#nischa fic
hugsforyuri · 2 years
Forgot to post this earlier mb
Chp 3
Meows gently. Sorry if this is a little late kittens… My grandmother took a stroke and almost died. It was really silly. My irl friends also left me soz yeah.  Stay alive kittens. Good christmas
Cw for panic attacks; I'll add a summary in the next chapter bc important shit happens in this one<3
Mischa climbed out of his PT cruiser. He ran his hands through his hair. He gently picked up his bag then grabbed his phone. He opened Instagram up and messaged Talia.
Mischa: Hello Talia. I am unsure if you're awake but I feel you must know that I love you. I have never cared about someone the same way I care about you. You are the light of my life. Thank you so much. Thank you for loving me. Every day as I wake up I long for the day I can be with you. So as I can hold you ever so dearly and never let you. My life's goal is to be with you. I love you.
He put his phone away and started to run to school. He noticed the time. He accidently ran into Constance. "Sorry." He said quickly then moved on. Dashing through the halls he almost missed Noel. Luckily for Mischa, Noel was wearing a bright cat jumper that is next to impossible to ignore. "YOOOOO NOEL!" He yelled at him. "Fuck me jesus christ. Hi." He said back. "Wanna walk with me?" He asked. Noel nodded. Mischa held his hand out for Noel to hold it. He looked down at Mischa's hand. He put his hand in his and walked to home room together. Holding hands.
Gonna skip to lunch
Mischa left his maths room to find Noel. He walked to the french room and saw him in the door. This teacher was notoriously strict and would not let kids break any rules. 0 rules could be broken in her class. Mischa took out his phone while he was waiting. He went to check his messages with Talia. She had left him on read. Two hours ago. Mischa felt worthless to her.
Mischa: Talia, I understand you might not want to talk to me right now but please be honest. Don't leave me on read and just say you don't wanna talk. I'm not mad at you. I'm really not. I understand it might've been an accident but still. It has upset me. I am so sorry. Like genuinely so sorry.
He questioned sending it or not. He read it over and over again yet there were next to zero errors he could find. He clicked the send button. His breathing picked up slightly. He rushed to the bathroom and bashed into a bathroom stall. He fell down to the floor. His jumper dragged up. His breathing got increasingly quicker. His vision had gotten a bit blurry and his mind was racing. All he wanted was for Talia not to hate him. No matter how many times she said he hadn't done anything or that she loved him, he would never fully believe it. His thoughts dashed around from Noel, to Talia, to everything. His eyes started to let out and he started to sob lightly. His breathing slowed slightly as he tried to focus on standing up. His legs shook as he pulled himself up. He unlocked the door and saw Noel waiting in the entrance to the bathroom. He ignored him and washed his face. Noel walked over and tapped his shoulder. "Mischa. Are you okay." It wasn't a question. He knew the answer. It was a no. He hugged him and sobbed into his shoulder. "Mischa. Did anything happen?" Mischa shook his head. "I just can't do this. I feel so worthless. I just can't…" His last words were overpowered with tears. He let out another sob. "Mischa. Take your time. I do not think you're worthless. Mischa bachinski I care about you and want you to be here. For Natilea, or whatever. She loves you Mischa." Mischa froze at the mention of Talia. "N-noel." He stuttered out. Noel's face changed. He was worried already, but this? A whole different story. "What. The. Fuck." Again Noel didn't say this as a question. "What the fuck did she do Mischa?" Mischa's mind went blank. "Nothing. She just left me on read hah." His voice was shaky. "Mischa, we're gonna skip the rest of this day and just chill out. I don't give a fuck what you say we're skipping." And with that mischa and Noel left the bathroom together, they climbed into Mischa's PT cruiser and drove off to the mall.
Im so amazing. Loveyall. If u want fr Nischa writing of mine theres some on my AO3, the AO3 acc is hugs4yuri.
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pidjuns · 1 year
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AO3 is down and I am very sad I can’t publish right now, so here’s some sketches from the upcoming chapter! :)
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whiizor · 2 years
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Guys i cant stop . like i seriously cant stop drawing them ANYWAYS here <3 seriously if anyone has any ideas i always need some, not super proud of this one ^^’
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ttheatre-trashh · 4 months
my friend just read a oneshot i wrote and punched me because they thought the end was sad
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iridescentis · 21 days
Headlights on me, racing to sixty
Do you ever think about running away from all this? “From junkyard and stars?” “Don’t be pedantic. You know what I mean. Like, Uranium.” After finishing fixing up an old pickup truck he found in the Uranium junkyard, Mischa surprises Noel with an impromptu test drive back there, to watch the stars in the middle of the night.
Pick Your Poison Day 3!!!
For Mischa's day, I used the prompt 'Driving', it's not heavily featured in the fic but good enough! Because it's me, I had to write nischa at least once for this week, so here is some of the most disgustingly cute nischa fluff I have ever written :')
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ouppy-dog · 14 days
coming back on here to promote my newest agere fic. its my longest one yet
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raspberrysmoon · 5 months
hello daily reminder to my mutuals that i love you /p. youre wonderful and fun and kind and im so glad youre all here and you chose to interact with me of all people. what're the odds?
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theworldtlarge · 2 months
chapter four of my fic is here
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https-hunter · 11 months
Everyone say happy birthday to the waitress fic
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jklovesfandoms · 11 months
Just so it's known, Mischa calls Talia "Sunflower" and Talia calls Misha "Lovebug" and they have the classic middle school crush nickname for Noel, "Rose". I'm saying that, bc it's coming up in the next few chapters of second hand wounds, and it's canon to me
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jdsmineralwater · 2 years
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robbinggoodfellows · 2 years
Nischa Fic!! Title: Keep Me Safe
TW: Homophobia, Bullying, Smoking, Violence
Noel had spent the first weeks of his senior year walking home alone. He had spent these weeks trying to escape his usual bullies, who usually end up shouting slurs or stealing his poetry notebook. He spent these weeks wishing there was someone to walk home with him. Someone to hold his hand and to keep him safe. Noel had grown numb, he no longer cared if the bullies tormented him. So today, why would he care that these same fucking boys were about to beat him unconscious. Noel's bullies had never resorted to violence before, but apparently their regular "solutions" weren't working. So this was how Noel would die, behind a goddamn Catholic school, screaming for his life, losing his mind, all without feeling like it was undeserved. He knew this was what he got for being gay. He understood his fate, but felt he had to put on this facade for the boys killing him to feel better about themselves. He sure hoped they felt fucking good right now.
Noel had been walking home alone when it had happened. But he wasn't alone. Mischa Bachinski, the new Ukrainian student at St. Cassians was on his way home, he was crossing the street, trying to avoid people, when he heard Noel yelling. Mischa barely knew Noel. They had met a few times in choir, but had never talked outside of there. All Mischa knew was that Noel was gay and that people hated that. So when he heard Noel scream out "Please stop!!". Mischa was always so quick to act, and now more than ever. He had been in millions of fights in Ukraine, most of them with boys much larger than himself. He knew he could take these scrawny Canadian boys. "HEY SHITBAGS!" Mischa called out, getting the boys attention and getting them off of Noel. "Leave him the fuck alone." Mischa ordered. He cracked his knuckles for added effect. "What are you going to do about it?" one of the boys asked, to which Mischa responded by punching him the the nose. He had gotten so carried away in fighting the ringleader of Noel's torture that he had forgotten about Noel entirely. And when the boy Mischa had been fighting got away, he was finally able to turn his attention to Noel.
Mischa wiped his bloody nose on his sleeve - he didn't even remember being punched - and looked up at Noel, whose lip and eye were bleeding and who was covered in little cuts and bruises. "Why do you not stand up for yourself?" Mischa asked, before sitting down on the pavement next to Noel. "I don't care anymore" Noel replied, smudging his mascara as he wiped his tears. "You should care, poet." The Ukrainian boy replied, turning to Noel to examine his wounds. "What did you just call me?" Noel asked, and Mischa just smiled. "You are poet, no?" He asked, smiling as his gently wiped the blood away from Noel's wounds. "C'mon, we go to my house. I can make sure the wounds heal, yes? My mother was studying to be nurse in Ukraine, she teach me to help others!" Mischa said, standing up and holding out his hand for Noel to take. Noel stood up wearily and had to walk to Mischas house with their arms intertwined, Noel leaning on Mischa for support.
When they arrived at Mischa's house, he led Noel to the basement door, explaining that his adoptive parents were disgusted by him. Noel frowned but Mischa quickly smiled, telling him that he really doesn't mind! Noel sat down on Mischa's bed - he had never been in a boys room before - and Mischa grabbed a fist aid kit before sitting down next to him. Why did this have to be Noel's first truly romantic experience. Mischa smoked a cigarette while he cleaned Noel's cuts. "You didn't have to help me." Noel said "I would have been fine." Mischa stopped, placing his cigarette down on an ashtray and shaking his head. "No, poet, you would have died if not for me." Mischa told him. "I'd be fine with that." Noel whispered. Mischa frowned before saying "You should not go through that Noel Gruber. You are wonderful boy, beautiful even, and I do not want you to think otherwise. If those boys ever try to hurt you again I will вирвати їм зуби і засунути їх у дірки, ці виродки." Noel was blushing now, smiling like an idiot "You think I'm beautiful?" Noel asked and as soon as the words left his mouth, Mischa was kissing him. It was unlike anything Noel had ever known. It tasted like cigarette smoke and blood and it was amazing.
The two of them didn't go to school the next day. They stayed and Mischas house so that Mischa could take care of Noel. "When we go back to school, you will no longer have to walk alone, my sweet poet." Mischa kept whispering. Noel had not been alone since. Now Mischa held his hand and kept him safe.
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pidjuns · 5 months
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This last year has been such a journey for me. Thank you all so so much for loving my silly little fic. It’s been such a wonderful time getting to know all of you <3 I couldn’t ask for a better fandom community
PS if y’all haven’t actually listened to “The Bug Collector” by Haley Heynderickx, you should absolutely go do that. It really is the basis for the whole fic and gives you a good look at both Noel and Mischa’s thought processes throughout the story.
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gearbox-doll · 1 year
Snippet from my nischa fic <3 it's Noel angst and nischa hurt/comfort haha
Mischa moved back as well, laying an arm over Noel’s shoulders and pulling him close. “You want to talk?” he asked, looking down at his friend.
Noel sniffed and reached up to wipe his still-wet cheeks. “Do I have to?”
Mischa shook his head. “Only what you want to.”
Noel nodded sadly. “I just- I hate being so different, sometimes, you know? I wouldn’t change who I am for anything but sometimes I just- I can’t help but wish I was like everyone else…”
Mischa rubbed Noel’s back, nodding along. “Being outcast not fun, is it? I may not experience it like you, but I do know what it feels to be different.”
“I know,” Noel whispered, staring at his knees, “I just- I wish they would stop. I wish it wasn’t like this. I-I used to pray every night that I’d wake up straight and now I know that it doesn’t work but I just-” he hung his head, grabbing at his hair- “I just wish they’d stop! I wish my mom would look at me when she’s home! I wish my life wasn’t so fucking sad.”
Mischa nodded again and patted the top of Noel’s back, giving him a moment before he reached up to carefully remove Noel’s hands from his hair. “You know, me and you, we are not so different.”
“... What do you mean?” Noel asked, looking up at him.
“You fill with sadness the way I fill with rage,” Mischa said, “we romanticize our world to feel better about it. In different ways, yes, but romanticize all the same.” He leaned his head against the wall. “We are same, you and me. We stick together.”
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ttheatre-trashh · 4 months
I’m working on an rtc au where Mischa streams.
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iridescentis · 5 months
i love that when im writing rtc fics i have actors in mind when im picturing it for most of them, and then there's ricky who is just a concept. i have no idea what he looks like. he's definitely there though
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