prideknights · 19 hours
Lesbians! Choose your champion! ⚔️🌈
For the lesbian coat of arms we are currently designing, we need two protectors/supporters (poll below). The nominees are:
1. Whiptail lizard
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2. Pelican
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3. Siren
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4. Caribou
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Coat of arms example:
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Thanks for voting! Please reblog if you can to increase the sample size (:
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showmeyourpair69 · 1 day
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drizzledrawings · 2 days
Had a dream about your cowbians but it was closer to modern day time period and they both rode motorcycles together
Funny coincidence,, I drew this last night
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October 19 - Asphoradic
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pairing: dom!WandaNat x sub!Reader
summary: Your girlfriends use you and give you a special treat.
content warnings: drug use (sort of), dildo, restraints, dubious consent
word count: 1.2k+
comments and reblogs are always appreciated! happy reading ♡
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“Hold her mouth open,” a strong, raspy voice sounds out.
You pull at the soft rope around your wrists, wishing that the headboard wasn’t made of metal. You’d really dug yourself in a hole, mouthing off and acting bratty all day. It wasn’t all your fault though, you had a big project due the next day that you’d wanted to complete, and your girlfriends had been… distracting. 
All day.
And you still have some work left to do tomorrow. You pull at the restraints again, feeling a gentle hand cup your cheek. 
“Just open your mouth, darling,” Wanda murmurs, her voice soft. It’s comforting, and you almost obey. Then you remember how mad you are. 
Gritting your teeth, you shake your head, feeling the blindfold slip slightly down your nose. Wanda sighs, her fingers quickly retying the knot and tightening the blindfold. 
“Don’t make this more difficult than it has to be,” comes Natasha’s voice, her hands coming down to wrap around your ankles. She holds them firmly, pressing your limbs against the mattress as Wanda’s hand snakes around to your nose. 
Pinching, Wanda shushes you as she cuts off your air. 
“Hush, darling. Just open that pretty mouth of yours… I have a special surprise for you. You’ll love it, I promise.”
You feel your lungs burn, the need to breathe becoming too strong to resist. Parting your lips, you suck in air, relief flowing through you as you feel Wanda pour liquid into your mouth.
You sputter, Wanda’s hand clamping down over your mouth as she instructs you to swallow. Her voice is melodic and low in your ear, wrapping around your thoughts and soothing your frantic mind. You swallow slowly, the liquid slightly salty and bitter as it slides down your throat. 
It warms you from the inside, settling in your stomach as Wanda removes her hand and takes the blindfold off of you. You can see her eyes gleaming with satisfaction, her fingers twisting the cap back onto a small bottle. 
You feel your mind become fuzzy, your eyes glazing over slightly. Your body feels… warm. And sensitive. So… fucking sensitive. Oh god, you were so needy all of a sudden. You feel the urge to cum, the itch to do whatever it takes to get sweet release. 
“Please…” you moan, and you watch through hazy eyes as Natasha and Wanda share a pleased look. 
“You want this, don’t you,” Natasha croons, her eyes sharp as she takes in your flushed face. She feels your muscles relaxing, your body pliant beneath her touch. Her hands softly slide up your thighs, a quiet moan escaping from your lips at the action. 
“So responsive,” Wanda murmurs, her lips brushing against your ear and trailing down your neck. You squirm at the sensation, your body heating up. Her hands squeeze your chest, her touch gentle and painful at the same time. 
Arching your back, you thrust your chest further into Wanda’s hands, a pathetic moan sounding out. Natasha chuckles, grabbing a dildo from the nightstand and pressing it against your dripping hole. 
You begin to plead, your words slurred slightly. “Fuck me… please I need it. I wanna… wanna be filled up. Please just make me feel good,” you beg, your voice taking on a desperate edge. 
Wanda sticks her fingers in your mouth, and you smile as you begin to suck. God, there’s nothing you would rather be doing right now. The weight of her fingers against your tongue causes more heat to wrap around your core, your arousal slick as it drips down your inner thighs while you suck Wanda’s fingers with lewd noises.  
“Good job, pet,” Natasha says, pressing the toy slightly inside you. The pressure drives you wild, your hips attempting to buck up, her fingers digging into your skin to stop the movement. 
“Fuck her,” Wanda commands, her eyes locked on you. She can see the desperate flush spreading from your cheeks and down your chest, your nipples straining with need. “Don’t go easy, Natasha.”
With a smirk, your girlfriend obeys, slamming the toy deep inside you in a single thrust. She doesn’t give you any time to adjust, your walls squeezing in pleasure as she drags the toy out and roughly pushes it back inside you. 
Pain and pleasure bloom, overtaking your senses as you feel your arousal leaking out with each harsh thrust of the dildo. Wanda leans down, attaching her lips to one of your straining nipples, sucking as you moan at the stimulation. 
It quickly becomes overwhelming, and you beg as you strain against your restraints. 
“Please, oh fuck… please let me cum. I need to cum, please I’ll do anything I just… fuck me… harder please. Let me cum. I’m begging…” you plead, your voice breathy and high. You’re aware that you’re seconds away from whimpering, but you don’t particularly care. 
“Listen to that, Wanda,” Natasha says, her voice sounding amused. “The toy wants to cum… should we allow it?”
You feel Wanda’s moan as she lets your nipple go with an audible pop. You plead at her with your eyes, feeling your orgasm approaching as Natasha roughly fucks you with the dildo. 
Fuck, you’ve never felt this desperate before. This… brainless and horny. The only thing you want is to cum, to feel pleasure. You would be embarrassed, but the only thing you can think about is how close your release is. 
“Let her cum, Wanda says, and you sigh in relief. “But, don’t stop afterward.”
Your eyes widen as Natasha laughs, the sound low and dark. Fuck, was she really going to…
Natasha angles the dildo to hit that sensitive spot inside you perfectly, your orgasm rising quickly. Your breaths come in short gasps, your chest heaving as Wanda leans down as presses her lips against yours, her fingers circling your clit quickly. 
It doesn’t take long for your orgasm to hit. Pleasure cascades through you, your muscles clenching as you moan. It’s overwhelming in the best way, your body craving more even as your orgasm fades. You can feel yourself still wanting more, your body buzzing with arousal. 
Natasha notices, her eyes widening in delight. “Look Wanda, our pet wants more… how about you go get the vibrator. I want to see how many times they can cum in one night.”
You feel your mind fade into the fuzzy headspace you love, barely registering the way Wanda moves away from you. The only thing you notice is the incessant pleasure from her vibrator as she holds it against you. Natasha is still fucking you deeply with the dildo, her pace only increasing as you cum over and over again. 
And yet… your body craves more. 
“We should get more asphoradics,” Wanda murmurs, her voice low as she gently kisses Natasha. “I think our little toy loves feeling like this.”
You nod quickly, the words registering in your brain as you cum again. 
Truly, it was perfect. You loved feeling like a toy, used for your girlfriends’ pleasure as your brain turned off. You loved being used, your body constantly craving more. If you could stay like this forever, you would be happy. 
Natasha slams the toy into you, the movement sharp and rough. “I think that's a wonderful idea, sweetheart.” 
Two pairs of green eyes peer down at your used, tired, needy body. Wanda and Natasha smile at you, their eyes dark as they watch you fall over the edge again. “Our toy is absolutely perfect like this.”
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kittycarabiner · 3 days
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does anybody else ever think about wlw monsters 🥺
monster women with thick/long fingers and tongues to prod into your sticky cunt
monster women with sharp teeth to nip at your thighs to keep you still beneath them
monster women strong enough to hold your weight mid-air while they fuck you with their tongue
monster women with huge cocks/straps, with spines, knots, veins, etc that rub against you and perfectly nestle into your g-spot
monster women who groan and grunt when you suck them off/eat them out after, tasting yourself on them. their clawed hands digging into your scalp, restraining themselves from bucking against your cute little mouth
monster women who purr and cuddle you up against their chest afterward, keeping you nice, warm, and content
- this post is 18+ wlw : minors/men dni -
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phantom-palace · 3 days
hey so i’m not ok
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shslbunnylover · 2 days
Can I request a fic where Natasha romanoff and the reader are married for tax pourposes, and nat fogets she's married until someone starts talking about her wife that they met on a mission?
With mean nat, and some smut?
★ ★ ★ A much needed reminder ★ ★ ★
Character: Natasha Romanoff
Summary: After Natasha forgets about your marriage that was based on convenience, she realizes just how much she loves you.
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @lilfartbox1
Trigger Warnings: NSFW, slight angst and mention of unrequited love, Daddy kink, choking kink, slight spanking, rough sex, mean(ish) Natasha, G!P Natasha (with condom), slight dacryphilia,
Genre: Smut
Author's Note: I've been revived!!
Word Count: 4.02k
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Natasha Romanoff. Feared Avenger, skilled assassin, and your wife. Well...not so much the last part. Your relationship was mostly out of convenience, leaving you, who had fallen in love with Natasha a few months into your relationship, heartbroken and bitter against the world. You were literally married to this woman, yet she was nothing more than a stranger most nights.
The two of you had lived in the Avengers Tower for around a year when she brought the concept of a convenience-based marriage. She dragged you into a dark room, and you had honestly believed that you were about to meet death right then and there until she had dropped that bombshell.
"We need to get married," She had stated bluntly, looking down at you as you sat in the chair she had practically forced you into.
"Huh-? Natasha, what the hell??" You replied, looking up at the redhead as the slight slivers of light from the window illuminated her sharp green eyes as they stared down at you.
A few long moments pass, the only noise in the room being that of her and you breathing.
She sighed, just blinking for a minute before sitting down.
"Look, Y/N..." Natasha began, twirling a pen on her fingers, the ball point moving quickly as it spun around in her hand.
Your vision fell to the pen, then back up to the assassin.
"Out of every Avenger here, you're the one I'm most comfortable doing this with. This isn't anything romantic, but it's purely for our benefit," She explained, her hands placed on the table as she leaned in.
"Our benefit? How exactly?" You looked at her curiously, becoming intrigued by the offer against your better judgment.
"Tax benefits, credits to be specific. It would also be a way for you to ward off those annoying ass fans of yours," Natasha's head gestured to your left towards the only window (and light source) in the room that gave a view of the city below.
You sighed, you knew that last statement was true. As an Avenger, when you gained strength you would also have creepy and obsessed fans who would devote their life to you in some parasocial relationship. Being single didn't help that either, and with having The Black Widow holding your hand out in public acting as your wife, you knew the amount of obsessed fans (public ones at least) would decrease.
"You don't have to agree to this, but if you want it, meet me in my compound later," She'd said before leaving the room.
You sat in that room for a long while, debating your options.
But eventually you came to a conclusion.
"Natasha?" You knocked on the redhead's door, sighing as she opened the door. "We have a deal."
You barely managed to see the notoriously rude Avenger crack a small smile.
"Alright, we'll figure out the legal shit in the morning," Her smile dropped once again, before gently shutting the door.
The two of you were married in the courthouse after less than a week following the conversation in the room, leaving you married in the eyes of the general public and more importantly the government and tax office.
Nothing had really changed between you two in terms of your emotional connection. Sure the other Avengers would tease you about being married and would constantly compare the two of you to complete rocks when it came to the love in your marriage, but you didn't mind because you and her were only in this for convenience, it wasn't like you actually liked each other.
That last fact however, changed around a year into your "marriage".
You sat alone in the main lounge room in the tower, most of the others out on some minor missions, almost the entire crew excluding you and Natasha, who had been injured in a previous mission and was forced to stay at the compound. As her "spouse", the rest of the crew sacrificed you to stay with her under yet another one of their "funny" jokes against your arrangement. You didn't really mind being told to stay in the building though, it gave you a free day off.
Turned on in the background was some random reality TV show that consisted more of fake tears and drama then any actual real glimpse of human emotion, but it was still your vice nonetheless.
With your feet propped on the couch and a bowl of leftover Chinese food in your hands, you watched the show on the television with lazy eyes. You didn't have any real responsibilities at the moment, Natasha was way too stubborn to even think about letting you take care of her, no matter how "married" you may have been to the rest of the team.
About an hour passed when you heard the assassin's voice come out of the hallway in a groan.
"Ah shit-" She grimaced, walking down the hallway, her stubborn self still refusing any help, even in the form of leaning on the wall.
"Nat?" You paused the TV, placing your bowl of rice on the table before standing up to see what was going on behind you.
"What-?" She gritted her teeth, her bandaged leg faltering her steps and forcing the redhead to slow her pace.
"You know you were told to relax and call me if you needed anything," You sighed, looking your wife up and down in a disapproving manner.
"Y/N, I don't need your help," Natasha scoffed, ever the unwilling to receive assistance.
You let out yet another exhale, and you pulled her to the couch you were once sitting on.
"Yes you do, I'm taking care of this wound," You grabbed a first aid kit before kneeling in front of her to unwrap the old bandages.
You placed gauze on the wound, gentle against the assassin's skin so as to not aggravate the wound.
With gentle hands the assassin obviously wasn't used to, you finished cleaning up her leg, before gently placing Natasha's leg down.
You looked up when you heard her laugh.
"You're just like a little housewife aren't you?" She smirked, looking down at you with a cocky expression.
Your eyes widened, and your heart felt as if it was both stopping and speeding up at the exact same time.
Your face broke out into a small blush, and you remained quiet, just darting your eyes away from the green eyes gleaming down at you with a mixture of mischief and teasing.
Later came one of Tony's infamous parties, you'd gotten all dressed up, wearing a small pink dress that highlighted your body, falling right above your knees.
Since the incident that revealed your feelings, you and Natasha didn't even talk, once again returning to strangers. You acted like the other didn't exist, despite feeling empty without the redhead around you. But you attempted to be away from Natasha as much as possible in an attempt to squish your feelings for the older woman.
You stood against the wall, chatting with an old friend who also happened to be a minor acquaintance of Tony's. Your eyes glanced over, and you found yourself staring at Natasha as she discussed...well...whatever she was discussing was some random thing you didn't seem to recall knowing. You assumed her to be another acquaintance of Tony's, most likely an employee or even a news reporter, though you decided on the former.
A small exhale escaped your lips before you turned back to your old friend.
"So, what's been up with you? It's been so long since I've seen you!" You smiled.
"Life's been so chaotic, Y/N, I tell you! But the chaos has honestly all been worth it. After all, I did gain a husband out of it!" They held up their hand, the medium sized diamond on their ring shining under the florescent light of the room.
You gasped.
"You got married??" You exclaimed excitedly.
They nodded.
"I tell you, I didn't see it coming, but married life has been amazing! The man I've loved for 7 years only seems that more special to me, and I didn't even know that was possible!"
In response, you took a sip of your drink, looking down at the hand that held the glass. You internally sighed at the lack of a ring on your finger, but you went back to a smile so as to not give away any sense of the heartbreak you were experiencing.
You were originally okay with the arrangement you shared with Natasha, because you never had feelings for the assassin and it wouldn't feel like you had everything you wanted but at the same time nothing you wanted.
But that changed.
You didn't understand where the feelings began, but now your life felt like an empty shell. On the outside, you were married to the one you loved. But on the inside, there was no love in your relationship.
It was all for convenience.
You two hadn't even come in the same car to this party, what made you think you were worthy of truly being married to the woman of your dreams.
Little did you know that Natasha had begun to match your feelings as well, but hid them as much as possible...
"So, Romanoff, what are you up to?" The man Natasha was talking to asked.
"What do you mean?" Natasha asked.
"Have you finally settled down and got yourself a partner?" He pushed her shoulder jokingly.
Natasha tilted her head, crossing her arms.
"No," She said genuinely, seemingly forgetting your entire existence.
"Really? Damn," He sighed with a laugh, adjusting his lean against the wall and smirking.
"What about you?" Natasha questioned out of obligation; she always hated these parties, especially when people she was barely acquainted with came up to her and asked about her personal life.
"I haven't gotten a partner yet...but, I met this cutie on a mission and I'm gonna ask them out," He replied, his smirk only increasing.
The redhead raised her eyebrows in curiosity.
"Really? Who?" She asked.
The man pointed his thumb to the side gesturing to you as you continued to talk with the old friend of yours.
"The one in the pink," He licked his lips.
The redhead looked around, before eventually finding who he was pointing at. When she saw it was you he was pointing at, a rush of anger coursed through every one of Natasha's veins, and she felt one of them sticking out of her forehead.
"They're married." Natasha spat, biting the inside of her cheek.
The man furrowed his eyebrows.
"Really? They don't have a wedding ring, and they never mentioned it," He looked over at you.
Natasha grit her teeth, clenching her fists.
"Yeah. They're married," She glared.
"Woah, okay!" The man laughed nervously. "What's got your panties in a twist?"
Natasha adjusted her lean, and she looked off to the side.
"I don't have anything in a twist, just giving you the truth," She tossed her braid over her shoulder.
The man gave her an awkward look, but eventually rolled his eyes.
"Alright Romanoff, whatever you say," He replied.
Hours passed and Natasha stood in the back silently, recollecting her feelings towards you and your marriage in general.
When that man mentioned you, she had felt guilt washing through her veins. She actually forgot about your marriage. Why did that make her upset though? She wasn't supposed to actually fall in love with you... She hadn't had a crush in years before she realized her feelings for you. She felt her heart beating faster than normal when she saw you, and she recently felt the need to actually be yours for the rest of your life.
Why did this have to be so confusing?
The end of the party finally came, and Natasha looked up to see you leaving.
It was now or never.
Natasha pushed herself off the wall, and she quickly followed you before grabbing your hand.
You snapped your head to find the redheaded assassin looking at you with an angry and jealous expression.
"Nat-?" You stuttered, feeling your legs go weak at your wife's dominant nature.
"Do you want to come home with me?" She practically growled. "Just answer yes or no."
You blushed, your eyes darting around the room and eventually locking with Natasha's green irises.
You didn't understand where any of this had come from, one moment you were walking home alone and now you were being held by the wrist by the woman of your dreams.
"Yes-" You blurted without thinking, your libido and heart acting before your brain could even process the situation.
Natasha gripped your hand, storming out towards her car faster than she thought her legs would carry her just to be with a person. She'd only moved this quickly to either carry out a mission or to train, never for a person she wanted to be with. No, the feared Black Widow never chased after anyone. But tonight that had changed.
She practically threw you into the passenger's seat of her car, buckling your seatbelt for you before making a beeline for her own spot in the car.
You sat there in shock as Natasha started the engine before pulling out of the parking lot.
"Natasha...what is this?" You asked, pressing your thighs together as a sense of arousal coursed through your body.
"Малышка...I'm in love with you. I can't stand this marriage not being anything more than tax benefits. I want you. I need you." Her hand found its way to your thigh, her palm and digits can eerily close to where you needed her most.
"Natasha..." You repeated her name like a prayer. "I need you too...I can't handle this. Since I took care of you that day, I needed you. Either to kiss my lips or fuck me senseless, I've needed you for too long,"
Natasha's grip on your thigh tightened, and a small moan escaped your lips as her digits snaked closer and closer to your achy and needy pussy.
"Keep talking like that, Ангел, and I'll fuck you so hard you won't be able to utter anything but my name and your beautiful moans," The redhead kept one hand on the steering wheel, practically glaring at the road ahead.
"Maybe I want that..." Your hand overlaps the one on your thigh, and you move Natasha's hand to cup your heated sex, allowing a moan to escape both your lips and Natasha's.
"What are you comfortable with? I want you to enjoy this as much as I do," She said, her voice husky from her heightened libido.
"I want you to do whatever you want, I love anything minus ass stuff, choke me, spank me, do whatever, I just need you,"
The assassin rolled her head back.
"God damn it Ангел..." She groaned, and even in the darkness, you noticed a small bulge sticking out of her pants, *she was hard*.
You knew she had a cock, you'd heard her mention it during her discussion with you about her life in the red room. But God you didn't know it was that big.
"Nat...you're hard-" You blurted, as if you hadn't just said the most obvious thing in the world.
"I know, принцесса," Natasha maneuvered your hand to place it on her cock, her Russian accent bleeding through her words the more and more worked up she got. "Look what you do to me, моя маленькая шлюшка,"
Her husky and slightly strained voice only made your pussy all the more soaked, and you shuddered at the feeling of her rock hard cock under your palm and her clothes.
"I-I..." You faltered, unable to say anything at all as you kept your hand virtual glued to her cock.
"We're almost home, no one else will be there, so I wanna hear your moans get as loud as possible. I want to hear every noise your beautiful voice makes," Natasha groaned, rutting her hard cock against the palm of your hand.
"Yes Nat..." You whimpered, squirming in your seat while your achy pussy sat in its own arousal.
"Good girl," She breathed, finally pulling into the tower's parking lot before unbuckling you and scooping your body up into her arms as if you weighed no more than a feather to her.
She carried you to her room in the compound, throwing you onto her king sized bed that laid somewhat prominent in her bedroom.
"Natasha," You repeated her name for the umpteenth time that night, your brain seemingly already fried enough so that you couldn't say anything but her name despite her having barely even touched you. "Please...take me,"
The assassin unzipped her pants, allowing for her cock to finally be released from the constraints that left both of you frustrated.
You groaned at the sight of her dick as she pulled down her pants along with her underwear, leaving her with an obviously erect eight and a half inch cock in her hand.
She looked over at you, eventually leaning down and sliding off your dress with skilled fingers. The pink fabric was tossed on the floor alongside her bottom garments, leaving you in just your underwear.
"God you know...I've wanted this for so long, to feel like we were actually married. To feel like you're actually mine..." She smashed her lips into yours, her hand finding its way around your neck and squeezing just enough at the sides to make your pussy clench around nothing.
You moaned at the rough treatment your neck was enduring, and your legs remained shaky as Natasha positioned herself between them.
She left hickeys across the sensitive flesh on your neck, moans escaping you every time she released your skin from the grip of her lips.
"You know, I've had my hand stroking my cock for months, wondering how tight this little pussy would be just for me-" Natasha bit down on your neck, slapping your wet and achy pussy to emphasize your statement.
"Oh God-!" You cried out at the spanking on your sore cunt.
Natasha virtually ripped off your lacy white underwear, and followed along with your bra, releasing your tits from the cage that had been restricting her from the sight of your soft breasts for the whole night.
"Do you want this?" She asked, lifting her mouth up from your soft and supple skin that had been littered with blemishes to look straight in your eyes.
"Yes- I want this..." You shuddered under her touch, a small cry stuck in your throat that developed under the constant teasing.
"Y/N, are you sure?" The green-eyed woman looked at you, a sudden but very brief sense of kindness and care flooding over her otherwise angry and horny gaze.
"Yes- Please! Just don't tease any more-! Please Daddy!" You cried, the sinful noise finally escaping your throat as your head rolled back.
You paused right after the moan left your mouth, your eyes widening and your hand immediately slapping over your mouth.
"Oh God- Natasha I'm so-"
Natasha gripped at your throat.
"Don't. Apologize." She growled, pumping her cock with her hand to get it nice and ready for your little cunt. "But if you keep calling me that I will fuck that cunt until you're crying, or do you not want that?"
You looked up at her as she loomed over your body.
"No- I want that..." You panted, your chest slowly rising and falling as the air around you became hotter.
"Give me your safe word," Natasha demanded.
"Red," You replied, your arousal somehow increasing at the kindness your wife showed even in her most turned on state.
"Good girl," She purred, her lips pressing into yours once again, both literally and figuratively taking your breath away.
Natasha grabbed a condom off of her nightstand, ripping the foil and sliding the rubber around her thick and hardened cock.
"Daddy...God you're so big..." Your eyes fell to her cock.
"I know, принцecca," The assassin smirked, leaning down to blow softly on your pussy, the sudden cold chill sending shivers down your spine.
Your skin raised under the cold breath she let out between your thighs, and you gripped at her braid.
"Please- Daddy- Don't tease," You begged, your voice wavering under her denial.
She smirked, licking a single stripe up your wet slit. Natasha clicked her tongue a few times, and she cooed at you.
"Ohhh...I know Малышка, you just *need* Daddy's cock in you, don't you?" She smirked, looking up at you.
You nodded violently.
"Please Daddy! Please just fill me up! I'll be good, please just fill me up!" You cried, the feeling of her tongue on you making your body ache for more.
"Such a good girl, I love hearing you beg," Natasha kissed your lips softly before sliding her dick between your folds, rubbing your clit with her thumb.
You moaned at the feeling of her rubbing your clit, but your moan only became louder as she pushed herself inside of you, the tip of her dick rubbing right up against your G-spot.
"Fuck-! Daddy-!!" You moaned, gripping at the sheets below as her cock slipped in and out of your cunt.
You gripped at her hair, your fingers finding their way through her tightly braided locks.
Natasha grunted as she rutted in and out of your tight pussy.
“Damn it Малышка, I never thought you'd be this wet for me…you're beautiful…your hair spread out like this, your pretty pussy clenching around my cock…” She panted, slamming her hips into yours, the sounds of sex filling the environment around you.
Sweat drilled down your face, and your hands quickly made their way to the redhead’s shirt, unbuttoning it and pulling her bra off with the other fabric.
You leaned in, pulling her close as you kissed down her neck, the only thing interrupting your movements being the cries and moans that left your lips.
“Please, please. Oh God!” You groaned against her.
“I know slut, it feels good doesn't it? Doesn't it feel so good? Fucking christ-” Natasha moaned, her orgasm creeping up on her body as her movements got more and more erratic the closer she got to finishing.
“Daddy…I'm gonna come! Please! I'm gonna come! Please let me cum! I've been such a good girl for you! Please!!” You kissed her passionately, your fingers digging into her skin for any sense of support.
Natasha groaned.
“Me too, come with me принцecca,” Natasha gripped your throat, leaving somewhat visible handprints on your flesh. “Боже мой!! Черт возьми, принцесса! Ты мне нужен! Дерьмо! Ебать!!” She slammed her hips into you, her cum coating the inside of the condom as she finished.
“Fuck! Fuck! Daddy!!” You moaned simultaneously, your orgasm washing over you as you fell back into the bed.
Natasha groaned, barely holding herself up by her arms, just as exhausted as you.
The assassin slowly pulled out of you, kissing your forehead as you whimpered from the empty feeling in your pussy.
“C'mere beautiful,” She laid down next to you, sliding off her cum filled condom and throwing it in the trash before pulling you into her arms.
“…I love you, Natasha…” You muttered against her neck, burying yourself in her scent as your naked bodies intertwined.
Natasha smiled gently, running her hands through your messy hair, her fingers tangling in your locks.
“I love you too, Y/N,” She murmured into your hair, taking in the scent of your shampoo and using it as a lifeline and a reminder that this truly was real.
“Can we try this marriage for real this time?” You looked up at her, your hand falling to hers and tangling your fingers together.
“Of course we can…I've been waiting to ask you that for so long now…” She laughed softly, kissing you softly on the lips.
You kissed her back, sharing the first of many kisses of your marriage, but this time the marriage was finally real and not just for convenience.
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If you enjoyed reading this, don't forget to like, reblog and comment! Thank you and you are loved <3
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sapphicweisz · 3 days
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crtki · 2 days
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gideon nav for u, goofies under the cut
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sapphiclvrgrl · 2 days
i <3 possessive femmes. yes mark up my biceps with those pretty nails. yes leave lipstick stains all over my neck. yes have those pretty hands all over my muscular thighs. yes snap at anyone who tries to get close to me
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genderqueerdykes · 1 day
disabled intersex trans lesbian needs help saving up for rent while recovering from gallbladder removal surgery
hello, my name is equinox. im a multiply disabled intersex trans lesbian who had to get an emergency surgery to get its gallbladder removed on the 16th of October. i was unable to keep down food and was dizzy, lightheaded, nauseous, and on the verge of passing out which forced me to go to the ER to get an emergency surgery. i had to spend 4 days in the hospital while getting this surgery. apparently, the surgeons could tell just how badly it was affecting me just by seeing how things looked on the inside
i have to rest for about 4 weeks to properly recover. i cannot do much walking, lifting, bending, or most other physical activities during this time. my abdominal muscles and organs need time to recover, so i'm mostly bed bound for a month while my body heals. fortunately the surgery went very well and so far i'm having no complications with recovery. it's worth noting that i cannot over exert myself right now to make sure that the recovery period continues going smoothly
i need help saving up for rent, as my ability to work and even promote my own posts was being hindered drastically by the pain the stone stuck in the neck of my gallbladder was causing me. currently i need to not exert myself and to sleep when needed. my rent is only $178/month thanks to having been accepted into a housing program for severely disabled people. currently this and a small order i need to place from the grocery store for some things to aid in my recovery (throat lozenges to help with the sore throat caused by the breathing tube used during surgery, toilet paper, etc.) are the only things i need help saving up for. thanks to everyone who reads, shares and support, i cannot thank you all enough for all the help
if you're interested in helping, you can do so the following ways:
cash app: $glitterGraphix pay pal: glittergraphicnightmare @ gmail .com chime: $Equinoxian venmo: $Equinoxian
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October 20 - Mask Kink
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pairing: dom!Wanda x sub!Reader
summary: Wanda plays a game with you.
content warnings: strap-on
word count: 1.4k+
comments and reblogs are always appreciated! happy reading ♡
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“Wanda, this isn’t funny anymore,” you say, peering around the doorframe. You wish you could find a light switch, but it was a bit difficult with your hands handcuffed behind your back.
The hallway is dark, and you strain your eyes as you look for any signs of movement. Your mind is playing tricks on you, your head whipping around when a branch scrapes your window. Fuck, you were paranoid. 
“Wanda?” you call, your voice shaking slightly. 
It had been a stupid idea to suggest playing a game. Wanda had smiled at you and told you to close your eyes and hold still, surprising you by cuffing your hands behind your back. You’d quickly looked up, feeling her lips against your ear as she grabbed your waist and held you flush against her. 
“Let's play hide-and-seek, but if I find you before you find me… I get to have some fun.” Wanda had winked at you, before turning the light off and plunging you into darkness as you heard her footsteps retreat down the hallway. 
So now you were slightly terrified with wet underwear and an ache between your thighs. You could feel your heart racing in the silence, your breaths quiet as you attempted to slowly walk towards the main part of the house. 
A floorboard creaks. You jump, closing your eyes as a spike of fear races through you. Peering into the darkness, you find nothing, but the hairs on the back of your neck tell you that you’re being watched. 
“Wanda,” you whisper. “I don’t like this game anymore.”
You loved your girlfriend, truly. But sometimes she could be a bit… psychotic. No, maybe that wasn’t the right word. She sometimes got this look in her eyes that told you she was going to hurt you, and you would fucking love it. 
And truly, you always did love it. But, the anticipation and build up terrified you almost as much as it aroused you. 
A light footstep behind you causes you to break out in cold sweat, adrenaline coursing through you. With quick footsteps, uncaring of how loud you are, you race towards the living room. 
You hear a quiet chuckle sound out, feeling Wanda’s presence behind you as you stumble into the carpeted room, your hip hitting the arm of the couch. You wince, then gasp as a hand roughly grabs your waist. 
The room is dark, so you can’t see Wanda behind you as she pushes you onto the couch. She manhandles you onto your stomach, your groans sounding like music to her ears as she presses her body against yours, locking you into place. 
You can’t move, you can’t squirm away, and you can’t escape from underneath her. Fuck, the very thought makes you even wetter than before. 
Wanda’s hot breath hits the back of your neck, her voice sounding muffled when she speaks. 
“Caught you.”
You feel your body shudder at her words, feeling something hard pressing against your neck. Is she… wearing something? You remember her buying a Ghostface mask for her Halloween costume, your mind running miles per minute as you realize what she’s doing. 
“I have a question for you,” Wanda says, her hand tangling with your hair and jerking your head up. A pathetic whine escapes you at the action, and you stifle a moan when she grinds down against you. The hard length of her strap rubs against your ass, and you release a shuddering breath. 
“Do you like scary movies?” Wanda’s voice is low, dangerous. 
“N-no,” you whimper, hearing her chuckle behind you as her hand begins to roughly pull your sweatpants down. 
“Wrong answer,” she says, a pleased sound escaping her at the choked sob you release. You’re scared, but your ass is raising slightly as she rubs the tip of her strap against your pretty hole. 
“I can hear how wet you are,” Wanda groans, watching the way you try to grind yourself against the toy. “Beg for it.”
You twist your head, able to see her more clearly with the moonlight streaming in through the window. Her hands hold your waist, her auburn hair spilling out from the sides of the Ghostface mask. She tilts her head, and you blanch. 
“Do better,” she says, her voice hard. You watch her raise a hand, her palm connecting solidly with your ass as punishment. 
“Fuck, I-” you pant, feeling her hand coming down again. “Please fuck me. Just, let me take your strap, I need it. Fuck me hard as punishment for catching me.”
Wanda chuckles, her hand stopping and soothingly stroking your aching cheeks. “Well, since you asked so nicely…”
Without warning, she shoves the strap in. It hits all the right parts inside you, causing you to groan and bury your face into the couch cushion. You can feel her weight on top of you as she roughly fucks you, her hand gripping your waist tightly. 
“Ah ah,” she chides, one of her hands sliding into your hair and pulling your head back up. “Look at me while I fuck your slutty little hole.”
You moan at her words, watching her Ghostface mask as she roughly pumps her hips, her strap reaching deep inside you with each thrust. It's arousing, the thrill of being caught mixing with the arousal coursing through you. 
“Mmpphh, fuck…” you mutter, feeling your core tightening with each snap of Wanda’s hips. “Please, let me cum.”
“Hold it,” Wanda says, her voice like smooth butter as she somehow manages to fuck you harder. You can feel her hips slamming against your ass with each thrust, angling her own hips to fuck you deeper. The hand in your hair tightens again, the pain nearly sending you over the edge. 
“Wanda,” you groan, knowing you’re seconds away from your release. 
“You heard me,” Wanda growls, thrusting into you harshly. “Fucking hold it like a good pet.”
Moaning weakly, you feel Wanda’s hand move from your waist and under your body. Her fingers roughly circle your clit, pressing against it as she fucks you. Her fingers slide over it easily, your slick arousal making it nearly frictionless. 
You begin to thrust your hips in time with hers, panting as you watch her. Soft moonlight reflects off the Ghostface mask, and you feel more arousal shoot through you at the knowledge that Wanda is behind the mask. Somehow, it was even sexier knowing that she was there but you couldn’t see her. 
“You wanna cum?” Wanda asks, her head tilting again at your desperate nod. You can hear the cruel smile in her voice as she speaks, Go on then, fuck yourself on my strap and cum.”
With that said, she stops moving, the strap buried deep inside you. 
You pant, moving your hips up desperately in search of more pleasure. Her hand remains still, her fingers bumping against your clit with each rut of your hips. You wish you could use your hands as leverage, but they just twist uselessly in your restraints as you fuck yourself back on Wanda’s strap. 
“Is that truly the best you can do?” Wanda sounds amused, and you feel yourself clench around her strap at the humiliation. She can see how affected you are by her words, your pupils blown as you jerkily thrust your hips back to take more of her. 
Leaning down, Wanda’s auburn hair brushes against your neck as she whispers in your ear. “Scream for me, pet.”
You don’t get the chance to ask her what she means before her hand is rubbing fast, rough circles against your throbbing clit. She moves her hips, slamming her strap inside you repeatedly, setting a brutal pace as your mouth falls open. 
It doesn’t take long until you’re moaning and sobbing into the cushion, your orgasm wracking your body as Wanda fucks you roughly through it. She doesn’t stop, not until your body is spent and your voice is raw and hoarse from screaming, your hole sore and aching in the best way possible. 
Turning you around gently, you watch with glazed, tired eyes as she brags the bottom of her mask. Pulling it off, you smile at the sight of her green eyes and gentle smile. 
“You did so well for me, sweetheart,” she says, helping you up from the couch. 
You lean against her tiredly as she walks you to the bathroom. Wanda’s hands are gentle, a sharp contrast to the past hour of ruthless fucking. She showers you gently, rubbing lotion into your sore muscles after and helping you into bed. 
Right before you drift off, you nuzzle into Wanda’s neck, smiling as you speak. 
“The mask stays on.”
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lesbianarthistory · 2 days
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Félix Vallotton (1865-1925)
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ortiies · 2 days
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☀️☀️☀️ My annual historical/period illustration
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theloyalpin · 2 days
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I will never give you to anyone. You are mine, and mine only. The Loyal Pin (2024)
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hhanoraa · 3 days
when i say i'm femme this is what i mean
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