#i want the text to look better when I start making the patch but this was mostly for the heart
taintedpearls · 1 day
datting korra headcanons ♡♡ I love your page its so pretty \(^^)/
ཐི⋆༊·˚ཋྀ dating korra headcannons
daily click — palestine mp
note: fluff + reg text under cut – tysm anon! ur too sweet. i'm sorry it took so long and it's quite rushed :(
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love language is physical touch and words of affirmation.
thoroughly enjoys pda, it soothes her whenever in a crowd. wether it's holding your hand or keeping a grip on your waist, she's keeping a grip on you to keep her grounded.
zero shame. whatsoever. she knows she's attractive so she's constantly making flirty jokes and comments that get you flustered and nervous
but you're also really fucking hot, so you use it to your advantage. getting up close to her, returning flirty comments, swaying your hips more than you usually would and now she's the one with rosy cheeks.
whenever she has a hard day of being the start (which lets be honest, is most days) all she wants to do is lay in your arms while you speak to her softly.
adores kissing you! she doesn't really have a preference when kissing tbh. this girl could have a surprisingly good day being the avatar and would rush home just to kiss you aggressively as if someone really pissed her off.
loves cuddling. once again, even in public! she's a very affectionate person and you will more often times than not find the girl sneaking up behind you and wrapping her hands around your waist with a head on your shoulder, hot breath going down your neck. doesn't matter if your in the middle of an important conversation!
there are these little moments whenever she's had a particularly busy week and hasn't been able to see you much that she'll just relish in seeing your face and being able to hold you, hugs last forever with this girl.
you two have this sort of balance to each other. shes hot headed and often speaks her mind but you're calmer and think about what you want to say before saying it.
if you argue she's massive on communication. with the limited time you two can see eachother, she wants to savour the time you do have. so if you're upset at her, she's forcing you to talk to her.
but on more stressful days if she's upset at you... she's harsh and doesn't think about what she's saying. she doesn't mean it, but her words come off mean. she needs time to cool down before you let her come to you.
that being said she can definitely come off as possessive and pushy... and she is!
well she's possessive at least, she just comes off as pushy.
she's not a "oh my god she's gonna leave me for someone else so i have to keep my eye on her at all times possessive" she's more of a "i'm literally the fucking avatar and i'm trying to make sure she's safe" type of possessive
for example, if you get hurt she's pissed. super pissed. blinded by pure rage that you got hurt, at both you and whatever caused it.
"how could you be so reckless! so stupid? i swear you don't think before marching into a fight-!"
"can you please stop? my head hurts"
and then she's rushing to your side, asking if you're okay and taking care of you like she didn't say anything she just did.
constantly worried about whatever you're getting yourself into when you aren't around her.
if she's injured, you just sigh disappointedly while patching her up. she tries to make a stupid joke like "i really outdid myself this time huh?" but you stay silent. you don't want to lash out.
to make it up to you she tries to make you something
key word: tries.
she's an awful cook.
tried to make you two breakfast one time and it looked like she had gotten into a fight with flour.
that being said you're usually the one to cook, even if you aren't much better than her.
game nights go crazy! she's hiding about 247 uno cards under the table.
whenever she works out, she'll always invite you to come with her. wether or not you're working out yourself or sitting down and reading a book beside her, you just like being around her.
always organising little dates around town for the two of you.
going out at night to the markets and mucking around while finding little trinkets for each other.
yeah this girl knew she loved you when you bought a little ceramic polar bear for naga.
watching her early days of doing pro bending matches and SCREAMING her name so loudly she thinks the whole stadium can hear you.
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hopefullydrawingdaily · 3 months
Today I didn't draw anything great, but I want to try embroidering a patch related to my fav song so I drew how I sort of want it to look like. So uh here's a drawing of a heart
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oddinary4bts · 8 days
Chasing Cars | ch 3 (jjk)
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☆summary: when your brother goes to study on a semester abroad, your life collides with his best friend Jeon Jungkook, who's coincidentally your roommate. Will you survive the collision, or will you crumble into dust?
☆pairings: brother's best friend!Jungkook x younger sister!female reader
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, this chapter contains mature content)
☆genre: forbidden love?au, college!au, slice of life!au, smut, angst (as usual a lot of it), fluff
☆warnings: a power outage, Jungkook being a menace as per always, getting stood up for Valentine's Day, falling on a patch of ice, alcohol, curses, peach, OC gets a little jealous, explicit content: teasing?, dom!Jungkook, big dick!Jungkook, sex toy (vibrator), male and female masturbation, praising, cum play (don't be stupid), fingering
☆word count: 13.2k
☆a/n: this is like one of my fav chapters in this whole series, and also the one inspired by jungkook's iconic live with the candle and the white dress shirt and oof :') hope you enjoy it!! Thank you to @moonleeai and @jessikahathaway for beta-ing, you guys are the best <3
☆series masterpost
☆add yourself to the taglist here!
If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol
Thursday, February 14th 
Sometimes, the universe aligns to create such a shitty day that you think your life is a joke. A cruel joke, and you’re just the sitcom character that people use to make themselves feel better.
Today has been one of those days. You woke up late, somehow not hearing your alarm, and got to your midterm so late you didn’t have time to finish. At least you were confident in the answers that you did write down, so you think there’s a chance you’ll still pass. 
Then, you forgot your student ID, and the lady at the cafeteria refused to let you eat even though she’s seen you almost every day of the semester so far. Nabi offered you some of her salad, but you felt bad and barely ate.
Then the rain started – freezing rain at that – and you had to run to the other building for your genetics class, ending with your hair half frozen and the knowledge that you’re going to get sick by tomorrow.
Genetics class in and of itself is fine. Your stomach gurgling all through the class isn’t, and you’ve noticed people looking at you where you’re sitting, every time your stomach thinks it’s a whale and it needs to sing to its fellow mates.
During break, someone offers you a protein bar, and you take it with cheeks burning, thanking them profusely. Though you hate the taste of protein bars, and you struggle to finish it without puking on the desk. You power through, and then the class resumes, and you try to focus. It’s hard, and when you receive a text from Hoseok, you stop pretending that you’re listening.
[2:47 pm] Hobi: have u seen the weather outside? [2:47 pm] You: yeah it’s trash. I think I’m still half frozen [2:49 pm] Hobi: don’t have power at my place anymore [2:50 pm] Hobi: and it looks dangerous to drive
You know exactly what’s coming. It shouldn’t even come as a surprise – you don’t know why you agreed to meet up on Valentine’s Day. Yet, you’ve been looking forward to it all day, perhaps because it’s been so shit even hanging out with Hoseok on this day of celebration of love seemed better.
[2:50 pm] Hobi: any chance I can get a raincheck?
You want to bash your head on the desk, and of course, the professor chooses this exact moment to call you out for being on your phone. You flush a deep red, mumbling an apology as you put your phone face down on the desk. Everyone’s looking at you, and from where you’re sitting at the back of the class you can see that half the people aren’t even taking notes. You think they’re full of shit for glaring at you, but you can’t help the way you turn crimson, and Nabi stifles a laugh next to you.
“Shut up,” you whisper through gritted teeth, elbowing her in the ribs. 
She shrugs innocently, and then her eyes slide back to the professor as he resumes the class. Not wanting to risk it, you focus too, and it seems the shame is what you need to finally concentrate because you find yourself typing away on the computer, describing the pictures in the PowerPoint slides so you can understand them later.
The lights go out five minutes before the end of the class. The projector shuts down in time, a clear indication that the college has run out of power too – something that rarely ever happens unless it’s the end of the world outside.
There’s a series of gasps, and the professor looks so jaded at the front of the class that you wouldn’t be surprised if he’s made of the actual precious stone. He looks towards the door, where you can see that the light has also gone out in the hallway.
Without even a glance at the class, he slams his laptop shut, heaving out a sigh.
“Class dismissed for today, we don’t have enough time left to wait for the power to come back on.” 
It doesn’t even take half a second before everyone is starting to put their stuff away, the class suddenly overcome with a cacophony of sounds, and Nabi turns to you.
“Who were you texting during class?” she asks, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“Shut up.” You put your laptop in your bag, chugging the rest of your water bottle before you stuff it next to the laptop. “Hobi cancelled on me.”
Of course the whole friend group now knows about you two. You have Hoseok to blame for that, and his incredibly good idea to have sex at a party last week, where Yoongi walked in on the two of you. You’ve never seen Yoongi look more uncomfortable before in your life and, to your surprise, he’s been teased about the situation a lot more than you or Hoseok. It’s still a relief because you were afraid the friend group would go to shit if people knew, but now it seems it’s only solidified it even more.
“Bruh,” Nabi lets out. “Why?”
You motion to the dead neon lights over your heads. “The weather. He doesn’t have power anymore.”
“Shit.” You finish packing your stuff and you’re walking out of the class when she continues, “That’s wild though, didn’t think the freezing rain would hit that bad.”
A girl in front of you turns as if summoned. “They’re saying it’s going to be the worst storm of the century.” She points her phone towards you and Nabi, screen first. “Look, tons of trees have already fallen.”
Your eyes widen, because indeed she’s showing a picture from a group chat, of a tree having fallen on someone’s poor car. You wince in time with Nabi.
“RIP to whoever’s car that is,” you answer.
The girl nods, a wistful expression taking over her features. “That would be my boyfriend’s.”
You don’t talk more after that, and she jogs to join her friends closer to the stairs. You take that as an opportunity to finally reply to Hoseok, grabbing your phone out of the pocket of your coat.
[3:59 pm] You: power even went out in college so yeah, np!
Hoseok is quicker to reply than you’ve expected, saying that he’d like to meet up some time this weekend if you can. You don’t promise him anything, though you don’t really have plans as of right now.
You’ve just got a feeling that, if the storm is going to be the storm of the century, you won’t be hanging out for at least a few days. And the moment you step outside, you realize that it might even take more than a few days.
Trees have fallen everywhere. The sidewalk is entirely iced, and just by the time you’ve made it to the bus stop in front of the building, you’ve seen a car accident, both cars unable to stop at a stop sign. You figure taking the bus would be dangerous right now, and you settle on aiming for the pedestrian trail that leads to a park near your apartment, while Nabi parts to head towards the dorm, where apparently the power is still on. She tells you to let her know if you have power at home, and then you turn to head towards home, fishing your phone out of your pocket.
At least it’s not raining heavily as you walk. It’s the only positive thing in your day, and you hold onto your phone, sending a text to Taehyung to inform him of the situation.
You’re two minutes from home when you slip on a slab of ice, and you fall in a puddle of mud that stains your pale pants. You don’t even know how there can be mud when everything else is frozen, but of course, you had to fall in it. You assess yourself for a second, making sure nothing hurts too bad and then you mutter, “Of fucking course.”
You don’t even feel like getting up. If it wasn’t for the fact that the mud in which you’re sitting is freezing, you think you’d sit there until you died. You feel drained, and the weight of the day finally hits you head-on, bringing tears to your eyes.
Or maybe it’s just the embarrassment of walking home with your favourite pair of pants ruined. You don’t even know anymore; too much has happened in just a few hours for your brain to accept to be working anymore. You angrily blink the tears away, knowing you’ll break down the second you step inside your own home.
You can only hope that Jungkook is not going to be there. You hold onto that hope as you get to the building, and when you see the lights are out, the tears win against you. You carefully walk up the stairs – even they are covered in a thick sheet of ice – and surprisingly, you make it to the top unscathed.
You try to unlock the door with shaky fingers, struggling to find the hole through the blurriness of your tears, and you almost consider breaking the door down when it suddenly swings open in front of you.
You’re aware that you’ve got fat tears rolling down your cheeks. You’re aware that you probably look a mess – you are a mess – but all you can do is stare at Jungkook.
“Is something wrong?” he asks, voice laced with concern as he steps aside to let you in.
You put your bag down, shrugging as he shuts the door behind him carefully, eyeing you as if you’re a specimen of a rare animal that’s going to run if he startles it. You refuse to meet his gaze, refuse to speak lest you embarrass yourself with crying even more. All you do is angrily wipe your cheeks with the back of your hand.
“Hey,” he says, and he puts a hand on your shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
You motion around. “What’s wrong?” You scoff, and out of spite, you force down the wave of tears that is threatening to meet the ones you’ve just dried on your cheeks. “Everything is fucking wrong.”
You glance at Jungkook, and he’s just watching, eyes widened. He seems startled by your outburst, and you think you see him gulp.
“Do you…” he trails off, glancing at the door. You only then realize that he’s clad in his winter coat, and he was probably on his way out when you arrived. “Do you want to talk about it?”
You shake your head no, hating yourself for the way your bottom lip trembles. 
His hand is still on your shoulder, and it slowly slides to your arm. “Did you hurt yourself?” he asks.
He’s only then realized that you’re half-covered in mud.
“I fell on a patch of ice,” you answer.
He makes you turn, assessing the damage. “If you soak your pants in water, I can get the stain out.”
“There’s no power.”
He turns you back around, offering you a small smile as he cocks an eyebrow arrogantly. “Astute.”
You want to punch him so bad, but what you do is laugh, which makes you think you’ve gone crazy.
“Water still runs, though,” he points out. “I’ll take care of it when the power comes back on. Doesn’t even need to be warm. You can save what’s left of the hot water for a shower if you want?”
He says it like a question, and you shrug your shoulders. A new tear rolls on your cheek, and to your surprise, Jungkook dries it with his thumb. He then points to your shoes.
“Take these off. You’re going to take a shower before the neighbours steal the water.”
“I don’t…” you trail off, as he’s just staring at you as if what you were going to say was going to be the stupidest shit he’s ever heard. As much as you want to hate him right now, the way his hand feels on your arm is making the anxiety lessen, until you realize that it’s going to be okay.
You can head to Ria and Nabi’s dorm right after a quick shower.
“M’kay,” you finally accept. “But you can go, you don’t have to stay.”
He shrugs, and when he lets go of your arm, you almost want to grab his hand and put it back there. “I was just going to charge my phone in my car. It can wait.”
You hold his gaze, feeling swallowed by his big doe eyes. It finishes drying the tears on your waterline, and you take a deep steadying breath. “M’kay,” you repeat.
At that he smirks, nodding his head once. He kicks off his shoes as you carefully take yours off, and then he makes grabby hands at you.
“What?” you ask.
“Your coat,” he answers. “I’ll put it in the closet for you.”
You slightly frown. “Why?”
“Because I’m trying to be nice?” When you remain silent, he chuckles. “You think I’m just going to let my best friend’s sister cry when she gets home?”
The words hurt, even though they’re just a statement of what you are to him. “You’re so random.”
He looks somehow offended. “Just give me your coat, peach.” He’s stern, and you have half a thought to mimic him, but you resist. When you hand him the coat, he offers you a grin. “See, that wasn’t so hard.”
Once again you surprise yourself by laughing, and the grin on his lips softens in a way that makes you warm inside.
“You’re annoying,” you whine.
He shrugs as he opens the closet. “Just go take a quick shower. Make sure to soak the pants too.”
“Yes, mom.”
He chokes on a snort. “Oof, no, don’t call me mom.”
You stifle a laugh, but a smile tugs at the corner of your lips. He faces you again, and you startle as he pinches your cheek. You push him off, as all he does is offer you a wide grin that makes dimples appear on his cheeks.
You’ve never really seen those dimples before, not while he’s smiling. You have to force yourself to look away, and as entrancing as they are, you manage to have your gaze drop to a random spot on the floor. “Alright then, I’ll grab my stuff. You can charge your phone while I’m in the shower.”
“All good, I’m at 65%,” he says. “I just checked online, and the power outage will likely last through the night so… figured I didn’t have anything better to do.”
You purse your lips. “Oh.”
There’s an awkward silence before he motions to the bathroom. “Aren’t you going?”
Your cheeks burn, and you nod once before heading towards your room as he snorts behind you, evidently laughing at you. You ignore him, quickly grabbing a change of clothes and bringing them to the bathroom. Jungkook’s moved to the couch, and to your surprise you see him with a book in hand.
“You read?”
The question is out before you realize, and Jungkook’s head snaps in your direction.
“It’s for a class.”
You nod once. “Right.” You then scrape your throat, glance at the bathroom and then settle your eyes on him again. “I’ll be right back.”
He smiles at you, and it’s the last thing you see before you walk into the bathroom, softly shutting the door behind you. Luckily enough, it’s still light enough outside for you to be able to shower without being in the dark, and as Jungkook advertised, there’s still hot water.
You take the fastest shower of your life, not wanting to risk running out of hot water, and then you put your dirty pants in the sink, soaking them in cold water. You put your clean clothes on – nothing impressive, just a pair of black sweatpants with a white t-shirt. You take one look at yourself in the mirror – you look like you’ve gone through hell, but at least you’re refreshed. 
With a steadying breath, you walk out of the bathroom, and your eyes immediately find Jungkook where he’s still sitting on the couch, looking like he hasn’t moved an inch. He glances at you before resuming his attention on his book. You feel awkward, yet you still walk in his direction because, frankly, what else is there for you to do when there’s no power?
“What’s the book about?” you enquire.
He raises it for you to see as you sit next to him. He moves too fast, and all you can see is something about trickle-down economy before the book is back in his lap.
“Looks boring.”
He laughs. “It is. Plus, trickle-down economics is bullshit.”
You nod wisely, even though your knowledge in the economy and business field is little to zero. All you know is that trickle-down economics is what rich people use to defend their actions, which immediately makes it so you don’t trust it one bit.
Eat the rich and all that.
“Right,” you let out.
Jungkook throws you a glance. “Feeling better?”
You don’t know how to answer. Because, yes, you feel somehow better now that you are clean and warmed from the shower, but you’re still very aware that the power is out, you’ve likely failed a midterm, and your date was cancelled.
“Sort of,” you answer, shrugging your shoulders. “Today was just a shitshow.” 
He says nothing, but his big eyes on you entice you to open up to him, making you feel more at ease than you’ve ever been around him.
Maybe because you just need someone to vent to after all.
“Like… I woke up late this morning,” you tell him. “Arrived so late to my midterm that I couldn’t finish. Then realized that I forgot my wallet here and couldn’t eat lunch. Got stood up for a date tonight, and now no power here? This day has been the worst.”
You sit back on the couch after you’ve finished your tirade, and Jungkook just looks at you curiously. You don’t register you’ve called hanging out with Hoseok a date until Jungkook says, “You had a Valentine’s Day date?”
You shut your eyes, pinch the bridge of your nose and exhale loudly. “Sort of. Not really a date.”
“How can it not really be a date?”
You entirely miss the teasing in his voice, mostly because you’re appalled at yourself for the slipping. “It’s just… my friend with benefits, so not a date.”
“Damn, peach,” he says, and he bursts out laughing. You crack an eye open, your heart feeling like it’s been stabbed as Jungkook grins at you. “Didn’t think you were one to have a friend with benefits.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Why?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs, and his gaze slides away from you as his brows furrow slightly. “You’re Tae’s sister, and the way he talks about you I just… I don’t know.”
Annoyance creeps into you as you cock an eyebrow. “You shouldn’t listen to what Taehyung says about me. He still thinks I’m twelve.”
Jungkook snorts, and to your surprise, it makes you smile, right as he glances at you. 
“Are you not?”
“Yah!” You punch him in the shoulder, and he laughs as he massages the spot. “I’ll have you know I’m an adult.”
His features turn somber, and he plays with his piercing for a time before he answers. “I’m starting to realize it, trust me.”
In the somberness of his eyes, a spark ignites, and you feel as if electricity is running on every inch of your body. You wish it would run into the building instead, bringing the power back on but unfortunately, you’re the only victim, and all you can do is hold his gaze.
The moment stretches until you grow uncomfortable, and your eyes slide to the Switch under the TV, as if it’ll find solace there.
“Anyway,” you say, scraping your throat. “Apparently there’s still power at the dorms so I think I’ll head over there.”
“You’ll abandon me?” he says, faking offence. “Right when I offered to take care of your pants? The nerves on you.”
You roll your eyes as the awkwardness fades to be replaced by the annoyance Jungkook usually brings out of you. “You’re a big boy, you don’t need me.”
“You sure you want to walk all the way there though? What if you fall again?”
You push him as he smiles wickedly, satisfied that he’s annoyed you. “I hate you.”
“You know what you hate even more than me?”
Your brow creases in confusion. “What?”
He shrugs his shoulders, a smirk growing on his lips. “You’ll have to stay for me to answer.”
You sigh deeply, folding your arms on your chest. You gauge him, watch as his smirk only widens while you ponder staying here. And you don’t even know why you’re considering it in the first place. There’s just something about being able to talk to Jungkook like this, about being comfortable next to him that makes you want to stay.
“Name a single reason why I should stay,” you finally say.
His smirk turns victorious. “I’ll cook something for you.”
“The power is out,” you feel the need to remind him. 
He throws you a no-bullshit look. “Really, peach, you need to find a bit of creativity in your life.”
“The stove doesn’t run on electricity, it runs on gas.”
You look up at the ceiling. “How was I supposed to know that, I barely ever cook.”
“I cook!” he bursts, waving the book around. You didn’t realize he was still holding it, and you laugh as the pages flutter around.  “And you usually steal my food, so just let me make something for you tonight.”
You purse your lips, meeting his gaze as he looks at you, faking annoyance. “What do you want to cook?”
“I have chicken that I need to cook tonight if I don’t want it to go bad,” he says. “I can make noodles with it.”
It takes you all but two seconds before you realize that there’s no way you’re going to leave when Jungkook is suggesting to cook for you. “Alright.”
“Yeah?” You nod, and Jungkook beams. “You won’t regret it.”
You laugh, slightly shaking your head as he puts the book away and gets up. He offers you his hand, the one with the tattoos on the back of it, and you furrow your brows. “What?”
“Go get changed,” he says, hand still extended between you. “I’ll give you a Valentine’s Day date, but you’re going to have to play the part too.”
Something stops in your chest – your heart, most likely – and you’re hit with the thought that this is a bad idea. That whatever Jungkook means by that is going to be the mistake of the century, yet you still find yourself accepting his extended hand.
He pulls you to your feet, and he doesn’t let go of your hand for a moment, big doe eyes widening slightly as he looks at you.
“You…” you trail off, scraping your throat as you look away from his eyes.
It’s all you can do not to get lost in his gaze. 
“I?” he presses, voice low.
“You should dress up too,” you mumble, cheeks burning. “So I’m not alone.”
He lets go of your hand, and your fingers twitch as it falls to your side. When his index finds your chin, you think your blood stops in your veins. He makes you tilt your head back, enough so that you’re forced to meet his gaze.
“I will.” His voice is grave, and you don’t miss the way his eyes dart to your lips once as they part. “I’m going to make this worth it. You deserve it after such a shit day, don’t you?”
You gulp. “Yeah?”
He pats your cheek. “Yeah, you do.”
And then he’s walking away. You’re left standing there, heart racing in your chest, feeling so warm you think you’re about to catch fire. You watch him disappear into his room, and it’s only when he’s out of sight that you manage to move, making your way to your own room.
You shut the door behind you, resting against it as you take deep breaths to calm down. You’re not sure if it’s doing you any good, because this is Jungkook. Jungkook, with his tattoo sleeve and piercings, your older brother’s best friend. Your roommate, the man that’s been playing with you for weeks, for months, like you’re just some playdough. You think he’s doing it on purpose. He has to – he’s trying to make your life miserable because you’re Taehyung’s sister. You don’t see what else it could be. Because why the fuck would Jungkook act like this with you?
You’re not stupid enough to believe it isn’t your fault. Because you were there the night of The Incident, and you reckon things have changed with Jungkook since that night. 
You take a deep, steadying breath before pushing up from the door. No matter what it is that is making Jungkook act like this, you’re still curious to see what he’s preparing for you. Spending time with him like this, with no power and nothing else to do than talk…
Maybe it’s going to help you understand what’s happening in that thick skull of his. So you search for something to wear, something warm since the heating is also down. You settle on brown dress pants that you know make your ass look amazing, and you pair them with a pale beige wool turtleneck. You tuck the shirt in your pants, putting a belt on to make sure it stays in place, and then you take a good look at yourself in your standing mirror. Satisfied with your outfit, you make to move out of your room, but you stop with your hand halfway to the knob.
You can hear Jungkook humming in his room, a soft melody that’s making you think he’s taking a long time in there. Is he actually dressing up? It makes something terribly warm and soft settle in your chest, and you turn back around, grab your makeup pouch and head to your desk.
If this is a date, or whatever it is that Jungkook considers dates to be, you want to look good for it. So you put a little bit of makeup on, trusting your instinct to make it look great even though the light of your small mirror doesn’t turn on since there’s still no power. You hear Jungkook get out of his room before you’re done, and you hope he doesn’t decide to come here.
You doubt he would, but you somehow feel awkward as you’re getting ready. Because he’s your older brother’s best friend, because he’s a college fuckboy, because he’s been making you feel too many things lately – most of them you repress as if your life depends on it. And you think, your life does depend on it. Because nothing can happen between you and Jungkook; you wouldn’t do that to Taehyung. And mostly, you wouldn’t do that to Jungkook, because you know Taehyung would hate him if something did happen.
You sigh. It comes out shakily, a clear indication that you’re growing anxious, and you almost want to laugh at yourself. You want to tell yourself to get a grip, to just play along for things are bound to go back to normality when the power comes back. 
You only stop feeling anxious when Taehyung texts you, your phone lighting up where you’ve put it down on your desk.
[5:02 pm] bröther👽: jk texted me the same thing! Glad u won’t be alone tonight [5:02 pm] You: he’s gonna cook dinner [5:03 pm] bröther👽: lmao, jk doesn’t cook for girls, feel lucky
With that you realize that, indeed, you should feel lucky. Because Jungkook can be a friend, if not anything else. It’s reassuring, and you finish getting ready feeling lighter than you’ve felt all day, as if the hell that today was is all forgotten. 
You spray some perfume on the inside of your wrists, dabbing it on your neck before you finally declare yourself ready to head out of your room. You hope Jungkook won’t make fun of you – he’d be the kind of guy to make fun of you for this, you just know it – and you make your way to the kitchen, where you can hear him busying himself.
He’s brought his portable speaker out of his room. The one that also has a projector in it, and it shines northern lights on the walls and on the ceiling of the kitchen, giving it a cozy atmosphere. No music is playing as of right now, yet Jungkook is still humming, voice low yet melodious.
You rarely hear him sing, but anytime you do, you feel like your ears are blessed by an angel.
He reappears from where he was hidden in the fridge, and his mouth falls open as he catches sight of you. 
He’s wearing a white dress shirt. You think it’s made of linen – it doesn’t look particularly fancy. Yet the way he’s rolled it on his forearms is weirdly attractive, even though he’s only wearing grey sweatpants with it. It’s a look, a look you think only he can pull off. He’s taken the time to style his hair back, and he’s put on earrings you’ve only seen him wear a couple of times during parties.
He eyes you up and down, his doe eyes crinkling in appreciation. “You look good, peach.”
The compliment makes you blush, and you offer him a small smile. He echoes it right away, and he holds up a bottle of rosé that you bought two months ago and forgot all about since then.
“Wine?” you let out as you stop in front of him. You feel awkward because, obviously, it’s wine, but you still hold his gaze as he nods.
“It’s yours but…” He shrugs, glancing at the label. “I figured it’d work well with the chicken.”
You nod once. “Sure, we can drink it.”
It makes him happy. You can see it in the way he beams, and then he puts it down on the counter with the rest of the ingredients. When he moves, you catch a whiff of his cologne, and you feel your cheeks burn again. You glance outside – the rain has stopped, but grey clouds are still looming in the sky as the world slowly darkens. You wonder if they’ll go away some time tonight – without the light pollution, you reckon you’d be able to stargaze.
You end up helping Jungkook with the cooking, chopping some vegetables as he takes care of the meat. You’re not particularly hungry, so you take your time, talking about everything and nothing. Jungkook is good at this, you realize. He’s good at changing your mind, at making sure it doesn’t wander back to your midterm and to the rest of your shitty day. He makes you laugh, cracking stupid jokes whenever you do something, smirking at you when you roll your eyes.
Being with him like this also makes you understand why he’s Taehyung’s friend. He feels more natural this way, less fuckboy-ish, and it’s a side of him you’ve never really seen before.
You sit at the kitchen table, sharing a glass of the rosé wine while the food simmers on the stove. Jungkook’s put on an indie music playlist before you started cooking – something you teased him about. Who knew Jeon Jungkook likes indie music?
“How was Tae before college?” Jungkook asks all of a sudden when there’s a lull in the conversation. “He barely talks about high school.”
You know the exact reason why, and her name is Youna. Taehyung’s ex, his high school sweetheart. The one that moved to the other side of the country without ever once looking back.
“He was an idiot,” you answer, and Jungkook laughs. “No, seriously. He dated the same girl all through high school. Was convinced he was going to marry her.”
“That sounds on brand with Tae,” Jungkook says, nodding his head wisely. “He said that about every girl he’s dated in college, but most of them don’t last more than a few weeks.”
You wince. “Remember Hailey from last semester?”
She lasted about three weeks, but she spent most of those at the apartment. It was the only three weeks where Jungkook and you had talked more than just small talk – or his usual teasing. Mostly because you kept complaining about her, and Jungkook kept saying you were cute when you were mad.
Come to think of it, it still was teasing.
“Fuck, her voice,” Jungkook lets out, shaking his head. “I’m sure she was faking having such a high voice. I don’t know how Taehyung could deal with that.”
It’s your turn to laugh, and Jungkook smiles as he watches you. “I swear to God, I was about to kick Tae out of the apartment,” you say. “I’m glad she didn’t last.”
There’s another silence as the song switches on Jungkook’s speaker. You take a sip of wine, appreciating the taste, and Jungkook gets up to check the food on the stove. He comes back a moment later, sitting back next to you.
You think he’s closer. He feels closer, and the smell of his cologne fills your nose again. 
“You put on some cologne,” you state, and it startles you somehow. You weren’t expecting to say that and, clearly, Jungkook wasn’t expecting it either.
“Yeah.” He looks down at himself as if the cologne is visible on him. “Do you like it?”
You gulp. “Yeah, you smell good.”
He smirks, nodding his head. “You too, peach. I love the vanilla scent.”
You don’t know what to do with the compliment. You mutter a thank you before taking a large sip of wine, and Jungkook chuckles before following your lead.
“Do you think Tae and that girl in France will last?” you ask. “He still hasn’t told me who she is.”
Indeed, he’s remained evasive whenever you’ve asked. You stalked the people that are with him on the semester abroad, and you think two of the girls could be your brother’s type, but it’s hard to tell.
“Oh,” Jungkook lets out. He grabs his phone, resting his forearms on the table as he opens it. He goes on Instagram, and as it loads, he glances at you. “He’s told me. Let me show you.”
“What!” you exclaim. “How come he told you and not me?”
Jungkook chuckles. “No idea. But here.”
He shows you the girl’s profile, and you take his phone as you scroll through the pictures. To your surprise, she’s not one of the two girls you stalked. She looks shy, barely showing her face in her pictures, most of them being of nature anyway. Come to think of it, you do get a romantic vibe from her feed, and you reckon that would work well with Taehyung. 
You’re about to give Jungkook his phone back when it vibrates in your hand, a notification appearing at the top. 
[6:05 pm] Shelly 💦🍒: are u gonna be here soon?
It’s not your fault that you read it, and your gaze widens as you look up from the device. Jungkook hasn’t noticed, and he smiles at you, seemingly expectant.
“So?” he asks.
“You had a date tonight?”
His mouth falls open. He looks guilty, eyes widening and taking a sheepish expression. He remains silent, and you can almost see the cogs turning in his head as he thinks of what to answer.
You don’t know how to feel. You feel bad for the girl – Shelly – who’s clearly waiting for Jungkook somewhere. You feel bad that he chose to stay with you because you were upset, but mostly you feel strange that he’s doing all of this for you when there’s someone waiting for him. 
The emojis next to her name are enough of an explanation of what she is to Jungkook. Still, you feel increasingly uncomfortable, even more so as he says nothing.
“What the fuck, JK?”
“She’s no one,” he says when you get up. “Trust me, I’ve only hung out with her a couple of times.”
You laugh, and it’s somehow void of joy. “Why would I care?”
He looks at the glasses of wine, and then at the food on the stove. “I don’t know… because we’re…” He motions between you, and then at said glasses of wine and food. “I just forgot to tell her I wasn’t going to come over.”
It’s enough of a reminder that Jungkook, for all his current kindness, is a renowned college fuckboy. It reminds you of all the times you’ve heard him fuck – was Shelly one of the girls? You feel disgusted, and you walk out of the kitchen, not wanting to look at Jungkook right now.
“Peach,” he says as he follows you out in the darkness of the living room.
The living room is also strangely cold, and you shiver as you turn towards him. “What?”
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes. “But why are you even reacting like this?”
You scoff. “I don’t know, Jungkook, you tell me.”
You can’t see his expression. But when he takes a step closer to you, you feel the heat of his body radiating in the space between you.
“Are you jealous?” he asks, and you hear the smirk in his voice.
“No,” you say, and you scoff again. “I’m weirded out.”
“Because I was going to fuck someone tonight?” It’s his turn to scoff when you remain silent. “Weren’t you going to fuck that dude? Hoseok?”
You don’t know how he remembers Hoseok’s name, but he’s got a point. You wet your lips, tongue poking your cheek next. “Right.”
“Come on, peach, just come back in the kitchen,” he says. He grabs your hand, and your breath gets caught in your throat as he escorts you back to the chair where you were sitting. You begrudgingly follow, and when you’re seated he towers over you.
You tilt your head back. “What?”
He flicks your nose, and you dodge a second too late. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”
“Fuck off,” you grumble. “I wasn’t jealous I was just weirded out.”
He smiles at you wickedly. “Of course, peach. Of course.”
He sounds so cocky you want to hate him, but all you can do is glare at the table. He pushes your wine glass towards you as he sits back next to you and you wordlessly take it to chug it.
“Now that that’s done,” he says once you’ve put it back on the table, “what do you think of Tae’s girl?”
You had all but forgotten why you were holding Jungkook’s phone in the first place. You recall her Instagram to the forefront of your mind, pursing your lips. 
“She looks chill,” you answer.
Jungkook pouts. “Just that?”
You shrug. “What else am I supposed to say?”
“Well,” Jungkook starts. “For one I can’t believe she’s Tae’s type. She looks nothing like the girls he dated here. Like just think about Hailey?”
You just nod, because in truth you fully agree with him. 
“Her Instagram is a vibe though,” Jungkook continues. “Tae is big on vibes so… maybe it works?”
You nod once more, tilting your head to the side as you really think about it. Because frankly you’d like for Taehyung to find someone that lasts. As much as you know he’s been having fun in college, you know his happiness usually lies in a healthy relationship like the one he had with his ex. 
“Hopefully it does,” you finally say. “Tae deserves it.”
Jungkook looks at you, somber expression on his features as he plays with his piercing. It makes your heart cease in your chest, and you busy yourself with refilling the wine glasses as he remains silent.
“He does,” Jungkook eventually replies. “He actually really does.”
He sounds so serious you throw him a questioning glance. “Yeah?”
He blinks once, as if stepping out of a daze before flashing his infuriating smirk at you again. “Definitely.”
There’s an awkward silence, and you watch as he takes a sip of wine before getting up to check on the food. He deems it ready, and makes two bowls, one for you and one for him. He sets yours in front of you, a proud smile on his lips.
“Smells good,” you compliment him as he sits.
He winks at you. “Wait till you taste.”
You have to resist the urge to roll your eyes, and you take a tentative bite, holding his gaze as he expectantly waits.
“Shit,” you let out, and you fan your mouth with your hand. “Why is it so spicy?”
“Don’t tell me you’re like your brother and can’t stand spicy food,” he complains as you take a long sip of wine.
You put your wine glass back down, wincing as it clinks against the bowl. It fortunately doesn’t break, and you push it away from the dish as you chuckle. “What’s wrong with not liking spicy food?”
He pouts. “You guys are so weak.”
You fake-glare at him. “This shit is so spicy it would wake the dead.”
He snorts, stifling his laugh until you meet his gaze and you burst out laughing at the same time. You think it’s the first time you’ve ever heard him guffaw like this. His laugh is contagious, pretty, and you’re convinced it can have healing effects.
You’re convinced it has healing effects. Indeed, in that instant, you finally really forget about the day, the heaviness it left behind dwindling into nothingness. It’s replaced with happiness, and chatter with Jungkook becomes easier, more natural. 
You realize he smiles a lot. You make him laugh a lot too, and whenever he does you feel your heart flutter in your chest. You don’t like the feeling, know it’s a mistake, but with the wine, all you can do is try to make him laugh some more, and smile whenever he does.
You’re on your first beer after finishing the wine – and the overly spicy food, which Jungkook congratulated you profusely for finishing. You’ve talked about every subject that’s come to your mind so far, none feeling taboo with Jungkook. He eventually tells you about Shelly – she is indeed one of the girls you’ve heard him sleep with – and you laugh as he admits he’s really happy he didn’t have to see her tonight.
You can’t help but snort. “Jeon Jungkook, saying no to sex? I’ve heard everything.”
“Bruh.” He laughs, shaking his head. “Is your opinion of me so low you think sex is the most important thing to me?”
His eyes are gleaming with mischief in the light of his speaker, which will apparently run out of battery soon. You both don’t care, and you’ve lit a candle in case it does die. Its sweet fragrance has been chasing the smell of the food away, and it’s been giving the kitchen a homey vibe, even as it’s growing chilly.
“Is it not?” you tease.
He rolls his eyes, shaking his head at you. “Not at all.”
You throw him a no-bullshit look that makes him frown cutely. 
“How long can you go without having sex?” you ask him, holding in a laugh.
He narrows his doe eyes at you. “At least a few weeks.”
“A few weeks? That’s nothing!”
“Yah,” he bursts, and he laughs as you snort. “Peach, just because I have casual sex doesn’t mean I can’t stop if I want to.”
“Then stop,” you challenge him.
He cocks an eyebrow. “Give me one reason why I should.”
“To prove a point?”
His eyes narrow further, but if you’ve understood one thing about Jeon Jungkook, it’s that he doesn’t step down from a challenge. No, as competitive as he is, you’re pretty sure he’ll do it.
“Peach,” he purrs, and it has something warm form in the pit of your stomach. “Is it really about me proving a point, or is it about you being jealous?”
You choke on the sip of beer you were taking, which only makes him laugh. You think it’s a little condescending, but you know he doesn’t mean it in a bad way. You still punch him in the shoulder for it, unable to resist.
“Why would I be jealous?” you ask. “Hobi fucks me good.”
Jungkook shuts his eyes and his nose scrunches. He shakes his head once before looking at you again. “I didn’t want to know that.”
You smile as if you’ve never done anything wrong in your whole life. “Your loss.”
He laughs at that, gaze dropping to the table. Silence grows between you, but it’s comfortable, not like what silence with Hoseok feels like. With Hoseok you feel the need to speak whenever there’s a lull in the conversation but, right now, you’re content with just sitting back in your chair, sipping on your beer.
To your surprise, Jungkook starts singing over the song, gaze lost in his own glass of beer. His voice settles deep inside of you, resonating in your soul, and you just look at him, awe clouding your mind.
You’re not sure he’s realized he’s singing. Because when he meets your gaze, he lets out a small laugh. “Why are you looking at me like this?”
“You have a beautiful voice,” you whisper.
It’s hard to tell in the dim light, but you’re pretty sure his cheeks have turned pink. “Nah.”
“No, I’m serious,” you insist. “I often hear you hum and… you sing really well.”
His nose scrunches up again. “Stop it.”
“Just take the compliment,” you say, laughing as he plays with his piercing.
You reckon it might be the first time in your life you’ve ever seen Jeon Jungkook shy. Because he clearly is, and he looks away from you, running his hand through his hair. It undoes the hairstyle, and a strand falls on his forehead.
You’ve never felt such a visceral need to brush your hand through someone’s hair before. You manage to resist, busying yourself with holding your beer instead.
“M’kay,” he lets out. “Thanks, peach.”
His voice is soft. Softer than the fur of a puppy, and it makes the warm thing in you grow. You gulp, wetting your lips. You don’t miss the way his eyes glance at your mouth, and he looks conflicted for half a second before he smirks again.
“We should have hung out like this before,” he declares.
“Yeah?” is all you can answer.
You feel yourself leaning in. You haven’t even realized how close you’re sitting to him until you’re leaning in. He does too. He leans forward, tilting his head to the side slightly. He looks surprised, even more so when one of your hands finds the back of his neck, pulling him closer until you’ve erased the distance between you.
You both didn’t close your eyes. And you both look startled from your lips touching, so much so that you let go of him, straightening away from him. He, on the other hand, hasn’t moved, and his gaze goes fully serious before he grabs your arm gently, pulling you closer to him again.
This time, when your mouths meet, you shut your eyes, sighing softly as he kisses you. His piercings press into your lower lip, and as his mouth moves against you, you feel the warm thing inside of you grow so big it bursts. It bursts the same way fireworks do – in an explosion of colours that leaves you waiting for more.
He doesn’t disappoint. He tilts his head to the side, deepening the kiss. His hand on your arm moves up until it rests on your shoulder before he decides better and moves it to the side of your neck. His thumb swipes at your jaw, gently, and it’s his turn to sigh in the kiss.
When his tongue darts out of his mouth, you meet it with your own. For a reason unknown, you expect it to make you both grow horny, but the kiss remains soft, slow like you have all of eternity stretched out in front of you.
Even though it’s languid, even though it’s soft, you grow dizzy, head spinning as you taste the beer in Jungkook’s mouth. As his hand moves to the nape of your neck, pulling you closer. You rest one hand on his chest, right above his heart, and you feel the organ racing under your fingers. It makes you grab a handful of fabric as if that will anchor you in the present.
As if that will make you forget that you’re kissing your brother’s best friend. 
It does, though you reckon it might be the way Jungkook shifts in his chair, moving so that you can straddle him. And he pulls you in, softly, tugging on your arm until you let go of the shirt and drape it over his shoulder. You sit on him, legs on each side of him, your toes barely even touching the floor. Still, your mouths move in unison, his lips petal soft against yours. 
Your other arm circles his neck too, until you’re holding him against you. His large hands land on your waist, gently, and his thumbs stroke you, barely even grazing you over the thick fabric of your wool turtleneck.
You don’t know how long you kiss. It just seems like you both don’t want to stop, like you both know the moment you stop will be a wake-up call, one you’d rather avoid while you get stuck in this bubble of eternity with him. The fireworks keep on shining bright, warm summer sun blooming in your heart as if this, this was always meant to be.
Oxygen is futile when you’re kissing Jeon Jungkook. Not needed, as if he breathes air into your lungs. You think he does, and you sigh once more as your hands get lost in the hair on the back of his head.
The next swipe of his tongue is sharper, carries more intent, and you both startle, finally parting from each other. Though you remain a hairsbreadth away, longing for his lips the moment your mouths aren’t connected anymore.
Immobile, you breathe in shakily, and you hear him do it too. He’s still stroking you, gently, and he wraps his arms around your waist to pull you in. You rest your head on his shoulder, breathing in the clean laundry smell of his shirt, along with the scent of his cologne as you turn your face towards his neck.
The moment stretches some more, as you listen to the music. His grip around you loosens as you press a soft kiss on the mole you’ve discovered on his neck. He pushes you back, gently, until your back is against the table. Your gazes meet then, and you wonder if his eyes always shine like this. Do they always hold the light of the universe in them, or did you set fire to his gaze?
He gulps and his mouth falls open. His pupils fill with something you can’t quite put your finger on, yet it has clouds taking over the summer sun in your heart until the beating organ goes cold.
“Now you’ve had a fake Valentine’s Day kiss,” he murmurs, and the fireworks burst into a void that tastes like ash as you interpret his gaze.
He’s regretting this. It takes over all of his features, turning his big doe eyes into hearths of remorse. It finishes dousing the sun in your heart until the star goes to sleep, and all that’s left is the echoes of what once was.
“Fake?” is all you manage to let out.
He shuts his eyes, eyelids fluttering close softly. He looks like an angel repenting as he rests his forehead against yours, forcing your own eyes shut from the proximity.
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” he reminds you, reality sinking into his words. 
You nod against him before pulling away. You try to get up, but his hands on your waist hold you in place.
“Let me go,” you whisper. 
He does so, albeit reluctantly, arms falling to his sides in a defeated manner. You try to not let yourself think about it too much, try to forget what just happened as you stand up, moving away from him.
Without his body heat you shiver, and you hate yourself for the next words you say.
“We should share a room tonight. It’s going to be cold.”
His eyes shoot open as he turns his head towards you, surprise replacing the reality. As if he thought he ruined everything, and you think maybe he did. Maybe he did ruin everything, but you don’t even want to be thinking about it right now. You just want to go to sleep, to let the night pass.
Maybe the insanity will go with it.
“Are you sure?” he asks.
You shrug your shoulders. “You know, Taehyung doesn’t have to know everything.”
Jungkook slowly gets up, facing you. You gulp as he pushes a strand of hair behind your ear, hand going to your chin again. He leans in, forcing you to tilt your head back until his lips find yours again.
It lasts a fraction of a second, yet it leaves you scrambling for breath as he takes a step back. He nods as you meet his gaze, an eyebrow cocked in question.
“We can sleep in your room,” he says. “It’s smaller, it’s going to be easier to keep it warm.”
Right as he finishes his sentence the battery of his speaker dies, and silence surrounds you as the northern lights go to sleep. The light flickers in time with the flame of the candle, and you glance at it.
“Sounds good,” you agree, and you wet your lips as you look at him again. His big doe eyes still shine even with just the candlelight, and you wish the world was different. Wish that he wasn’t Tae’s friend, that you could just grab him and have him kiss you stupid again. But he’s right. You shouldn’t be doing this.
Sharing a bed is only practical. Only because it’s cold, and you have to survive the night. A voice at the very back of your mind tells you that you could head over to the dorms, but you don’t want to.
You want to remain here, in this instant outside of the linear timeline of your life.
“Maybe you should get your bed covers?” you suggest. “So we don’t get cold.”
He smiles, so far from his usual smirk and grin that you feel a pang in your chest. “Yeah. Yes, that’s a good idea.”
All of five minutes later, he meets you in your room. You’ve changed into your previous outfit, and he’s swiped his dress shirt for an oversized white Nike t-shirt. He’s holding his bed cover to his chest, just a white bundle that he offers you as if he’s trying to make peace with you. You motion to your bed, and he nods before walking over to it.
You shut the door behind him, turning to look at him as he debates for a few seconds where to sleep in your bed. He starts by putting his bed cover over yours and then chooses to sit at the foot of the bed, on the side that’s against the wall.
He then turns to meet your gaze, his profile cast in the flickering light of the candle from the kitchen and the few others you’ve lit while waiting for him.
“I think this is the first time I’ve been in this room since Jimin moved out,” he tells you, and his lips stretch into that same soft smile.
You glance around, pursing your lips. “Hope it doesn’t disappoint.”
“It doesn’t,” he reassures you as he imitates your action, observing your room. “It feels like you.”
Not knowing what’s that supposed to mean, you cock an eyebrow. “Does it?”
He doesn’t explain further, and you shrug it off as you move closer to your bed to sit on the edge. The moment you’re in his vicinity your heart picks up in your chest. It’s hard to believe that Jeon Jungkook is in your bed right now, and you have to remind yourself that it’s purely because it currently is freezing in your apartment. 
“Should we…” you trail off, motioning at the bed.
He chuckles, a sweet sound that forces you to gaze at him, eyes widening as your heartbeat picks up even more. “You want me in your bed so bad, do you?”
You short-circuit, flushing fully red as you struggle to find something witty to reply with. Falling short on words, you end up shrugging your shoulders as you move under the covers, hoping he won’t tease you further. 
You highly doubt you’d survive him teasing you more.
To your relief, Jungkook ends up chuckling again, but he remains silent as he slides in next to you, keeping a safe distance between the two of you. You lie on your back, while he turns to face you, and you feel the weight of his gaze on your profile.
It makes you turn to look at him, and he offers you the same kind smile.
“Shouldn’t we blow the candles out?” he asks, and his gaze darts to where you’ve left the candles on your desk and night table. “Just to make sure we don’t burn the building down.”
“You want to go to sleep right away?”
You hate yourself for saying that. Indeed, a smirk grows on his lips and he jumps on the occasion to say, “You want to do something else?”
Something grows hot inside of you, and it’s not that same summer sun he ignited in you earlier. You wet your lips, burning from the inside out as you remind him, “We shouldn’t.”
He chuckles again. “Didn’t you say he doesn’t need to know?”
You meet his gaze, find the mischief behind his big doe eyes and roll yours. “You’re annoying.”
Right on cue you shiver. It takes you by surprise, because you feel your insides burning, yet the temperature in your room is low, winning against the warmth.
“Are you cold?” he asks, no traces of mischief left in his eyes. Only concern can be found in his pupils, and you want to hate him for it.
“A little,” you admit. “The covers are just cold.”
They actually are, as your bodies have yet to warm them. To your surprise, Jungkook sidles closer to you. 
“I can hold you, if you want. I’m always too hot.”
You burn a thousand shades of red as you wet your lips. “You don’t have to.”
“Come on, peach, I won’t let you freeze while I’m right here.”
Yet he doesn’t do anything, waits until you’ve nodded your head to slide even closer, and he loosely wraps his arm around your waist. His warm breath fans the side of your face, and you do your best to ignore it.
“Better?” he asks, voice low as he whispers in your ear.
You shut your eyes as electricity courses through your whole body. “Yeah.”
Your brain zeroes in on the weight of his arm on you, and when his fingers start tracing random figures on your waist, you let out a small yelp.
“That tickles,” you tell him.
He does it again, and you try to push him away. Only, Jungkook is far stronger than you, and all you manage to do is end up with your back against him as he holds you firmly to him.
“Stop,” you beg, a little breathlessly.
“It’s warming you up, is it not?”
You roll your eyes, though you reckon it is. You don’t feel nearly as cold anymore, and you can feel the heat growing in you again. As an attempt to get away from him, you shuffle, and it earns you a breathless chuckle from him.
Just to make sure you didn’t imagine the whole thing, you move your hips again. Something twitches in his sweatpants and your mouth falls open.
“Consequences of the position,” he’s quick to say. “Don’t worry about it.”
You don’t know how you possibly can not worry about it. It’s all your brain can focus on as you shift again, and this time he hisses.
“Maybe you should not do that.” His voice is low, husky, and it sends shivers all over your body. 
You bite your lips. “Why?”
He pulls you back in, flush against his chest. His lips ghost on the side of your neck, and you think you’ve been struck with lightning. “Because we can’t do anything about it.”
He rests his head on the pillow behind you again, sighing deeply. His hand holds you against him, forcing you to feel every inch of his hard body pressing into you.
Of his hard dick too, where it pushes into your ass.
“Maybe we should go to sleep,” you say, eyes fluttering shut.
He nods. “We should.”
“I need to blow out the candles.”
His arm loosens around you before he fully lets you go. You prop yourself on an elbow, leaning towards the night table. You blow out the candle you’ve left there, and before you can move you feel Jungkook’s palm resting on your hip.
“Shit, peach,” he whispers.
You look behind yourself. Your position is explicit, as if you’re angling yourself to fuck yourself on him better. It makes you move your hips, and you see the moment something snaps inside of him.
“Why don’t you lie down next to me before we blow the rest of the candles out?”
There’s something stern, authoritative in his voice, and you immediately obey him. 
“On your back,” he adds.
You exhale shakily as you turn, not daring to disobey. His hand lands flat on your stomach, and he starts drawing circles around your navel. You inhale sharply as he nudges your cheek with his nose.
“You look stressed.”
“What are you doing?”
You hear the smirk in his voice when he says, “Helping you fall asleep?”
You fall silent as he keeps tracing circles. He sighs next to you, almost longingly and he rests his forehead against your temple. His lips are so close you think you feel their softness on your cheek.
“You’re driving me crazy,” he whispers. His fingers still on you, under your navel. Some inch or so over the band of your sweatpants and he pushes your shirt up before resuming his actions directly on your skin.
“We really shouldn’t…” you trail off.
“Are you going to be able to sleep?” he asks.
It’s rhetorical – he knows just as well as you that you won’t. “No.”
“It could help you sleep.”
You don’t want to know what the ‘it’ refers to. “Yeah?”
He wets his lips, or maybe he plays with his piercing. But from the proximity, you feel his tongue and you think you’re going to die right then and there.
“Doesn’t it help you sleep when you touch yourself?”
You’re soaking your panties. You’re burning up, caught on fire by every strike of lightning that Jungkook’s words ignite in you.
“Does it help you?” you counter-back, remembering when you heard him watching porn two weeks ago.
“It does. Always sleep soundly after.”
You slowly nod, gulping as his lips close on your jaw, and he sucks gently. 
He’s danger in human form. And he knows what he’s doing, he knows how to weave words to cause your undoing. You think he’s already started weeks ago, the night of the Incident. 
Taehyung is miles away from your thoughts when you say, “You want to touch me?”
He smirks against you, licks at the spot he just sucked on. “Why don’t you show me how you touch yourself?”
He moves his hand away from your stomach, and you moan softly when he parts your thighs open, resting his palm on the one closest to him as he presses it against his hard dick.
“Shit, Jungkook.”
“I know.”
You hate him. You hate him so much you slide your hand between your legs, pressing a circle on your clit.
“Good girl.”
You moan again, yet you stop your ministrations on yourself. “I want to watch you touch yourself too.”
He grunts, grinds his dick in the side of your thigh once more. “You want to see me come?”
“Want you to finger me with your cum.”
You’ve gone insane. You think there’s an asylum out there for you, yet Jungkook only chuckles manly against your jaw. “Peach, I won’t touch you tonight.” You whine, and he sucks on your jaw again. “You can do it yourself.”
He’s mad. So are you, and you untie the knot of your sweatpants so you can slide your hand in. You moan softly as you find your clit, and you dip two fingers inside of yourself before moving back to the bundle of nerves.
“Jerk yourself off,” you tell him. You try to sound commanding, dominant, but your voice is whiny. It earns you a smirk from him as he turns on his back. He takes off his pants and underwear, clearly not as shy as you. You can’t see his dick when you look down as he’s still under the covers, and you gulp as you imagine it.
Feeling bold, you push the covers off, needing to see him. And the sight doesn’t disappoint. His dick is large. Not excessively long, but the girth makes you understand why he’s got girls screaming whenever he fucks them. His tip is glistening with precum, and he runs his thumb on the slit before spreading the precum on his shaft. Large veins run along the length, from base to top, and you’re struck thinking he’s got the prettiest cock you’ve seen in your life.
“Like what you see?” he teases as he strokes his dick once, slowly but with a firm grip.
“Do you want to see me too?”
You really are bold. Far bolder than you’ve ever been with anyone before. Maybe because all of tonight Jungkook has put you at ease, and you think there’s nothing embarrassing about finally living out your fantasy. Especially not when he’s so pliable to it, willing to follow you into the land of insanity.
Scratch that – he’s the one leading to madness.
“It’s only fair if I see you too, no?” he teases with a smirk on his lips as he looks at you with his dark, intense gaze.
It’s all you say before you shimmy out of your pants. You don’t miss the way his eyes go to your hip, where you have a large dragon tattoo. He curses under his breath. “Didn’t know you were tatted.”
“Got it last semester,” you answer with a shaky voice.
He smirks up at you. “Hot.”
You gulp, unable to hold his gaze for longer than a few seconds. Shier than him, you keep the panties on. To your surprise, he sits up, runs his hand on the inside of your thigh before he lies down on the other side so he has a view of between your legs. His feet are next to your head, and you angle yourself away from them so that they aren’t in your face anymore.
“Touch yourself, peach.”
You nod, and you draw circles on your clit through the fabric of your underwear. It’s a plain black thong, yet you feel immensely sexy when Jungkook’s doe eyes narrow dangerously as he watches you touching yourself, stroking his dick lazily.
You watch how he touches himself, heart beating out of your chest. You’re on fire, a wildfire raging through you, and you moan softly as you press harder into you.
“Why don’t you touch yourself under your panties, mmh?” he asks, gaze sliding up to meet yours before he goes back between your legs. “Won’t it feel better?”
You can’t resist him. You push your panties to the side, holding them with one hand as you go back to your clit. Your thighs instinctively want to close together, but he holds them open.
“Put your fingers in.”
You do. You push two digits in, arching them as you rub at the sweet spot inside of you. He watches, licking his lips as he increases the pace on his dick. You moan right as he grunts, the sound making shivers course up and down your spine.
“Why don’t you use your vibrator instead?”
You entirely stop moving, digits deep inside of you. “Huh?”
“I’ve heard you use a vibrator,” he explains. “I want to see you bury it in your tight little pussy.”
Your walls clench around your fingers at his crude words, and it doesn’t take any more for you to roll towards your night table so you can grab said vibrator. When you’re settled back in your previous position, you click it on, and the soft buzzing fills your room.
“Wait,” Jungkook says, stopping you before you’ve pushed your panties aside again. “Take this off.”
He pinches the fabric on your hip, over the tattoo, and all you can do is nod once before you do. He licks his lips, looking at you appreciatively through half-lidded eyes. He looks between your legs, where you just know he can see your juices glistening. Before he says anything else, you put the vibrator on your clit, legs twitching as harsh pleasure courses through you.
To your surprise, he moans, a low sound that has your pussy clench hard. Of course he sees, and he’s quick to say, “Put it in, peach.”
You obey, and you let out a breathy sound as you immediately rub your clit with your other hand. The next few minutes are a world of bliss, of pleasure and of Jungkook’s praises and grunts, entwined with your moans. You think your room is burning hot, or maybe it’s just his eyes on you. His balls are tight as he jerks off harder, faster, eyes never once moving away from the spot between your legs, where your vibrator makes squelching sounds as you push it in and out of you.
“You’re doing so well,” Jungkook tells you after you’ve moaned loudly. 
You’re nearing your high, but for some reason, you haven’t been able to hit it yet. His words bring you closer, yet it remains just barely out of touch.
“So fucking well,” he adds, breathlessly, and you notice he’s gripping his dick harder, moving so fast you barely can see his hand, except when it slows on his head with a flick of his wrist. He moans, grunts loudly. “You’re so hot, I’m going to come.”
“Fuck,” you curse as you watch him push his shirt up, and you catch sight of his defined muscles. They contract as he jerks himself off, and you think you’re drooling.
Maybe because you’re so close to hitting an orgasm that you can’t do anything other than drool.
He glances at your face once. You meet his gaze, blood boiling as you see his eyebrows almost touching over his eyes, his mouth slightly agape as he breathes loudly. His eyelids flutter close as his eyebrows bunch up over his eyes even more, and then he moans out something that sounds like your name.
Not ‘peach’. Your full name. It makes your eyes water as you observe him, as you watch how he looks in pain. And then he curses, and your eyes fall to his dick to see white spurts of cum coming out, covering the tattoos on the back of his hand as he keeps moving, never once faltering.
Your walls clench tightly around your vibrator. You think you’re about to come, but the orgasm doesn’t want to hit, evading you frustratingly. Your motions grow inconsistent, the push and the pull of the vibrator clearly not enough for you.
As Jungkook comes down from his high, he surveys you once more, features blissed out from coming. He watches you struggle as his hand stops at the base of his dick.
“Look at the mess I made because of you,” he says, and you moan. He tilts his head to the side, pulls at his piercing, and then stops you. Puts his hand over yours between your legs as the vibrator rests deep inside of you. “Do you need help?”
You feel some of his cum as it spills from his hand to yours. You keep rubbing on your clit, meeting his gaze as he awaits your answer. “Yes.”
He smirks, and you let him grab your vibrator. He pulls it out of you, watches your juice on it with a hungry look on his features before he hands it to you again. “Put this on your clit.”
You obey, and you sigh in pleasure as he covers two of his fingers with his cum, even picking some up where it fell on his abdomen, decorating his defined abs. You know exactly what he’s going to do before he does, and it makes you curse.
He meets your gaze. “Are you on the pill?”
He smirks. “Good girl.”
And then he pushes his cum-covered fingers inside of you, arching them to expertly play with your g-spot. You cry out, throwing your head back in pleasure. He fucks you with his digits for a while, and you press your vibrator hard on your clit, as if it’s going to make you come faster.
All it does is make you close your thighs on his wrist. He pulls his fingers out, forces you to spread your legs wide open again, and then circles your entrance with one finger.
“It’s so hot, to watch my cum dripping out of you.”
His digits are in again before you can reply, and he fucks you so well, you crash right into your orgasm, walls spasming around his fingers. You moan, loudly so, and tears prick at your eyes as the waves of your orgasm drown everything in you, making you shake with pleasure.
You ride the high for a long time. Longer than you’ve ever had before, and Jungkook whispers filthy praises to you all through it, until you cringe with oversensitivity and turn off the vibrator. You put it down next to you, and Jungkook pushes in and out twice more before he pulls his fingers out of you.
You remain silent for a while, both of you regaining your breath. Once you stop feeling like you’re seconds away from passing out, you prop yourself on your elbows, watching him. He’s still looking between your legs, and you instinctively close them.
His eyes shoot to your face, and he smirks. “You have no idea how hot you are with my cum dripping out of you, peach.”
You bite your lip, so hard you think you taste blood. “Shit.”
“I know.”
“What did we do?”
He shrugs, sucking on his piercing. “We made sure we’ll sleep well, that’s all.”
You sigh, nodding once before you lie back down on the bed. “Shit,” you repeat.
This time he laughs. It’s a soft sound, something that makes your heart squeeze in your chest. For some reason, it reminds you of the kiss in the kitchen, and butterflies flutter in your stomach.
Even more so as he says, “Let me go get something to clean you up with.”
He pulls his boxers up and then gets up. You miss the way he winces as his feet hit the cold floor, and he’s back with a washcloth before you’ve had time to realize he was gone.
“I’m sorry, there was no hot water left.”
“Oh,” you let out.
He chuckles as he sits next to you. “Do you want to do it or…?”
You nod, and you grab the washcloth out of his hands before cleaning yourself up. It really is cold, and you wince, one eye shutting as you make sure you’re clean before handing it back to him.
“What do you want me to do with this?” he asks, a teasing tone in his voice.
“I don’t know?” 
He laughs, still grabbing it before throwing it in your hamper. “Did you want to pee before going to bed?”
You nod again. “I should.”
“Are you okay to get there?”
You roll your eyes, finally finding some of your usual defiance. “You didn’t fuck me, Jungkook, I can still use my legs.”
“Right,” he lets out before chuckling. “I’ll wait for you here then.”
The trip to the bathroom is the worst you’ve ever experienced, with how cold it is in the rest of the apartment. You’re pleased that your room is warm when you come back, and your heart squeezes in your chest as you see Jungkook lying on his side, looking at you as you enter and shut the door behind you.
He smiles warmly at you. “Better?”
“Why is it so cold?” you complain, which makes him laugh that cute, giggly laugh of his. You immediately look away from him, not wanting him to see the blush on your cheeks.
You blow the rest of the candles out, and in the dark, you make your way to your bed. You slide under the covers, sighing at how warm they are now.
“I’m glad you stayed,” Jungkook says as you settle next to him.
You gulp. “What?”
“You said you were going to go to the dorms,” he reminds you, even though that was an eternity ago. “I’m glad you didn’t.”
“Oh,” you let out. You’re happy it’s dark because your cheeks burn so much you imagine you’ve turned purple. “I’m glad I stayed too.”
He sighs, and you feel the mattress move as he shifts. “Do you want to cuddle?” he asks. “For warmth.”
You snort, and even though you’re in the dark, you nod. 
A few seconds later, you’re the small spoon again, and he holds you close to him. He sighs once more, and it ends with a yawn that has you laugh softly.
“Tired?” you tease him.
“Yeah.” He chuckles, nuzzling his face in your hair. “I’m going to sleep like a rock.”
So are you. Even if you shouldn’t, even if you and Jungkook probably committed a big mistake tonight, you still know you’re going to sleep soundly.
Especially as his breathing evens out behind you, interrupted by soft snores here and there. It forms a melody that lulls you to the land of dreams, to a land where you can forget that he’s Taehyung’s best friend, and where you can imagine that he’s yours after all. It’s idyllic, unreal, yet your sleeping form clings to it like it’s a lifeline in a storm.
You just know that reality is bound to hit again soon.
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Oooooof yep. They really did that hehehe. What did you guys think? Did you like it? Let me know!!
All rights reserved to @/oddinary4bts, 2024. Do not copy, repost or translate.
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euseokz · 2 months
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@ eunseok — i always know how much you need me baby, so i give you just enough to not leave you hanging . cws : dry-humping . use of nicknames (good girl) . finger sucking . wc : 0.7k+ . genre : smut 
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FWB! EUNSEOK who has been teasing you all day, sending nasty texts and leaving you all hot and bothered on purpose, but who is surprised when he gets to your apartment at night and finds you on your bed with nothing but your underwear on, one of your hands already sneaking under your panties. 
“are you that needy already?” he asks almost playfully, with a teasing tone, his usual smirk painted on his lips. you don’t reply, simply whining and pressing your fingers over your clit harder, too horny to have the usual back and forth you two share. “i’ll take that as a yes” eunseok adds right after.
he walks to you and plants his hands on your body, pulling your wrist out from your panties and guiding you to straddle him while he sits on your bed. he looks at your digits that had been down your panties seconds prior, how they’re shiny with your arousal, strings of your slick connecting them. eunseok has to hold back a grunt, instead guiding them to his mouth, sucking on your fingers and tasting you while looking directly into your eyes, humming when you whine surprised. he lets go not too long after, planting his hands on your hips and pulling you to him, pushing you down against his bulge, his loose pants doing nothing to hide the obvious tent. it looked painful almost, even through his clothes, his dick twitching and a grunt finally leaving him when he feels your soaked panties press against him, eyes now focused there.
“i want you to cum against me like this, can you do that?” eunseok asks, voice sultry, his words coming as more of a request than a demand. when you nod, biting your bottom lip while already moving yourself ever so slightly against his covered cock, eunseok groans again, smiling before saying a simple “good girl”.
you move your hips slowly, pressing down just enough for him to feel how your folds part around his bulge, only leaving your panties wetter, a dark patch eventually staining eunseok's pants too. you're soaked, and incredibly needy, humping against him at a fastening pace, moaning and whining about how good it feels, your hands landing on eunseok's shoulders as your nails dig into them, bunching up the fabric of his shirt between your fingers and pressing down harshly against his skin. eunseok can feel the warmth of your pussy, his bottoms thin enough that he even feels how your clit twitches almost in sync with his dick. he guides his hands to your hips and grips them hard, deciding to now set the pace, moving you faster while pressing you more roughly against himself. you allow it without complaining, moaning his name and digging your nails deeper into his skin, pleasure blooming between your legs, a hot wave taking over your middle.
lust clouds your brain as your eyelids feel heavy and fall close, your head resting back and giving eunseok perfect access to kiss and suck on your neck, making you wonder if that was what heaven felt like. your orgasm was close, each stroke of your covered cunt against eunseok’s prominent bulge only driving you closer to the edge — the man under you not finding himself in a much better state, his mind flooded with nasty thoughts as he wrapped his lips around the sensitive skin of your throat, feeling as his cock twitched, his teeth sinking into you and a guttural grunt escaped him when he came, milky cum dampening his underwear, his orgasm only an excuse for eunseok to move you faster against himself, his nails now digging into your sides as he guided you, making you reach your peak sooner than later, a silent moan leaving you as your mouth fell open when your high finally hit you, crashing into you hard.
eunseok started slowing down the pace until you were barely moving your hips against his, finally pulling back to look at you, moving to cup your cheeks, his eyes hooded and glossy with arousal as he spoke.
“see? i’m always good to you baby, always give you enough to leave you an absolute mess without even needing to push my cock into you”
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chqnverse · 6 months
i came across your writings recently and im obsessed!! imagine you’re straddling sub Han on his studio chair and you’re grinding against him and marking him and he’s letting out the prettiest moans and whines. He was stressed with his work before, but you made him forget 🤍
𖥻 Make me forget
♡┊ 𝐂𝐇𝐐𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ; Han Jisung
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 :: you just wanted to help your boyfriend to relieve some stress
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 :: smut ( 18+ ), sub!jisung, dom!reader, marking, fucking in a chair, reader is written with bigger thighs and wide hips in mind, stressed Jisung
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 :: turned out kinda passionate but oh well <3
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Jisung was stressed there were many songs to write and finish but he was stuck, his brain to full to even concentrate on his current work so he texted you. His sweet girlfriend and asked if you would mind dropping by with some coffee. You being the amazing girlfriend of course said yes and not even 30 minutes later you’re here…standing between your handsome boyfriend’s legs with his hands running all over your body. Jisungs iced americano long forgotten on his desk, his mind occupied with your body the way your tight shirt made your breast seem even bigger than normal it made Jisung want to bury his head between them. But you had other plans,suddenly sitting down on his lap right on his hard dick. Your tiny skirt was making the feeling even better one layer less that separates Jisung from what he now desperately needs. You’re teasing him slowly grinding down on him making Jisung throw his head back with a desperate call of your name. Oh how pretty your boyfriend sounds calling out your name as if you weren’t already giving him pleasure and making his brain fussy.
All Jisung could think about was your warm soft body pressed against his and the feeling of your pretty cunt pressed against his dick each roll of your hips send him even close to his orgasm, his hands never leaving your body one hand suddenly grabs your hip pressing you down on him even more your panties were soaked at this point and you’re not much better than your sweet boyfriend. The friction of your wet cunt sliding against his hard length made you see stars. One of your hands gripping his soft curls while the other one was pressed against his chest using it to support yourself. Your thighs were burning from the fast movement but you couldn’t bring yourself to stop not when you’re so close to your sweet relief and not when your boyfriend was looking at you with heart eyes while moaning your name like a prayer.
You couldn’t help it and lean to kiss him passionately moving your lips against his ever so soft ones, you could taste the chapstick Jisung always uses and it only turns you on more. Jisung gasps when he feels you pretty lips agains his the way they moved ever so lovingly against his own just when he wanted to take the kiss even further he feels your lips move lower towards his jawline leaving tiny kisses on your way to his neck, when you start sucking on his neck Jisung knows he won’t last longer so he tries to warn you with little stutters of your name but you seem to know already. It wasn’t hard to tell from the way he was trying to grind up against you and the way his grip on your hip tightens even further. You were sure it would leave marks but that’s okay at lest then you would have something to remember this moment the next day.
When Jisung feels you suddenly stop sucking and your sweet voice whispering in his ear to just let go for you he couldn’t help himself but obey. The wet patch on his pants grows bigger with each passing second and you throw your head back. The sight of you sweet boyfriend cumming made you hit your own high feeling yourself clench around nothing your panties are probably completely messy by now but neither of you could bring yourself to care enjoying the blissful feeling of your shared highs.
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 9 months
Seams drabble: Patch
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{ Part IV: Notch | Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist }
Rating: None
Summary: Ellie finds a Pride-themed sew on patch that leads to revelations.
Warnings: Pure fluff and love for this girl, some angst, coming out, total disregard of canon because I don't know how it goes in the game.
Word count: 1.3k
Notes: This idea struck me out of the blue many months ago, and I was waiting for 'the right place' in the series, until I mentioned it to a dear friend in passing conversation and then I just started writing it. Very lightly edited. Set at unspecified time frame after Part IV.
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Ellie hums to herself from her spot in a cosy corner of the Outfitters, one watchful eye on the door. It’s an uncharacteristically slow Saturday, but she’s not complaining - she has her hands full.
A big canvas sack lies empty on the floor, its contents strewn haphazardly all over the wooden floor. The mess drives you up the wall, but you know better than to question her (very questionable) methods, so you’re ensconced in the safety of your studio while she sorts through the clothes and odds and ends that the patrollers brought back from their most recent outing.
Though infrequent - most settlements around Jackson have been painstakingly pilfered for anything useful over the years - it’s her favourite duty at the shop. Lucy is looser with the rules, but sometimes, you let Ellie keep little knick knacks that won’t sell.
The teenager goes through the pile thoroughly. Shirts go in one stack, jeans in another, followed by shoes, hats and scarves. Turning to the heap of smaller loose trinkets, she separates mismatched buttons, safety pins, shoelaces and zippers (as Maria always says, every little help), when something colourful piques her attention.
Plucking the piece of fabric out of the jumble, Ellie recognises it as a decorative patch that she’s seen sewn onto bags and shirts. It’s the size of her palm, cut in the shape of a rainbow, the colours still bright. Over the arches, bold white text outlined in black spells out NYC PRIDE 2003.
Tucking it into her pocket for now, she quickly finishes the rest of the sorting. Clothes go into the bin to be collected by the laundry, shoes for the cobbler’s, and accessories into a box to be priced and shelved.
Ambling into the back of the shop where you’re busy hemming a pair of jeans, Ellie plops into one of the rolling chairs, straddling the back of it, and the wheels screech as she careens across the floor to your sewing station.
Your lips quirk as you look up briefly at her. ‘Find anything interesting?’
‘Just this,’ she replies, flashing you the patch and reading aloud, ‘NYC Pride 2003. What does that mean?’
‘There used to be a big pride parade for the LGBT community every year in New York City,’ you explain. ‘They used to close down the streets and everything for it, it was a huge event.’
Ellie blinks, your answer taking her by surprise. She clears her throat, a distant buzzing at the back of her head as she turns the patch over pensively in her hand. ‘What - do you know what it was like?’
‘I’ve never been to one, but it always looked incredible. People used to line the streets in support, and everyone dressed up. There’d be rainbow flags everywhere, floats, dancing, music, and of course, it was an important way for the community to highlight and push for LGBT rights.’
‘You mean -’ she pauses, the unfamiliar feeling of stumbling over her words making her hands sweat. ‘You mean, people would just be out in public, like, being themselves?’
‘More than that - they were celebrating themselves.’
Ellie doesn’t realise she’s fallen quiet until you speak, ‘You can keep it if you want.’
Her head snaps up, disoriented. ‘Keep what?’
‘That.’ You nod towards the patch she’s clinging onto so tightly that her knuckles have gone white.
Panic prickles the back of her neck, an embarrassed heat suddenly making her want to pull at the collar of her flannel. But then you shrug and say, almost flippantly, ‘It’s pretty.’
‘Yes,’ she blurts out in hasty agreement, letting out a breath she’s been unconsciously holding. ‘It’s very pretty.’
Ellie is relieved when you turn back to the sewing machine, leaving her to retrace her steps to the front of the shop. The patch sits on the counter, where she leaves it, as she goes about her business for the rest of her shift.
Her eyes travel to the rainbow, and she thinks of how she wasn’t like the other girls at school, who fawned over dogeared photos of singers and actors long dead. She thinks of how she’s always known she’s different, but didn’t have the vocabulary to express it.
She thinks of Riley.
For Riley.
When half three rolls around, you spot the teenager lingering by the studio doorway out of the corner of your eye, her backpack dangling from her fingers. Any other Saturday, you’d be lucky to catch the blurry shape of her shadow when she gallops out of the shop, throwing a see ya over her shoulder.
Thrown by her silence, you prompt, ‘Yes, Ellie?’
Scruffing the tips of her well-worn sneakers on the floorboards, she bites her lip in an atypical display of hesitance. ‘Pin, could you help me sew the patch onto my backpack? Please?’
You smile, eyes soft. ‘I’d love to. C’mon.’
‘You don’t have to do it now,’ she protests, feigning nonchalance, but her twitchy hands give her away. ‘Like, whatever, it’s no big deal.’
Wanting to put her at ease, you shrug. ‘No time like the present. Where do you want it?’
Putting her bag on your work surface, she points. ‘Guess right here under the wings.’
‘Perfect. Can you unzip the bag for me?’
You have Ellie hold the rainbow exactly where she wants it while you thread the needle, and you start sewing it in by hand, stitch by tidy stitch. It barely takes a couple of minutes, but time is of the essence - you haven’t heard the girl take a single breath of air since the anchor stitch.
Snipping off the thread with a flourish and giving it a once over, you grin. ‘There, all done.’
Ellie ducks her head, quiet as she takes the bag from your hands, running a thumb over the arches of the rainbow. Without a word, she suddenly throws her arms around you, hugging you tight.
‘Thanks, Pin,’ she mumbles into your hair.
Your heart swells, and you squeeze her back even tighter. ‘Anything for you, kiddo.’
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On Monday morning, Ellie hovers in the hallway outside the kitchen, observing.
Joel is at the table, oblivious with his back to the door, her breakfast of two fried eggs over and easy and toast waiting at her usual spot at the table. Taking a deep breath, she bites the bullet and walks in, backpack in her hand.
‘Mornin’,’ grunts Joel, almost done with his own eggs, sunny side up.
‘Morning,’ she parrots back as she makes herself comfortable.
She usually just dumps her bag on the floor, but today, she pulls out the chair next to her and drops it into the seat. The unusual movement catches Joel’s eye, and he takes a good long look at the backpack.
Eventually, he points vaguely in what she assumes is the direction of the rainbow patch, and says, ‘That looks new.’
‘Yup, Pin helped me sew it on.’
He purses his lips, asking around a mouthful of egg. ‘You know what Pride is?’
She swallows thickly, and it takes a beat to unstick her tongue from the roof of her mouth. ‘Yeah, Pin told me.’
He nods, then turns his attention back to his plate with no fanfare.
Not entirely sure if he caught the nuance but her mind too in knots to care, Ellie picks up her fork and doesn’t think twice when he gets up to put his dish in the sink.
She nearly chokes on eggs when strong arms close around her shoulders in a vice-like grip, scratchy beard on her temple, Joel’s voice so thick that it makes her think if she turns around, she’ll see tears in his eyes.
‘Proud of you, baby girl.’
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Later that afternoon, Joel finds you alone in the shop, restocking the women’s outerwear rack.
You toss him a smile over your shoulder. ‘Hey, what are you doing here?’
‘Lucy ‘round?’ he asks.
‘When is she ever?’ you quip with no bite.
Three steps and he’s spun you around by the waist, soft lips latching onto yours in a sweet kiss with just a hint of heated aftertaste that has you swaying on your feet when he pulls back.
A breathless laugh bubbles in your throat as you palm his whiskered jawline. ‘Why, thank you for that, Mr. Miller.’
The corners of his eyes crinkle, and he brushes his nose tenderly against your cheek. ‘No, thank you, sweetheart.’
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Notes: I hope I wrote Ellie's coming out as sensitively as I hoped to. As I mentioned, I have no idea how or if she comes out in the game, but despite being such a chatty teenager, I think she'd find it difficult to broach the subject with Joel in conversation. For me, this was a fun way of weaving in her part-time job at the Outfitters and Pin into her coming out story that stays true to Ellie's character. I hope you enjoyed this - comments and reblogs appreciated as always!
P.S. I am not 'back' back, so I don't know when I will next update Seams. Thank you for your patience while I try to navigate my way back to some semblence of writing regularly, whenever that may be.
Thank you @firefly-graphics for the dividers ❤️
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jarofstyles · 6 months
harry damn near begging for yn and being needy, mouthing at her neck chest and stomach while she’s trying to read plsss
Harry was a horny little menace. But god, was he a convincing one.
It had started when he crawled into her cozy little nest in their bed, cooing about how pretty she looked. In her glasses and her hair thrown up in a bun, along with a few pimple patches, she was sure she wasn't at her prime but it always did give her butterflies when he complimented her in her most relaxed, vulnerable state.
When he asked what she was read, she explained the general synopsis of what had happened so far- a royal romance, enemies to lovers-, and he had snuggled closer. Freshly showered, he was shirtless in just in a pair of grey sweats, skin and hair still slightly damp as he rested his head on her shoulder to catch a glimpse of the pages. But his intentions weren't pure.
"Oh? This is one of those dirty books, isn't it?" He cooed. Of course, as fate would have it, he had turned up during one of the smut scenes in the book. He knew she read filth, had an entire collection of smut ridden books, but this time in particular he felt rather smug about catching her.
"They're all dirty books." She drawled, turning the book so he could see better. He had a one track mind though, and turned his face to bury in her neck with a deep exhale. If he was being honest, he had been aching all day. Y/N had teased him slightly over text and he knew coming home that she would be in his shirt, looking so soft and familiar, he simply wanted to bury himself in her and never leave. Getting to see her so warm and relaxed, it did things to him.
"I have a better idea." He murmured into her skin, kissing the smoothness of her neck. "Why don't we have our own fun, hm? Been gone all day, wanting to come home... and you're reading' about other people having sex." He grunted, slipping his hand under her shirt, nosing at her like a needy pup.
"Well, yes." Y/N laughed through her nose. "I do tend to do that. I enjoy reading some tasteful sex scenes. Beautifully written ones. Is that so wrong?"
"Never said it was wrong, sweetness. Just said the obvious. M'home now, you don't need to read about it." His hand found her breast as his kisses moved up towards her jaw, sloppy with his movements and smearing the wet kisses over the curve of it. "You can experience anything y'want with me. M'ready to role-play, even. Just let me into that pretty pussy, and I'll make all those dreams come true, off the paper."
Of course Y/N knew she was fighting a losing battle- one she very clearly wanted to lose, based off of the sudden awareness of him in between her thighs and his fingers gently plucking her nipple. He liked to beg for it a little bit, though, so she sighed. "I dunno, H. This scene is really good. Maybe you'll just have to wait." The tone of her voice sounded serious but they both knew the game. This was part of it.
"Please, baby?" He whined. "Just a taste of it? Or... can let me warm myself inside of you." His teeth nibbled under her ear, a sweet spot he knew would cause damage to her resolve, sucking on the skin. Y/N felt it between her thighs. That familiar pulsing, her clit beginning to swell, her hole beginning to leak. Harry had quite the effect on her every single time, but hearing him beg always did it to her.
"Please, jus' let me make us feel good. Know you love t'be nice and full, can have it stuffed in you in just a few minutes... get you to feel it in your tummy, baby." He pleaded. "Cmon. Can make it so good for you. Missed feeling you wrapped around me all day, didn't get enough of you this morning." A horny thing he really was. "Can't help that you feel so good that I need you all the time, but m'dying for it. Been thinking about it all day long, just let me slide in." He continued with the begging, slipping his hand back down to the band of her panties.
When Y/N didn't tell him off, he slipped his digits between her thighs and let out a strangled moan. "Fuck me, baby. You're dripping." He whimpered. "Please, let me have it. Let me feel you around my cock, babylove. It aches, you're the only way to fix it." He was getting desperate, rubbing against her thigh as his fingers slid up and down her wet slit. "M'begging you, my love. Let me in."
"Okay, baby. Okay." Y/N laughed at his desperation. "You can slip inside, but you can't move until I finish this chapter." Harry didn't need further instruction, slipping his pants off and tugging her panties to the side with impatience. It took him but a few seconds to do it, spreading her legs open as he turned her on her side so he was spooning her from behind and letting himself in. Slowly pressing the ruddy, leaking tip of his cock through the soaked folds of her puffy cunt and finding her hole, notching against it before pressing inside.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you." His whimper was vibrated against her ear, making her clench slightly around him. He was truly desperate for it, letting her stretch as he sunk in inch by inch and rested his head against her cheek, hand going back up her shirt. "I'll be good. Promise."
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adventuringblind · 9 months
Pleaseeee part two of media relations!!!
Maybe J*s’ texts and comments to reader get brought up and Mac and Charles get all protective (maybe time skip with a mini verstappen 👀)
- 📚 @ireadthensuetheauthors
Media Relations Part Two
Max Verstappen x Reader
Genre: angst
Summary: Max and Charles get protective when Jos goes a bit to far.
Warnings: Jos Verstappen, lestappen if you squint, rough pregnancy and birth,
Notes: Reminder that I'm not a doctor :)
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Charles had mixed feelings about the whole situation. Angry that Ferrari and Redbull screwed over his sister and friend. Happy that they don’t have to pretend to be in love anymore. Sad that she moved out of his apartment and into Max’s. Now he adds confused to his list.
The two had come over to his apartment for dinner. He wanted to show his appreciation for his sister and what she'd tried to do for him regardless of if falling through.
The female, though, had been anxiously eyeing her phone screen. It had buzzed a few times against the table, but she hadn't picked it up. It looked like she was even getting farther away from it.
When she excused herself, Charles jumped on the opportunity. "Is she okay? She's been acting a bit strangley."
Max sighs and stares at her empty place at the table. "She insists everything is fine, but you and I have known her long enough to see when something is off." Max looks at Charles, and the Monegasque can see the worry on his face. "She's been eating less and has barely touched her phone. She hasn't talked to anyone outside of me or you in a while."
"Yes, I know. My mother is getting worried about her."
Both of them had come to the conclusion that it's possible she's just going through a rough patch.
It's crazy how things change over the course of a year. Her and Max had been flourishing. Absolutely in love.
Max had been planning on proposing. Even going to Charles to ask his blessing.
The Dutch had yet to learn that plans change on a whim. That when he found his hopefully soon to be fiance crying on the bathroom floor of his hotel room his world would be changed again.
He sets himself down onto the floor and pulls her into him.
��I’m sorry.” She whimpers, handing Max a plastic stick. Ten of them, actually.
“You’re pregnant?”
She starts sobbing again but Max feels the opposite. He’s all smiles and warmth.
It’s not shocking she’s upset. Not to him, at least. She’s been on the receiving end of hate over the last year. Someone had leaked that they were originally doing this for a contract. Another reason Max wants to marry her. Help her insecurities about the whole thing.
“There is no reason to apologize.” He kisses her head.
“Your not mad at me? What if this is another distraction?”
“Another distraction? Where did you get that idea?”
She freezes. Her chest was barely moving. “No reason - just my brain being dumb." She starts wiping her tears away, but Max moves her hands aside and does it for her.
"Marry me?"
“Marry me, please.” It was supposed to be romantic. He’ll make it romantic eventually. But as he stares at the smile on her face and shine in her eyes, he knew he made the right choice/
Charles was the first to know. She’d called him much more excited then when Max had found her on the floor. She had yet to tell him about the threats she’d been receiving. He had his own things to worry about, specially with the contract leak. She didn’t want to bother him with her problems.
She’s two months in and laying on the floor in Charles apartment waiting for Max to come get her. “Charlie, what if this is a bad idea?”
Charles looks up from his phone. “What is a bad idea?”
“Max, the baby, everything I’ve ever done in my life.” She sighs.
Charles rolls his eyes at her. “You used to never ask these questions. I think there is something else going on.”
“Nothing at all.”
Charles once again want to push for answers. She got better for a while. Now she’s worse again. The truth is that mental health is not a straight road and he knows that, but he wishes for nothing more then his sister to communicate with him.
Four months now. She’s struggling worse then she ever has been. She loves Max with every fiber of her being. Yet she can’t bring herself to tell him the vile things Jos whispers to her when he’s not around or the texts she receives whenever he catches wind of what they do in their off time.
She’s struggling with the pregnancy in and it’s only been three months. She’s had to stay with her mother while Max is traveling. The doctor keeping a close eye on her.
She didn’t want to be a problem while he’s working. Maybe that’s the reason he’s dominating right now. She’s not there to Interfere.
She knows Max loves her. It’s what she clings to daily. The reason she pulls herself together every morning despite the fans and Jos.
It’s the thought that puts her to sleep as she curls up in bed and dreams of him.
Jos leaves with a huff when he gets no response.
Is the pain supposed to be this bad? Where’s her phone? Everything is fuzzy and if she could just find someone who could help her maybe she’d be okay.
But the exhaustion hits to soon. The floor becoming her new home.
Seven months. She’s going to see him race seven months pregnant. It’s the last race before summer break. She wanted to see at least one race before they go on holiday.
That’s how she got herself here. Standing in hospitality with Jos Verstappen.
She needs Max. Jos had been not so subtly telling her she shouldn’t be here. She’d turned her brain off after the first paragraph.
Her water had broken after the second.
She needs Max. Or Charles. Or literally anyone at this point.
“Are you even listening to me?!” When did he get so close? She’s three months early so the stress of the situation must have cause an early labor. It doesn’t help that she’s not listening and the feeling of liquid on her leg isn’t helping.
“Charles! Have you seen your sister anywhere?” Max gets the Monegasque’s attention.
Charles spins on his heels to face him. “She was in the Redbull garage last time I heard from her. Have you tried hospitality?”
“No, not yet. Might be a bit stupid for that one.” He chuckles.
“Mind if I come with? She looked pale when I left her before the race.”
“Only if you’re okay with the stares.” They both laugh and chat on the way. Since the female Leclerc has become a common factor between them, they’ve grown into quite the pair themselves.
They walk leisurely together through the paddock until Max catches sight of his father. The older male stomps in their direction.
"Tell that girl of yours to be more respectful." He shoves past Max and continues his fit straight through the lines of people.
Max rolls his eyes. His fiancé hadn't hesitated to stand up to his father in the past when it came to him. She was willing to fight anyone for people she cares about. Most likely, that's what happened.
Though there is a feeling in his gut that something else is going on. He and Charles now jog to the entrance.
Why are there so many people around?
His eyes fall to the figure on the floor, and he freezes. Clueless on what to do.
"We've called an ambulance for her." Says somone in the area. He can't tell who. Everyone's voices are swimming.
Charles' hand on his shoulder shakes him from his trance. Max's body is kneeling next to her in seconds.
Charles is calling his mother. She knows everything about her recent medical history forwards and backward.
"She's in labor, I think." Says a different female.
Labor? She's three months early. His mind is reeling, and he knows he needs to get a grip.
He looks at Charles for any sort of support, but the Monegasque is ranting in reach over the phone. Charles does catch his gaze, however, sliding to the floor on the other side of her.
It feels like an eternity until the ambulance gets there. Then Max and Charles are driving to meet her there.
Of course, it's the one week they are in a different country with no family around. He'd texted Christian, the Austrian was more than understanding. He even said he can't wait to meet the mini Verstappen.
The realization hadn't sunk in that he's going to become a father here shortly. "Charles I'm going to be a dad."
"And I'm going to be an uncle. We've known this for a while, mate." Charles is smiling, but Max can see the fear behind his eyes. Passing out is never a good sign.
Max is brought back to her room immediately. Charles had to wait for now until she could give permission. Apperently, she'd woken up screaming for Max.
It was too late for any kind of pain medication. The labor was induced by stress. Things didn't look like they should, and Max was panicking when they told him.
They get him sanitized so he can go in the room, and he dosen't know what to do. So he does the one thing he knows how to do and holds her hand.
"Max, it hurts so much." He can see the sweat and tears in her eyes.
It's long and tiring on her end.
But the sound of her baby's cries are all worth it.
Charles gets to go see them hours later when she's cleaned up. She looks exhausted when he peeks in the door. The baby lays peacefully on her chest.
Max is sitting next to her, waving him in with a massive grin.
"Charlie." She whispers. "Meet Jules." A baby boy is handed over to him and he dosen't know what to do with himself.
"How are you feeling?"
"Tired and sore. Where is maman?"
"She'll be here as soon as she can." He smooths some hair out if her face.
"Charles, can I talk to you outside for a moment?" The Monegasque nods his head and hands the tiny body back to his sister.
Him and Max step outside the door, it shutting behind them with a small click.
"They said it was a stress induced labor. She suffered immensely because of it. Both her and the baby are going to need extra care for a little bit." Max explains.
Charles can hear the waiver in his voice. "Stress from what? The race ended perfectly." Charles taps his chin. His brain trying to think back.
"Do you - do you think it could have been my dad?" Max asks. Teary-eyed and exhausted, the Dutch doesn't know what else it could be.
"You don't think?-"
Max creeps back out of the room a second later. His lover and son asleep on the bed.
He clutches her phone in his hand. "I don't like invading her privacy."
"She's been scared of her phone for around two years now. I think we need to look for her safety and health."
Max unlocks the phone and sees a million unread messages. The majority is from an unsaved number.
Max keels over when he reads them. It's his dad's number. He'd texted his dad when the baby was delivered. He's coming to the hospital shortly to visit.
He feels idiotic. How had he not caught this sooner?
Charles helps Max back to his feet. "My dad's been sending her threats. Convincing her not to come to races. Telling her my success is better when she's not around to distract me." Saying the words out loud makes him feel sick again.
Charles takes the phone from his hands and scrolls through the messages so he disent have too. "I don't like how he calls the baby a parasite." He scrunchs up his nose in disgust.
Charles turns off the phone and grabs Max by the shoulders. "You cannot blame yourself for this. It's your dad, and you are not him. You are gentle and kind, and you've treated my sister better than I could've asked for." Max dries his eyes and nods his head.
She and his son both need him now.
Everything hurts. Her body feels weak and exhausted. But her mind hasn't been this elated in months.
Jules is lying on her chest. The name was something her and Charles fought over. Having then losing their godfather made them both want it. So it was decided that whoever had a child first gets the name.
Why does everything hurt so much? Charles and Max had to run back to the track to get their stuff but promised they'd be right back. That was twenty minutes ago, meaning they'll be back shortly.
When there's a knock at the door, she's surprised. Maybe her nap was longer then she thought?
Then, a familiar unfriendly face appears inside. "You had one job."
"Please get out."
"I told you to get rid of that thing." He snarls. Her mind is reeling, and the shouting wakes the baby.
She's crying as well, and his antics are doing nothing for her pain. Her heart rate was going up. She could hear it on the monitor.
She's frozen. The pain she felt from their last encounter back in full force.
She screams this time its so bad.
Max and Charles come running in the room. She didn't know how long she'd been screaming, but it was enough that people had heard.
Charles runs back out, yelling the word security.
Max's voice is fuzzy, but he's here. Her heart calmed with his presence. The beeping noise now less intense.
There are a few nurses around. One to take the baby, which makes her panic again. Another is to get her to breathe and give her something for the pain.
"You need to leave. I know what you've been doing now." Max seethes. He doesn't raise his voice, but he doesn't need to. His tone is enough to say everything and more.
They start speaking in Dutch. She can't keep up with it. She's too busy attempting to get Jules back anyway. Jos had threatened to take the baby a few times and being sperated like this with him in the room was doing nothing for her anxiety.
Charles comes back with security, who escort him out of the building. The room goes silent as he leaves.
"I told him never to speak to us again." Max is breathing heavily, and for a moment, she thinks she misheard. "I told him what he did is unforgivable, and he is never to speak to us again."
They both cry this time. The nurses leave them, and Charles is left holding Jules until the two calm down.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't want to ruin your relationship with him." She chokes. "I didn't want to be a hindrance for you or another problem to worry about."
All the hate she's received the past few years is not something she'd ever wish on someone. She just wants to live peacefully with her family.
"You have no reason to apologize. None of that is on you. They are jealous of you, and my dad is plain evil."
Max leans his forehead against hers. "We have our own little family now. I don't care what anyone has to say, I'm going to fight for it always."
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mina-saiyat · 3 months
Twice Interactive Story Part 1088-1119.5 Blame It on Me (Jihyo, Mina, Dahyun)
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Seeing your shoulder injured, you know it's not appropriate that you join the meeting with designer, you text Jihyo, and you can't join her and let her make the decision of the fitting out.
You then drive back home to get changed and take care of your wound. It's really hurts, you remove your clothes immediately, prevent your wound from becoming more serious. You sneak into the bathroom when nobody notices.
You look at the mirror, seeing the teeth imprint that Nayeon left, you are thinking how could you cover to other girls. As after Jihyo's return, all of you agreed to be naked anytime at home. It will be obvious if you wear clothes suddenly.
First things first, I disinfect my wound. I then decided to tell them a version of the truth, that I met Nayeon, and I had a talk with her that ended in her biting me. I'll send Jihyo a message asking how everything is going afterward.
'How would Nayeon eooni bite you so hard? Oppa, what did you talk about?' Dahyun helps you to check the wound. 'Nayeon eooni has texted me in advance, but I did not expect it to look that serious.'
Mina sits next to you and kisses your cheek, 'It must be hurt.' Mina worried about you. 'Boss, is there anything Minari can do to make you feel better?'
You squeeze Mina's tits as you check your phone, Jeongyeon texts you again. 'You find Nayeon again?'
I ignore the text for now. "Thanks for worrying about me, Mina, but I'm fine now." I look to Dahyun trying not to get distracted by her body. "You forget she has bunny teeth, Dubu. She can bite pretty hard, too. We talked about a lot of things, but in the end, she hugged me and used that as an opportunity to bite me."
"Nayeon eooni really hate you, isn't?' Dahyun says as she disinfects your wound.
'Maybe a little pain, oppa.' Dahyun days as she prepares to cover your wound with gauze.
'Let Minari help you, boss.' Mina says as she pushes her nipple in your mouth let you have something to bite if you are in pain.
'Ahh...' Mina moans as you start teasing her nipple with your tongue, the moan and the sight of Dahyun's tits bounce make you hard instantly.
'Oppa... Aren't you injured? Why is it...' Dahyun blushes as your erected cock is poking her.
"We're lucky this didn't happen earlier, Dubu. I have two beautiful women taking care of me, I'm surprised I didn't get hard earlier. I could definitely use some help with it." I say the last part as my hands reach both of their asses, squeezing them softly.
'But you are injured,  oppa...' Dahyun looks worried, although she keeps allowing you to squeeze their ass.
'Boss, we will help you, but no penetration, ok?' Mina says while starting to jerk you. Your body jerks and starts sucking Mina's nipple again.
Seeing you started already, Dahyun sighs and kneels. She swallows your balls while her hands go for your nipples. The way her teases you makes you become harder.
"Oh, thank you two," I moan. I lift my head and kiss Mina, while my hand cups Dahyun's cheek. "You're both so good to me. I'll make sure to repay you." I squish Dahyun's cheek softly.
'Now the most important thing is recovering, boss, don't hold on and just cum when you want.' Mina caresses your cheek and kisses you again.
You enjoy their services and thrust your hips to follow Dahyun's rhythm. You look down to Dahyun, don't wanna make her feel being left out. 'Oh, Dahyun, yes, there...' Dahyun smiles as she hear your compliments
Your phone keeps buzzing, Jeongyeon keeps booming you. it looks like Nayeon did tell her a lot of things.
I follow along with Mina and Dahyun. I tell them I'm going to cum. Decide that after they finish patching me up, I'll check my phone.
You finish on Dahyun's face finally, you lay back on the couch, admiring your work, two types of white on her face make her look lewd, you pat her head, looking Dahyun expertly cleaning your shaft, reminding how panicked she was when you cummed on her face for the first time, she really grown a lot.
Mina keeps looking at you and Dahyun, debating should she join Dahyun or cuddle with you. She finally decides to help you with the wound. She finishes the last few steps and cuddle with you.
'No sex tonight, boss.' Mina whispers to you while you finally have time to check Jeongyeon's messages.
'Why did you still find Nayeon? And even go to her parent's home? Are you crazy?'
'I told you before, stay away from her. You are just making her mad and sad again.'
It seems Nayeon did not tell the sex part to her, Mina leans forward and wonders who are you texting with, 'Is it Jihyo? Focus on me instead.'
"No, it's not, Mina. Are you worried or jealous?" I ask while pinching her cheek. "It’s Nayeon's roommate. They messaged me a while ago, and right now, they're angry that I bumped into her today. It's nothing to worry about." I respond to Jeongyeon saying it's not my fault that I bumped into her before putting my phone away for the moment. "Dahyun, you should clean yourself up. Let me help." I get up, carrying Mina and grab some towels to clean Dahyun.
You help Dahyun clean her face, and she gets in your arm. Both of the girls stay in your arms, and three of you are watching the TV while waiting for Jihyo back so you could have dinner together.
You are still texting with Jeongyeon. She seems really angry about what you did today, however, she doesn't know that everytime that you two have communications, she would leak some clue for you, so you wouldn't be hesitant to talk with her.
'Has you ever feel ashamed? How dare you want to be with her again? You are not loving her, you just want to own her.'
"What about you? You say you care about her, but the way you acted the other day doesn't really show that." I message back. I rest my head on Dahyun's chest. "What should we eat today? I ask, trying to think about something else while I wait for a response.
'It would be good that you cook something, but boss, you are injured. Maybe we can order some takeaway when Jihyo is back.' Mina kisses your forehead.
Your phone buzzes again, Jeongyeon replies' Whatever you say couldn't change the fact, I am now regret that I have ever curious about what a men's cock can do. No matter who's name Nayeon moans, the one who is having sex with her is me.'
You smirk and take a photo of your semi-harden cock to Jeongyeon, 'You think the size of your finger can compare to my cock?'
'It's thick... but who knows can you last for minutes.' Jeongyeon replies with a disgusted tone. 'And don't send me again, I don't want my phone being polluted.'
"I already know you want it, that's enough for me." I respond, adding a face sticking out its tongue. I put my phone down for the moment, "I guess you're right. I guess we should just relax." I kiss Mina and Dahyun, making sure each woman was out of breath before breaking the kiss.
'Both Nayeon and I won't need your cock, we can satisfy each other. Just go to your whores if you are horny.' Jeongyeon still acts cool in the reply, but you know your cock has leave a deep impression for Jeongyeon. You put down your phone and focus on the girls in your arms again. You keep both of them deeply, until they are out of breath, wanting them to feel you are paying equal attention to them.
Jeongyeon looks at the photo of your cock, and whispers 'It's the largest cock that I have seen... How came Nabong can adopt such a monster in her body...'
You play with both of their tits and chat with them, waiting for Jihyo's return so you can have dinner. 'I'm back, everyone!' You could the door open, and Jihyo is back. She immediately started to strip down after she closed the door. Your eyes were attached to her bouncing tits when she removed her clothes. Jihyo knows you are starring, she bites her lips and winks at you. Both of you love teasing until Jihyo finds you are injured.
'Are you injured Y/N? Your wound looks so bad, what happened?'
"I ran into Nayeon, and she bit me." I say before explaining what went on. "Dahyun and Mina helped me treat the wound, though. I'm fine, really. How did everything go with you?"
'If you sure that's OK, it will be fine.' Jihyo comes and kisses your forehead while her tits shake again right in front of your eye. You admire the beautiful site again, and you see her smirks.
Jihyo goes to her back and takes out the floor plan, 'Well, I have discussed some plans with the designer for connecting our units, but unfortunately you missed it, I don't know it's because of Nayeon or what, but yeah the designer will wait for your opinions before the final design.'
I over the floor plans, "This looks good. During the next meeting, we'll get all this solidified." I kiss Jihyo. "This is great." I look at Dahyun and Mina with excitement. "This is great." I repeat. "Oh right, I nearly forgot. We were going to order some food. What did we want to eat?" I ask the three women.
'Pizza, chicken?' Dahyun looks happy when she talks about the food.
'Then we will need beer too, I guess.' Jihyo smirks, and she starts to call the restaurant.
You are looking at the plan again. Connecting two units can provide at least 3 more rooms. With you further dividing the living room of Jihyo's flats, you could get an extra 2 rooms, and 1 could be used as the game room for Mina, which you promised her before.
You are calculating how many rooms you will need for the girls. Besides the girls living with you, Momo, Sana, and Chaeyoung would also need to be considered. Mina hugs you when you are thinking, 'Really a game room for Minari, boss? I love you!' Mina says as she kisses your cheek deeply.
I pat her back while I make sure everything looks good. “I’ll be using the room to Mina. Playing games is fun.” I get up to hand the plans back to Jihyo. “This is going to be great, Jihyo.” I cup her cheeks and give her a kiss on the forehead.
Jihyo blows you a kiss and tells you to keep quite as she is ordering. 'Yeah, I would like a pizza...' You let her finish the job and back to your room rest for a while before the food comes.
You take out your phone, Nayeon did not say anything, such as asking how your wound is. You are a little bit disappointed, and you change to the chat with Sana and Momo, telling them that you are going to give a big surprise to her.
You eventually fall asleep until you feel someone snaked on your bed, you barely open your eye, and you find that it is Dahyun. 'Is the food arrived, Dahyun?' You ask.
Dahyun nods and adjusts herself in a more comfortable position. It seems she has no intention to wake up with you.
I bring Dahyun closer to me, "we have to get up to eat Dubu." I give her  small kiss on the lips before trying to get up.
'Umm... Oppa, let me have you just a while.' Dahyun rubs your chest with her head and hugs you tighter.
You pat her head and hug you for a little longer before eventually getting her up. 'Time for dinner, Dubu.' You kiss her again and get her in your arms, slowly walking back to the living room.
Mina and Jihyo are setting up the table for the food. However, both of them are wearing a bathrobe, maybe because they need to get the food from the deliveryman. Seeing their naked body for so long, you found that they are wearing something is more attractive than they are fully naked.
'You finally wake up, boss.' Mina comes and kisses you. 'The deliveryman looked at us so horny, Minari is very afraid.' You look down at her bathrobe. It's really normal that men would get hard by seeing they wearing this outfit.
'Finished your snack before dinner, Dahyun?' Jihyo smirks.
'Jihyo eooni!' Dahyun blushes and covers her face.
"We just cuddled Jihyo." I nudge Dahyun,"but if you wanted a snack, I would've given you one Dubu." I walk over to Mina and hug her, "I'd never let anything happen to you." I look over at Dahyun and Jihyo, "that goes for all of you, too."
'Oh, so maybe next time I don't need to wear a bathrobe?' Jihyo smirks while start undressing again. Mina follows and asks you to help her undress.
You carefully remove her bathrobe, your hands running through her smooth skin, the feeling is so good that you even don't want to leave, Mina gives you a shy smile as she sees you can't control herself. 'No sex tonight, boss. Minari won't help you if you get hard.' Mina whispers to you.
Jihyo sits down and starts eating the good, 'Yeah, I have discussed with Mina, no sex until you have recovered. We don't want your wound to become worse. Dahyun ar, remember to refuse Y/N if he want sex, ok?.'
"Alright, fine, no sex," I say as I begin eating. "It is nice to be able to eat with everyone, though. I bet Chaeyoung would be jealous, right Dubu?"
'Hehe, poor Chae.' Mina smirks. You know Mina seems to have a little interest in Chaeyoung, especially since they have had sex before. Nothing you could really do, either you would believe Chaeyoung would steal Mina away from you.
'Oppa, Chaeyoung is going to graduate this summer. Do you think she will come to Seoul and live with us?' Dahyun asks.
'Isn't she studying art? Maybe an artist would prefer staying in the countryside so they can have more inspiration.' Jihyo says as she drinks the beer. ' No, you can't drink it. You are injured.' She says as she sees you looking at the beer in her hand.
"That part doesn't make any sense," I say as I grab some beer and drink it before anyone can stop me. After I do that, I continue speaking. "We'll have to ask Chaeyoung if she wants to stay here or not."
'We do have enough rooms from Chaeyoung, so Dahyun, you won't need to share a room with her. But it really depends, would she wanna come. Maybe you should ask her yourself, Y/N? Can you handle all of us?' Jihyo tries to keep the beer away from you.
Mina feeds you a pizza and says,' Not drinking beer is not making sense, so no sex is making sense, boss?'
"The sex part makes a little sense if you don't want me to infect it somehow. The beer makes no sense whatsoever." I reply. I take a deep breath, "I guess I could call Chaeyoung, but I'll do it after the meal." I start feeding Mina and after a few bites I do the same for Jihyo.
All of you finish the dinner, you try to help them to clean the table, but they stop you and tell you to get some rest instead. You decide to call Chaeyoung at this free time, you back to your room and start the video call.
It's weekend night. Probably, Chaeyoung is chilling at a bar with her friends. The call is connected very soon, 'Hi, Chaeyoung, everything is all good?' You ask, it seems she is going out, as you see the portrait you drew for her, she should be at home right now.
You can hear she is playing the guitar, maybe a song that written by her own. 'Hi, Oppa. Miss my tiny cunt, don't you?'
"Yes, of course. No, I'm calling about if you want to move back in once you graduate. We're making big moves here"
'I don't know, I am thinking should I be a more independent people in the future. I am not a kid anymore, I should not always rely on you like when I was a kid. I will think about it, but I wouldn't mind you leaving a room for me.' Chaeyoung is still playing the guitar. Her voice is a bit shake, you can hear that she is drinking alcohol, maybe she is a little drunk.
'I miss you too, Oppa, both you and your cock.'
"I miss you, Chaeyoung." I stop for a moment to laugh. "We'll try to leave you a room. I can't guarantee Dahyun won't try to get another one for herself." I get serious for a moment. "I'd really like to have you here, Chae. Oh, and be careful not to drink too much."
'It's fine, plus I am at home, it's ok.' Chaeyoung drinks a little of soju again. 'Alcohol gives me more inspiration, I have written a song. Do you wanna be my first listener?'
You nod and enjoy her music, seeing her fully focused on the guitar. You have a feeling that she has grown up again.
'Do you like the song, oppa?' After she finished, she asked. You are thinking about the meaning of the lyrics.
"Yeah, I like it. Chae, I know you want to be independent, but I want you around." I pause for a moment, not sure what else to say. Deciding to change the subject, I bring up Mina, "Hey, Chae. Mina told me what you guys did together." I say with a laugh.
'No Way! Why did Mina eooni tell you!' Chaeyoung releases a tiger roar. 'Oppa, would you be sad that I slept with your secretary?' She looks at you shyly.
'I told you I think Mina eonni is hot before, and you didn't allow me to get close with her. So I...'
'Would you mind I date with Mina eooni, Damn I really like her, she's so cute and so hot at the same time. I am already wet when I recall her moan.' Chaeyoung says as her hands going down to her clit.
"Well, I'm not sure she would date you when Dubu is so close. You might lose to her." I reply.
'No! Mina eooni won't leave me for Dahyun eooni! I am living with you ok, Oppa?' Chaeyoung roars again. You don't understand why Chaeyoung is so addicted to Mina, perhaps you are addicted to Mina either.
'Sure, Chae. You always got a room here, but I wouldn't guarantee anything, cause you know, the one who Mina loves is me.' You tease her.
'Of course, Minari loves boss.' The door opened, and Mina came in, she hugged you from the back. 'You asking will Chae Chae moves in with us, boss?'
'Long time no see, Chae Chae. I miss you so much.' Mina says to Chaeyoung on the phone.
'Min... Mina eonni...' Chaeyoung blushes and tries to cover her face, you did not expect Chaeyoung would act so shy before Mina. You get Mina in your arms and waiting for Chaeyoung's reply.
'I will be back soon, Mina eooni, wait for me. Goodnight, oppa.' Chaeyoung ends the call in embarrassment.
I roar with laughter. "You made Chae really shy, Mina." I give her a kiss, "I think that she'll be moving in, Mina.  I told her about how I know what you did with her and how Dahyun may steal you away."
'No, boss. Minari will always be with you. Nobody gonna take me away from you. They are just younger sisters for me.' Mina looks up at you.
You kiss her again when you hear her confession, 'You gonna hurt Chae's heart, haha?' You tease Mina after you break the kiss.
'No, boss. You are No. 1, and Chae Chae is No.2. Minari really loves you. Would boss sleep with Minari tonight?'
"But I'll get hard if I sleep with you. I can't let that happen, Mina, because what am I going to do then?" I tease while giving her another kiss. "You're too sexy."
'Then boss you better sleep on sofa until you recover.' Mina pretends to be angry and take your pillows out. As Mina doesn't have her own room in here, she could usually sleep in your room, even if you sleep with Jihyo or Dahyun that night.
You grab her arms and make her stay, 'No, Mina, please. I am just joking.'
'I know.' Mina giggles and flaps her hair in a seductive way. 'I know I am too hot to handle.'
I get hard seeing Mina act seductively. I look down toward my crotch. "I told you. Too sexy." I leave to the bathroom to deal with it before making my way back.
You are sitting on the water closet and checking your phone, as the girls seem not willing to have sex with you before you recover. You need to handle it yourself. You open the secret folder of your phone and open the lewd video that Sana sent you before. You never expected one day you would need to jerk to the video.
Mina comes in the bathroom and dressed with a sexy pajamas 'Has Mommy told you can't have sex until you are recover? And now you are secretly jerking to other bitches in toilet, horny boy?' Mina playfully slaps your face, it's not hurt, but Mina being dominant is kind of a new experience for you, when you hear Mina calling herself Mommy, you got hornier, you keep jerking even she told you to stop.
'Still fapping to that bitch? Should I call her to come here now? Seeing how horny you are?' Mina grabs your jaw and force you to look at her.
I grab Mina's waist and pull her onto my lap, my cock resting between her legs. I whisper, "Mommy? If you want to call yourself that I can make you a mommy, Mina." My hands start to run across her body, squeezing her soft flesh.
'Boss, you wanna be a daddy, and pump your cum in me?' Mina looks right into your eyes, she changes from mommy to your girlfriend within a second, but then she become dominant again.
'Who allows you to touch mommy? How dare you?' Mina grabs your jaw tighter and licks your lips. 'You are really horny and wanna give a baby to Mommy? But you are not gonna cum without Mommy's permission.'
Mina uses one of her hands to slowly stroke your cock, another hand get your phone and ask, 'Why would you save the nudes from the bitch in your phone? Only Mommy can fuck you.'
My hands move down to Mina's ass and I start teasing her; playing with her asshole. "The same goes for you. I'll make sure you don't get to cum until I say so."
You can feel Mina's body shakes when your finger enter her ass. 'No...' She whispers.
Mina tries to resist, and she slaps you again, but you do not stop. Instead, you hold her closer and keep play with her body.
'You haven't answered why you would have that... Sana's video on your phone. What did you two do secretly?' Mina let out a moan and watched at Sana's video in your phone, Sana's moan is filling the toilet.
'Not... here... Let's back to the room... They will know what we do in here. We can't let them know Minari is having sex with you.' Mina seems fails in the role play as a dominant mommy and return to the submissive one.
"Oh? But I thought that I couldn't have sex?" I reply with a devilish smile. I stop teasing Mina for the moment. "Are you going to have sex with me? That would be breaking your rule."
'But Minari wanna be a mommy for boss. Minari wants to have family with boss...' Mina's body keeps shaking as your finger keeps thrusting in her ass.
'Just don't let Jihyo know... Boss, let Minari Born a baby for you.' Mina kisses you and returns you the phone. 'We are breaking the rules just once. If boss has the need, don't watch Sana's video, Minari will prepare for you.'
"Jihyo's going to be mad at you if she finds out, Mina. Maybe I should ask Dahyun," I say to tease her a little. I add another finger inside Mina's ass. "Does my little Minari have a sensitive ass?"
After inserting the third finger, you could just barely move your fingers as it's too tight. Mina's face becomes more red. She nearly loses control of herself, but she still wants to make you feel good. She keeps the motion of her hand and makes you release another groan.
'It's for your good that we don't have sex with you, boss. But Minari is happy that boss always get hard for Minari. Ah...' Mina kisses you again as she confesses.
'Minari will help boss by hand now and then we will do it in the room after they sleep. Minari wants a baby tonight, boss.' Mina's moan becomes quicker. It seems that she is near her orgasm by just playing her ass.
I use my other hand to play with her clit, so I get to watch her cum in front of me. "Fine by me. I'll just have to wait."
'Ah!!! Boss, no!' You play with Mina's clit and ass at the same time and you just watch her squirter on your lap. Her juices splash all over your lower body, some even on your cock.
Seeing Mina's squirtiing, you feel you are close to orgasm either. Your cock starts to throb in Mina's hands despite she starts to slow down the speed as she is recovering from the orgasm, 'Mina, I am close, faster!'
'No, boss, Minari loves this dress, don't cum on it.' Mina slowly gets up and kneels in front of you, aiming your tips to her face. 'Cum on Minari's face instead, boss.' Mina looks at you will an innocent face make you even turned on.
'Boss, you can record you cum on Minari's face, so you don't need Sana's video.' Mina says she points at your phone.
I pull up my phone and record cumming on Mina's pretty face, "You're such a good girl for me Mina."
'Minari will always be a good girl, can boss rewards Minari a baby? slurp slurp…' Mina looks right into the camera as she starts to clean your shaft, your cum on her face make her look more needy.
It's the first time that you having a sex tape, looking at Mina through the screen of your phone is a bit weird, but also makes you feel more excited, especially Jihyo or Dahyun may find you and Mina anytime.
You pat Mina's head and slap her face with your cock before you end the recording. 'I love this video so much, Mina. You will be such a great actor under my camera.'
Mina blushes as she hears your compliments, 'Boss can record it every time, Mianri is fine about it. Minari hopes the video is better than Sana's.'
You did not response which of them is better, you just helped her to clean before leaving the bathroom.
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shadesslut · 10 months
loving her was red, pt 3
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Pairing: Dark!Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
Content Includes: Smut, drinking
Summary: As Ethan gets her back, he realizes how harder it's going to be to keep her safe.
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7
Ethan had a plan. He was going to one, get Y/N back, and two, kill that motherfucker Chad. That night after Y/N ended things with Ethan, he started planning out strategies. He had multiple ways to try to get her back, but he was full of anxiety, afraid it wouldn’t work. He texted Anika and asked if everyone was still going to the party the next day, and to her knowledge she said yes. Now, at this point, he wanted to try and patch things up with Chad, regain his trust and friendship. 
Chad was sat on the edge of his bed, slipping his old cowboy boots on. He sighed as he glanced at himself in his mirror. He was clad in a tan cowboy hat, an old faded red bandana that sat around his neck, and blue jeans. Normally, he would be confident in himself being shirtless, but after the event that happened the previous night, he wasn’t feeling so confident. 
He sent a text to Mindy telling her he was on his way to pick her and Anika up. He huffed as he heard a knock on his door, standing up and swiftly opening the door. He was met with Ethan who had a nervous expression shown on his face. 
“Hey, can we talk?” 
Chad looked at him with a blank state. “I don’t want to talk to you.” 
Chad walked around him and headed into the kitchen, Ethan following behind. “Look, I get that you hate me and rightfully so,” Ethan started as Chad reached into the fridge for a beer. “I’m really sorry, and if it makes it any better I stopped seeing her.” Chad slammed the fridge door shut and twisted the lid off the bottle. He looked at Ethan as he took a swig. 
“I care more about our friendship, Chad. I was an idiot.” 
Chad nodded as he took another sip, which led to Ethan trying to hold back a smile. 
“You’re my best friend. No girl is more important.” It was all lies, she was more important than Chad. She was more important than everything. 
Chad leaned his back against the counter as he thought about what Ethan said. “You’re my best friend too,” Chad said. Ethan looked at him and smiled cheerfully. 
“But, what you did was fucked up. You said you wouldn’t do anything, and literally right after, I walk in on your tongue shoved down her throat.”  
Ethan looked down as he nodded. “You’re right, but when you told me about your crush, we were already seeing each other. I should’ve told you, I just didn’t want to hurt your feelings.” 
Chad sighed at Ethan’s words. He blinked rapidly trying to make the tears go away. “You’re done with her? Even as friends?” He asked hopefully. 
“I’m done with her. I won’t talk to her again.”
Chad solemnly smiled as he held his hand out to Ethan. Ethan took his hand and pulled him into a hug. “I missed you.” He said, patting Chad’s back. 
Chad chuckled at him as he pulled away. “It’s been one day dude.”
Ethan laughed along with him, putting his hands in his pockets. “I know, but I had to play Valorant last night without you.” 
The two laughed at Ethan’s words, like nothing even happened. Chad told him to go put his costume on so they could leave for the party, and as Ethan changed he thought of how dumb Chad was for forgiving him. 
On the way to the party, Ethan noticed Mindy glancing at him the entire time. He brushed it off as Chad wrapped his arm around his shoulder. 
“Hey, Y/N said she and Tara just got there.” Anika said looking up from her phone. At the sound of her name, the two boys looked at each other awkwardly. Chad nodded at Anika. 
As the group approached the frat house, Ethan felt giddy at the thought of seeing Y/N again. He could barely hear anything as the music grew louder further into the party. He stepped around intoxicated people as he followed Anika into the kitchen, hoping to lose Chad in the process. Anika poured two shots for the both of them, handing one to Ethan. “You know I don’t drink, Anika.” he said looking into the shot.
“Just loosen up, maybe it’ll get rid of your nerves. Then you can find a girlfriend.” she squealed, drawing out the ‘d’ in ‘girlfriend’. 
He smiled embarrassedly and scrunched his nose. “I don’t need a girlfriend.” he stated as he forced himself to down the shot. Anika cheered at him and followed with downing her shot. “Where’s Y/N?” 
Anika shrugged and looked around. “Somewhere,” 
Ethan heard someone shout his name, and he whipped his head towards the sound. His face fell once he saw it was Tara. “Hey, Ethan,” she yelled once again. He nodded at her, stepping closer to her. She was wearing a cheap pirate costume, with a silky bandana on her head.
“Hi Tara, what’s up?” He answered. 
She waved at someone briefly. who passed by before turning back to Ethan. “Y/N was talking about you earlier.” 
Ethan’s eyes lit up at Tara. Of course she was talking about him; he knew that she cared about him more than just a casual hookup. This proved his theories, about her, she loved him, in the way he loved her. “I wouldn’t be smiling like that if I were you.” 
“W-Why?” Ethan stammered, now worried. 
Tara rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. “She said she wished you didn’t come, something about a fight with Chad.” Chad. He was the bane of Ethan’s existence. Oh, how he would love to plunge a knife deep in his chest. 
“Oh, well, Chad and I are good now.” 
“What happened?” she asked, smiling mischievously, leaning forward on her elbows that were resting on the counter. Ethan knew this look, Y/N did it all the time. Tara was trying to get him to fess up using her looks to her advantage; it almost worked on Ethan if he wasn’t so in love with Y/N. 
He couldn’t even answer before Y/N came rushing in after Tara. She stumbled next to her tugging on her arm. “Tara! Jesus Christ, did you tell him?” she yelled drunkenly at her. Ethan’s eyes traced over her body as the two girls argued. She was wearing her Tiffany Valentine costume like she had said, but she didn’t go into detail about how much her dress hugged her curves. Her breasts looked like they were spilling out at the top, and her ass was basically out for everyone to see. His eyes trailed down her legs, where she wore black lace stockings. God, if he could, he would absolutely ravish her on the kitchen counter.
“You literally said you didn’t care if he knew.” Tara argued with her. Y/N rolled her eyes as she groaned at her friend. She hadn’t looked at Ethan once. 
“Whatever,” Y/N said, reaching over for a bottle of liquor. Tara smiled playfully before walking away from the two, swinging her hips as she walked out. He looked back at Y/N, who was pouring the liquor in a shot glass, to the brim. 
Ethan rushed to put his hands on hers. “Woah, woah, you should pace yourself.” He warned her. She jerked her hand away from him, and glared as she downed the whole shot. She winced slightly. “Can we talk?” 
She shook her head as she began to pour another shot. He sighed as he watched her fill up the glass again. “Stop.” He said, grabbing at her hands again. She cursed at him as she tried to yank her hands away. His grip stayed strong on the glass, before she pulled really harshly on the glass. His fingers slipped on the glass causing her to pull it back towards her, spilling it on her dress. Her eyes watered as she looked up at him, then looked at her dress. 
“Y/N…I’m, I’m so sorry,” 
“You’re such a dick.” she yelled. She stormed out of the kitchen, leaving Ethan. He immediately chased after her, following her to a bathroom. She was wringing out her dress in her fists over the sink, softly crying. His eyes threatened to water as he stepped in and closed the door, locking it. 
“Get out,” she whispered. 
“No,” he argued. “I’m going to stay with you.” 
She held her head down as she cried more. “Don’t cry, it’s just a dress. I can get you a thousand dresses.” Ethan comforted her. 
“I don’t care about the stupid fucking dress.” she whined softly as he rubbed her back. “I care about you, and I don’t want to.” 
Ethan looked in the mirror at her reflection with confusion. “W-What?”
She groaned as she stepped to the side and sat on the edge of the tub. She laid her head on her knees. Ethan stood still for a moment, thinking about what to do. He hesitantly sat down next to her as his head dropped looking at his shoes. “I never meant for myself to get to this point.” 
“What point?” he asked softly. He turned his head towards her and leaned his knee over to touch hers. 
“I want you. More than friends. More than…fuck-buddies or whatever we were.” she said, raising her head up from her knees. A few tears rolled down her cheeks as she stared at him sadly. He slowly reached to take his cardboard helmet off. He held his hand up to her face to wipe away her tears. 
“There’s nothing wrong with that. I feel the same way.” Ethan said, gently stroking strands of her hair out of her face. 
She shook her head and closed her eyes. “I can’t be with you…Chad.” She admitted.
Ethan had heard enough about Chad. Chad was the reason Ethan couldn’t be happy, and now he was the reason Y/N couldn’t be happy. 
“What about Chad?” He asked.
“You know.” 
He rolled his eyes away from her. He was tired of her worrying about Chad more than him, he was the one she should have been worried about. “I don’t care about Chad.” She looked away momentarily, like she was disappointed in him. Maybe he should have said something else
“I-I mean… He told me he was over you today.” Ethan spoke in a softer tone. “Maybe we can keep it a secret? Just in case?”
She inhaled deeply at the thought. “Maybe,” she thought out loud. 
He looked at her with hope in his eyes. “Yeah?” He asked, hoping she would say yes. She looked at him, a small smile beginning to form. He scooched closer to her, hips and arms touching. He leaned his head down a bit and allowed his lips to hover slightly above hers. She looked down at his lips, and she leaned forward pressing her lips to his. 
Ethan sighed with pleasure, his hands immediately finding their way to her body. He missed this, this felt good, it felt right. She was the one for him, and he was the one for her. Their lips moved against each other in a perfect synchronized motion. He pulled away from her to catch his breath, and he looked at her disheveled state. Her lips were plump and a redder color from moments ago.
He slid off the tub onto his knees, never breaking eye contact with her. She gasped as he put his hands on her knees, slowly widening her legs. 
“Let me taste you, sweetheart,”
She nodded and allowed him to take off her stockings and panties. Ethan’s mouth opened when he saw her panties. They were a red lacy thong; he pocketed it for later. 
He slid the bottom of her dress up to her hips. She hummed softly as he stuck his face in between her thighs. He looked up at her before looking back to her pussy. He licked a stripe along her, causing her to moan. 
For a few minutes he licked and sucked, as if he was a starving man and she was a never-ending buffet. Her moans and the way she smelled started to make his pants feel tighter. He started focusing on her clit, harshly licking circles around it. She whined and grinded into his face, approaching her climax. 
He stuck two fingers inside of her, instantly curling deep in her walls as he sucked her clit. He felt herself tighten around him, and he hastily reached down to undo his pants to jerk off. 
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck,” she moaned loudly, throwing her head back. Ethan groaned into her pussy as he rubbed his tip. His fingers and mouth kept doing their work as he came in his hand; he never lasted long while he was thinking about her. She whined and gasped as she came around him. A yell of his name caused him to moan with her.
As the two got dressed, Ethan watched her bending over to tie her shoes. He walked up behind her as she stood back up. He wrapped his arms around her stomach and kissed her neck. 
“You’re beautiful,” he said, kissing her neck up to her jawline. 
She smiled at him and turned around to kiss him softly. “So are you,” 
They smiled at each other as they held each other in their arms. Ethan was finally happy. His plan worked. As long as he was careful around Chad, things would be okay. Maybe he didn’t have to kill Chad, maybe Chad would actually move on and find a sweet girl. Maybe everything would work out in the end. He got a text message, and he stepped away from her to look at his phone. 
Fuck, he forgot about his sister. 
He had been so preoccupied with her that he forgot his sister and father. 
Dad just finished, you have an alibi ?
9:30 pm
Ethan didn’t want to involve Y/N in his family’s fucked up plan. He wanted to take her away from everything and everyone, keep her safe. He knew tonight was the first step of his father’s plan, and he knew he couldn’t do anything to stop it. He looked over at her, who was fixing her hair in the mirror. He softly smiled at her and came up with a response. He couldn’t stop the chaos that was about to happen, but he knew he could keep her safe. 
You could say that.
9:32 pm
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w1ldthoughts · 2 months
Minor Ear-Mergency
Anon Requested
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“Are you sure you don’t want to change out of your pjs? You can wear your gameday outfit, I know it’s your favorite.”
The toddler in front of you shakes her head, “no thank you. I want to wear this for the game.”
You shrug, grabbing the black ‘Bolt Up’ lightning rod shirt and blue pants with the #10 iron-on patches on the side. Remi wore these clothes every Sunday…without fail. So today’s answer was a rare occasion to put it lightly, but you didn’t want to push her first thing in the morning so you let her do whatever felt right. You even opted to stay in your pajamas as well, in solidarity of course.
The next time you gave her a funny look was when she barely ate her cheesy eggs and complained of having a headache an hour later. By the time the two of you sat on the couch for kickoff at 1:25 pm California time, she was half asleep. One of her arms was wrapped around you, as best as she could with your belly in the way, while the other one was securely holding on to her stuffed animal.
Even though she barely knew what was going on, she loved watching her dad on tv so you knew something was off. Your continuous suspicions were confirmed with one simple act of placing your hand on her forehead and checking her temperature.
“My ear is hurting me,” her pitiful cries and groans of pain have you on the phone with the pediatrician at the start of the fourth quarter. She gave you little home remedies to try and scheduled Remi for an 11 o’clock appointment the next morning. You could practically hear Justin in your ear lightly scolding you for not having an extra bottle of children’s Motrin in the house, but the universe was secretly on your side because the one in your hand was just enough for a few full servings. Long after the medicine should have kicked in your daughter still had fresh tears rolling down her cheeks, sniffling like she was trying to bite down the sadness.
“Oh sweets, is your ear still bothering you?”
She gently shakes her head no, scared to make any sudden movements in case that would make the pain return. “I need daddy but he’s not here,” she whimpers, leaning on your arm and practically using your sleeve as a tissue.
“I know baby. But he’ll be back tonight and you’ll see him as soon as you wake up,” you sigh, knowing that isn’t what she wants to hear. Feeling like it was your duty as a mom to come up with a solution, you sat there for a minute, running your fingers through her hair until it hit you. “I have an idea,” she stares back at you, her eyes a little wide with anticipation, “I’ll be right back. You stay here.”
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Remi allowed you to be out of her sight long enough to throw one of Justin’s shirts in the dryer for her to rest her head on, smiling to yourself when she let you know that she still missed her daddy, but this was good enough until she got to see him in the morning. Adding another baby to the chaos was a daunting idea in moments like this where although you loved your husband and this life that the two of you had built, you were alone…a lot. You had to think on your feet alone, a lot. And of course he did everything in his power to be an active parent and husband when he was home but that didn’t change the fact that right now you had a sick child to take care of and he was on the other side of the country getting chased by grown men in tights. That thought had you chuckling to yourself, thinking about two extremes, drowning Remi’s tears and snot or praying that the offensive line would keep him upright for the better part of three hours.
Justin came home later that evening, leaving his shoes by the door and tiptoeing around the house. When you texted him before the flight home that Remi wasn’t feeling well there was a pit in his stomach at the fact that he wasn’t there. He knew you could handle it but that didn’t take away his feeling of being a terrible partner. There is always an upside and a downside to things, especially being a working parent who’s job is more demanding than the average person and you never made him feel bad about it or tried to use it against him. But his mind sometimes allowed him to think of the worst case scenario. He never wanted to miss any moment, not with you and definitely not with Remi and even the little things like an earache made him want to drop everything and fly home. As soon as he passed by the living room to head upstairs, he caught a glimpse of a view that made all the doubt and negative thoughts leave his mind.
There you two were, sprawled out on the couch covered in blankets. NFL network was still on in the background as Remi was curled up into a ball with her mouth slightly open, as close to your body as humanly possible. And even in deep sleep, you held onto her. Justin smiled to himself, taking a mental image as a reminder of how worth it this all is, no matter the sacrifice. He’d rather compromise with you, create this life with you and have a life outside of football than the alternative because this? The view in front of him? That was everything.
And he needed to put a stop to it immediately.
He slowly walks over to the couch, scooping Remi up in his arms and she doesn’t even bother to open her eyes, securing her arms around his neck and sleeping peacefully like nothing happened. As soon as her weight is gone from your orbit you begin to stir, rubbing your eyes in an attempt to wake yourself up.
“Hey there sleepyhead,” he whispers, “let’s go upstairs and get some sleep. The couch isn’t good for your back.”
You yawn, sitting up and already feeling the tightness in your muscles thanks to the increased weight in your front. Justin holds a hand out for you to grab so you can stand up and the three of you head up to your bedroom for some much needed rest.
A mild ear infection. That’s what the pediatrician told you this morning and that she should be fine completely recovered within the week, which was honestly the best case scenario. You texted Justin the news and he let you know that his Monday lift and meetings were done and he’d be home for the rest of the day.
“Can I have lava for lunch please?” Remi asks innocently, holding Justin’s hand. She hadn’t let him out of her sight since she walked in the door and found him standing in the kitchen. He couldn’t even go to the bathroom without her standing on the other side of the door.
“Lava?” He mouths at you.
“Tomato soup,” you laugh. “While you feed her I’m gonna head to the store real fast and grab more medicine and a couple other things we might need.” Moments like this didn’t come often, so you had to take advantage of this toddler-free opportunity and get some stuff done before Justin had to go to practice later this week. You headed out quietly, greatly enjoying the sight of Thing One and Thing Two having an intense conversation.
“Oh daddy. Can I have some Gatorade too please?”
Justin narrows his eyes, ready to bargain with the toddler. “How about this, you finish your lava and I’ll give you a little bit of Gatorade. Deal?”
“Otay, I try.”
Less than halfway into her bowl of soup, Remi said she was done. “Are you sure you don’t want to finish it? No lunch means no Gatorade.” He tried coaxing her into taking a few more bites but she just wasn’t having it.
Remi sighs, her cheeks getting a rosy tint that he didn’t like. “Too tired to eat, can I hold you?”
“Of course you can hold me, come here.” He presses his lips to the top of her head, her warm clammy skin letting him know that it’s time for more medicine. Since he couldn’t let her go without some sort of meltdown, he just used one hand to pour the Motrin into a tiny cup and had her drink it.
“That was yucky,” she whines, her voice having a sleepy croak to it. “Can you take a nap with me, pretty please?”
He laughs lightly, peering down at her as he walks to her room. “When you ask so nicely with a sweet face like that, how can I say no?”
With his long legs hanging off the bed, he placed the blanket over her as she nestled herself in the crook of his body. “Daddy?”
Her eyes were closed so he wasn’t sure if she was still awake until she spoke again. “Thank you for staying with me. Yesterday, I missed you but now you’re here and I’m so happy. I miss you when you leave.”
“Do you get sad when I’m gone?” He wasn’t sure he was ready to hear her answer, but he knew he needed the truth. Even though the simple thought of making her sad had him biting back tears.
Remi opens her eyes, her matching green orbs staring into his before she smiles and shakes her head. “Yes. For two minutes I cry but you always come back!” She holds out three fingers to show him and he chuckles, helping her out one finger down. “And you get touchdowns on tv and me and mama high five. I like touchdowns and I like the Chargers. So I not sad daddy, I get happy when you win. Sometimes you lose…but I still love you.”
As hard as he tries, he can’t contain the laughter at his daughter’s football analysis. But she was right, she loved him win or lose and he had to remember that when the guilt set in. “I love you more mini,” he gives her a squeeze, “and I’m always going to come back home, every touchdown is for you and for mama.”
“And baby brother?”
“Of course! Baby brother too.”
She seems satisfied with that answer, closing her eyes again and cozying further into his chest, her steady breaths letting him know she was quickly dozing off.
With her body resting against his chest, he lets out a breath he hadn’t even realized he was holding since he got home almost 24 hours earlier. Even something as minor as a tiny ear infection worried him. “I’m right here honey, daddy’s not going anywhere.” He was mostly saying that for himself but it still felt good to admit there’s nowhere else he’d rather be.
The next day when he came home from the facility, he was happy to find Remi getting back to her usual self. “What are you two doing?”
“Making nana bread with…matella.”
“It’s Nutella sweets,” you correct her with a soft laugh.
Remi giggles, “Nu-tella, the best chocolate.”
“That sounds amazing bub,” Justin smiles, giving each of you a kiss on the cheek. Remi immediately drops what she’s doing to give him a hug. “I’m so glad you’re feeling better.”
She gives him a kiss on the cheek in return, “nana bread and daddy at home make me feel lots better.” Remi practically hops out of the man’s arms to go grab her cup of water from the living room.
“She said banana bread before me,” Justin murmurs. “Is that saying something?”
Placing the bread pan in the oven, you laugh softly. “Unfortunately, I think it says everything. I’m so sorry you had to find out this way.”
“Eh it’s fine. You didn’t even make her top two.”
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lovettesgem · 11 months
miles e1610! hcs bc y not
I feel like miles is the “love at first sight” kind of person but subconsciously?, and only realizes it / accepts it consciously the more time he spends around the person he fell for. 
that being said, i feel like when yall first met and were starting to get to know each other, he was pretty awkward and nervous, and you noticing it makes him think that he’s blowing his chance to get closer to you bUT it actually makes him so much cuter and charming 
would 100% try the shoulder thing w you at some point in the beginning bUT !! IT’S SO MUCH BETTER THIS TIME BC HE ACTUALLY HAS SOME RIZZ AND HE MAYBE MANAGES TO MAKE YOU FEEL SOMETHING DESPITE BEING A PUDDLE OF AWKWARDNESS (his uncle would be so proud omg) 
I feel like he likes being friends with the person he’s into before he jumps into dating them, regardless of whether he knows you reciprocate his feelings or not. He likes the idea of 1) getting to know you gradually and having a solid foundation for a relationship if you two do decide to date later on, and 2) if you don’t like him back or if things don’t work out, he can still be friends with you and have fun with you if you’re okay with it. 
He’s very giving. He doesn’t need to spend a lot of money to spoil you or make you feel special. He always gives you little gifts like cute doodles of the things you like, going out to eat at that place you mentioned you wanted to try out, setting you as his wallpaper, making you playlists for every possible scenario and mood, etc. these things seem so simple, but it’s his way of showing you that you mean the world to him and he’s thinking about you every second of every day. 
I feel like he’s a more simple person. The things that give him butterflies are the things that seem so small to you. He’s a sucker for sharing earphones and listening to a shared playlist you both created, holding hands while strolling down the street, having matching denim patches or enamel pins, etc. 
He wants to get into whatever you’re into. Even if he was completely uninterested prior to meeting (and later dating) you, the fact that it’s YOU who likes it makes it worthy of a (borderline) hyperfixation. He tries to learn everything he can about the things you like, because every time he starts a conversation about it with you, the way your eyes light up is so precious that he can’t help but get addicted to doing it. 
Being spiderman and a full-time student at a boarding school makes it fairly difficult to carve out a chunk of time to spend with you. So, he proposed that you guys could just study together, finish some assignments for your classes, and then help each other with the subjects the other person struggles with. Most of your study sessions just result in you two talking about random things and being less productive than you usually would individually, but yall have such a good time together and your grades stay high so if it ain’t broken don’t fix it ig. 
ALSO !! you’re canonically good at spanish, you have to be for his sake. Though, he tutors you with physics so it’s a win-win situation. 
trust me though, Rio’s thrilled that you brought his spanish grade up, you speak a decent amount of spanish yourself, and refer to her by her surname and not her first name. In some ways, it really does look like she’s a bigger fan of you than her son 💀
since miles’ is spiderman in earth 1610, he spends half his time doing night patrol and ensuring that the city is safe. I feel like he’s fairly trusting of his partner? even though he was absolutely petrified of revealing himself, he sat you down on a friday night and told you he was spiderman. you were shocked at first but thinking back to all the times he came in through the window into his dorm room, the barely comprehensible texts, and the number of times he was late to class because he was either tired or had some shady excuse – you were surprised you didn’t piece it together sooner. 
you assured him that you still love him regardless and you’ll try to be more understanding from that point forward, so all in all it went great 
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lady-ashfade · 6 months
Silly Darling
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—£ Yan!Izuku Midoriya x Gn!Reader x Yan!Ochako Uraraka.
—£ In this the reader is used as They/them. They also live in a apartment and work as a waiter/waitress.
—£ Warnings: Stalking, Killing, Knifes, Blood, Possessive, Obsession, Short stories.
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Deku & Ochako already have a relationship, secret to the public, but they stayed together through it all. They were in a rough patch of the relationship with all the work loud, nothing was threatening the relationship but it was hard for them. Pro hero life was stressful and they were working their way to get somewhere.
Then they finally have free time a whole weekend to themselves and they decided to go out for dinner at a restaurant. This is where you come in, their darling waiter! How you smiled at they and welcome them when they came in. You treated them normally and not like a fan.
You were attractive, so much that they fell for you instantly. The kindness you showed them was making them go crazy that it started to bug them when you didn’t make a big deal. Are they not popular enough? Don’t you know who that are?
“Me and girlfriend here are just off hero patrol, it’s our night off.” Deku replied when you asked if it was a special night.
“Oh, that’s amazing.” You hummed and smiles at them, not giving them enough praise for their liking. “You must be hungry then, should we get started?”
Oh boy did they never forget you. The moment they got in the car they both started to talk about you.
“They were too perfect, I mean I love you deku. But they- I don’t know.” She played with her thumb nervously in her seat.
“I understand what you mean. They’re too kind for their own good.”
They start to come in more to see you often and they sit in your section. It was a way to see you close and have you talk to them.
And not just from watching you from a window or following you home. No, this was your attention. Way better.
Having two pro hero’s follow you around is more scary then you think. They have train in not being seen, how to find someone and have many connections. So it’s easy for them to find out every detail of your life. You’re first day of school pictures, who your friends are and family, and your ex’s.
You hated the feeling you got in your apartment. The feeling of constantly being watched and no matter how many times you checked around you couldn’t find anything.
After a few weeks they ask you out while they get ready to leave the restaurant. Making you flustered that both of them want you but you say yes and run away, after giving them your number.
They are always texting you. About your day or their’s, if something reminds them of you, where you’d like to go out next. After the first date it is hard to get away from them. Next thing you know, you’re in the a relationship with them out of the blue. Even if you felt hesitant about it they convinced you.
Then the yandere behavior really starts to take over.
They are aways near you. They are either staying at your place or you over at theirs. They also start to control your time out without them and even if they are working. You start to see less and less of your friends and get less calls from your family. And they try to talk you into quitting your job since they have money to take care of you.
“Don’t look so sad darling,” she twisted her hair and leaned on your body, “You have us and you need no one less!” She chirped happily as you cried over missing your family.
Then you are stuck. They made you get fired and now staying at their place and aways sabotage your job interviews. Making them your only hope in having money.
It wasn’t until you saw them beating up a man that hit on you at the grocery store in the alleyway. Blood drilling from his mouth as they continued to hurt his limp cold body, making it send a shiver down your spin and a ill feeling in your stomach.
“Guys?” You call out and clinch your chest and take a step back in fear.
They turn to you with blood on their face and glowing red eyes, “Baby, we told you to wait inside.” You swallowed to try and restore the dryness in your throat. “Tsk tsk, never do as you’re told.” Ochako pulls the knife from his corpse.
“You guys are sick! I thought you were heroes?” Screaming you tear up and grow angry. “We are through, I can’t believe I ever-” your breath hitches when wind blows on your skin and you see green lightning flash in front of your eyes. A hand wraps around your mouth, and breath hit the base of your neck.
“Don’t be like that love. We just do what’s best for you, this man was disgusting and touched what belonged to us. It’s only fair he pays the price,” his other hands wrap’s around your hips and his lips give you a soft kiss on the upper neck. “You’re our doll after all. The others had what was coming to them, and so did he.”
The others….There were more? How many people have they killed. How long have you been dating murders. You saw the flags before but you didn’t think they were this crazy for you. How in the hell could you get out of this?
“Silly baby, you disobeyed us. When we get home you’re going in time out, even more because you saw this.” She cupped your cheek as you stare fearful at the girl you once loved.
“Don’t be afraid, doll. We would never hurt you.”
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footballffbarbiex · 7 months
kissing ruben dias for the first time and feeling all giddy afterwards because you've been waiting to do it for a while for the blurbs?
from this post.
Rúben hadn't been due to come over tonight and yet, you'd found him standing on your doorstep. the weather had dropped sharply in the last week or so, going from early 20s to barely more than 3c on a good night. though you'd held off putting on the heating, you'd made sure you were fully wrapped up but standing here in front of him, you couldn't deny the shiver that was visible beneath the layers. Rúben on the other hand, was not dressed for the weather and stands trembling.
"do you want to come in?" you ask, watching as his bottom lip quivers and his arms shake as he tries to hold it back.
"yes and no. i want to," he clarifies. "but i need to go to John's."
you'd been to John's with Rúben before and you know that where you live is not on the way to his. he's taken a detour in order to come to yours and this thought alone makes your stomach flip.
his hair still has patches of dampness which is no doubt contributing towards his shivering. instinctively, you reach forward and smooth your hands up and down his arms to create warmth. it's a simple gesture but it brings a smile to Rúben's face as he follows the trail of your hands.
"and yet," you begin to say as you watch your hands, "you're here. shivering. in a manly way of course," you add and he chuckles.
"i was just thinking about something on the drive over, that's all." he says as he begins to rock back and forth on his feet, going from the ball to the heel and back again in a fluid motion.
"anything good?" you ask it as casually as you can but the way Rúben looks at you makes you want to swallow hard and seek out a drink.
"how i wanted to do this..." he says slowly, his tongue poking out between his lips to wet them as his hand lifts, two fingers extend and rest themselves beneath your chin to lift your face to look at him. he begins to dip his head before he pauses and asks, "can i kiss you?"
you can't speak as nerves get the better of you and all you can do is nod against his fingers.
"yeah?" he checks, a smile gracing his lips before he leans in again. his lips gently brush yours and you can feel the smile still there on his mouth before seriousness kicks in. he traces your lips with his own, his facial hair lightly grazes your skin before he finally applies that much needed pressure. he pauses just long enough for the contact to be something, but not too long to make you wonder if he'll ever pull away.
when he does, it's for mere seconds before his lips are back against your own and this time it feels different. there's a need there that you've been feeling yourself. your hands move from his arms, filling your palm with his shirt as you deepen the kiss. a small mewl escapes your mouth and fills his, as his tongue touches yours ever so lightly there's barely contact at all.
but it's over before it really starts and he's pulling away properly this time. Rúben rests his forehead against yours, the tip of his nose rubbing soft strokes on yours and that damn smile is back on his face when you manage to open your eyes.
"that's what you were thinking about?"
"mmmm hmm." he hums in agreement, "i thought i should let you know."
"i'm glad you hurried here to tell me."
"i'll make sure to do so again when it's next on my mind."
"please do." you don't want to, but your hands press against his chest and carefully push him away. if you didn't make him leave now, you'll be trying to encourage him to stay. "say hi to John for me?"
"i will," he nods. "i'll text you later."
"drive safe Rúben."
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milfsloverblog · 1 year
Hello there! I have a smutty larissa x reader request😈 so r is able to get off just by eating larissa out but larissa doesn’t know about it yet and when she finds out she teases that r will have to eat her out more often now
A/N: Had so much fun writing this! Thank you for your request, I hope you’ll enjoy what I did with it 🫶
On Your Knees (nsfw)
Larissa Weems x reader
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“Get on your knees.” Larissa ordered as soon as you stepped into her office.
You made sure to lock the door, not wanting to be interrupted by another teacher or worse, a student.
Your little game had started a few hours earlier when, while on your free period, you’d decided to text your lover.
Nothing crazy at first, letting Larissa think you were just checking on her. But quickly the conversation had turned sexual and you had ended up describing in graphic detail what you wanted to do to her once you two would be alone together.
It had taken everything in Larissa’s being for her not to touch herself. She had taken a deep breath and put her phone back into the drawer of her desk, hoping to keep her thoughts away from what she had just read.
But it didn’t work. Of course, it didn’t. She had spent the last two hours trying to focus on anything else than the warmth that had spread in her lower belly, unsuccessfully so.
“I said, get on your knees.” Larissa repeated as you were walking towards her desk where she was seating in her leather chair.
“Now ?” You asked, still halfway through the room.
“Now.” She nearly barked and you happily obliged, your knees dropping to the cold tiled floor.
The tall woman got on her feet and smoothed her dress before rounding her desk and walking closer to you.
That dress, you thought, that damn grey dress would be the death of you. The way the belt cinched her waist, the fabric perfectly clinging to her generous hips.
God, your mouth was watering at the thought of having her naked thighs wrapped around your head.
“My eyes are up here.” Larissa’s voice snapped you out of your reverie.
You looked up at her, your neck bent back as much as it possibly could. You loved this, kneeling in front of her, making you feel as small as a mouse while she towered over you.
She grabbed your chin, bending over so she could take a closer look at you, her face only a few inches from yours.
“You better put that mouth to good use, darling.” She whispered, her hold on your face tightening to the point where it started to hurt a little.
Larissa tried to hide it as best as possible but when your pupils dilated and you nodded eagerly, her heart melted a little at how much you desired her.
She let go of your face and you helped her out of her stilettos, smiling at the red nail polish painted on her toes that matched her fingernails, which also matched her lipstick.
“Come closer, I won’t bite…Unless…” You smirked, earning a low growl from the woman above you.
Larissa slowly lifted her dress, showing more and more of her creamy thighs which made you clench your own. She was teasing you, wanting to make you pay for the torturous hours she’d just been through. And it was working.
Your breath hitched when her burgundy panties caught your eyes and you couldn’t help but imagine her breasts cupped in the same material.
“See anything you like, pet?” Lust dripped from your lover’s voice.
“God, Rissa…” You groaned, your hands grabbing her thighs to pull her closer. You thought you’d heard Larissa call you an impatient brat but you couldn’t be sure, your mind hazy at the thought of her taste on your tongue.
You hooked your fingers under her underwear and pulled it down her legs, letting your fingers graze her skin as you took in the perfectly trimmed patch of blonde curls on her pubis.
Your name came out of Larissa’s mouth as a warning when you pressed a kiss on her navel. She wanted you to stop teasing her. You sighed and gave a small nod.
You’d have plenty of other occasions to make love to her, slowly and properly. But all Larissa wanted right now was to use your mouth, to grind against your tongue until your face was slick with her arousal.
You were nearly drooling when she positioned herself above you and spread herself, revealing her glistening folds. You didn’t think twice before latching your mouth on her cunt, greedily licking from her entrance to her clit and back to her entrance again. Larissa let out a shaky breath, her hips almost immediately starting to move on their own accord.
“God…Oh…Oh, fuck!” She moaned, making you smirk against her flesh. You loved hearing Larissa swear, proof that you were doing a good job.
Your sex fluttered when the older woman’s fingers grasped at your hair, pushing you impossibly closer to her core. You tried your best to ignore the delicious warmth that had settled below your navel, pushing aside the need to slip your hand inside your pants.
Sex with Larissa, and more particularly eating her out, was always an experience. The number of sounds, sinful moans, and groans she could produce would make a pornstar blush. And you loved it, you loved when the pleasure you were giving her was too much to bare and she lost control, unable to hold herself back like she always perfectly did in any situation.
A mix of saliva and Larissa’s juices dripped from your chin when you pushed your tongue inside her, earning yourself another praise from your lover which only further tightened the coil in your tummy.
You groaned against Larissa’s flesh, one hand grabbing onto her hip while the other firmly held onto her thigh as you pushed your tongue deeper inside her. She was close. When her words turned unintelligible and all that left her mouth were those soft little whimpers that you adored, you knew she was close.
You laid your tongue flat against her clit and looked up at her, knowing Larissa liked to be in control of her orgasm. Her grip on your hair tightened, her hips jerking back and forth on your face.
You watched the way her face contorted, eyebrows furrowed, and mouth agape. And god, you felt close too. You squeezed your thighs shut as much as possible, trying to get some much-needed relief.
And when your lover’s body tensed up and she threw her head back as she came, you felt your own cunt clench as you were pushed over the edge too.
Fuck. Fuck. You had just climaxed simply by letting Larissa use your mouth.
The older woman came down from her high faster than you did, and when she looked down at you and saw your face twisted in pleasure, she immediately knew.
She brushed her thumb on your lips, collecting the evidence of her orgasm before licking her finger clean. You looked up at her, your body still buzzing from what had just happened.
“Well, darling….” She spoke, bending down to pick up her panties. She helped you get back on your feet, wrapping her arm around your body and chuckling when she noticed your wobbly knees. “Had I known how much you enjoy eating me out, I would have used your face as a seat way more often.”
“Maybe you should start.” You sighed happily, nuzzling your nose against her neck.
“Oh, I will.” The woman answered, her lips pulling in a smirk as she walked with you to her private quarters.
It’s a promise, Larissa thought.
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aealzx · 11 months
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“Hey…. How’s he doing?”
Leo’s soft voice caused Raph to look up, the concerned furrow in his brow growing when he noticed the red edges of Leo’s eyes despite the big smile. It was enough to get Raph’s brain churning about how to switch places with him, even as he answered. “I got him to eat some crackers earlier. After he watched the video he had of what happened.”
Leo’s grin turned into a grimace, and he hobbled over to climb back on the bed. “Ouf. That’s one way to do it I guess. Makes the text make sense too.” Crawling over, Leo rested the back of his hand on Donnie’s forehead, then cheek, and grimaced again. Using the tablet resting on the heart monitor stand he double checked the last time Donnie was given medication, and what, before using his portals to fetch other medication to give him.
“What text?” Raph asked, not knowing anything about texts anyone had gotten.
“A little bit ago I got a text from your phone saying ‘sorry for crushing your ankle’. Which was really confusing considering you didn’t do anything to it. So I’m guessing Donnie took your phone for a bit?” Leo responded, slightly absent as he was still checking up on Donnie’s current state.
Raph could only chuckle. “Ah, yeah. He was pretty insistent.” And after a short pause with Leo only humming in answer, Raph hunched over slightly. “Hey Leo? Can I ask for full time Nurse Nardo?”
“What?” Leo blinked, looking up in surprise. “What are you talking about? You’re doing great!” he protested, giving Raph a reassuring smile.
“But you’re not,” Raph pointed out, internally wincing since he hadn’t wanted to mention it since he knew it would make Leo retreat.
“I’m fine.”
There it was. An automatic response that was too quick as Leo deliberately moved to do something that would make him face away from who was looking at him. Raph just reached a hand over to squish Leo’s cheek and pull his gaze back over. Then just gave him a sad smile while rubbing his thumb under Leo’s rosy eye, like he’d done for Donnie just a few hours before. “No you’re not. And that’s okay.”
“It’s nothing. Dad just-... I was…,” Leo faltered, the smile finally fading as he reached up to hug Raph’s arm. “...I can do both,” he insisted weakly.
“I know you can,” Raph assured. “But I don’t want you to do both. And I would feel better if you were always the one looking after Donnie. You know he likes you best.”
Leo had to snort, but it did bring a faint smile back. “C’mon. Nothing beats Raph hugs.”
“Eh, you’ll have to bring that up with him,” Raph shrugged. He could definitely get all of his brothers to fall asleep on his own. But it was only when he was flattened by Leo that Donnie slept the longest, and best.
Leo seemed to be considering it, no longer feeling like he was failing or giving up. But Raph needed him to come to a conclusion a bit faster, so leaned over to hush blurt out. “Plus Raph really needs to pee. Please take him, quickly.”
Leo’s laugh crashed into his nose first before bursting from his mouth, and he reached his arms out while adjusting to get comfortable. “Alright, okay. Give him here before you wet the bed,” he snickered, pulling Donnie over to lean against him instead, and laughing more as Raph gave their sleeping brother a quick kiss on the temple before scurrying out of the room.
Settling back into the bed pillows, Leo dabbed Donnie’s face with the clean water Casey had left before he wrapped a cooling patch in a thin cloth so the adhesive wouldn’t touch Donnie’s skin. It actually did feel nice to be off his feet and relaxing, and he pulled his phone out to finish watching some of the surgery videos he’d started. “Dunno why you like me. You don’t have to…” he mumbled absently, knowing that Donnie wouldn’t hear him.
He was shocked when instead of silence his comment was returned by Donnie signing back to him while his eyes were still closed. [I know. Want to. My choice. Dum dum.]
Leo choked out a surprised noise, pulling his head halfway into his shell for a moment to hide his embarrassment. “You weren’t supposed to hear that,” he muttered quickly, peeking a glance at his twin and catching a sleepy gaze and subtle smile looking back at him. Huffing, Leo squirmed unnecessarily to get more comfortable. “Go back to sleep. I’m watching open heart surgery.”
As expected, Donnie gave a disgusted snort and quickly reached up to pull the rag on his head down far enough to cover his eyes, even though it ended up wedged against the pillow when he turned his head. No thank you. No disgusting, horrid human torture for him.
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Little bit of fluff =7=
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