Universe Crushing #1
A story/fanfic by hopeless-arianator-gemini. This is my first story/fanfic so pls be gentle. ♡
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We’re driving really fast down the highway. Speeding up like crazy. If we don’t make it in time for my grandma, I dont even want to think about what would happen... “Can you call the hospital and tell them we’ll be there in 10 minutes?” I grab my phone and start dialing the hospital’s number... ‘Come on... Come on...!’ I can’t believe what is happening, and that this is happening to me, my grandma, my whole family... This is only supposed to happen in movies not real life, goddamnit. My little sister is so young and she doesn’t even know Nonna as well as I do. Always laying in her lap and her singing songs whenever I felt blue... Why is it always that the universe, or whatever is happening up there, maybe God, has to let horrible things happen to me...
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As we arrive at the hospital my dad smacks the door of our car shut and runs inside. Me and my mum follow him inside. We rush to the reception. The receptionist looks at us with a very bored look on her face. “Welcome to hospital (...). How can I help you?” She says with an even more bored voice than her face could ever express. “Uhm yeah, could you please tell us where Mrs. Chambers is at the moment?” She typed something on her keyboard and looked very slowly at the monitor. I could sense my dad getting more and more irritated as he held my hand. “Second floor, room 214.” She finally says. Just as she finishes saying “..14” we’re already speeding, trying to find an elevator. After some more running around we finally get in one.
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As we entered the elevator I’m just astonished by whom I saw standing in front of me. He’s super tall, just a little less tall than my dad. He has brown eyes and he’s wearing a hoodie that I immediately want to be mine. Do you also know that feeling when you look at a guy and just think, ‘damn, that hoodie looks really nice’ and then you just want to say “could I maybe borrow it and have you be my boyfriend...? :)” I always get random crushes on guys. Girls too by the way. I don’t really know why but I can really make a difference between a girl that I find very attractive and a girl that I just want to be friends with. It’s something really new that I’ve been failing lately. I’m only 15, so it could be that my sexuality is taking form? I don’t know to be honest... But back to me speeding to my grandma. As the elevator opens I telepathically say bye to the super cute guy that I met in the elevator and we speed to room 214.
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“Hello Nonna? Okay we’re coming in! Don’t be scared!” My dad yells at the door. The other people in the hallway looks at him like he’s gone crazy. He opens the door for us to say our Nonna just sitting on her hospital couch. Totally fine. No crazy emergence room. Just my Nonna sitting on her couch. “Hey Jim, hey guys. Why the rush?” My grandma says. “ Wait... No crazy emergency?” My grandma grins. “Oh that. I was just in the shower this morning and I pressed the wrong button. Way too many buttons. I thought that I was pressing the button for soap or something but instead of soap I get the loudest noice by ears have ever heard.” My grandma grins a little more. “Mom, goddamnit. You really scared us! At least I’m happy that you’re okay.” My dad sighs and has a weird mix of emotions displayed on his face. “Oh Jim... Don’t be so stressed, I’m fine!” My grandma notices me and my mum still standing in the doorway. “Hey Kim, hey Lara. How are you guys doing?” My grandma is always like that. Whenever we’re talking about her, she just gets uncomfortable and likes to turn the attention to a different person. “Grandma, it’s not is that you should be caring about at the moment...” “Oh I know, I know... But I just haven’t seen you guys in such a long time!” We then sit with grandma for another hour and then we get back in the car.
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“Hey, you know what. We should visit grandma more often.” My dad says. Me and my mum just nod. “She sounded very happy, but I know her better than that.” I look out the window. “She’s a very social person you know. She needs the social contact more.” I wish I had half of the social presence my grandma has. I saw photo’s of her in my dad’s old picture album. She literally shines, before this horrible disease started eating her up. And she’s the nicest person. I haven’t met anyone that understood me better than her. Not even my own mum. I’m just praying that everything will be all right. And I should visit her more often. I could learn a lot. As I’m dreaming a little and just looking out the window...
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Hey guys, I hope you guys liked my first part of “Universe Crushing”. I’m still learning about tumblr and writing and stuff like that so please be gentle. I know that this part has been very much about that grandma situation and maybe a little too much introduction, I’m going to make some stuff happen in the next parts, I promise. Please tell me what you think about this and see you. ♡
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My Crush(es) #1 ♡
Hey guys, first post!
So I’m just going to use tumblr as my sort of diary/journal and maybe u guys could give me some sort of advice? I’m rly new to this so pls be gentle. ♡
So I’ve kind of had this crush for quite some time. He’s in my class and rly handsome. He’s very tall. He’s literally taller than most of the teachers in my class. And he’s just as tall as my physics teacher who is considered the tallest teacher in the whole school! But idk... I’m just rly attracted to tall guys. He also has brown hair that he just cut off, he kind of looks like a mushroom right now hehe (a rly cute one tho). But idk it’s still rly cute and idk I’d rly love to just play with it hehe.
He also has rly nice dark brown eyes, whenever we make eye contact in class it just makes me so happy. We make a lot of eye contact lately. Idk if he thinks it’s weird but I think it’s pretty cute hehe. My friend once told me while we were talking that I shouldn’t turn around but he was staring at me. And I was being rly stupid laughing around and thriving my arms in the air. After I was done laughing she told me he weirdly frowned and then looked away. Oops... :/
So, he also has this girl friend. Not girlfriend but like girl friend if u know what I mean. At least I hope that they’re not more than that. So they seem to talk a lot in class and they have the same type of humor. I kind of also forgot to mention that he’s crazy popular. Like all of school knows him. So basically our school system has six grades in high school and right now I’m in third and he’s too. But he’s one or two years older cause he failed last year and he has to do this year over. So now we’re in the same class.
I didn’t hear about him before but now I RLY do. Like I kind of can’t think about anything else lately. I’ve also been trying these subliminals that have been on YouTube for quite some time. Idk if they’ll work but I hope so. They were meant for making me feel more comfortable around my crush and him liking me.
So yeah u might be wondering why I rly want to feel more comfortable around him. I’m rly the kind of person that will just shut up or flirt like crazy around the people that I have a crush on. I had a crush two years ago and I flirted like CRAZY. I took my glasses off, I took my hair out of my ponytail and I started stupidly asking if he could help me, even though I already knew what it was about and he didn’t at all. But we’re not talking about my previous crush no we’re talking about mine at the moment. :)
So there was also this “incident” some time ago in middle school... There was this boy I had a crush on and he was crazy hot and popular and I was kinda sad cause I was a real loser and nerd. I had these super ugly glasses and these block braces if u know what I mean and just not attractive at all. And I just rly liked him. So I started sending him letters at our last-grade-of-middle-school-sleep-away-camp-thing. And in these letters I would reference to him as the cat that was making me crazy and me as the mouse. And at the end of that camp the boy was playing truth or dare in somebody’s room. And I heard from my friend that he and some girl kissed and I was just so sad and I started crying. And all the girls that were in the same room as I, God bless them, started asking me what was wrong and hugging me. And I told them all of it. But then two of them went out of the room and came back with the boy and pushed him into the room. And I kind of screaming/crying started how much my 12 year old heart loved him and aches for him blah blah blah.
So you might be thinking, what does this all have to do with my story? So this boy that I like right... he knows this boy that crazy liked and that I screamed/cried at. They’re in the same soccer team... (*´-`)
So you might be thinking, how do I know this? Well, the boy that I now have a crush on came up to me and asked me if I know that boy that I had a crush on in middle school. And I said yes, and he told me that they’re in the same soccer team. And I was like oh shit... Great way to make a first impression huh. So my crush probably now knows that I’m a psycho that sends secret letters as a “mouse” and that I scream/cry at people whenever I’m upset...
Oh and one more thing, I know this is getting way too long but at this one party where I was I saw him walking by and I think he saw me too but I’m not sure. So I was just having a good time at the party with my friends. And later that week I stayed home because I was sick and my friend sends me these pics of the school magazine. And I couldn’t believe what it said... My crush kissed the school slut, that didn’t even attend our school anymore!!! Oh and at another very recent party I saw him smoking weed and sigarettes and idk if I like that...
Ok ok last thing I promise... I also sit next to him in chemistry class but I don’t rly want to tbh. I’m the kind of person that likes to admire from a distance and also the kind of person that HATES confrontation. And that’s exactly what making me sit next to my crush is not tolerating at that moment. And he’s like super tall so he’s like over towering me. Not that I mind. ( ^ω^ )
But ok I’m just ranting and ranting without any conclusion, so here a conclusion:
1. I’m bad at talking with my crush.
2. I hate confrontation, especially involving crushes. (Multiple times when it went wrong...)
3. I need ur help.
I hope u liked this rant/blog/story about my crush(es). If u have any advice for me pls tell me. ( ̄∇ ̄)
Pls remember ur beautiful and stay calm. ♡
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