horanswhore · 6 years
DDLG doesn't sexualize minors because they're not allowed to participate. It's not the adults fault if a minor participate in a kink. And adults have every right to share a kink. I hate uneducated antis like you. Antis like you kindly fuck off. I'm tired of uneducated anti like you.
As a 24yo geezer I find it very appalling that when you search “pink” or “kitten” you’ll find ddlg/porn bullshit. Y'all understand this website is full of underage people? Sure, have your fetishes but don’t fuckin bring it to social media, it’s disgusting and potentially dangerous to minors.
Now, sure, I have had a lot of friends who are over 5 years younger than me and the time I befriended them I have been in my twenties and they’ve been teenagers. Many people think it’s twisted if a 20yo wants to even simply be friends with minors but that’s a fucked up thought because ddlg and sexualising minors exists. I am ace and I have a fiancee, I find pedophiles disgusting. I would never ever try to hook up with anyone under 18. Because I don’t want to, they’re minors. Friendship usually just happens, regardless of age or anything else. But sexual relationships NEVER should happen between an adult and a minor.
I am aspiring to become a youth worker one day, and that’s part of the reason I’m really shocked about things like these. Sure, in Finland, where I live, a lot of teenagers do have sex with other teenagers and they can be sexual. But the thing is, teenagers are minors and it is the parents’ and other reliable adults’ responsibility to teach their kids to not interact with adult creepers and to be responsible if they’re having sex with someone same age.
And the thing is, even though there are minors who don’t possibly get traumatized of sexual things, their viewpoint can easily get twisted and they can start to think it’s perfectly okay for a 15yo to have sex with a 30yo. It’s not okay.
Anyway keep your fetishes of minors out of social media. They don’t belong here.
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horanswhore · 6 years
Dear Menstrual Cycle / Period
I hope this doesn't get marked as adult content it's not adult content. I would like to thank you for these things not. I have a lot to say to you. First of Mother Nature you can be a bitch sometimes to me and to other people. And you can be a bitct to some girls / women. And mennstryl cycle thank you for letting me know that I'm not pregnant. I do not like to feel what it feels like to give birth. Stop making me cramp so badly menstryl cycle. You make me cry sometimes when you make me cramp. And furthermore stop making me leak and stop runing my clothes. I would like to wear good clothes. I do not like to leak in bed and wake up to a war zone on my bed and having my bed look like the Japanese flag. Menstryl Cycle stop waking me up from my beaty sleep to go take a pain pill and put on a pad. I do not like being woken up from my sleep especially when it's early. You wake me up early sometimes thank you very much. I do not like to reschedual things when you show up. Menstryl Cycle you ruin everything. I can't wait til I'm older and through with you. You're a burden to me. You cost us women and girls a lot of money sometimes from buying tampons and pads. You make me miss things sometimes. You make me miss things I want to do. And Menstryl Cycle you can be embarrasing sometimes by catching some of us off gaurd and causing leaks that can show sometimes. You catch me off gaurd sometimes. Menstryl Cycle you male me feel gross sometimes. Mother Nature I do not like the Menstryl Cycle gift. If I could return that gift I would. You get growing pains and geting the Menstryl Cycle is a part of growing pains. Memstrul Cycle you make me sick literaly. I have gotten sick from you. I have almost passed out sometimes. I've gotten sick from not eating due to cramps. I can get get pail and get an upset stomach due to not eating from cramps. And when that happens I get sweaty. Sometimes when I cramp so bad abd I stabd up too fast I almost pass out. Even though I complain sometimes you're a blessing. You're sometimes a blessing because I get to lay around and take it easy. You give me an excuse to lay around and be lazy for a day or two. Since Mother Nature gave you to me I guess I'll have to try to make the best with you around. I guess so far I have done ok I guess. If I look past your bad things I can sort of see some beauty in you Menstryl Cycle. You give us Women and girls another reason why we're different from Men and boys. I guess Menstryl Cycle we can be friends. If I try really hard I can become friends with you. If you take it easy on me maybe just maybe we can work things out and be friends. It's going to take sometime until we're friends. I don't know if we can become friends. I just hope we can be friends. So far our relationship has been rocky. I guess we have a relatipnship. We're not quite friends yet. But I'm working on it. In several more years our relationship will be no more. I won't be sad about it. One thing that our relationship has taught me that I'm stronger than I realize. I also learned that I'm still a little weak when it comes to pain. Also our relationship has taught me that I can't handle pain and that I sometimes can't handle you. You can be a bitch to me. Other times you rage at me and other times you don't. You're kinda like my mother in some ways. Over all you're bad at times and not bad. You give me benefits. 
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horanswhore · 6 years
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This is why minors should not be getting into DDLG,DDLB,MDLG,MDLB. Link to my blog about those things https://www.tumblr.com/blog/agregplayddlgddlbmdlgmdlbabdl
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horanswhore · 6 years
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I can't stand people like this she is sexist. She hates men for no reason. Hating men for no reason is unfair to the men. Fuck this bitch. Here's the link to her account https://www.deviantart.com/wonderland-rebel
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horanswhore · 6 years
People Getting Drunk And Getting R*paed
I blurred the word r*pe in case it violates Tumblr's stupid adult content banning rule. Otherwise I don't blurr the word. People getting r*ped while drunk it's not their fault they got r*ped but they shouldn't have been drunk when they got r*ped. It's easy not to get drunk when you drink responsibly. People that get drunk are careless and dumb. You should know your limit on alcohol. People that think I'm victim blaming because I said that someone shouldn't have gotten drunk when they were r*ped is wrong because I'm not victim blaming. The ones that think I am victim blaming are just butthurt and offended because I said that someone shouldn't have gotten drunk then they wouldn't have been r*ped. Victim blaming is wrong I don't support it but I'm not vicim blaming when I say that someone shouldn't have gotten drunk when they got r*ped. I hope you understand. I'm not a bad person when I say that someone shouldn't have gotten drunk when they got r*ped. I'm not a bigot by saying that. I wish people would understand this.
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horanswhore · 6 years
Tumblr seriously you flagged me? It is not porn that I posted it's artistic nudity. Porn and artistic nudity are different. You have ruined yourself by banning adult content. Please approve my post. 
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horanswhore · 6 years
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You know how they were saying Tumblr was taken down from Apple's app store well I think It's back because Tumblr's app is on Google Play Store. Good news. Tumblr app is back and here to stay on both platforms Apple app store and Google play store.
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horanswhore · 6 years
Tumblr Purge
It' here to destroy what some of us love explicit art and blogs. Congrats Tumblr you killed yourself with suicide by removing explicit art and blogs. Well done I applod you for doing something stupid. I hope to see that you made a mistake by seeing users leave. People will leave for other sites. I will be leaving for awhile I may not post as much. This is bye for now. I will come and check in and post from time to time. Explicit art and blogs have been destroyed. Explicit art and blogs are dead on here. But they will be back I have hope. Porm bots should have went too along with non porn bots. This is unfair. Tumblr is officially a bully by censoring us by removing explicit art and blogs. They have ruined their image and their platform. Tumblr turn this ruling around before you die from user leaving. I'm not going to stand for this. I'm not going down without a fight.
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horanswhore · 6 years
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Link to story https://www.wattpad.com/625368488-why-most-of-my-stories-are-gone-read  Here's my opinion this user didn't deserve Wattpad awards because she deleted her books that won them. The awards went to waste. And she's lying about leaving Wattpad because she's still active. I told her this and the bitch blocked me. She was a bitch to me because I wasn't hating on her. I'm going to be a bitch back to her. 
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horanswhore · 6 years
What you're doing is suicide. This will be bad because now Tumblr will loose a lot of users. I will not stand for this. This is unfair to artist that do nude art and that post adult content. People want to post adult content. Deleting all of adult content will not be 100% effective in getting rid of child porn. I'm agaianst child porn but i'm not against getting rid of adult content. People will leave this site for other sites to post adult content. You allowed us women to be sexual Architechs instead of sexual objects. You are going to hurt us Women and artist by taking away adult content. You are going to hurt us Women by taking away adult content because us Women are going to be just sexual objects on here instead of sexual Architechs. You are being unfair to everyone. Us users are going to stand up against this. You And some users already flagged and deleted content that isn't even considered adult content. Do you even care about ussers Tumblr? If you cared you wouldn't take away adult content. You don't care about users posting adult content and adult art or us Women users. You only care about children some that can't even be on here that are under 13. You only care about is getting rid of child porn. You don't care about us adults and adults and Women who want to post adult content. I like adult content because I'm interested in it. Adult content is important to adults. Adult things need to be talked about. You better not delete ABDL (Adult baby diaper lover),DDLG(Daddy dom little girl),DDLB (Daddy dom little boy),MDLG(Mommy Dom little girl),MDLB(mommy dom little boy),age regression and age play things. People will continue to abuse this site no matter how much you try to stop them not all people abuse the site will be caught. You're silencing the ones that love adult content because they can't talk about it and love it on here. Tumblr was my safe haven for adult content. On here I wasn't bullied for liking adult content. And adult content is a community. Tumblr will be taking away an entire community. The adult content community is inportant to adults. You're taking away the safy and love that people get with adult conent. You're censoring us that post adult content. Censorship ruins things. You're taking away free speech. Tumblr you might shut down to to the number of lose of users. I hope more users agree with me and join me in stopping Tumblr. I hope the staff sees this and others messages from other users about not letting Tumblr do this. I hope that Tumblr realizes that this is a mistake and bring back adult content. Even though I waa nice I feel like cursing Tumblr out for driving us off of Tumblr. Censorship is bullying. Tumblr has became the bully. Tumblr has made me mad. I just had to rant.
A better, more positive Tumblr
Since its founding in 2007, Tumblr has always been a place for wide open, creative self-expression at the heart of community and culture. To borrow from our founder David Karp, we’re proud to have inspired a generation of artists, writers, creators, curators, and crusaders to redefine our culture and to help empower individuality.
Over the past several months, and inspired by our storied past, we’ve given serious thought to who we want to be to our community moving forward and have been hard at work laying the foundation for a better Tumblr. We’ve realized that in order to continue to fulfill our promise and place in culture, especially as it evolves, we must change. Some of that change began with fostering more constructive dialogue among our community members. Today, we’re taking another step by no longer allowing adult content, including explicit sexual content and nudity (with some exceptions).  
Let’s first be unequivocal about something that should not be confused with today’s policy change: posting anything that is harmful to minors, including child pornography, is abhorrent and has no place in our community. We’ve always had and always will have a zero tolerance policy for this type of content. To this end, we continuously invest in the enforcement of this policy, including industry-standard machine monitoring, a growing team of human moderators, and user tools that make it easy to report abuse. We also closely partner with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the Internet Watch Foundation, two invaluable organizations at the forefront of protecting our children from abuse, and through these partnerships we report violations of this policy to law enforcement authorities. We can never prevent all bad actors from attempting to abuse our platform, but we make it our highest priority to keep the community as safe as possible.
So what is changing?
Posts that contain adult content will no longer be allowed on Tumblr, and we’ve updated our Community Guidelines to reflect this policy change. We recognize Tumblr is also a place to speak freely about topics like art, sex positivity, your relationships, your sexuality, and your personal journey. We want to make sure that we continue to foster this type of diversity of expression in the community, so our new policy strives to strike a balance.
Why are we doing this?
It is our continued, humble aspiration that Tumblr be a safe place for creative expression, self-discovery, and a deep sense of community. As Tumblr continues to grow and evolve, and our understanding of our impact on our world becomes clearer, we have a responsibility to consider that impact across different age groups, demographics, cultures, and mindsets. We spent considerable time weighing the pros and cons of expression in the community that includes adult content. In doing so, it became clear that without this content we have the opportunity to create a place where more people feel comfortable expressing themselves.
Bottom line: There are no shortage of sites on the internet that feature adult content. We will leave it to them and focus our efforts on creating the most welcoming environment possible for our community.
So what’s next?
Starting December 17, 2018, we will begin enforcing this new policy. Community members with content that is no longer permitted on Tumblr will get a heads up from us in advance and steps they can take to appeal or preserve their content outside the community if they so choose. All changes won’t happen overnight as something of this complexity takes time.
Another thing, filtering this type of content versus say, a political protest with nudity or the statue of David, is not simple at scale. We’re relying on automated tools to identify adult content and humans to help train and keep our systems in check. We know there will be mistakes, but we’ve done our best to create and enforce a policy that acknowledges the breadth of expression we see in the community.
Most importantly, we’re going to be as transparent as possible with you about the decisions we’re making and resources available to you, including more detailed information, product enhancements, and more content moderators to interface directly with the community and content.
Like you, we love Tumblr and what it’s come to mean for millions of people around the world. Our actions are out of love and hope for our community. We won’t always get this right, especially in the beginning, but we are determined to make your experience a positive one.
Jeff D’Onofrio CEO
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horanswhore · 6 years
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Out of order. Here's my opinion on this. I already did my opinion on spanking. See my previous post about that. About the first photo on the top. I agree with everything on the first paragraph. I agree a young child should be spanked when the're too young to understand why they're being spanked and it's the most effective. I will be spanking my young child when they're too young to understand why they're being spanked. I will tell them why they're being spanked even though they're too young to understand. Link to screenshot https://www.quora.com/Why-are-prisoners-protected-from-corporal-punishment-but-not-children
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horanswhore · 6 years
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Guys lets make sure this woman gets banned from future Harry Styles concerts. She didn't deserve to have gotten noticed by Harry. The last pic is the woman's Twitter. People like her don't deserve to get noticed by celebs. 
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horanswhore · 6 years
Rants Usage Of The N Word A Double Standard And Unfair
The usage of the n word is a double standard if you think about it. It is that way because when a black person calls another black person the n word black people are fine with it but when a white person calls a black person the n word it's considered racist. That's unfair. That's a double standard. Think about it. I know the history of the n word. I've paid attention in History class throughout my school years. I just think it's unfair and a double standard when a white person calls a black person the word. I wish this wasn't a double standard. I'm not the only one that thinks this way. Please don't think I'm stupid by saying this.  
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horanswhore · 6 years
Opinions Spanking
I agree with parents spanking their children because sometimes it's sometimes the only thing left to punish a child with. Children will sometimes learn quicker if they're spanked. They say that children as scarred for life if they're spanked. Or that child will fear their parents. Bullshit I was spanked as a child and I turned out ok. And I do not fear my parents. I learned to not act up because I was spanked. Children sometimes needs a a good spanking. When you don't spank them they may turn out spoiled. Spanking needs to come back to schools and day cares. Just imagine the children who aren't spanked and they get spanked there will be less crime in this world. When children aren't spanked they are getting out of being in trouble. When you have a spoiled child and they won't learn a lesson spanking them is sometimes the only way to get them to not act up. I wish that more parents would spank their kids. You can tell which child get spankings compared to children who don't. Spanking children has goon back at least hundreds of years and it's not going to stop anytime soon. So parents who don't spank their kids should because that is not going to go anytime soon. Parents might as well get used to it. You will not hurt your child if you spank them. So please reconsider.
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horanswhore · 6 years
Opinions Gays And Lesbians
Not hate speech. And I'm not exposing anyone. Please do not get offended. Gays shouldn't get married. It's a sin to be gay. Was God gay? Or was any man in the Bible gay? Was any female in the Bible Lesbian? No they weren't. That's why I feel it's a sin to be gay. Being Gay or Lesbian is gross. The Gays and Lesbians ruined rainbow. And the woman who denied Gays' and Lesbians' marriage liecences is a hero to me. I would have done the same thing. I cannot stand the Gay and Lesbian pride parades. You don't see straight people having parades to celebrate the straight pride. When Gays and Lesbians adopt a child the child will may grow up to be Gay or a Lebian. That's why I think that Gays and Lesbians shouldn't adopt any child under the age of 4. Gays and Lesbians shouldn't be religious leaders because being Gay or Lesbian is a sin. People can can be born Gay or Lesbian. But people tend to forget that being Gay or Lesbian can be a choice. There are people out there who agree with me. I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling this way.
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horanswhore · 6 years
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Not a suspescious post. This is me posting not anyone else. I haven't been hacked. I don't have anywhere else to put these pics. This is all true. Please believe me Tumblr.
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horanswhore · 6 years
Two icons were lost this week to suicide, but their contributions to the world will never be forgotten. Kate Spade made the fashionably unattainable attainable and @anthonybourdain’s exploration of culture through food opened our eyes to the world. Both will be sorely missed.
Remember, no matter what you are going through, you don’t have to go through it alone. There are resources available to help you.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need it, Tumblr.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Available 24/7 at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
NAMI (@namiorg): Dedicated to improving the lives of anyone living with mental illness. Free to chat at 1-800-950-6264. Free support 24/7 Text NAMI to 741741
The Trevor Project (@thetrevorproject): Confidential suicide hotline for LGBTQ+ young people. Available 24/7 at 1-866-488-7386.
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