#i might try drawing a few different horror characters especially ones that either dont have as human features
hopefullydrawingdaily · 3 months
Day 2:
Moved to ms paint for drawing today because I find it easier than hand drawing tbh (though I would still like to learn how to draw by hand at least a bit). I ended up drawing the iconic shot of Sadako from the original Ringu film
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tendebill · 1 month
Ill bite
For the ask game 2, 18, 21, 25 and 26.
ty for the ask ^^ if anyone wants, here's the link to the ask game!
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even): i dont mind either way, but i default to drawing peple facing my left, 3/4 and all that. idk if its easier tho, its just what i do instinctually xd
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken: i have several brushes that have been brutalized, a few times ive broken very thin fineliners (expensive ones too) and felt bad about it for years, plus i have a tendency to break pastels/pencils/crayons sometimes, cuz i press too hard or hold them too tight lol. also i once broke a marker tip. actually probably more than once.
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways: i love simple cartoony styles, especially ones with cool, exaggerated shapes, but i also love semi-realistic, detailed styles, thus my art ends up in this weird in-between state where i commit to neither :')
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by: anime. so many people (especially art teachers) say its anime. and like. at one point as a kid i did try to draw in an "anime" style but this was pretty recent. i remember one instance four years ago and once literally last month. luckly it wasnt said in a "kids these days" way or "dont draw like that" way, it was just like, an acknowledgement. maybe theyre right tho lmao.
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended:
okay this is a bit long, but in my 3rd year of art high school i had the principal as my design teacher for a year (the horror). she's this older lady and tho she acted nice for the most part, she could be rly mean (to this day idk if she said certain things on purpose to make us feel bad, or if she legit didnt know how degrading it sounded). she would often read into every little thing about a piece when it really wasnt that deep. or she would read into it and miss the point and come up with some other, out-there interpretation. she also liked to mention plagarism (asking us if we came up with everything ourselves and whatnot) and she would come up with some wild metaphors and symbols that were not really there. for example once she said that a window i drew made her think of imprisonment, because it looked like the bars of a cell, i guess. so this one time for an assigment i made a piece with four characters representing different emotions (happy, sad, angry and apathetic) and they all had colors assigned (yellow, blue, red and gray). it was only their heads visible and they had no real distinguishing features, just the planes of their face and a mouth to indicate a facial expression. i thought it was pretty straightforward, thought she would say it wasnt rly complex enough as a concept. like you know, emotions are a very simple idea and the colors were pretty basic, "blue for sad" is not exactly innovative. so anyway, she said it really made her think and might be interpreted as racist. didnt even pick up on the "emotions as colors" side of it all, despite it being the only real meaning i intended. she was fun, but only in retrospect.
tysm again for the questions :>
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comicteaparty · 4 years
July 22nd-July 28th, 2020 Reader Favorites Archive
The archive for the Reader Favorites chat that occurred from July 22nd, 2020 to July 28th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
How have your reading tastes for webcomics changed over the years?
i think i used to read exclusively romance webcomics but now i'm really into the historical stuff. also i'm not so into the strictly straightforward stuff anymore, i need a really strong hook or something that makes it different enough to be enjoyable because i'm really tired of reading something that is indistinguishable from other similar webcomics. also i think i've gotten pickier when it comes to the quality of art and writing. there's just so much stuff to pick from now that i want to dedicate my time only to stuff that i really enjoy. i just don't have enough time to read every single webcomic i come across anymore
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
in the past I used to read a bunch of comedic absurdist humor comics (I still do) but it's been buffed out by romance . Same vein like Cara said, I'm just picking and choosing which comics I spend my time on but I do want to try to read as much as I can tho!
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I feel like I used to read LEGO comics a lot lol... I'm not sure how many of them still hold up. In terms of genre, the only comics I struggle to read are ones that are more realistic, or darker. Historical comics often fall into this, as do most horror comics.(edited)
For me, my tastes haven't necessarily changed in terms of the what I like. What has changed is what I dislike. As the years have gone by, I've really been more open to at least giving comics a try before deciding they aren't for me, especially in the genres I consistently don't like like comedy. So I've gradually disliked less comics. Not to say I like them either or they're for me, but it's a step up from dislike since now I can appreciate what the comics are trying to do more. I think the bigger change for me was art styles though. While I still do have a specific sort of art preference, I've also been more open to giving certain art styles I don't normally like more of a try as well and I've found the styles I dislike (personally, not objectively in terms of talent) to be a much smaller pool than it was before.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Oh man, I'm the opposite. I feel like I've gotten pickier
I can't tell if I've gotten pickier or if the bar has just gotten high enough now that if I only have the bandwidth to read X number of webcomics (let's say 20 as a random example), and I'll be picking from among those which stand out to me, those 20 comics will be on a totally different level than the 20 I might have found 10 years ago
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I think I've also gotten pickier
The biggest change, I think, is that I've gotten way pickier about storytelling
While I used to be able to read a comic with subpar storytelling. I drop comics in an instant these days if the story doesn't speak to me pretty quickly(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I think it's because when I started reading comics, everything was new and novel. Now there're more tropes I recognize? And more problematic things that bother me, when before I would not have noticed
Deo101 [Millennium]
I dont think I've gotten pickier, per se, I think I just have very specific tastes and many things dont fit them which feels picky? but i can enjoy all kinds of genres, I kind of go into something 1: not wanting to think 2: not wanting to be offended and 3: wanting to laugh a bit? which isnt exactly a high bar to pass, but not many things will do that for me, which isnt because I'm a picky person, its jsut cause a lot of things arent made for peope like me?
I'm not consciously looking for 'only the best quality' by any means-- if there's anything I'm really looking for, it's a sense of passion and uniqueness, that feeling that the author is having a blast with the thing they're doing. But I feel like it's gotten harder to draw my attention (and readers' attention in general) without having a certain level of skill involved
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Oh, same. As my art gets better so does my eye for it
....and, yeah, I guess I've also gotten tired of certain tropes. Once I read 2 or 3 webcomics that do kinda the same thing, I'm less likely to pick up a fourth with the same general premise, even if it looks like it's well-made.
(sorry isekai....)
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I just absorb a lot of storytelling in many forms, so if the story doesn't grab me right away, I feel like I'm wasting time reading something, where I could be fulfilling my desire for more worthwhile storytelling elsewhere
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Oh true, there are so so many comics out there now
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Art quality plays into it a bit for me, but it's honestly primarily the storytelling
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Everything I read I could be reading 100 others of similar quality Really, why does anyone read my comic at all?
"good art will get readers to take a first look, good writing is what makes them stay"
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Art quality is very important to me but I've still read and loved a few stories will amateurish art
for me personally, the art's just gotta be good enough for me to not be distracted by it while I read
Deo101 [Millennium]
idk I think a lot of people stay through bad writing even if something looks good
also yeah i feel the same, about not wanting to be distracted
"does the art serve the story?" is all I really care about
art serving the story is the most important part. Art can LOOK amazing, but if the body language or expressions don't fit the story being told, it can make the writing seem worse lol
a friend of mine once referred to it as, like watching a well-written screenplay but with terrible miscast actors
Deo101 [Millennium]
mhm, cause the only words we get are dialogue, the art has to be all the descriptive language. so if theyre not describing well, a lot is missing.
Deo101 [Millennium]
or I guess some comics have narration, too
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Narration can't do ALL of the work
yeah haha
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah, one of my professors said that a rule of thumb of his about comics is "if you can read me the words and I know whats going on, it's not good comics."
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
The art definitely serves the story (or is supposed to), but if the story is bad from the beginning, I don't care how good the art is.
I have complicated feelings on that one, because I feel like it's actually pretty rare for me to consider a 'story' bad (at least insofar as we're talking about the core ideas of the plot). Most premises (if they're not actively offensive/poorly thought through), if written out as just a skeletal outline, could work just fine. IMO bad writing is a problem of execution, most of the time, rather than concept. (hedging my language here because there's always exceptions lol)
Deo101 [Millennium]
I would say I agree with you. I think writing and story are different concepts. There is also sort of a macro/micro element to writing, as well, and either one can be messed up
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Yeah, I misspoke, what I mean by "bad story" is more "bad storytelling/writing"
but yes
a friend of mine once referred to it as, like watching a well-written screenplay but with terrible miscast actors
@varethane oh i have read stuff like this. like the art was INCREDIBLE really detailed renders, very consistent and technically fantastic art but so often it just devolved into shot / reverse shot talking heads and the characters didn't really emote beyond changing the position of their eyebrows so it kinda felt like watching dolls interact with each other
I mulled over the fact I took the opposite route as everyone else. XD For me I think it's three factors. First, I was actually ungodly picky in my youth across the board with everything, not just comics. As such, I've missed out on a lot of things other people love. Second, with each passing year, I've come to appreciate more the work people put into their indie projects. And for me its like a show of respect in a way to acknowledge that hey, you worked on this thing I may not like, but I'll try it because you clearly love what you created (or I hope you love it). Third, and probably the bigger factor, I stuck myself in a positive feedback loop. The more I opened myself up to things and learned to not initially dislike things or be as harsh, the more I ended up finding a gem I really loved. In fact, while this is across diff industries, I'd say this has been the biggest influence for me with webcomics because so many webcomics I was like "Well I'll try it gotta be open and not just dislike it," and then I came away going "Wow this is a diamond in the rough!"
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felroki · 6 years
I’ve watched Dirty Computer and I’ve had A Thought
This is not going to be about philosophy, or gender theory, or how Janelle Monáe (Blessed be Her name) single-handedly invented at least 3 musical genres and personally saved my soul and cured my depression, which all could certainly be dissected at great length, but right now I want to talk about something that is somewhat marginal to the entirety of the artistic accomplishment or its message, but gave me an interesting, and almost prophetic insight.
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The aesthetic.
It’s rapidly become a cliché that “80's nostalgia” is totally in, and if someone feels particularly self-congratulatory, they might even point out that XY piece of media is trying to “cash in on the 80s nostalgia wave” (almost word for word the same, every time). However, while it’s hard to miss that you can almost cut the nostalgia in the air, and I’m certain that there exist forces that try to cash in on it with no motivation other than money, these comments are fundamentally missing a much greater picture that I’m foreseeing.
Consider the following list of things (not intended to be exhaustive, just a few that I can think of off the top of my head right now:)
Wildstar, esp. certain aesthetic choices.
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Vaporwave, and other similar musical -wave genres that have sprung up recently (which I admittedly know little about, but I’ve heard some examples).
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80′s inspiration in various genres of music in general.
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The reboot of some 80′s movies with a particular, highly specific aesthetic.
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Other movies that are not a reboot of anything but nourish themselves from the same source in either subtle or direct ways.
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Youtubers feeling the need to revisit various forms of media from that era and give new thoughts about it.
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Revival and reinvention of pixel art (especially in indie games.)
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The return of some elements in the mainstream-ish fashion that I would consider goth (or at least goth-inspired)
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Generally some fashion trends that I don’t quite know how to pinpoint but you just know it when you see it.
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Like geysers springing across the plains, they rear their heads, superficially in different locations in the lattice of culture yet draw from (and pour into) the very same source underneath. Occasionally the 70's or 90's seep into this well, but even in spite of that they somehow manage to remain remarkably universal in their presentation. 
I wouldn’t call it any sort of objective starting point, especially since a lot of abovementioned trends predate it, but still... do you remember when in 2015 we caught up with Back to the Future 2 and someone asked: so, where are the hoverboards? I think that was the moment, the question that spoke it into existence in the most narrow and literal sense, as we all had a mass realization that we are already living in the distant, and usually dystopian, yet simultaneously neon bright future that 80s media was so fond of depicting, and something in the collective, creative consciousness has just never been the same ever since.
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What particularly fascinates me is the constantly pervasive idea of rethinking. We can do the 80′s again, but slightly differently. There is an element that transcends simple allusions and references which, to my mind, more often than not goes way beyond than being a soulless, unimaginative cash grab: a deconstruction of the 80's using its blocks to build a fantastic world that would exist in the future even compared to our own current timeline - even we are not sure exactly when, suspended somewhere on the fabric of time weightlessly afloat, but we do know that our past is common.
It’s a futuristic 80's alternative universe.
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Mark my words. You heard it here first, peeps (Probably?)
In the very near future we will see the rise of this new 80′s thing becoming its own style and AU in the same way that steampunk has become its own and rather well-defined subculture and aesthetic over time a few years ago. We will see things like 80′s style retrofuturistic fiction and redraws of canon characters and OCs alike... actually, I could have sworn I have seen that already. Just glancing at the above examples should give an idea how tremendous the interest is. Technically this style already exists. People can’t get enough of it. I personally have already pledged my soul to this aesthetic before I even knew it, all it’s waiting for to really take off and soar is a name.
So what should it be called? 
I think it would be hysterical if we just called it the Dirty Computer AU in Janelle Monáe’s honor but if anyone reblogs this, I’m sure there will be someone in the comments who comes up with something both supremely punny and entirely original, so....
Let’s crowdsource a name!
PS (written a bit later cause I forgot to free this post from my drafts for weeks)
Even if you dont self-identify as weebs, I want all of you who can stomach some violence and body horror to put this anime on your watching list if you haven’t seen it already. It takes place in 2019 (next year!) it’s one of the most impactful pieces of modern media, it’s aesthetically super cool, but also deeply philosophical in content, AND both the soundtrack and the animation are an incredible artistic feat.
This has been sitting among my drafts long enough that the E3 has already happened in-between, and I had time to realize/remember that this AU, technically speaking, already has a name. I don’t know if it’s THE ultimate name that encompasses every aspect of the phenomenon but to be honest, it’s close enough for me:
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