holynnberry · 4 years
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………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. WE DID IT! THE CHAPTER IS OVER! I’m so excited! This was a long and hard way. I want to thank everyone who supported me, all the amazing fanart you guys drew. Thank you guys for everything! Let me know in comments below how was the first chapter ( I know I left more questions than answers ).  Who is your favorite character? ( I’m really curious about this one :3 ) ………….,,………,………………………………………Wait for news about chapter 2. 
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holynnberry · 4 years
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Chapter 1 is gonna be updated and uploaded on Webtoon.  ( Pages 1 - 12 are already there! )  
Now it’s gonna be very comfortable for reading on a phone. 
Also the dialogues are being rewritten ( even some pages are redrawn fully) so there are gonna be some changes too. 
Come and check  out the updated version! 
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holynnberry · 4 years
Sorry It won’t let me verify my email.
Hey can I have the uncensored version of the pic with 049
I'm assuming you're talking about the nsfw art with 035 and 049.
But sure! Dm me please!
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holynnberry · 4 years
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holynnberry · 4 years
Also I’m not a little bitch
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84 notes · View notes
holynnberry · 4 years
Bo en is awesome
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holynnberry · 4 years
(Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language) The memory of this cartoon is killing me. For years I thought it might be a weird and disturbing dream I had when I was a kid (I did have a lot of those back then) but it is too detailed to be one I guess. So this is the description: Time frame: I was around 5 or 6. I was born in 1989 so this must have aired during mid-90s. Keep in mind that I grew up in South America so most of the things that aired here had years of delay of its original airing date. For more context, I grew up in Chile, a Spanish speaking country. Content: I remember it was a very grim looking cartoon about a town infested by rats (set during The Plague times? it certainly looked like an European landscape during medieval-renaissance times) . There was this man who had his home/businness infested with rats. He is pissed, so he sets them in fire. I remember I was so scared because you could hear the rats screaming in agony. However, one of them survived. The rat goes to the man's place and while he is sleeping, the rat bites him (or licks his face? I don't remember quite well) and when he wakes up he is sick. I don't remember if he dies on screen or not but it was obvious he would at some point. Always when I remember this short, I think the main theme was how impulsive actions can backfire awfully, even when the ones you attack seem weaker than you. Possibly helpful details: I don't really remember if the short was dubbed or not. I might be possible it didn't have any dialogues. Back then dubbing was scarce and the TV station that might have broadcast this was local and its budget was low. Also, this might be a long shot, but it might have been some sort of anthology series. I vaguely remember other shorts of the same characteristics. I will add here some reference pics of what I remember. Obviously it is not the real deal but you can get an idea of what I have in my mind. Being honest, I hope this thing exists. I don't really want to think that my 6 year old self could have imagined something like this. I do like horror films now but back then I was a very easily impressionable coward girl. Thank you in advance. Have a nice day
Hey I found post this online. It is on the lost media Wikipedia. It's on the unidentified forums and if you know that show say it on the fourm.
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holynnberry · 4 years
I agree please read these
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holynnberry · 4 years
Dcall wonderful live!
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holynnberry · 4 years
For a wiki I don't know. I know it was Rap rat. I know you can look up rap rat on YouTube well I know there is a vhs tape footage on YouTube I am sorry for not providing a link
Does anyone remember that weird board game, it was called Rap Rat or something?? It was kind of creepy and I remember being really shit at it as a kid. But I cant find a wiki or anything for it????
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holynnberry · 4 years
Just something for your videos
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holynnberry · 4 years
But you can't my parents have guns and I have an iPhone and I pad and also I have cops. So I may call them but I did lmao!
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holynnberry · 4 years
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All of my reactions 1 and 2
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Yes I felt kinda mad because I thought that Connor would not face the scps but I'm interested feeling a lot of things
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Recently, Lord Bung posted on Twitter of designs featuring various SCPs if they were to appear in his fan animated series Confinement. Although, Bung stated in the post he does not intend to feature the SCPs depicted and only drew them to show what they would at least look like while he worked in-between commissions. Of course, some did appear in special shorts he made but won’t make a proper appearance in his series.
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holynnberry · 4 years
It's beautiful AHHH
Warning ships and cuss words are here! I'm dying from the inside and my brain cells are dying
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holynnberry · 4 years
Every scp fan it's time to raid
Technically they cant get all of us if we breach containment
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holynnberry · 4 years
Look at this
y o i n k
Maker good progress on programming in player-NPC interactions! All the UI right now is placeholder while I focus on greyboxing everything
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holynnberry · 5 years
Nicolas Cage ... Janitor Caylee Cowan ... Kathy Beth Grant ... Sheriff Lund Emily Tosta ... Liv Grant Cramer ... Jerry Wallace Terayle Hill ... Bob David Sheftell ... Evan Ric Reitz ... Tex Macadoo Christian Delgrosso ... Aaron Taylor Towery ... Cammy Chameleon Chris Schmidt Jr. ... Tito Turtle Duke Jackson ... Knighty Knight Chris Warner ... Jed Love Kai Kadlec ... Chris Christopher Bradley ... Arty Alligator
So guess what is up for the NEW FNAF rip-off 2020 horror movie Wally’s Wonderland with Nick Cage as a janitor in an amusement park where he has to fight evil animatronics so here is something I found on IMBD
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