New Things On Horse Academy!
New Reward Horse: The Purple Nurple
- Share the Horse Academy Community Post about them on Facebook, and your Purple Nurple could be upgraded to a Nurplecorn.
New Breeds: Flag bearer, and Black Dragon :D
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Sorry that i have not updated this in a while i unfortunately had to take a break because of no internet :( but now i am back and ready to update new stuff in HA :)
New things:
~ daily prize wheel ~ new reward horse ( red) ~ new raffle coming soon
I would like to congratulate all the winners of the raffle you did an excellent job all of you and everyone who entered :)
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New reward breed
Hey everyone just letting you all know that there is a new reward breed in HA called the willow and it costs 500 loyalty points
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So Much On Ha Right Now
Hey our lovely followers :D just wanting to let you all know whats going on in the wonderful Horse Academy world right now and its ALOT!! Below is the list of all the wonderful things that are happening :D ~ Showjumping Demo ~ New Breed of horse to breed ( Rose Bay) ~ New Reel Reward ( Orion) ~ New Challenge ( Breeding faster) Thanks for reading and good luck to all~ Horselover16us
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New Breeds Coming Soon
hey everyone, were just informing you that theres 2 new breeds coming out in 2 weeks the first is called liberty cloud and the second is Omnibus... keep a look out for these 2 new horses in 2 weeks :D 
Admin~ Horselover16us
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New Breeds
hey everyone, just letting you all know that there are new breeds on HA they are called delta blues and silver neon. To breed the delta blues you need to regular horses a grey female and a black male and for the silver neon you need a dapple grey ( light) female a male ghost and the edward jockey :D good luck to all the breeders 
Admin~ horselover16us
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Chat Rules Updated
Hey everyone just letting you all know that the HA chat rules have been updated you can find the new chat rules by clicking or copying the link that is below 
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Hey all you Horse Academy Lovers!
So I know there are many people out there who have this perfect or in the works idea of what they want their dream horse to be, and wait for the day when an intentional with this combo is created.. And as many of you know, I like to challenge myself on what I can do. So I've decided to open up this workshop. I'll only be taking 3 requests at a time, so I don't overload myself on what I have to do. And please remember, real life comes first, so don't keep asking me if it's done yet or not. If you're rude, or pester me, I have the right to deny your entry and move on to the next one.
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New Challenge
Hey everyone the new challenge on HA is the 100% XP boost challenge where u get 100% XP for racing… The challenges are as follows
- breed a 11tps+ horse( horse bred with 11 talent points or more
- tell 2 friends( tell 2 friends using referral rewards)
- collector ( collect 6 or more horses of any category in the breeders book)
You have 5 days 11 hours and 34 minutes good luck
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Say Hello To Your Newest Admin
Finally found someone who can help me run this blog!
Say hello to horselover16us 
She'll be in charge of posting updates that show up on the Horse Academy Community FB Page!
:D Be nice!
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Tumblr media
Brandy Wine has been added to the Signature Breed Book
Brandy Wine- Realistic Breed
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What this blog is for! :D
As many of you might know a member of the HA Community Alex Grace ~SOUL, also known as Soul Eater Alex on forums, has under taken the task of doing a signature for each breed in the game. This includes but is not limited to Realistic Breeds, Fantasy Breeds, Seasonal Breeds, Rewards/Reels, Oops's, Intentionals, and Mod horses.
The post on forums for this can be found here: Horse Academy Signature Breed Book 
Also, if there are any HA Members that might like to help me run this Tumblr blog for Horse Academy please let me know. 
Things that you'd do:
Help answer any questions we get
Help update the blog on new things in the game(new breeds, challenges up, etc)
No sales, or auctions are to be done on this page, this is simply informational.
If you have any questions feel free to email me at: [email protected]
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For all things Horse Academy!
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