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kaylee.bryant: For those of you who think the eyebrow slit is intentional - I walked into a brick wall in the second grade. I didn’t choose the cool girl lifestyle, the cool girl lifestyle hit me in the face
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A Different Kind of Temptation
Hope Mikaelson/Josie Saltzman
Read on AO3.
Hope did not take after her uncle Kol when she turned. It was a relief – not to her, but to everyone else. The words ‘vampire’ and ‘Mikaelson’ were equated with ‘uncontrollable monster’ to most. She saw it in the way people looked at her. Analyzing her every move as if she might suddenly turn into a vampire Jack the Ripper.
Thankfully, this reaction wore off quickly. The school got used to her new diet after a week – once the gossip died down and other dramas took precedence. And Lizzie deemed Hope safe after a day of intense staring, then immediately began making Dracula jokes. Even Alaric was not as jumpy after the two-week mark. Everything should have gone back to normal after that.
One person did not return to normal and it was the one person whose reaction Hope cared about the most.
Josie was not distant. Nor was she afraid of Hope. Instead, there was a hesitancy, an awkwardness that permeated their every interaction. Almost as if her girlfriend was on pins and needles, waiting for something to happen. And Hope had, in response, been spending more and more time alone. Wolfed out and wandering through the woods at night.
She felt safer in her wolf form. It was easier to think. Easier to sleep.
She got in the habit of heading to the woods after Josie fell asleep, returning just before dawn. In the fading darkness, Josie’s eyes remained closed, her breathing and heart rate sometimes indicated she was not asleep. On those mornings, Hope would watch Josie – hand resting millimeters away from her girlfriend’s. She never slept herself – always waiting until Josie stirred before getting up.
Until the third week.
Hope had run all night, the stress of the past few weeks and adjustment to her new abilities and appetite catching up to her. When she returned, she meant to rest her eyes for a few minutes but dozed off almost immediately. This time Hope’s hand resting on her girlfriend’s, lulled by the warmth into sleep—the pumping of blood soothing her mind.
Apparently, her grip increased in her slumber. Josie shook her awake an hour later with a shy smile and asked if she could have her hand back.
It was bright and Hope was in the middle of a sleep cycle. In her sleepiness, she forgot about the awkwardness between them.
“No,” she said grumpily, tugging Josie’s hand to her chest and sinking deeper into the pillows.
Josie cut off her own gasp – but not before Hope heard it and jerked into full consciousness. She relaxed the grip around Josie’s hand, expecting her to pull away.
She did not pull away. Josie hesitated for a moment then lay beside Hope, resting her head and the same pillow—her face just inches away.
“Hi,” Hope whispered.
Josie ran her thumb across the back of Hope’s hand.
“Hi,” she whispered back. “I missed you.”
Hope’s heart skipped a beat.
“You did?”
Hope’s voice was so shaky, so vulnerable. Only Josie witnessed this side of her.
“Of course, I did,” Josie said, warm affection in her voice.
Hope leaned forward, her forehead touching Josie’s, closing her eyes for a moment.
“You’ve been – “ Hope hesitated.
“Acting weird?” Josie suggested sheepishly.
“Different since I—,” Hope left the sentence unfinished, meeting her girlfriend’s eyes helplessly.
The corners of Josie’s mouth turned down and her eyebrows came together. She let go of Hope’s hand and tugged Hope closer by the waist, eyes fixed on a point behind Hope.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered sadly.
Hope cupped Josie’s cheek gently and the girl finally met her eyes.
“Are you afraid of me?” Hope asked, sounding harsher than she intended in an effort to push down her emotions.
“No,” Josie answered quickly, eyes flicking to Hope’s.
Hope moved back, creating space between them.
“What it is then?”
Josie blushed and shifted onto her back, staring at the ceiling.
“Do I—tempt you?” she asked at last, blushing furiously.
Hope laughed.
“Josie, you always tempt me,” she said in a much lower voice.
Josie blushed even deeper red.
“Not <i>that</i>.”
Hope smiled at Josie’s embarrassment, inching closer and playing with the ends of her hair.
“Jo,” she whispered when it became apparent that Josie was not going to continue.
“My blood,” Josie blurted out.
Hope’s fingers froze at the increase in volume.
“I would never hurt you, Jo,” she said tenderly.
Josie groaned and threw an arm across her face.
“I know.”
“Then what is it?”
“It’s embarrassing,” Josie whined.
Hope sat up and coaxed Josie’s arm from her face.
“Hey. You don’t have to be embarrassed with me. About anything.”
Josie played with the edge of the comforter and continued to blush.
“Did I make you uncomfortable?” Hope asked slowly.
“No!” Josie’s eyes widened and sat up, pulling Hope into an embrace.
“Ever since you turned, I can’t stop thinking about you drinking my blood,” Josie said quickly.
Hope tried to look at her face, but Josie shook her head.
“It makes me—feel things,” Josie finished with a huff.
Hope pulled back with a frown.
“What things?”
Josie blushed again. “You know—”
Hope’s frown turned into a smirk.
“Oh. <i>It turns you on</i>.”
Josie didn’t see the teasing look on Hope’s face. She was too embarrassed to look at her.
“I’m sorry! I’m fetishizing your experience and that is so, so wrong—”
Josie finally met Hope’s eyes and saw her gentle teasing smile.
“It’s okay.”
Josie took a deep breath. “It is?”
“Yes. I’m relieved. I thought you were afraid of me.”
“I’m sorry. I should have told you.”
“Hey. You did tell me,” Hope said, giving Josie a peck on the cheek followed by another on the lips.
Hope took Josie’s hand and plopped back onto the pillow.
“So, I still turn you on?” she teased.
“Of course, you do, Hope,” Josie said earnestly, bending down to give Hope a heated kiss.
Hope pulled Josie on top of her and deepened the kiss. It was the first time she had felt connected to Josie since activating her vampire side. The intensity had always been there with the two of them, and it only increased with Hope’s further enhanced senses.
“You always do,” Josie whispered when they pulled back for breath.
“I love you,” Hope breathed.
“Love you, too,” Josie whispered back before initiating another kiss.
Hope’s hands traveled down her girlfriend’s back, settling on her ass. Her whole world, all her senses, were only Josie. Josie’s soft lips. Josie’s hands in her hair. Josie grinding into her. Hope kissed Josie's neck, settling on her pulse point. Her breathing deepened as Hope grazed the skin with her teeth, fangs extended. Josie gasped so beautifully that Hope nearly went in for the bite.
The door crashed open.
“Hope Mikaelson!”
Josie scrambled off the bed.
Lizzie stood in the doorway, her arms crossed with an annoyed scowl.
“Jesus, Lizzie. You can’t just come in like that,” Josie said, straightening her clothes.
“Next time you molest Hope, you should lock the door.”
Hope shook her head and tried not to laugh for Josie’s sake.
“What do you need, Lizzie?”
“I don’t need anything from you. Dad needs you for one of his recruit-y things. A really unpersuadable vampire or something.”
“Right,” Hope said. “I’ll be there in a sec.”
Instead of leaving, Lizzie waltzed in and went straight for Hope’s latest painting.
Hope cringed. “It’s not finished,” she muttered as Lizzie began rambling about how the lighting and shadows could have been improved.
Josie took her hand and Hope relaxed.
“Want me to come with you?”
Hope gave a small smile.
Josie kissed her sweetly.
“And afterwards,” Josie whispered, “we can continue where we left off?”
Hope swallowed audibly and nodded her head quickly.
Josie smirked and headed for the door, hand in hand with Hope.
“Come on, Lizzie,” she called after her sister, who had not stopped talking.
Lizzie huffed and pushed past them, heels clanging down the hall and complaining about being a message boy for her father.
Josie paused at the stairs.
“Are we okay?”
“Yeah, we’re okay,” Hope breathed, squeezing Josie’s hand.
Josie smiled. And Hope knew then that everything would be okay.
Always and forever.
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#josie: bro i just wanted to have a slushie and go home to finch
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Like we all knew Methan was never going to happen but poor MG having to watch his former crush and best friend having to kiss must be horrendous.
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GUUUUUYS!! I'm so happy for Kaylee, oh my god, and I honestly love how she just casually put it in their bio, like, very lowkey and I love that for them. And it's also weirdly validating that she uses the same pronouns that I do?? It just makes me happy, and I'm so happy for them, hell yeah!
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I mean that’s basically what happened with Raf so maybe she did mean it and just said it in a very ‘Lizzie’ way however I wouldn’t put it past we to mess with him on purpose lol
Do you think Lizzie said that to MG on purpose to mess with him or do you think she really meant it? Maybe both? lol
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Didn’t they break the link between the originals and he rest of the vampires? I think I remember that happening in the originals.
i just realized that when elijah died in s4, over 1/3 of the salvatore schools vampire population just dropped dead in the middle of the night? like imagine being apart of klaus/rebekahs sireline and going to bed then waking up to see that your roommate just dead?
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[Saltzman Twins Judgement™ intensifies]
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Caroline also said that everything was clear for her mom when she became a vampire. Naybe that’s why she wa cool with that cause Caroline wasn’t a vampire during the first season.
If Lizzie thought Caroline was so perfect I wonder why she didn’t argue about the song because it really did make Caroline look bad being jealous of Elena all the time in season one. Maybe Caroline was honest about her past and Lizzie saw this has her being the perfect person? I don’t know.
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You know I have to wonder if they’ll show the musical changing his mind a bit since Elena was an integral part of TVD. She was a doppelgänger but other then that, perfectly human until she became a vampire. And even then she felt like she had been better off as human. Maybe Landon could see that a human can be helpful too.
Maybe if everyone hadn’t repeatedly told Landon that he was weak and useless and not powerful enough, he wouldn’t be feeling the way he did at the end of the last episode. There’s been so much emphasis on the importance of powers and needing supernatural abilities to be useful and be a hero, it’s no wonder Landon feels awful without them. Even without that, it would have been difficult enough knowing he supposedly lost his immortality, therefore changing his future with Hope, as well as no longer having the extra protection that his phoenix side gave him. But because of the way Landon has been insulted, it just made everything worse. Because once he had gotten more powers, he clearly placed his confidence in them because that’s what everyone around him seemed to value more. And now that his powers are gone, it’s not surprising that he feels the way he does. Everything he said about being weak, needing to be protected, and not being special, are all things he’s been told while at the school. And it’s really sad to see how that has affected him. I just hope that this time without his powers is used to show how important he is without them, and that not having powers doesn’t make him weak or useless. I hope that all the good things about him will be acknowledged more, and that his strengths will be focused on instead of his weaknesses for once. So that some of the other characters will realize his worth and Landon himself will too, and have more confidence in who he is as a person and not just his powers. But watch the writers waste this opportunity.
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If you can, I think you would also like th parts where Summer Fontana is playing her. She’s an adorable child and her interaction with Klaus are adorable and pretty much the only time she gets to make a connection with her dad before he disappears from her life. I think this would be season four and onward.
how much of The Originals do I need to watch in order to get Hope’s actual story?
like I know the entire show is technically about her because the only reason Klaus got a spinoff was because Hayley was pregnant with Hope
but I don’t really wanna sit through all of TO, I’ve never been able to get past the first few episodes.
at what point does Danielle start playing Hope in TO? and would it be hard to follow if I just jump in at that point?
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Lizzie Saltzman's development as a character
Lizzie (before): I wish Hope Mikaelson had never been born.
Lizzie (now): Where's Hope when you really need it?
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“Dr. Saltzman is having a mid-life crisis, and Hope is just having a crisis.”
— Landon Kirby
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