hopefullydrawingdaily · 2 months
Been feeling kind of anxious about things lately so I drew an anxious/scared face today!
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hopefullydrawingdaily · 2 months
For a goal to try to draw every single day, I sure don't draw every single day. I try to, but I end up getting kind of frustrated with my skills (yeah yeah, I can't improve them unless I try) and then I end up not drawing bc I don't like what I've drawn.
Anyway today I drew a little doodle of a cemetery. Trees are like the one thing I think look okay when I draw them so I started with that and then continued on from there
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hopefullydrawingdaily · 2 months
Today I didn't draw anything great, but I want to try embroidering a patch related to my fav song so I drew how I sort of want it to look like. So uh here's a drawing of a heart
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hopefullydrawingdaily · 2 months
Did a quick little cat doodle for today because I couldn't decide what else to do. Somewhat tried making it look like one of my cats!
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hopefullydrawingdaily · 2 months
Day 2:
Moved to ms paint for drawing today because I find it easier than hand drawing tbh (though I would still like to learn how to draw by hand at least a bit). I ended up drawing the iconic shot of Sadako from the original Ringu film
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hopefullydrawingdaily · 2 months
Attempt day 1:
I decided to give a shot at drawing a skull. I'm really bad at drawing people, specifically faces and heads so I think I want to first try to attempt those. And, well, a skull could maybe help me out with head shapes? Idk, it was the first thing that popped into mind when thinking what to draw. I tried doing it by hand while looking at a photo for reference.
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I think I struggle with angles quite a bit and can't quite get the details for those right, especially any places where there's a small, but noticeable curve/angle. The proportions are off too. Those are two things I'll have to try to pay more attention to with other drawings.
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hopefullydrawingdaily · 2 months
Intro/explanation post:
Hello, I'm Ann/Elvira (main is @lesbianwithchainsaws ) and basically I want to learn how to draw better. So what I've decided to do is to try to draw at least one thing a day (I will try my best to do it daily, but might end up skipping some days if I'm too busy) and post the drawings on here, in an attempt to improve my art skills. I want to post them somewhere to motivate me.
Please, if you have suggestions on what I should draw, let me know and I will try my best!!!
And I guess I'll also share some of the art I have done before. These are all a few years old now and were done fully in ms paint, though now I think I'd like to either continue in ms paint or hand-draw (also to note, the stuff I used to draw was mostly vent art when I was going through a rough time. I won't share the really triggering ones, but unfortunately vent art is the only art I've ever done)
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