honeybeegames · 2 years
Heya any recs for IFs with an oldy medieval vibe sort of thing. Like with monarchies and swords n stuff. I'm not sure how to word it, sorry 😅
Hello! Here’s what we’ve got for you! Some of these games may not necessarily be set in a medieval period but do have monarchies and/or swords involved in the game!
If anyone has further suggestions, please feel free to leave a reply and we’ll add it to the list!  
Love the Guard, Be the King by @ligiawrites
More Things In Heaven and Earth by morethingsgame
Guenevere by @newarcana
The Bastard of Camelot by @llamagirl28
The Heir’s Quest by thqwriting
The King’s Hound (18+) by @the-kingshound
The Sword of Rhivenia by @theswordofrhivenia
Up & Coming (no demo yet!)
Sacrificial Soul by @honeybeegames
The King’s Physician by @fiddles-ifs
The Starless Throne by @illonius-if
Valley of Kings by @valleyofkings-if
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honeybeegames · 2 years
Hello there :)
You may or may not have noticed my inactivity the last few weeks (literally zero I’m so sorry), but I moved out without the support of anyone and it’s been a wild, terrifying time. But being far, far away from my very homophobic family has been such a weight from my shoulders and mind and I do not regret it one bit. As always, any support through my kofi is so so so so appreciated, reblogs are smiled at, your messages are cried over, and I hope you all have a lovely day.
Work on both Sinners and Manna-Heim is plugging away, and I hope to have updates soon. Thank you for being here ♡
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honeybeegames · 2 years
Hi. Everything's all right? Is the project still alive?
the project is still alive, but it’s taken a back burner in my life just because… i have more important things going on? i’m not sure if that’s the right wording, but yeah. i’ve just been busy.
and also realized this was a MASSIVE project to take on for two people with little to no coding experience, lol.
i moved states, my dog got sick, we got a house, i got sick, my dad got COVID, i started working. the usual.
i’m thinking about just going ahead and posting a demo of what we currently have for our one year on this blog? it’s not a lot, just the prologue and part of chapter one, but i think it’d be fun. if anyone’s around and still interested!
i think my sister and i will start with a smaller game for practice, because we desperately need it, haha. thanks for your patience! it’s also very appreciated.
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honeybeegames · 2 years
The Golden Rose: Book One is OUT NOW!!!
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“As the artist mourns his fortune
So the Dynasty falls to crumble,
And the two branches snatch asunder”
You are a recent member of The White Company, a mercenary guild on the far side of the law. Your job consists of hunting artifacts and roaming ruins that the Church has forbidden to mention. One of your expeditions, however, leads you down a path that is much deeper than you ever anticipated.
“The Golden Rose: Book One” is a thrilling 1.2-million-word interactive fantasy novel by Ana Ventura, where your choices control the story. It’s entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.
Juggle friendships, new alliances, and flames of romance in this epic adventure that will take you to an Europe where History took a different turn.
Play as male or female; straight, gay, or bisexual.
Find romance, friendship, or rivalry with a cast of colorful characters.
Hunt down the thief that stole your forbidden maps!
Fight against bandits and city guards while trying to stray away from the all-seeing Eyes of the Church.
Explore ancient ruins and the cobble-stoned streets of the medieval city of Tarragona. Step into a grand cathedral, a sprawling market, a multicolored harbor, the dark gates of the city, or an aqueduct that no one dares to come close to.
Bond with a stubborn old horse.
Choose to ally with a street urchin or the feral captain of the Guard.
Uncover what is true in a world where denial reigns supreme.
Start to unravel your own mysterious past.
Immerse yourself in a world rich with characters, story, and lore.
Do you believe in Destiny?
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The Golden Rose: Book One��is out for you to play!
You can find it at the links below:
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1892950/The_Golden_Rose_Book_One/
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.hostedgames.goldenrose1&hl=pt_PT&gl=US
App Store Omnibus: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hosted-games/id1302297731
Choice of Games: https://www.choiceofgames.com/user-contributed/golden-rose-book-one/
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I hope you enjoy it! 🌹
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honeybeegames · 2 years
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honeybeegames · 3 years
Finished Coding the Prologue!
Look at it, ready to go. (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ )
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As always, it’s a treat to watch the game actually play, to interact with the words I spent so long writing.
I was editing the text as I coded, and while it’s no secret that editing is not my favorite thing to do, it is also undeniable how important it is. I caught so many mistakes - not even simple typos, but entire sentences that were just… off. The idea of what I wanted to tell was there, but as I edited, I could polish and perfect it and cut off the parts that simply didn’t fit.
But it’s done, and I can finally move on to greener pastures!
Next, it follows my favorite part of the writing process: the first draft. I’ll return to my notebooks and pick up my pencil and just… write. Chapter one is decently outlined already - which is a first for me. Never before have I started a chapter knowing exactly everything that is going to happen in it. I’m sure, however, that I’ll end up expanding or adding something new, but those bouts of inspiration usually lead to my best scenes, so I won’t restrain myself.
However long the chapter ends up being, I can’t wait to start it. There are some old voices I miss hearing, old friends I miss writing. It has been far too long.
Have a great Monday! 🌹
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honeybeegames · 3 years
using right now to announce a break from here. moved to a new state a few weeks ago and i’m incredibly homesick and sad and can’t bring myself to do much. will be back sooner than later, thank you guys for the support and checking in <3
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honeybeegames · 3 years
rb this and tell me what ur accent is. this has no purpose except the fact i just realized i could have like... mutuals with cockney accents or newfoundland accents or something and thats just wild
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honeybeegames · 3 years
Hello! I hope you’re doing well! I was wondering which of the RO would be the most jealous? And what would their reactions be to an MC who is easily jealous and possessive of them?
xue is easily the most jealous. the others aren’t really, but if i had to rank the rest from most to least: mika, lyra mae = evren, orion
second question answered here !
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honeybeegames · 3 years
sorry if u already answered this but ROs reactions to a MC that tries to kiss them but they are too short? <33
answered here :)
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honeybeegames · 3 years
what are the RO’s biggest flaws?
they’re all glaringly flawed characters and i think you’ll be able to see them in-game, but i cannot shut the fuck up so i have to answer this. slightly (?) spoilers under cut!
evren: loyal to a fault. i’ve said this before, but they would do next to anything for you. even if they’re uncomfortable with it, they’ll do it to please you. they hate the idea of disappointing you. there’s a part where you decide whether someone lives or dies, and evren will be the one to kill them. deems the lives of those they love (you, their mothers) more important than others. their loyal is to you before the kingdom.
mika: their overall meanness. they’re rude without prompting. they don’t care if they hurt other people. apologies are rare when it comes to them, even if they’re the one in the wrong. they have too much pride. they’re petty and aren’t above getting “fair” with other people in dirty ways. they lash out when they’re hurt and say things to purposely upset the other person.
xue: deeply insecure. from the way they look to the way they dress to the way they act. they feel like they’re constantly playing a part instead of being human. nearly everything about them feels superficial. easily jealous because of these insecurities. feels like you don’t like them whether or not you do. is a people pleaser before anything else. looks down on people they think aren’t worth their time.
orion: will never 100% trust you. he doesn’t trust himself, but he most certainly doesn’t trust others. feels like everyone is out to get him. plays everything off as a joke because he hates the idea of other people making him mad. always assumes the worst out of others. he’s reckless and it’s nearly costed him his life on multiple occasions.
lyra mae: nothing she’s perfect incredibly stubborn and opinionated. once she’s made up her mind about something or someone, nobody will change it. tends to lean towards facts instead of emotions and comes off as callous. is willing to do underhanded things for the sake of Dasire. would do them if you asked her to, too. she’ll give up the life of a few if it’s for the greater good.
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honeybeegames · 3 years
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some chapter titles :) guess when all the RO’s show up LOL
inspired by @attollogame !
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honeybeegames · 3 years
can we have the ros thought processes as to why they turn around?
you can 😁 in regards to this ask.
evren: thinks they can handle it. their entire job—their purpose—is to keep you safe. they’ve failed once and refuse to do so again. except the silence is deafening and they can hear their blood roaring and they take a quick glance without thinking about it. regret makes them nauseous as they realize what they’ve done. reaches out for you even after you’re gone.
mika: thinks they can take a look over their shoulder without getting caught. it’s stupid—foolish—and they want to force time to rewind because it’s so fucking stupid. why did they turn? why would they risk you like that? refuses to watch you disappear forever, and closes their eyes instead. can’t stomach seeing your face, not when you know it’s their fault you’re not getting your second chance.
xue: gets too excited. they’re nervous walking out, hate silences, and want to see you. so they turn, take a glance, only to see you slip away. they chase you, try to grab you, but there’s nothing left. doesn’t have time to process what happened. thinks they’ll get another chance and tries to beg for one. pleads on their knees in vain. spends the rest of their life trying to get you back for nothing.
orion: doesn’t trust that you’re there. doesn’t trust you—whatever god he bargained with—himself. there’s so much riding on his shoulders it makes him break. whatever false confidence he pretends he has crumbles. you’re there when he turns around and he wishes you weren’t. it would be easier on him if you hadn’t been standing there. and then you’re gone and he’s alone. 
lyra mae: she trusts you with everything she is. you’re there, she reminds herself, you have to be. you’ve always been with her and she’s sure nothing had changed. stares at her feet the entire way, one foot in front of the other. doesn’t turn around even when she’s out because she’s still scared you’ll vanish. the minute you touch her, though, her arms are around you and she’s crying.
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honeybeegames · 3 years
sooo the orpheus and eurydice ask has been going around and i was curious who would turn around and who wouldn’t?
50 years late to the party but
turns around:
evren, orion, xue, mika
doesn’t turn around:
lyra mae
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honeybeegames · 3 years
Hey there! I was reading the FAQ and saw that if you decide to have poly routes Lyra Mae and Mika are no longer an option and I was wondering why you decided to change that. Not trying to start any shit up I'm just curious since I allways got the feeling those two would pair up nicely with the MC
hi! it’s mainly because this is my first time writing a game and my sister’s first time coding something this big. mika and lyra mae would be a really cool route, but i didn’t want to put too much pressure on us for our first time. thanks for asking!
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honeybeegames · 3 years
how would the RO’s react to the mc saying “i wish i never met you”
i’m on my period and in a lot of pain so i’m finally answering this 😁
“I wish I never met you.”
They don’t flinch, barely blink as you say it. They’re infuriatingly calm, composed, as they always, always, are.
“I see,” they say simply. If your words have hurt them, there’s no sign of it. Your lips press together, jaw clenching. You want them to hurt. You want them to hurt and you want to see it on their face.
“That’s all you have to say?”
“Did you want me to say something else?” they ask, tilting their head slightly. You snarl.
“I want you to get mad! I want you to show something, anything,” you cry. Evren’s face softens and your teeth clench.
“I’m not mad—“ You don’t want to hear their voice. You don’t want to look at their bright eyes and patient look.
“Get out.”
This gives you the reaction you want.
“What?” You’ve never heard them use such a small voice. They’re big, larger than life, but now they seem tiny, flinching under your heated gaze.
“I said get out,” you repeat. “I don’t want to see you.”
There’s words just on the tip of their tongue, words they’ve always been allowed to freely speak, but they don’t. Just as they’ve always done, they keep quiet. They lower their and nod like how they’ve been trained.
You spend the rest of the day alone.
“I wish I never met you.”
Mika sneers, face turning red as they whip around to face you. “And you think I’m glad to have known you?”
You can’t tell if they mean it—they look as though they do—but it doesn’t matter because it still hurts. Ironic, really, because you were trying to hurt them first. Now, it seems, they’re the only one who’s done it.
“You’re free to leave my life,” you say, trying to control the tremble in your lips. You can’t let them see your tears.
“I should’ve done it sooner,” they say, but their voice cracks and their shoulders shake like the pressure has broken them.
“Then leave!” you snap, motioning for the door. But they don’t, you didn’t expect them to.
You both stand there, breathing heavy, fighting tears. Neither of you say anything—neither of you move. A part of you wants to apologize, but your ego—the wretched thing—won’t let you. So you stare at each other, both itching to comfort, both staying still.
It’s Mika who leaves first. You have time to call out to them, they’re giving you time, but you don’t. You watch them leave and feel your cheeks dampen when they’re long gone.
“I wish I never met you.”
Their eyes widen for a moment, before they force a smile back on their face. Xue reaches for you—probably to grab your hand like they always do when they need to be comforted—but you pull away. You watch them falter.
“I’m sorry,” they apologize even though you’re the one who said it. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
When you say nothing, they continue in a desperate plea. “I’m really sorry. Just tell me what I did so I can makes things right. Please.”
“You—“ you cut yourself off, unable to find the words to express what you feel. Xue looks at you nervously, putting on a smile that makes their cheeks twitch.
“Can we go back to normal? I don’t like it when you’re upset with me.”
“Did you not understand what I said?” you finally ask.
“I did, but you didn’t mean it,” they say. There’s nothing confident in their voice. It sounds more like they’re begging you. “Right? You didn’t actually mean—“
“And if I did?” you ask because you know it’ll hurt them.
Their smile drops and this time it doesn’t right itself. “We can fix it. Whatever the problem is we can fix it.”
“Can we?” you ask and they say nothing else.
“I wish I never met you.”
He laughs, but it’s bitter and sharp and makes you flinch.
“You should’ve realized that sooner, sweetheart,” Orion says like you’re joking. Because everything is just one big fucking joke to him.
“You’re terrible,” you say, but it’s weak.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m the bad guy and you’re just Dasire’s star. Their last hope,” he says, rising up. He takes a step towards you. You stay still, meeting him head on despite the way your stomach tightens. “Send me to the dungeons again. Have my head. Your Majesty, you have all the power here, remember? If you’re that upset you met me, make me disappear.”
His lip curls. Your hands clench. You know his game. He’s goading you, poking at your walls until they crumble and you break.
“Don’t tempt me,” you spit. He laughs again and your veins feel hot. Orion’s mocking you, shoving at you because he knows you’ll never do anything to him.
“Go on,” he says with a smile, grin mad. “Call in your faithful little knight and make me go away.”
You look away, you have to before your knees give out.
“I can’t,” you say weakly.
“Maybe you need to learn to not say things you don’t mean,” he says, pitching his voice like he’s trying to comfort you. “What kind of a ruler would that make you?”
And then he’s gone and you’re left standing alone.
Lyra Mae:
“I wish I never met you.”
She flinches, look at you with wide eyes. She’s hurt, it’s written all over your face, but there’s nothing satisfying about it. Then she straightens herself back out.
“You don’t mean that,” Lyra Mae says after a moment. She smiles at you, it’s small, withdrawn. “You’re just upset.”
“I mean it,” you say because you can’t stop now. Not when there’s anger that pounds the back of your head. “I said it because I mean it.”
She shakes her head, already moving away from you. You’ve known her for years. You know how easily she cries, but you hurt her anyway. Lyra Mae—who has done nothing but help and love you—doesn’t deserve this. Of course she doesn’t.
“We can talk when you’re calm again.” She picks up her stuff, dropping some and quickly grabbing it again. You can see the tears in her eyes, they glisten in the candle light.
You don’t move, you can’t. Lyra Mae nods at you, brushing past you as she leaves. She doesn’t give you time to apologize, to get another word in, before she’s out the door.
Regret curls in the pit of your stomach, but it’s too late. She’s gone and you know she’s not coming back. Because you know her, have known her, and you knew saying that would hurt her.
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honeybeegames · 3 years
HELLO LOVELY AUTHOR! Now that I have your attention, I wish you the bestest of days <3 stay hydrated, stay positive & know that we appreciate all your hard work. You’re doing amazing!!
May I request a teeny wittle ROs reaction with MC waking up alone in the middle of the night, finds and sleepily hugs & clings to the RO saying “I can’t sleep without you, come back to bed”??? 👀 Bah, I’m a sucker for fluff
getting around to answering cute asks :)))
evren: is immediately back in bed with you. why did they leave? wasn’t important enough (unless it threatens your safety), because you need them in bed with you. also can’t sleep without you once you two start sharing a bed. it’s easier to keep you safe when you’re with them. will carry you back to bed if you’re too sleepy to walk too.
mika: you’ve managed to thaw their heart of ice in one sentence. genuinely feels like crying because wow, they’re that important to you? outwardly doesn’t do anything but come back to bed. once you’re asleep—or they think you are—they’ll press a kiss to your knuckles and settle back down. extra affectionate in the morning, although it’s subtle. (brings you tea, leans against you, etc.)
xue: probably wouldn’t have gotten up in the first place, but if they did they’re back in bed the minute you open your mouth. clings to you like a leech and starts going off about how they don’t like sleeping without you either. isn’t it so crazy how alike you guys are? it’s like you’re soulmates, haha. tries to keep you in bed longer the next morning.
orion: periodically gets up in the middle of the night, so you’ll end up dragging him back to bed often. he doesn’t get much sleep as is, so he’ll take you back and wait for you to fall asleep before getting back. actually might get annoyed if you keep trying to get him to bed? not necessarily angry, but he doesn’t like being in beds, and you continuously asking him to come back will begin to rub him the wrong way.
lyra mae: she’s a heavy sleeper so i can’t imagine her getting up for much. the minute you’re asking her to sleep with you, though, she’s giggling and coming back. thinks it’s cute that you went out of your way to get her. whispers very sweet things to you as you’re falling asleep because you’re just so cute.
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