill
Have a kid with someone different to who you’re getting married to
Go through 3 different relationships before settling down
Generation eight: black hole
You’re a little dark and a little scary, but you mean well. Just because you’re a little more down than everyone else doesn’t mean you’re not fun to hang out with. In fact, you love a good party, but no one will join you. Your goal is to find someone who really cares about you. Also, you’re obsessed with all kinds of music.
Traits: gloomy, music lover, dance machine
Aspiration: musical genius
Career: entertainer, musician branch
Complete musical genius aspiration
Never have friends, only acquaintances
Master violin skill
Master piano skill
Master guitar skill
Reach level 10 of the entertainer career
Get married as an elder
Generation nine: constellation
You see the beauty in everything around you. You love to paint and take photos of the stars. It’s your dream to sell your art and photos to people! You’re scared of everything though, especially people. You mostly do your thing inside your home where it’s safe. Some may say you’re crazy and paranoid, and well you are, but you’re also trying to get over this fear of yours.
Traits: paranoid, loner, creative
Aspiration: painter extraordinaire 
Career: painter, master of the real branch
Complete aspiration
Master painting skill
Master photography skill
Reach level 10 of the painter career
Live in a quiet secluded area with no neighbors
Get married to someone with the romantic trait
Generation ten: universe
Your ancestors were obsessed with space, but your family kind of drifted away from that. You really want to follow in your ancestor’s footsteps and learn about space, maybe even go to space??
Traits: perfectionist, outgoing, insider
Aspiration: friend of the world
Career: astronaut, space ranger branch
Complete friend of the world aspiration
Reach level 10 of the astronaut career
Master rocket science skill
Be the leader of a club
Have 20 friends
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hollisims · 4 years
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what a cutie
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hollisims · 4 years
does the moon legacy have rules you're following? if so, can you share?
I kinda made my own rules and just go with the flow but rn its just a space themed legacy, so nothing really that special, im just trying to get my sim to space!
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hollisims · 4 years
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ahhhh <3 <3 <3
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