hopewithoutcravings · 5 years
Chapter Eight
She finally succumbs to sleep around 3 in the morning. Even closed her eyes are rimmed red and puffy. I hold her close to me not that it would matter, she was clinging to me like her life depended on it. The phone ringing breaks me from my thoughts.
“This better be good Pax.”
“I wouldn’t call you if it wasn’t. I’ve been following Festus all day like you asked. There hasn’t been anything suspicious until about an hour ago. He called Jericho and they plan to make contact. I figured you would want to come with me to listen in.” He rushes out.
“I’ll be there in 5.”
I hang up and pry myself out of Natalie’s grip, quickly getting dressed. I slip through the shadows following the directions Pax sent me to me.
“Psst, over here Master.”
I creep up next to Pax and look at him expectantly.
“Did they make contact?”
At that moment Festus comes out of a warehouse looking around. We duck down hoping he didn’t notice us.
“Sorry I’m late.” Jericho pants trying to catch his breath.
I fucking knew they were up to something.
“It’s fine. Did you run here?” Felix asks almost incredulously.
“Uh...yes sorry.”
“Were you with the girl?” He asks, his voice rising with excitement.
“About that...there seems to be complications.
Without warning Festus backhands Jericho across the face.
“We had a deal.” He snarls.
Jericho cups his cheek and gives Felix a disdainful look.
“I’m trying to uphold my end. But something has changed.”
“Changed with who? The girl? Just buy her flowers or some shit. Human girls love that or so Anthea tells me.”
“Satan is the one who’s changing. I think he loves her.” Jericho mumbles.
Felix looks at him for a beat before he roars with laughter. I bristle in anger and force myself to breathe deeply to remain calm.
“He can’t love anyone. He’s never even loved his own family. He’s never loved me......or any of his other followers. How can he love her? She’s a useless human.”
There’s something in his tone. Something I’ve heard in my own voice. Is that jealousy?
“I’m sorry, I didn’t anticipate this happening. I’ve been stepping my game up with her, but I feel as if I’m failing.”
“Well try harder, your life is on the line.” Felix snarls.
Jericho gives a jerky nod and Festus sighs.
“I would hate to take matters into my own hands. Once the girl is out of the picture master will finally be free to cause chaos with his followers again.”
I grit my teeth as I watch them both go their separate ways. Pax lets out a long whistle once Felix disappears from our sight.
“That was something.”
“I’m going to have to take care of this. I’ll kill Festus if I have to and the boy as well.” I murmur.
“You really care about this girl don’t you?”
I fix Pax with a steely gaze. I won’t acknowledge that with an answer. He nods in affirmation but says nothing.
“I’ll keep my eyes on them like I said. If anything comes up you’ll be the first to know. I’ll talk to you soon.” He slips away into the night.
Jericho shows up bright and early in the morning.
“Natalie my love.”
My eyes narrow and the girl gives him a blank stare.
“I know it’s out of the blue but I want to take you to breakfast. I know I haven’t been the best boyfriend but I’m trying to change for you!” He bubbles.
“How delightful.” I hiss.
“Stan be nice.” She murmurs.
I go to shoot her a death glare but she gives me that all knowing look. When she sticks her tongue out at me I lose my resolve. I chuckle and shrug; letting her run the show.
“Can Stan come to breakfast with us? His parents have been going through some things and he’s had to stay here.” She lies smoothly.
Jericho stares at me; there’s something behind that stare.
“Yea sure, he can come.”
“Cool wait here! We’re going to go get dressed.”
She lets him in and drags me to the room, totally implying that we are getting dressed together. The minute she closes the door I’m on her. I crush my lips to hers hungrily.
Her protests sound half hearted. I pull back just a little to gaze into her eyes.
“I’m sorry; it was kinda hot watching you manipulate him, usually you’re so meek.” I laugh.
“Thank you Lucifer.” She deadpans.
“He knows about us by the way.” I say slowly.
“He what?” She whisper yells.
She whirls around, eyes wide. I shrug nonchalant as always.
“In all honesty, I don’t care what he does or doesn’t know.”
Felix has no idea I’m two steps ahead of him and his little spy.
“What the fuck Lucifer?” She’s angry.
“It’s fine, please trust me.”
She sighs and we finish getting dressed. Let’s just get this stupid date over with.
I’m zoning out all throughout breakfast. Honest to father this shit is fucking boring. Jericho is gushing about whatever the fuck and has his hands all over the girl. She’s letting him, of course she has to play a part, but my jealous brain is telling me she likes it. I’m tired of these human feelings. I look up just in time to watch him kiss all over her neck. I growl low, my jaw clenching and ball my hand into a fist. In a movement to fast to be human; I flick the water cup so it spills all over him.
“Oh no Jericho!” Natalie gasps.
I scoff, what a fucking drama queen.
“Damn you should get that cleaned up.” I sneer.
He shoots me a look that I think is supposed to be intimidating. I flash him a sinister smile, making sure to flash my sharp teeth. I’ll rip out his jugular in front of everyone.
“Stan’s right! You need to go dry off with the hand dryers! We’ll be right here when you get back!”
“How did I get so lucky with a girl like you Natalie? You treat me so well.”
He turns to look at me. “Maybe one day you’ll get lucky too Stan.” His voice is flat.
I snarl, almost too loudly, and Natalie kicks me under the table.
“Sometimes I think I’m the lucky one.” She blows him a kiss.
I gag loudly. I want them to fucking hear my disdain.
Jericho shuffles out of the booth and rushes to the bathroom.
“Lucifer quit it.” She hisses.
“Me? You two are basically fucking at the table!”
She reaches over the table and slaps me across the face. I snarl at her, my eyes flashing angrily.
“What the fuck girl?”
“The only person I ever fucked and will ever fuck is you. You can be so dense sometimes. This was your plan anyway.” She huffs.
I don’t even listen to her anymore. A thrill shoots down my spine hearing her use such explicit language. The thought of such dirty, harsh words coming out of those pink, plump lips makes me fucking twitch.
“Wh....what did you just say?” My voice barely louder than a whisper.
She gives me a peculiar look before her eyes light up in understanding.
“Do you want me to fuck you Lucifer?” She breathes.
I groan and lean back in the booth.
“Yes, please.” I beg.
I’m such a fucking bitch. She wets her lips before sinking her teeth into her plump bottom lip and suck it back into her mouth. My brows furrow, she’s teasing me and fuck if it’s not working.
“You’ve been a bad angel Lucifer. What should your punishment be?”
I suck in a sharp breath, my body wound tight in anticipation. I’ll take anything she gives me at this point; I just want relief.
“Got my shirt dry!”
Fuck, he’s back and there goes my mood. Our moment is severed by Jericho’s reappearance. Natalie plasters a smile on her face as she looks at him but I can’t be bothered to pretend.
I watch Jericho for the rest of this date. When we get ready to go he pulls me aside. My eyes narrow in disgust at his touch, filthy human scum.
“Stan the man! I need to be honest with you.” He whispers.
I pry his hand off me forcibly. “First off, don’t ever fucking touch me again. Second what is it you want?” I snap.
“Look I appreciate you being Natalie’s best friend and all, but I would love to spend some alone time with her. She is my girlfriend you know.” He says the last sentence slowly, waggling his eyebrows.
I give him a blank stare, trying to be calm as possible when I go to answer him.
“That’s something you should ask her isn’t it?” It comes out through gritted teeth.
I’m not the girl’s fucking keeper.
“I just wanted to make sure were cool Stan!” He pats my shoulder.
A hiss escapes me as my hands twitch. Relax Lucifer. You can’t kill him. Yet. He says nothing else and rushes back to Natalie’s side. He whispers some shit in her ear and I see her look back at me before looking back at him. He mumbles something else and then they’re both gone. The girl being dragged away from me.
I have a phone call to make.
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hopewithoutcravings · 5 years
Chapter Seven
“Lucie.” Her voice is raspy with sleep.
I hum and pull her warm body closer. She snuggles into me, sleep still hanging over her.
“What time is it?”
She peaks over me to check the clock.
“3 o’clock! Oh my god.”
I roll my eyes. Here she goes again mentioning my father.
“You must have been exhausted after this morning. I guess I wore you out.” I chuckle.
“Lucifer...it’s too early for your antics.” She mumbles, covering her head with the blankets.
My fingers tickle at her bare skin, sliding them down I give her cheek a squeeze.
“Never to early for my antics love.” I smirk.
A knock on the door has her shooting out of bed. I watch in amusement as she throws on her shirt and shorts from the night before. I change my appearance to greaser Stan and put shorts on as well. I follow her as she rushes to the door, opening it without even asking who it is, typical naive Natalie.
Great it’s him.
“How are you?”
“I’m sorry that I’m coming over unannounced. I just wanted to apologize for our date the other night.” He sounds distressed.
“Apologize for what? I had a great time. Well as much as I can remember.” She chuckles.
“Well I left you here with Stan. He seemed really angry, but I see he took care of you. Please give him my thanks.” He looks pointedly at her head.
It’s then that I notice her hair looks like what the humans call sex hair now and days. I cough low to hold back the laugh that threatens to comes out.
“No thanks needed.” I make my presence known.
His eyes narrow almost knowingly.
“Stan you’re here, wonderful! Do you ever go home?” His chuckle is menacing.
The girl doesn’t notice.
“No.” “Yes.” We say simultaneously.
“Me and Natalie here are a package deal.” I hiss.
He looks at her and his words from last night run through my head. I’m wracked with worry as I think what if she doesn’t let him go. What if he was right and she does like him more? Could last night have been a fluke? What if she didn’t...want me? I growl to myself, trying to shake off these human feelings.
“Everyone calm down. Stan and I were just in the middle of a tutoring session, that’s all!”
He looks like he wants to say something but stops himself. He gets silent for a while.
“You’re right Natalie. Stan is your friend. I’m so sorry I was jealous.” He apologizes.
“It’s fine Jericho. There’s absolutely nothing to be jealous about.”
He grabs her face and kisses her suddenly. My hands clench in a fist as I watch her body respond to him. She kisses back. I snarl and stomp back into her room; getting dressed. She comes rushing into the room just as I’m about to walk out. I assume he left.
“Lucifer please don’t over react.”
“Me overreact? I wouldn’t fucking dream of it girl.” My voice is dead.
“He’s my boyfriend! I couldn’t just not kiss him. I actually like him a lot.”
“Oh I see.”
“But I love you.” She mumbles.
She says nothing.
“How could I possibly think you could fucking love me? I mean nothing to you and you mean nothing to me. It’s how it’s always been and always will be. I need to go. I’ll be back whenever the fuck, but it’s ok! You have Jericho to keep you fucking company don’t you. He’s your boyfriend right.”
She recoils like I slapped her and I slam the door in her face without a second thought. I won’t let her soften me up anymore. This is why I don’t come to earth. This is why I don’t get attached. Fuck humans.
I make my way to Ipos’ bar. I’m hoping Pax will be there and do a job for me. In all honesty I’m also hoping it’ll keep me distracted. The girl was nonstop blowing up the phone she made me get, it got to the point I just shut it off. Fuck it.
“Please Ipos no need for formalities. Call me Lucifer.”
He smirks at me.
“So Lucifer, what brings you to this side of town?”
“I’m looking for Pax. I need him to do something for me.”
“He’s in the back.”
He leads me to the back room of the bar where the have a fight ring set up. Pax is winning of course. He punches the other demon in the face, knocking him out. My body itches to get in a fight but that’s not what I came here for. Pax makes a beeline to me.
“Ipos said you wanted to see me.” He gives me a salute.
It’s always something with him. I roll my eyes.
“I need you to look into two people for me.”
“Sure thing boss.”
I spend some time drinking at the bar after giving Pax his assignment. His job is to look into Festus and Jericho. I want to know what they have planned.
I finally slip through the girl’s window around 2 am.
“Lucifer is that you?”
My nostrils flare at the overwhelming smell of saltwater. She’s been crying.
“Yes. What are you still doing up?”
She doesn’t answer me instead she rushes into my arms. I let them hang dead at my side as she hugs me.
“Oh Lucifer I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I’m so glad you came back. I missed you! I was worried about you.” She sobs.
“Trust me I can take care of myself. I am the devil after all.” I sneer.
“I love you, please don’t act like this.” She cries.
“It doesn’t matter anymore. I’m setting plans into motion to hopefully end this contract.” Lies.
“You don’t want to be with me anymore?”
She slumps to the floor which makes me finally look at her. She’s broken. I destroyed her with those two sentences. Her hands slide over her face as she openly sobs. I feel my resolve start to crumble but I must stay strong.
“You knew this was the end game all along.”
She doesn’t answer as sobs wrack her tiny frame.
“Iii wwwant youu to ssstayy with me.” She hiccups.
“How can you ask me that? How am I supposed to stay here with you and watch you be with Jericho?”
Do my feelings not matter to her?
“Lucifer I’ll do anything. Please just don’t go.”
Anything she says? I think for a moment, when a lightbulb goes off in my head.
“I want you to stay with him.” My words sound rushed; the plan in my head taking form.
“But what about us?” She cries.
“I won’t leave you. I swear it. Even after this contract is over. The devil doesn’t give his love away so freely.” How could she even doubt me?
She crushes her lips to mine in desperation. I respond back gently, our mouths moving together softly. I cup her face and wipe her tears.
“You’re such a fucking baby.”
“I thought you were leaving me. You’re my best friend Lucifer. What the heck.” She slaps my shoulder, I shrug in response.
“Now what’s this plan you’re obviously thinking of. I want in.”
I smirk. “That’s my girl.”
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hopewithoutcravings · 5 years
Chapter Six
I get home fast and set up post outside the door. I don’t even bother trying to hide that I’m obviously waiting for them. What seems like hours later Jericho pulls up with a drunken Natalie. When she notices the door she gets excited and starts stumbling faster than he cares to keep up. I take that as my chance. I rush at him fast, wrapping my hand around his throat.
“Stan?” He rasps out.
“I will fucking destroy you.” I snarl.
My body is trembling as I squeeze tighter around his neck.
“I don’t know what the fuck you’re up to yet but I assure you I will find out. Also whatever you have going on with the girl ends now.”
“Never. Nat likes me too much.”He sneers through the pain.
I growl as my eyes narrow.
“Oh, that bothers you. You’re mad that she’s attached to me, that me and her are together. She loves me.” He chuckles maniacally.
“She doesn’t love you. She loves ME.” I snap.
“Stan? Jericho?”
I drop him immediately and turn to look at Natalie. She’s swaying in the doorway looking concerned.
“Natalie why aren’t you in bed.” I huff.
“Well I was looking for you.” She slurs.
“Natalie. Get away from him. He tried to kill me.” Jericho coughs.
I scoff. “If I wanted you fucking dead you’d know it.”
The girl starts trying to walk to us fast which causes her to trip in her drunken state. I catch her, of course. She lands in my arms and looks up at me, eyes glazed.
“Thank you.” She breathes.
While I can smell the alcohol in her breath it doesn’t mask the smell of her. She’s all Natalie and it ignites my senses. My eyes dilated with hunger for her. I quickly set her up, stepping away while only leaving one hand on her to keep her steady.
“What’s going on here?”
“Stan was trying-“ Jericho starts again.
I step on him to shut him up.
“Jericho maybe it’s time for you to go home.” I sneer.
“Yea Jericho. I’m very tired. I’ll talk to you tomorrow ok!”
“Natalie please.”
“Go. Home. Jericho.” I hiss.
Without another word I take Natalie inside leaving Jericho to catch his breath. I carry Natalie to her room and lay her in bed.
I turn to go to the bean bag chair but she grabs me.
“Lucifer can you lay with me?” She mumbles with her eyes close.
“Of course.”
I crawl in next to her with no hesitation. She waste no time snuggling up next to me. I smirk to myself, when did we become so intimate. Her hand slips up into my hair and she pulls my face down towards hers.
“Luciferr. I love youu.” She slurs.
“I know you do girl. “
Suddenly her lips are on mine; drunk and sloppy. I groan into her mouth, pulling her closer. She gets wild and starts tugging aggressively on my hair. It does nothing but drive me crazier.
“Oh Lucifer.”
Her voice is like cold water being thrown on me. She’s drunk, obviously so. I push her away gently.
“Natalie stop.” I murmur.
“What’s wrong?” She hiccups.
“You’re drunk right now.”
She sits up straight and looks me in the eye.
“Luciferr....I love you drunk or not. I want to be with you.”
I open my mouth to respond but she throws up before I can say anything. Fucking great.
“Ugh, my head.”
I smirk to myself as I hear the girl start to get up.
“Lucifer, water please.” She rasps.
“Of course. Here.” I bite my lip to hold back a shit eating grin.
“What happened last night.” She groans.
“Well where to begin. First, I don’t trust Jericho. Fuck him, he’s up to something. I just haven’t figured out what. Second, you got drunk. I suspect it was his doing. Third, we kissed. You know cause you were drunk; total make out. Last but not least you puked...in my lap. Quite an eventful night wouldn’t you say girl.” I chuckle.
“What’s the problem gnat?” I sneer.
“The problem is we kissed.” She moans.
My eyes narrow and I lean back against the wall as I stare at her.
“Kissing me is a problem?” My voice comes out flat.
She looks at me suddenly, picking up on my tone.
“Lucifer I didn’t mean it that way! It’s just...I can’t remember kissing you.” She frowns.
“You can’t remember? You must have been sloshed last night, more than I thought.” I burst into laughter.
“Lucifer this isn’t funny.” She smacks me.
“This is hilarious.”
“For god’s sake Lucifer be serious.”
“Don’t bring my father into this.” I deadpan.
She screams, throwing herself backwards on the bed.
“I just want to remember what kissing you feels like.” She mumbles as she rubs her lips.
“I can rectify that.” My voice comes out rough.
She doesn’t even get up to look at me, just chucks a pillow straight at my head.
“Real funny Luce.”
“I’m being serious.”
She shoots straight up giving me a suspicious look. I just smirk.
“Why the fuck are you toying with my emotions?”
“Girl, I’m only going to repeat this one last time. I’m. Being. Serious. For father’s sake clean your fucking ears.”
She gets of the bed and stomps towards me.
“I’m warning you Lucifer, you better stop teasing me right now. I can’t stand you sometimes. It’s like you never take anyone’s feelings into consideration. I-“
I grab her face, crushing my lips to hers. Her lips part and I take that as my chance to slip my tongue in her mouth. Fuck she taste so sweet. I was wholly unprepared for the moan she released. She knotted her fingers in my hair using it as leverage to keep our lips together. She pulls back for a quick inhale and starts kissing me again. It’s almost like a dam inside her has broken. I groan as she pushes up against me. My control slips when she bites my lip and sucks it into her mouth, releasing it with a soft pop. I hook my arms under her thighs and lift her up, perfect. I waste no time thrusting up, her answering moan is glorious. I drop her on to the bed.
“Lucifer.” She whimpers, so fucking needy.
It makes my cock twitch. I remove her sleep shorts with a speed I didn’t realize I even possess. My horns burst out of my skull when I notice she was wearing nothing under those shorts. I’m face to face with nothing but pink. I must have been staring to long because she’s waving her hands in front of my face.
“I’m here. I was just admiring you. I wouldn’t take you for the Brazilian wax type girl.” I smirk.
She groans, a frustrated sound as she tries pushing me away.
“Did I say something wrong?” I chuckle as I line myself up with her opening.
“Why the fuck do you have to- LUCIFER.”
Her sentence cuts off as I plunge my entire length into her pussy. I can’t even be bothered to undress her the rest of the way.
“Please tell me I can move.” I beg.
She nods her head infinitesimally. I breath a sigh of relief as I start to thrust. I’m trying hard to be slow and gentle, setting a pace for her more than I am for myself.
“Harder Lucifer.”
“As you wish.”
The loose grip on control that I had is gone with those two words. I start to plow into her her aggressively.
“Yes, yes yess.” She moans.
I pant, plunging in and out of her wet heat. She grabs at me, looking through eyes glazed over in pleasure.
“Lucifer... I’m going to-“
The words die in her throat. She clenches around me, her pussy like a vice.
“Oh fuck.” I pant.
She throws her head back and screams my name as her orgasm hits. Her orgasm triggers mine and I slam into her as deep as my dick will go.
I roll over and try to catch my breath. What the fuck have I done. I look over at her to gauge her reaction.
Her eyes roll to look at me and I have to try not to laugh.
“What’s up with your shit eating grin?” Her voice is breathy.
“Well girl it looks like you got fucked ten ways to Sunday. It’s almost like the devil had his way with you.”
She scoffs. “Just like you to make jokes.”
“Why would you expect any less honestly.”
She looks me in the eye now, a serious expression on her face.
“Lucifer I love you.”
“I love you too Natalie.”
And I do.
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hopewithoutcravings · 5 years
Chapter Five
“I can’t believe you started dating someone and didn’t tell me.”
I growl low as human Michael and Natalie blab on and on. I let myself lag behind desperately trying to avoid them.
“I’m sorry it happened so fast! I told Stan though.”
I see Michael stiffen. He turns to look at me almost robotically.
“You told Stan?” He parrots.
I sneer at him and stick out my forked tongue. Fuck him. I can sense his jealousy from here. His eyes widen as he turns around swiftly.
His voice takes on a sense of urgency. I put on an innocent expression just as she turns to look at the both of us.
“What’s wrong?”
“Stan what?” I snap.
Natalie quickly sidles up next to me and wraps her arm around my waist.
“Hey hey hey. Stan I think you need to relax.” She chuckles nervously.
I throw my arm casually over her shoulder; pulling her closer to my side. Michael’s face puckers into a sour expression as I lean down to whisper in her ear.
“I will literally murder the both of you. Don’t test my patience brat.”
She gives me a big cheesy smile.
“You would never harm a hair on my head. You love me too much.”
Before I can even say anything she threads our hands together and starts pulling me to a store that’s caught her eye.
“Come on Michael, keep up!”
He mumbles some shit under his breath and speeds up to stay with us.
I look down at mine and Natalie’s joined hands and my lips curve into a little smile. I give her hand a slight squeeze and she gives me a squeeze back. Somehow everything feels so right, for the moment.
I flop onto gnats bed. Father I’m so over this damn day. The girl crawls into bed with me and snuggles into my side.
“Luci.” She breathes.
I hum while looking at her lazily. She smiles at me and I smirk.
“What do you want little girl?”
Her eyes droop languorously.
“I want to lay here in this bed with you forever.”
My eyes darken. Now there’s a certain sense of pleasure in laying here with the girl forever. My hand travels to the small of her back and I pull her impossibly closer.
“Now Natalie I wonder what you could possibly be thinking in that tiny head of yours.” My voice comes out low.
Her phone starts to go off just as she’s leaning in. I roll over with a groan, my mood officially killed and the moment officially over.
“Oh hi Jericho! Yes I’ll start getting ready now! You can head over here in 30.”
Her voice is still breathy from my effects. I feel satisfaction in that at least. She jumps up and looks at me, almost longingly.
“I have to get ready for my date now.” She whispers.
“Have fun girl, I’ll be here when you get back.”
She’s dressed and ready for Jericho’s arrival in record time. I follow her when she rushes to the door for him, my stomach churning the whole time.
“Natalie, you look beautiful.”
I scoff under my breath, but of course the girl blushes. Jericho gives me a quick look; his eyes glinting. I say nothing but I know the rat is up to something. I grab Natalie’s arm before she walks out.
I pull her back towards me; leaning my forehead against hers.
“Please.” I breathe. “Please be safe.” I reiterate.
I need her to be safe. She’s more important than she knows.
“I’ll be fine Stan! I’ll see you tonight.”
With that she’s gone; out the door and on her date. Little does she know that I’ll be watching her every move tonight. I don’t trust him at all.
I waited until she was gone twenty minutes before I slipped out of the house to follow. Finding her wasn’t hard at all. I crept inside the little restaurant, managing to avoid any of the workers there and slipped into a booth near them. Thank father for the ability to change my appearance; she would never know it was me.
“So Natalie now that we’re alone I don’t feel awkward asking you this! What’s going on with you and Stan? He always seems to be at your house. You aren’t cheating on me already are you.” He keeps his voice light but there’s a menacing undertone to it. The foolish girl would never detect it.
“You always ask about Stan.” She chuckles. “He’s always over because we’re best friends. He helps me with all sorts of stuff even helps me pick out the outfits I wear on our dates.”
“Well his friend Felix told me there was more going on between you too.” He admonishes her like she was lying.
My eyes flare angrily at the mention of Festus. What the fuck does he have to do with this? I ordered him not to interfere and instead he fucking has someone getting close to the girl for intel. I’m livid. I sip my water quietly; trying to calm down and not draw attention to my fucking self.
“Felix? Who’s that? I never met a Felix nor has Stan ever mentioned him.”
“Oh well it must be nothing. No worries my darling. I’ll tell Felix he was wrong.” He brushes her off.
He has a look on his face. The same fucking peculiar look Festus has. What the fuck could they be up to? I watch Jericho all night. They don’t talk about anything significant again, keeping it to small talk instead. I do notice that he’s been ordering the girl alcohol. She doesn’t even notice she’s slightly tipsy. What in father’s name could he be fucking trying to accomplish?
“Natalie?” He tries to get her attention.
She looks at him with slightly glazed over eyes.
“Does Stan have..... powers? Is he...out of this world? Inhuman?” He stresses.
The girl looks at him for a split second before she burst into drunken laughter.
“Stan?” She’s laughing almost psychotically.
Jerichos face shows no humor but it does nothing to sober her up.
“If Stan was even remotely inhuman or all powerful do you really think he’d be spending time with a teenage girl?” She slurs.
My breathing is heavy as I try to keep my horns from bursting out. Why is this human kid asking these questions? Is this Festus’ doing? Jericho laughs but it sounds nothing like the girls. His laugh is sinister. I growl under my breath.
“Guess he’s just a regular awesome dude.”
“Yea he’s totally awesome.” She coos.
I smirk to myself. Stupid human girl sounds taken with me, at least Jericho didn’t pick up on her tone or didn’t care to.
“Let’s get you home Natalie! I think you’re a little drunk. They must have been giving us another tables drinks! I will be having a stern talk with the manager!”
He tries to make his voice sound upset and concerned, but I see right through him.
“Oh god! Stan is going to be upset with me.” She groans.
“Don’t worry I’ll have a little chat with Stan. Let’s just get you home safe.”
A little chat we will have indeed.
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hopewithoutcravings · 5 years
Chapter Four
I sneak out of the house as the girl’s snores fill the room. I don’t bother changing to any human form, instead I stick to the shadows. I’m on a mission and I can’t be stopped. I arrive at Felix and Anthea’s house in record time. Before I even have a chance to knock Felix opens the door.
“Master I sensed your presence.”
I push right past him. I didn’t come here for chitchat.
“Festus I have important matters to discuss.”
He looks concerned but says nothing.
“I am only going to say this one time but I’m ordering you to stay away from me and the girl. This is my business and I can handle it just fine. I don’t need you or Anthea putting your noses where they don’t belong.”
“But Master—“
“And I know you haven’t done anything yet. I’m just being precautionary. I hope you understand but I also don’t care if you do or don’t either way.”
He stays silent, for a very long time actually. My eyes narrow as I look at him. He has the most peculiar expression on his face.
“I will do as I’m told.” He says detachedly.
“It’s just business Festus.”
“Just business.” He murmurs.
With that I turn to walk out. I run into Anthea outside and give her the rundown. I want no confusion; neither of them are to approach me or the girl. I hurry home, back to the comfort of the girls dark room and quiet snores. As I wait for morning to come I can’t help but think that Festus is up to something. That expression on his face didn’t sit well in the pit of my stomach. It’ll do me good to watch out for him. The girl must be protected at all cost.
The girl jumps out of bed excitedly and I roll my eyes. How can someone wake up with boundless energy like that?
“Luciiii.” She sings
I smirk “What do you want kid.”
“Well you, Mike, and I are going to the mall. Then I have a date with Jericho.”
Oh fuck me. I forgot about that creepy fucker as well. Can’t father cut me a fucking break.
“You’re still seeing him?” I huff.
“Lucifer...are you jealous?” She giggles.
I shoot her a death glare. For fuck sakes, of course I’m not fucking jealous of the insignificant kid.
“What do I have to be jealous of? He doesn’t even compare to me.”
“Honestly dude, you need to get over whatever you’re feeling. I really like him and he’s nice. So you better behave Lucifer; around him and Michael.”
Michael. Father, how I hate that name. I’m going to be fucking miserable all day.
“Can’t you go hang out with your annoying friend by your fucking self? Why in fathers name do I have to come?”
She gives me those fucking puppy dog eyes again. I roll my eyes, this shit isn’t going to fucking work. I look down at her again; her plump bottom lip is pushed out in a pout. I raise an eyebrow which only makes her pout more. I lean in close to her, our noses touching.
“No you little brat.” I smirk.
Her breath hitches and her eyes dilate. I raise my eyebrows as she leans in a little.
“The fuck are you doing girl.”
She shakes her head slightly.
“I’m sorry. I...uh..got caught in the moment.” She breathes.
My eyes darken at her breathy tone but I say nothing. Something inside me stirs at the thought that she was going to kiss me, I’m shocked by the fact that I wanted her too. I groan at my own thoughts. As always annoyed just by how important this human girl has become. I yearn for her, feel a hunger for her I haven’t felt in years.
“Let’s just get on with this stupid fucking day. I’m going to get dressed and I suggest you do the same.” I pull away from her.
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hopewithoutcravings · 5 years
Not gunna lie I have no idea how I want to start chapter 4 and it’s bothering me 😐
Like I know the plot to my fic at this point. And I know where I want to take it but chapter 4 is stumping mee 😂
The struggle is real y’all.
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hopewithoutcravings · 5 years
Chapter Three
“The amusement park? Girl when I said I wanted to leave the fucking house I didn’t mean this.” I growl.
“Relax Stan. You said you wanted to have fun and well here we are!” She opens her arms wide.
My eyes twitch and I clench my jaw. This fucking child. It’s taking everything in me not to smite her. Do I look like I want to be here? I’m fucking Satan, ruler of hell, and she brought me to a fucking amusement park.
“I’m going to kill you.” I hiss.
She says nothing. Instead she grabs my hand and starts dragging me everywhere. We go on rides, we eat food, she forces me to get tiny horns painted on my forehead. I hate to admit I was enjoying myself.
“Master..is that you?”
I freeze instantly and look behind me.
“Shut the fuck up you little bastard.”
“Stan who’s your friend?”
Fucking lovely. All I needed today was for the girl to run into one of my followers.
“Who the fuck are you and what are you doing with master?”
I snarl at Festus, my eyes glowing angrily. The girl is annoying as fuck but I’ll be damned if anyone talks to her that way.
“I don’t know what you are doing here but you’ll mind yourself. Stay the fuck out of my business and treat the girl with respect. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?” I snap.
“Yes sir. I apologize.” Festus drops his head. I see Anthea making her way towards us. I’m not even surprised, she had taken on a motherly protection towards Festus since we fell. I sigh cause I really didn’t want to deal with this shit today.
“Festus is everything ok?”
“Yes Anthea. Gosh I’m not a child.” He huffs.
“Master...?” She looks at me.
“We’re fine Anthea. Keep Festus out of my fucking business and we’ll continue to be just peachy.”
“Stan..what is going on?”
“Nothing you need to concern yourself with girl. Hopefully we won’t be seeing Anthea and Festus again.” I give them both a pointed stare.
I thread my fingers through Natalie’s and pull her away. Our day is officially over. I’m no longer in the mood; I have a good feeling this won’t be the last I see of Anthea and Festus either.
My horns literally explode out of me the minute we get home. I’m livid. As much as I appreciate my followers the last thing I need is them getting in my fucking business.
My eyes snap to Natalie’s and she looks almost annoyed.
“Are you ok? You’re pacing back and forth while mumbling under your breath.”
“I’m fine girl. I really don’t want to talk about it.”
“It’s not good to bottle up your feelings Lucifer.”
I scoff. Me? Have feelings? Highly unlikely.
“Girl I don’t feel. Feelings are for foolish mortals or weaklings. I’m neither. How dare you insult me.” I huff.
“Oh hush, you and I both know you have feelings for me. Hell you have feelings towards your brother too.”
I frown. Is she really calling me out like this? Feelings for her? I don’t feel shit for her. At least that’s what I’m telling myself. I look up at her a snarky remark on the tip of my tongue but she’s looking me. My words die in my throat. She’s got that stupid fucking look on her face. The “I love you and I know when you’re bullshitting me” look. I run my fingers through my hair fighting off the urge to admit to her I care. She’s one of the only things I care about.
“I hate you, you annoying brat.”
Why do those words sound fake even to my own ears.
“Luci I know you’re lying.” She sing songs.
“Me? A liar? Never.” I smirk at her.
She huffs and throws herself on the bed.
“You’re so annoying.”
All I give her is a shrug.
“Will you at least explain what was up today?”
“There’s nothing to explain. I don’t like my followers in my business. I’m all about free will but privacy and discretion are of upmost importance. I don’t care what they do and they shouldn’t care what I do. Honestly all it boils down to.”
“So why are you freaking out?”
“I am not.” I scoff.
“Definitely seemed like it.”
“I’m just annoyed. You saw how Festus was getting. I don’t need that shit. I’m the leader here. He is one of my most loyal followers but he is almost possessive over me. I belong to no one.”
“You kinda belong to me right now, technically.”
I glare at her.
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Ok but seriously if Felix bothers you that much order him away?”
“I don’t order my follows to do anything. Again free will.”
Father I have to be patient with this feeble minded brat.
“So what happens now?”
She’s almost sad for me at this point. I can tell by the way her eyes glaze over and how that plump bottom lip is pushed out into a pout.
“If they don’t stay out of my sight I’ll kill them. Now enough. I don’t want to talk anymore. I need to think.”
I want to believe that Festus will stay out of my business and away from me but it’s him I’m talking about. Tomorrow I’ll see Anthea; I’ll tell her if she doesn’t keep him under control there’ll be dire consequences. Tomorrow I’ll take care of this.
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hopewithoutcravings · 5 years
Chapter 2
It honestly seemed like centuries before the girl came home. I have been hyper aware of everything all night. I was double, triple checking to make sure we both didn’t get hurt. So far nothing. When she finally walked through the door my body seemed to sag in relief. I rearranged myself in the bean bag chair, trying desperately not to look like I was up worried about her.
“Lucifer you’re still up?”
“I don’t sleep dumb girl.”
Little did she know that it wouldn’t have matter if I could. I would have stayed up for days insuring her safety.
“Ha I forgot! Must have slipped my mind.” She chuckles to herself.
I frown. Is this fucking kid consuming her mind already? Typical fucking humans.
“How was your date? I trust Jericho kept you safe?”
“It went amazing! We went and saw a movie and he took me to a quaint little diner afterwards. I didn’t want to stay out to late cause I know how much you worry.” She gushes.
“Me? Worry? I have news for you gnat. I don’t give a flying fuck about you. The only reason I even remotely care is because we are still contracted. If you get hurt so do I and vice versa. Don’t confuse that for me caring about you. I’m honestly fucking repulsed. Dear father you’re stupid.”
“Wow harsh much. Why are you so grumpy Satan? Oh! I have an idea let’s get you out of the house tomorrow. Would you like that boy?” She coos.
“Well no bu—“
“I would love to get out of the house though.” I cut her off.
“See I knew it! That’s all you needed.” She ruffles my hair.
When did she start getting so handsy? And when did I allow it? It seems like her hands are always on me; in my hair, on my chest, rubbing and scratching.
I let out a low groan when her fingers start working through my hair again. Father, this feels so good.
“Jericho kissed me tonight.” It comes out in a breath.
I freeze not sure what to say, but trying so hard to control my reaction. I pull away from her. Why does she always have to ruin the fucking mood?
“Why would I care?” I sneer.
“I’m just mentioning it. That’s what friends are for right? It was nice by the way.”
I clench my jaw. I really don’t want to fucking hear about this.
“It’s time we go to bed kid.”
She looks up at me through sleepy eyes and nods her head. When she starts to undress I advert my eyes trying to give her privacy. Even I have enough decency not to stare.
“Lucifer...c’mere” her words are slurring.
I drop down next to her bed and she can barely keep her eyes open.
“Natalie please go to sleep. You look exhausted.”
She lurches forward suddenly, grabbing my face and kisses me on the nose.
“Love you Stan.”
With that she flops over and goes to bed; like it was nothing, natural. I’m left frozen, staring at her curled up form. The room is filled with silence apart from her light snores. She...she loves me?
“WHA-“ she screams as just falls out of bed.
She glares at me which only makes me laugh. She was a mess, her hair all in her face and her legs tangled in her blanket.
“Girl you should see the look on your pathetic face.” I chuckle maliciously.
“Satan I hate you.”
I smirk. “That’s not what you said last night.”
Her face turns beet red and her eyes go wide.
“What..what are you talking about?”
“You told me you love me. Last night before you passed out. You also told me you kissed Jericho.”
“I said all that....?”
I nod in affirmation.
“Satan I’m so sorry oh my god. Did I hurt your feelings dude? I didn’t mean too. Oh gosh I feel so bad.” She rambles
I tilt my head and look at her.
“What are you sorry about exactly?”
Father help me. I hope she’s not sorry about telling me she loves me.
“I’m sorry about Jericho. I shouldn’t have said that. That is so rude of me or whatever. God how can I be so insensitive.”
“What about the other thing?”
“Me loving you?”
“Of course I love you. Why would I take that back!”
My breath comes out of me in a whoosh and I nod my head absentmindedly. She loves me. She meant it when she said she loves me. I stare off in to space as I try to process my own feelings.
I look at her in silence.
“What are you thinking?” She whispers.
“Too much to explain. Let’s get out of the house. I’m going stir crazy in here.”
“Ar...are we good?”
“We’re fine girl, why wouldn’t we be? I don’t care about your feelings towards me or anyone else.”
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hopewithoutcravings · 5 years
Chapter One
“I have a date tonight”
My eyes narrow.
“A date you say girl?”
“Yes! His name is Jericho. I ran into him at the store. He’s coming over later today so you get to meet him.”
She practically vibrates with excitement which only causes me to scowl. My horns flare up red in my irritation.
“You didn’t even fucking bother to ask if I wanted to meet him you insolent girl. Dear father, do you have no consideration for anyone?” I hiss.
“Oh please Lucifer! I want you two to get along.”
I growl low. How can I be so callous? Of course I’ll give in but I don’t have to enjoy it or act pleasant.
“Fine, consider this a huge favor and don’t ask me for shit else for the rest of the week.”
“Thank you , thank you, thank you dude.”
She flies into my lap and clings to me, hugging me. I freeze as she kisses my cheek and squeezes me to her. I feel warmth and something else during the interaction. My arms twitch to wrap around her, but I say nothing, instead I snap my teeth and push her off. She looks up at me confused
“Do I look like I want your sweaty human body pressed up against mine? Don’t touch you me kid.”
“Oh Lucifer stop it. You’re such a grumpy old man.” She giggles.
My eye twitches. “The fuck did you just say to me you brat?”
“Oh nothing I’m going to start getting ready for my date!”
She bounces away and I slump backwards exhausted already. I push my hair back with a sigh. It going to be a long ass day. This fucking kid is going to be the death of me I swear it.
“How do I look Stan?”
I roll my eyes up to look at her disinterestedly. I wasn’t prepared for the sight before me. Her hair was in loose waves. She was dressed up as well, in a nice flowing top and tight jeans. Is she wearing makeup? What the fuck.
“You...uh...you look fine.” I cough.
“You think Jericho will like it?”
I snort. “I don’t give a fuck what that boy thinks.”
“Lucifer..” she whispers my name so softly.
She kneels in front of me and puts her forehead against mine. I close my eyes as she runs her fingers through my hair.
“I hope you know you’re my best friend and even if I start dating Jericho he won’t replace you dude.”
“Replace me? I don’t give a fuck if he replaces me. You and your stupid boyfriend mean nothing to me.” I roar in disgust while wrenching myself away from her. She looks at me frowning, her eyes glaze over like she’s going to cry but she doesn’t. She stands up tall and looks at me with determination.
“Satan I order you to be nice to me and Jericho tonight.”
“EXCUSE ME.” I snap.
I shoot up to my full height, my horns blazing fire red.
“You heard me Satan. I’m not kidding”
“How fucking dare you. I’m not your friend kid. This isn’t some play date. I am literally Satan and you want me to be NICE to you and your fucking boyfriend?”
Her mind was made up I can tell. If I fought her there was no telling what other orders she’d give me in her emotionally heightened state. Fuck.
“As you wish.” I snarl.
The knocking on the door breaks the tension and she quickly smiles.
“He’s here!”
“Fucking lovely” I murmur.
I change my appearance back to greaser Stan, don some shorts and black shirt and get myself ready for these few minutes of hell I have to endure. She opens the door and there he is. He’s nothing but a kid. For fuck sakes he still has baby fat. I smirk. Is this girl fucking serious?
“Jericho meet Stan. Stan meet Jericho.”
“You’re Stan?”
Why does his voice almost sound awed Who the fuck is this kid?
“That’s the name don’t wear it out.”
Natalie shoots me a death stare and I straighten up.
“Well I hope you two enjoy your date.” The word comes out of my mouth harshly.
“Thank you Stan. Don’t wait up!”
“Yea Stan...don’t wait up.” Jericho sneers.
My eyes narrow as I watch him almost drag her away. I definitely have to keep my eyes on him now. It’s going to be a long night.
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hopewithoutcravings · 5 years
Honestly I didn’t know what I was going to name this fic butttt I think the name Torment will fit maybe? I’m kinda winging it so I never know how the story is gunna go lmao.
Most if not all of this story will be in Satans POV. Anyway I’m rambling.
Chapter one is half way done maybe? Lol
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hopewithoutcravings · 5 years
I roll my eyes. The girl was blabbing again and I couldn’t find it in myself to even pretend to give a fuck.
“So then Michael-“
“Girl do you ever just shut the fuck up?” I huff.
“I’m sorry. I just feel so comfortable with you. You’re my best friend” she smiles.
My eyes flash to her face and my breath catches in my throat. How can this stupid human girl stun me into silence with a few words.
“I...shut the fuck up.” I growl.
She says nothing and neither do I. I shouldn’t feel this way but the girl does bring out a certain softness in me. I would never admit it out loud though.
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