huening-sunshine · 4 years
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he. is. STUNNING.
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huening-sunshine · 4 years
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hyung babie line 🦊🐰
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huening-sunshine · 4 years
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aaah i love seeing comments asking for sugar babies when i do a face reveal for moa selca day 💖 (sarcasm) honestly tho i am getting really sick of this -_-
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huening-sunshine · 4 years
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huening-sunshine · 4 years
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happy moa selca day!! 💙 this is my first one ☺️ also a face reveal of me lol
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huening-sunshine · 4 years
follow my instagram it’s huening.sunshine
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huening-sunshine · 4 years
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hes adorable 🥺 (cr: hueningkaibaby on insta)
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huening-sunshine · 4 years
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(cr: glowingkai on insta)
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huening-sunshine · 4 years
Stop pressuring Kai to show his stomach, stop pressuring Kai to have abs, stop discussing the bodies of MINORS, stop discussing the bodies of idols period. Y'all are getting out of hand and crossing boundaries that idols are afraid to establish because of toxic fans. He's literally so uncomfortable when people bring stuff like this up, but for some reason moas have recently decided that it's ok to say stuff like this.
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huening-sunshine · 4 years
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when you’re the lonely kid in class with two friends and you’re sitting alone at your desk during break time and the annoying popular girls keep crowding around your desk because their desk is near yours and you’re trying to peacefully draw while listening to your ipod so you put your stuff in your bag and you look for another desk and you sit there and not too long after people start crowding around there because their desk is near and it’s a constant loop going over and over again until it’s time to go to another lesson
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huening-sunshine · 4 years
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huening-sunshine · 4 years
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huening-sunshine · 4 years
⁕ Happy Halloween ⁕ HueningKai x Reader fluff (oneshot) ⁕
⁕ hi everyone, it’s me!! so i was searching for hueningkai pics on google (as i seem to be doing all the time nowadays) and i found this one picture (below) and it gave me an idea to write this fanfic, even though it’s not halloween anymore and i’m one day late. nevertheless, i hope you’ll enjoy ! ⁕
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| This fanfic is in Y/N / Reader’s POV |
Word count: 1,159
Genre: Fluff, oneshot
Hueningkai x reader <3
Today is Halloween!! I love this day. You get to trick or treat, dress up in funny costumes that you couldn’t wear any other time of the year without looking weird, party with your friends, watch scary movies, it’s just such a fun time! 
I’ve already got my outfit picked out. I just need to put it on, It’s a cute witch costume. A bit cliched, but the outfit is nice so I want to wear it.
I put the outfit on. Now I just need to do my makeup.
Done :)
Wow.. I look different now.. but isn’t that obvious?
My friend Lilith is going to introduce me to her friend. She says that his name is Kai. I don’t know anything else about him though. 
I go downstairs, and I wave goodbye to my parents and my sister. I also pet my cat, Snowie, as I walk out the door. 
Waiting for me on the pavement just outside my house are two people;  one of them being Lilith, and the other one being.. a handsome young man with dark hair.. Ah, I guess this is that guy named Kai she told me about.
I say hi to Lillith but Kai just grabs my attention so much. Luckily I am able to compose myself before I get too lost in the moment. I say hi to Kai.
Lillith turns to me and says, “Y/N, this is my friend Kai, uhh I’ll let him introduce himself,” she says with a giggle.
Kai stares at me for a little bit, with a smile on his face. It seems like he’s doing the same thing as I did... or maybe it’s just my imagination running away with me.
He then introduces himself to me.. “Hi, my name’s Kai, haha, I’m 18 and I like playing music. What about you?”
“Well.. my name’s Y/N, I’m 18 as well, and I like listening to music, which is a concidence, haha!”
“Hmm, you like listening to music? Maybe I can play you some songs on my piano. What’s your favourite song?”
“I can’t decide... probably All I Want Is You by A.C.E.” 
“Oh yeah I love that song! I can play it for you if you like” he says to me with a smile on his face.
I was going to continue the conversation. But Lillith looked kind of annoyed that she was being a third wheel. So I decided to talk to Lillith a bit.
“Anyway, we better get going to the party.” I say.
“Yeah, you’re right Y/N” Lillith replies.
We started to walk to the party. It’s being hosted at my other friend Jane’s house. As we get closer to the house you can start to hear booming music. It sounds pretty exciting.
We walk up to the house and I ring the doorbell. A few seconds afterwards the door swings open and I see Jane. She says “Y/N!! The party is going to be so much better with you and Lillith..” She then looks at Kai for a few seconds, confused. “Who’s this?” she asks.
“Oh, it’s just Lillith’s friend Kai.” Kai waves to Jane and he introduces himself. Then we walk into the house.
The living room is packed with a bunch of other people. People who I don’t know. I decide the first place I’m going to walk to is the snack area. I budge and “Excuse me” my way through the crowd. There’re some pretty awesome costumes here though. Really realistic ones of movie characters. Mine couldn’t possibly compare to anyone else’s here. Well, that’s fine I suppose, since I’m here to have a good time.
I get to the snack area. I take a white plastic cup and fill it with Coca-Cola. Then I carefully walk through the crowd of people, and dance the night away (carefully, I don’t wanna spill my Coke!)
After a while of dancing around, and after most of the party guests have left, it’s just me, Lillith, Jane, and Kai. Lillith and Jane ask if we want to play Truth or Dare.  But to be honest, I’m a bit tired so I don’t really want to play. Kai says the same thing. Jane says that we can just explore her house a bit, so we do.
Me and Kai walk into another room. There is a couch, some shelves, and a piano.
“Ha, there’s a piano here. I might as well play that song for you then...” Kai says to me with a smile.
He sits down on the piano stool, and I sit on the couch. He starts playing, like a professional. It is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard, and nothing can top it. His technique is perfect, and he’s so talented. He doesn’t even have any sheet music either.
Once the song is finished, I have no reaction other than to start clapping. What I heard was so amazing... I have no words.
Kai gets up from the seat and he blushes a little, smiles and says “Haha, thank you, thank you!”
“Oh. my. God. You are so good at piano!”
“Thanks Y/N” he replies with a smile.
Then he looks at me for a few seconds and says, “Well Y/N if I’m gonna be honest with you... I think you’re really pretty.” 
I’m in shock, but I’m happy. This really really handsome guy thinks that I’m pretty? This has to be a dream. I pinch my arm, but no, it isn’t!
I say, “Wow... thanks. And honestly, I think you’re really handsome.”
He thanks me as well.
“And also, to be honest, I haven’t known you for that long. But well, you seem like a really nice person to talk to,” Kai says to me.
“Really... wow... thanks... I’m not really sure what to say though... haha.” I reply.
“Haha, it’s okay,” he replies to me with a reassuring smile. “Hm, would you like to meet up for coffee tomorrow?” he asks me.
I try not to act too excited. I say “Haha, of course!”
Kai says, “Great!” with a big smile on his face. He asks for my number, so I write it down on a slip of paper and hand it to him.
“Ok, just adding you to my contacts,” he says. Then a text tone sounds from my phone, I open it, it’s from a random number, the text says “Hi!!! It’s Kai!!!”
I reply “Hi!! It’s Y/N!!”
Another text tone sounds, it’s not the one that comes from my phone, so it must be Kai’s phone. I hear him laugh and then he replies to me.
Another text comes on my phone. “We should probably talk IRL since we’re literally in the same room haha!!”
I lock the screen and I say to him, “Yeah, I agree.”
Then we both laugh.
I have a feeling that when we meet for coffee tomorrow, it’s gonna end up going really well.
- the end.  
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huening-sunshine · 4 years
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Please, reblog! IIt’s called self defense. Apart from having here, in the US, one of the highest cases of homicide and rape in the world and high rate of GBV, think about how this could help your mother or sister
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huening-sunshine · 4 years
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HeuningKai looks absolutely STUNNING
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huening-sunshine · 4 years
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© cooing | do not edit.
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huening-sunshine · 4 years
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© cooing | do not edit.
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