hopeurokh · 3 years
Harry shouting to a workout team to “SQUAT” - 13/05
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hopeurokh · 3 years
@LTHQOfficial: He’s only gone and been nominated for a Saunders Award for Best House Party Moment of the year hasn’t he @BBCR1 @jackxsaunders 
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hopeurokh · 3 years
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hopeurokh · 3 years
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Harry is nominated as “Top Radio Songs Artist” at the 2021 Billboard Music Awards! 
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hopeurokh · 3 years
I have entered a fair amount of giveaways on Twitter for Louis merch......... have ya'll seen the H hidden next to the ladder...
Ill just leave this right here.
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hopeurokh · 3 years
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We should delete everything we have posted about the song cuz Louis said right?
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hopeurokh · 3 years
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I swear if y’all trend “rude” on Twitter 😂😭
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hopeurokh · 3 years
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hopeurokh · 3 years
Zayn's new music video is out now!!
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hopeurokh · 3 years
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I hope this is real guys🏃‍♀️😭🥲⚡️🙏
Edit:okay this isn’t real, but wouldn’t that be great😂
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hopeurokh · 3 years
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1. Best Lyrics: Adore You (vote using the hashtags #AdoreYou #BestLyrics #iHeartAwards on twitter or here)
2. Best Cover Song: Juice (vote using #Juice #BestCoverSong #iHeartAwards on twitter or here)
3. Best Music Video: Watermelon Sugar (vote using #WatermelonSugar #BestMusicVideo #iHeartAwards on twitter or here)
4. Best Fan Army: Harries (vote using #Harries #BestFanArmy #iHeartAwards or here)
5. Male Artist Of The Year: Harry Styles
6. Song Of The Year: Watermelon Sugar 
The event will take place in Los Angeles on May 27th!
*pls note that website voting isn’t available everywhere and your Twitter account must be public. Retweets count too!
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hopeurokh · 3 years
The Video That Convinced me Eleanor Wasn't Real
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Here is a quick Gif of the one that sent me over.  This is not my Gif.  I am always cautious of Gifs bc sometimes they can be taken out of context.  For that reason I always try to find the original video.  Watching the full video is much more compelling.  I had to actually watch the video multiple times so that I could watch each person separately.  I will warn you it actually is very sad and got me super fired up.  But it also was like a lightbulb for me.  Like, oh.  Ohhhhhh.  OMG, nooo he’s so sad and I hate it.  He’s like a sparkly sunshiny ray of happiness usually so seeing this was really horrible. The worst.
Look for yourself.
Let me break this short clip down. 
:01  Zayn seems to ask Harry if he is ok, or checks in with him
:03  Harry’s hands cover his eyes.  He looks upset.  I would say he is crying and I do believe he is but will fully admit to not knowing for sure.  What I do know for sure is that this motion he makes with his hands over his eyes is a very classic indication of someone being upset/angry/frustrated….NOT HAPPY.   
:08  Someone hands Harry sunglasses which he puts on straight away. To cover his eyes.  
After his eyes are covered, you can see Harry make his way over to greet these fans which actually breaks my heart a little more bc he is still friendly to fans while under stressful conditions.  He is just a good person.  I will fight you on this.  Do not try to fight me on this.  You can obviously tell from the video that this is being filmed by a fan as she’s calling to Harry for his attention.  It looks to be the back entrance to the building.  Furthermore it looks unexpected for the fans to even be there.  Anyone in any situation who was crying or upset would want to immediately cover their eyes to conceal this emotion.  If this was the only thing you could see in this short clip, it might not be enough for me.  So I went back….multiple times.  Let’s move on.
:01  As stated above, Zayn looks to be checking in with Harry to see if he is ok.
:10  Zayn makes a motion with his thumb to the guards?/modest? to suggest “get her the hell outta here”
After that you can see him hanging back and carefully watching Harry (to see if he’s ok?)
:02: You can see Louis come to the door w/ Eleanor and they are stopped and positioned by (?looks like Marcus from management to me but who knows) for a photo-op.  If these were paps, they would have simply taken shots.  Paps don’t pose you.  They were posed.
:10  Immediately after the pictures are taken, Eleanor walks away from Louis with another man (guard? who knows) without even so much as a backwards glance.  No goodbye hug or kiss.  No hand squeeze or love tap.  NOTHING.
Louis isn’t looking at her.  He doesn’t watch her leave.  He’s stressed and you can plainly see it.
:15  Louis is looking at Harry while running his hand through his hair, yet another indication of stress, upset, frustration.  Bottom line:  he’s not happy either.
At the end when the video cuts off you can actually see Louis turing to look at Harry again.
Niall is so interesting.  Everyone loves to call him the captain and I agree although if I’m honest it seems to me that Liam and Zayn are equally supportive of H/L.  Niall is also used as a diversion of sorts a lot. This is a perfect example.
:03  You can hear the fan saying “Hi Harry” and the others calling for them. You can see Niall beeline straight for the fans while Harry has his eyes covered with his hands and is facing away from them.
:06  He’s hugging the fans now while Harry gets sunglasses.  He’s distracting them from his distress.
Summary:  Harry is upset, and in my own opinion crying.  It seems obvious to me that he is upset about Eleanor. He can’t look at her or even Louis for that matter and I think you know why.  Zayn checking on him and then motioning for their people to get her out of there supports this.  Why would Zayn do this otherwise?  What is his reason for getting Eleanor out of there asap?  Louis is stressed.  He has been thrust into a photo-op while his BF is upset.  He is worried about him as you can tell he does not even spare a glance at Eleanor as she walks away with another man.  Rather he keeps looking at Harry (who is not looking back at him) and running his hand through his hair.  He turns away and at the end turns back to look at him again.  Whoever surrounds them know Harry is upset as well.  They get him glasses immediately and move to get Eleanor away very quickly.  Niall is a cheerful happy distraction to the few fans who likely weren’t supposed to be there in the first place.
Eleanor is I’m sure a lovely girl but she is not now nor has she ever been Louis GF.  This video was the last straw for me.  I am a huge believer in body language and could go on forever on examples of these but that shall have to wait for another post on another day.  I saw everything else but still questioned this “relationship” w/ Eleanor.  I saw this and that question was answered.  It is beyond obvious to me that H/L are involved in a romantic relationship and have been since the beginning.  I actually feel bad for those who can’t see it or choose not to as they are missing out on something magical.
I leave you with a quote by Vernon Howard 
“Learn to see things as they really are, not as we imagine they are”
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hopeurokh · 4 years
I saw this on ig and damn if it made me so hopeful and sad because it's so freaking believable 😢
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hopeurokh · 4 years
Part 2 of my personal collection ✨🙌
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hopeurokh · 4 years
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Here I give you some of my personal collection🙌✨
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hopeurokh · 4 years
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Zayn for GQ Spain (April issue) 📷: Petros Kouiouris
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hopeurokh · 4 years
Beautiful Louis just being Louis
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