hooded--justice-blog · 10 years
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peace out
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hooded--justice-blog · 10 years
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----"And I can't say I'm familiar with your line of work. But you got my name on the dot. Oliver Queen, the pleasure's all mine. "
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hooded--justice-blog · 10 years
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----"I'm Oliver Queen. Queen Consolidated? You've seriously never heard of me before?"
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                           ❝Autographs ? ❞ ❝ —- … Are you a singer, or something ? ❞
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hooded--justice-blog · 10 years
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----"Nice," he said quietly, stuffing one of his hands into his pockets, but he headed forward, walking down the street. Figuring she'd follow. To strike up conversation. He'd never seen Panty before, and what he meant by that- he'd figured a woman with a name like that would cause a huge paparazzi following in Starling City. Not a lot happened here. In terms of popular culture and drama, anyways... Too much crime. Speaking of which... he'd have to look out for Deathstroke too. Maybe this date wasn't that good of an idea.  "Oh trust me, I was definitely talking about the food," he lied through his teeth. Ollie wasn't one to go along with his boasts, but if the moment ever arose where he'd actually find the time to settle down with someone, he would definitely take it. But this created an alibi for Oliver Queen. On a date with a random blonde woman he had met on the sidewalk. "You're going on a date with a well-respected man, Panty. You think I'm that dirty?"  After a quiet moment of silence, he struck up conversation again. "So, I've never seen you around here. What are you doing in Starling City exactly?"
"Hot name, think I’ll call ya Ollie." She smiled and twirled her hair, looking as though she was busy thinking about the offer. "Italian does sound pretty fuckin’ good right about now… sure, you can take me for lunch."
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Looking up at him she shrugged, lips still in the same small smile. “Of course, I’m more of an Indian food kinda girl, or Mexican – I like my food hot and spicy.” Her eyebrows raised curiously at his experimentation tangent, nodding her head gently.
"I agree. And oh, I’m sure you were talking about food, Mr. Queen.”
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hooded--justice-blog · 10 years
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----"Oliver Queen. Interesting name, Panty. I was thinking, maybe I could take you out for lunch. How's Italian sound to you?" he asked, arching a similar brow and smirking his own smirk of satisfaction. He took a step closer.  "Not too bad, I hope. We've all got our own preferred tastes. But it's good to experiment every once and a while. You know, go outside our normal boundaries. Forget about our commitments and get a little crazy?" Ollie cleared his throat. "With food, I mean."
"A little hotter now that you ain’t so pissy," she commented, starting to give a smirk of amusement as she spoke.
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She raised a brow as though she didn’t understand what he was talking about, though he couldn’t blame him for his impressions of her. Saying that she wasn’t a ‘nice, upstanding’ woman was not far from the truth, kindness and respectability being traits she didn’t actively pursue becoming. What he said next was what really interested her, though.
"I’m Panty Anarchy. You?"
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hooded--justice-blog · 10 years
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----He almost laughed. But a smile paved way through that stone-shell he called a face. Her vocabulary was definitely interesting.  "Oh yeah? So now I'm hot?" And once he said it, he started to laugh. "Well, normally, I'd ask beautiful women like yourself out to lunch, but I'm thinking I may have to pass. I told myself I'd stop being a bad boy, and go after nice, upstanding young women. Unlike yourself."
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"But... rules are meant to be broken. What's your name?"
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"Yeah, that’s why I didn’t. C’mon, you’re ruining your hotness with your lame-ass attitude."
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hooded--justice-blog · 10 years
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----What was she going on about? Turning his head to glance up at the blonde warrior, he arched a brow under the hood. He stood up, keeping himself balanced and walked backwards to just simply stand on the roof. "...What is?" he asked, addressing her current statement. Of course, by the look on her face, it seemed like it was going to be a long conversation. Nothing seemed to be happening... but only time would tell. The night was still young.
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"….I assure you, I can take care of myself." If the swords hanging at her hips, still sheathed, were anything to go by—The woman was vigilant as ever, even as the brunt of her attention remained upon overlooking the city of lights and metal, shrouded in a sea of smoke and pollution.
It was a sad sight to behold, to see humans destroying their own land without much of a second thought. Truly, did they not care for what lay in the future if they continued to consume and consume without even a single care for the consequences?
Would the same befall her beloved MelFes? The mere idea sent a cold shudder throughout the guardian’s body, before her eyes drifted upwards towards the sky.
"….It’s sad."
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hooded--justice-blog · 10 years
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----"I'm kinda really sorry. I don't think I have time for autographs right now. But I can send you a postcard. What's your name?"
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hooded--justice-blog · 10 years
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----"Right. Hey, well, you didn't need to."
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"Talkin shit, shrimp dick? I don’t think I asked you."
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hooded--justice-blog · 10 years
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----"Starling City is a dangerous place at night. You should get inside. You won't be seeing much of the stars out anymore," he said with his deep transmitter. Oliver placed his bow around his back as it was before. She wouldn't harm him. She said it herself.  But her outfit was more of a warning sign than anything else. He averted his gaze from her and instead crouched atop the building side. Ollie's eyes inspected the rest of the city, and he simply waited. Vigilantism was a slow, time-consuming process. 
Within this steel city blanketed by smog and man-made toxins—Tessa had hoped that a higher altitude would provide not only a reprieve from the cacophony of this open prison, but also a view of the stars. Alas, the lights were drowned out by the flashing ones below.
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….That definitely isn’t his normal voice, unless he has somehow managed to damage his voice that thoroughly.
"—I am not here to pick a fight. I simply wished for a better view of the stars."
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hooded--justice-blog · 10 years
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----"You have definitely failed this city."
"Why spend Easter eatin’ shitty drug store candy when you can play with the Easter bunny instead?"
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hooded--justice-blog · 10 years
Digging the dirt.
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----"Usually, Felicity's the one making my appointments... Why didn't she tell me I was expecting guests? Hi, I'm Oliver Queen, and welcome to Queen Consolidated. How can I help you?" Oliver asked, looking up from a piece of paper that currently resided on the desk of what used to be his office. He wasn't much of a C.E.O. anymore. Not with Isabel Rochev in charge.
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hooded--justice-blog · 10 years
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----Stone cold twilight pasted the sky. Charcoal black and pastel clouds painted the murky midnight sea above, as the emerald archer ran from building top to building top. Only to be stopped by a blonde warrior. She wasn't from Starling City. That much was obvious. Pulling his hood farther down his face and drawing his bow, he took a careful step forward.  His voice distorter beeped, and he came closer.  "It's dangerous to be walking around at this time of the night."
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Gag her, it looks like someone decided to go for the cliche tall, dark, and hooded look.
"—It is rather late, is it truly alright to be walking about the shadows dressed in such a way?"
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hooded--justice-blog · 10 years
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O l i v e r - Q u e e n + R o l e p l a y -  B l o g 
Reasons why you should follow:
Seasoned Roleplayer
Extensive Vocabulary
Can write One-liners -> Multi-Para -> Novella
Able to offer a rich and exciting RP
OC Friendly
Sort of lazy as fuck sometimes
Friendly in general
I’m a pretty nice guy
But don’t just take my word for it. Listen to what they had to say about me!
"What he (hooded—justice) lacks in tact, he makes up for in everything else." — Liam Neeson (Actor)
"This guy is a genius." — Stephen Hawking (Scientist)
"He met me in the club. It went down." - 50 Cent (Rapper)
Critics are giving a whopping two-thumbs up for this Academy Award winning pile of awesome.
Stay gold.
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hooded--justice-blog · 11 years
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----Whatever, or whoever this was, Oliver didn't take kindly to strangers. Not anymore. A simple follower seemed like an attacker. But Ollie was in the concrete jungle. He wouldn't be a prey, but a predator.  He shut his eyes and turned another corner, making sure the boy behind him could not see him for a quick moment. During that small lapse, he opened his eyes- outstretched his arms and jumped up, kicking off the side of the building and climbing up the fire escape as quiet and swift as a cat. With adrenaline pumping through his veins, he paraded up the rest of the fire escape and calmly waited at the rooftop, for the boy to turn the next corner.
Stand Up
Targeting? The teenager smiled, continuing to follow out of mere curiosity, a dozen or so feet back. With his hood up, Noah was barely distinguishable from the crowd as he seemed to levitate ever closer every time the invisible line drawn between their eyes was broken, if only for a moment.
The boy’s camouflage was much more of a utilitarian type, always available- plain sight. Noah turned the corner, and stopped dead.
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hooded--justice-blog · 11 years
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----He's used to being targeted. But his options were limited. Would he risk his identity and turn around to confront the attacker? Or would he continue walking like nothing was wrong? He wasn't expecting this. He wasn't expecting someone to be stalking him in midday, especially when he wasn't even dressed as The Arrow. Broad daylight wasn't much of a cover. But camouflage? Ollie spent 5 years on a hellish island.  This was child's play. Taking a turn into an alleyway, he placed his hands into his jacket pocket.
Stand Up
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hooded--justice-blog · 11 years
Reblog if you are willing to Rp with anyone, not just friends
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