huntreid-blog1 · 7 years
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Al, come on, did I do something wrong, or?
No, you’re eating. It’s cold out.
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huntreid-blog1 · 7 years
Closing her eyes for a moment, something she normally did whenever she ate something she loved, she sighed. Opening her eyes again, she looked at Hunter and smiled. “Thanks” she said and then chuckled. “Oh really now? From the first word we uttered towards each other? Do you do this often? Do I have to feel jealous or threatened?” she asked and tilted her head, the smile still on her lips.
“Yeah, pretty much the first word,” he nodded. “I don’t do it often, though, no. I save it for special people. Feel blessed.”
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huntreid-blog1 · 7 years
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Though Hunter doesn’t live with his mother anymore, he still calls the cats she owns as his own pets. They rescued both of them when Hunter was a teenager and Hunter would definitely go over to his mothers house just to see the cats. The older of the two is a white and ginger cat named Luna, after the Harry Potter character that Hunter’s mother really liked. The second is a full ginger cat which Hunter was very proud, as a fifteen year old, to name Duke. He doesn’t see them much anymore, but he wishes he did and hopes to one day take Duke to live with him in his own apartment.
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huntreid-blog1 · 7 years
Hearing him laugh made her smile and actually feel pretty damn proud of herself. She was a fun person, she knew that. But getting a reaction like that? Now that was a win. Hearing his words, she simply took yet another bite from her burger and smirked when she saw the wink. “Are you trying to charm me? To forget that you lowkey just called me ugly?” she teased.
Hunter happily took another bite of his burger and shrugged at her. “I don’t think you’re ugly, believe me,” he assured her. “But I’ve been charming you ever since we started talking so...”
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huntreid-blog1 · 7 years
“Precisely!” she teased back, a goofy grin on her lips. Seeing him stick his tongue out only earned a eye roll from her. His reaction to the burger was everything, a soft laugh leaving her which caused her to cover her mouth with her hand. “Well, if you are dead then this must be harem or something because food and a cute girl? What more could a guy ask for, am I right?” she winked.
Hunter let out a very loud laugh, not at all caring that he was probably disturbing everyone else inside. He pulled himself back up into a proper seating position before looking around the room quickly. “Wait, a cute girl? Where?” He teased before looking back at her and sending her a wink.
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huntreid-blog1 · 7 years
“You just bought me a burger. Of course I have to be nice to you now” she said and smiled. “You’re stuck with me” she added before her attention fell onto the delicious food before her. Taking it into her hands, she smirked. “Enough gushing, start munching” she winked and took a bite from the burger. “Oh fuck.. it’s good”
“That’s the only reason you’re being kind? Damn,” he frowned, teasingly. Hunter stuck his tongue out at her and narrowed his eyes before picking up his own burger and taking a bite. He sat the burger back down and slumped back in his chair. “I’ve died and gone to heaven.”
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huntreid-blog1 · 7 years
“I think you will reach whatever you have set your goals at. I just think you will do amazing things and you just seem like an amazing guy” she said honestly. She had grown quite fond of Hunter, their banter and conversations made her genuinely happy. Once she noticed the burgers, she beamed. “This is gonna be awesome, I can already sense it!” she sighed and looked at him.
“You’re too kind to me, love,” Hunter couldn’t hold back the smile. “Oh, and same goes to you as well!” His eyes zeroed in on his burger and he grinned again. “I feel like these burgers are gonna knock every other burger I’ve ever had out of the water...”
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huntreid-blog1 · 7 years
“Well, maybe it fits you in different ways. You may be someone who hunts for happiness or for success?” she offered. “That makes me happy to hear. I am so used to hearing people give up or hear sad stories. I have no idea how I would have taken it, to be honest. I think I would have a hard time keeping my mouth shut”
“Who knows? I don’t think I’ve quite reached that point yet,” he shrugged. “I’m only 21, I guess I’ve still got a bit of time to figure it all out, unlike my brother, who is older and wiser.” Hunter was about to speak again when a tray with their burgers was placed in front of him. He grinned, first at the burgers and second at Astrid. “Oh my God. These look like heaven.”
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huntreid-blog1 · 7 years
“Well, I love when the meaning behind a name fits the person. I hope everything goes well for him, it’s a hard world out there. Especially when you want to have a foot in the buisness world” she mused. Frowning a little at his words, she laughed softly. “Wait are you for real? That’s just fucking weird”
“I mean, I don’t think that my name meaning actually fits me, so apologies about that,” he chuckled. “Yeah, I’m sure everything will. He’s ambitious, he’s got it all figured out. I know, it was really odd. I can’t quite remember how exactly I took it as a kid, but I know how weird it is now.”
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huntreid-blog1 · 7 years
“I like it though” she said and nodded. “Ah Henry. Now that is a very common name. And does the meaning fit him?” she asked and tilted her head. “I find it cute when parents name their kids after a specific letter in the alphabet. My mother only had me so”
“He’s a pretty common person, and the meaning fits him. I haven’t spoken to him in a few months, actually, but he’s a few years older than me and he’s planning on climbing the business ladder,” he explained. “I remember when I was a kid I met someone who had the same initials as everyone in their immediate family. It was weird.”
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huntreid-blog1 · 7 years
“I find your name rather charming, actually. Okay at least tell me what your brothers name is. I wanna know more about you, I don’t want too much mysery to surround you. If there was I would just get freaked out” she rambled, which she rarely did infront of people. “Why thank you, thank you kind sir”
“It’s not as bad as some names are, but it’s definitely not the best,” Hunter replied. “His name is Henry, which means something like ‘estate ruler’ or something better than ‘one who hunts’. Clearly, my parents were big on naming their kids names starting with an H.”
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huntreid-blog1 · 7 years
“It’s very Scandinavian, which makes me feel very special” she said and smiled softly. “Oh oh, I will not tell you my middle name for a while. Hopefully we won’t fuck up and tell each other our entire full name” she teased with a wink.
“See, that’s interesting! Hunter is just plain English and it means “one who hunts”, which is oh so predictable, unlike my brothers name,” he frowned, but instantly shook it off. “Best wishes for not slipping up on that one, though, you’ve now made me curious.”
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huntreid-blog1 · 7 years
text: raven
hunter: you said chocolate bunnies? i'm running.
raven: you read right. chocolate bunnies.
hunter: the fact that they're bunnies makes it 10x better
hunter: i like chocolate eggs too
hunter: but BUNNIES
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huntreid-blog1 · 7 years
“Hey don’t frown” she said and let her fingertips softly touch his forehead. “We can find something else now that I know your full name. Which is a cool name by the way. Hunter Reid. Not a name you hear everyday” she mused with a gentle smile.
Hunter chuckled and shrugged. “I suppose so. I mean, your name isn’t exactly a common one either,” he mused. “Plus, I’ve still got the secret of my middle name. Which, hopefully, will always stay that way. Even though it isn’t that bad.”
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huntreid-blog1 · 7 years
Giggling softly at his words, she smiled. But she quickly fell silent once she realized that he had just told her his last name. A soft gasp left her as she blinked a couple of times. It made her feel good, knowing that he actually told her. At last.
Hunter scrunched up his nose. “Damn, I was trying to hold out on telling you that for just a little while longer, but it just slipped out,” he frowned. “Oh, well, it’s out there now!”
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huntreid-blog1 · 7 years
“Yeah, it was just so many times. I’ve lost count.”
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“I feel like you should have recorded every single time you spoke to him so that you could use it as evidence, you know? Just pull out the piece of paper and show him a list of the dates and times you’ve had to.”
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huntreid-blog1 · 7 years
Moving a strand of hair behind her ear, she smiled a soft smile. “You’re good company too” she said. A soft blush on her cheeks, she nodded. “I would love to, actually”
“I’ll have to put that on my resume,” he joked, chuckling slightly. “Hunter Reid is good company, as told my Astrid Eriksen,” Hunter grinned, before pausing, his eyes widening at the fact he’d said his last name. 
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