honeyed-hufflepuff · 3 years
good evening tumblr! for the low low price of $4.20 i will give you a fact that will ruin your night!
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honeyed-hufflepuff · 3 years
hi everyone! i need some help paying some bills and buying some essentials this month. i’m going to set a goal of $200 which should be able to cover the most urgent expenses i have. if anyone is able to pitch in that would be so amazing and i am so grateful, thank you. my paypal is here.
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honeyed-hufflepuff · 3 years
switch genshin is never gonna happen not with how sony has a grip on it currently
I am a hopeful person
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honeyed-hufflepuff · 3 years
all these people upset about mihoyo’s choice for the anniversary rewards and yet no one is asking the real question: when is the switch version launching, mihoyo? I’m sick and tired of the app crashing on my ipad just give me a mac version or deliver on your promise for a switch version, that’s what the actual anniversary reward should’ve been: for switch owners to play the game sanely
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honeyed-hufflepuff · 3 years
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Sweden ????
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honeyed-hufflepuff · 3 years
the fact that anyone has to fucking explain this blows my mind
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honeyed-hufflepuff · 3 years
congress truly does not hold enough fear in their hearts :)))))
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honeyed-hufflepuff · 3 years
A skier encountering a highly territorial lemming on the slopes 
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honeyed-hufflepuff · 3 years
some trump supporter interrupted a reporter to yell "at least we're not burning businesses down" and like
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honeyed-hufflepuff · 4 years
your yearly reminder that Baby It’s Cold Outside is a song about a woman having CONSENSUAL sex, at a time when premarital sex was frowned upon. The female singer is offering up the token demurrals society expects her to, because it’s expected, not bc she doesn’t fully intend to stay and have awesome sex with a dude she’s into. The male singer knows this, and is in turn offering her an excuse to give to the neighbors in the morning (“it was too cold for me to go home, the only responsible thing to do was spend the night at his place. because of the weather, get your minds out of the gutter”). A 1950s audience would have understood all this, but the nuance gets lost in a modern age where women are actually allowed to say yes when they mean it.  
Also the “hey what’s in this drink” thing was a common joke at the time, where the punchline was that there was in fact nothing in the drink. the woman’s making a joke that she wouldn’t do this if she was sober, oh goodness no! it’s only a joke bc both she and the man are in on the punchline: she is sober, and is only staying bc she wants to
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honeyed-hufflepuff · 4 years
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honeyed-hufflepuff · 4 years
Almost 200 people were murdered in Armenia in 3 days and y'all are still ignoring us.
This is not a war, this is a massacre Azerbaijan and Turkey are committing against the Armenian people.
Turkey's president literally admitted that he wants to finish what his ancestors started. He wants to commit another genocide, and this time he wants to kill us all.
Silence is violence
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honeyed-hufflepuff · 4 years
I was thinking about names again today and remembered how when I was a kid my mums showed me the piece of paper on which they wrote baby name ideas before I was born, and I discovered that if I had been a boy they would have named me Corentin. A pretty average name in France, but they added “we would have nicknamed you Tintin!” which made me feel like I’d dodged a bullet. Their top girl name was Éléonore but they changed it at the last minute. They said “we hesitated, because we liked the nickname Léo for a girl” and I was so mad at them for changing their minds. I felt like I would have been so cool and popular as a Léo, like it would have changed my entire personality. For weeks afterwards, when I felt shy or awkward I wondered What would Léo do? and tried to act more confidently. Or I’d think, no way a girl named Léo would have acted so dumb. I grew to hate Léo. It was hard living in her perfect shadow and the solution child-me came up with to feel better about myself was to add my Discarded Boy Name-persona on my other shoulder. It worked. For a while I went through life caring a lot less if I messed up because what would Tintin do? something much stupider, no doubt
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honeyed-hufflepuff · 4 years
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dir. Max Barbakow
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honeyed-hufflepuff · 4 years
please don’t unfollow me for reblogging so many destiel posts i cannot articulate enough how this is the funniest thing that has ever happened
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honeyed-hufflepuff · 4 years
This is why it’s so important for parents to support their trans kids.
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honeyed-hufflepuff · 4 years
get on your feet.mp4
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