huwumi-week-2018 · 4 years
Calling all Huwumi fans! We're now back with another new event! Sign up and join in the fun!
Fuyumi/Hawks minibang sign ups are open!
We are excited to officially start sign ups for the Huwumi (Fuyumi/Hawks) mini bang! For those who are unaware of what a mini bang is, it is an event where writers and artists are paired up to create content together. You must sign up ahead of time.
Artist sign ups.
Writer sign ups.
We ask that everyone join the Huwumi discord server for practical reasons. It’s hard to collab with someone without a reliable way to communicate. 
Tentative schedule and taglist for possible interested parties under the cut!
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huwumi-week-2018 · 4 years
From the server that brought you Huwumi Week, now comes a new event on the horizon: Huwumi Minibang 2020!
Except not quite yet! The Huwumi server has plans on making more Huwumi themed events in the future, and most recently discussed is a Huwumi themed Minibang! It would be an amazing opportunity to add more Huwumi content to the fandom archive. However, since a Big Bang is a pretty intense thing, the team wanted to do an interest check to gauge interest. So if you're interested, fill out this form and we'll get back to you soon!
Tagging people that might be interested:
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huwumi-week-2018 · 6 years
A Plus Ultra thank you!
Huwumiweek2018 ran from 9/22-9/29 with an extra week for last submissions, and WOW did this cute rarepair get a lot of support, in the forms of fanart, fanfics, likes, and reblogs!
Thank you very much everyone who contributed and everyone who followed our blog during the week. Shout out to the mods @post-apokiasulyptic-misha @gabrielashy and @tinglecannon for putting this week together and @blamedorange for making promotion art. We at the huwumi discord had a ton of fun coming up with the prompt list, organizing the event, and seeing all the people join in. There’s been some talk of doing another small event like an art trade or secret santa, but we’ll look more into that later. Perhaps we’ll do this week again next year, and hopefully by then this ship has even more fans!
Below is a master list of all the submissions organized by day:
Day 1: Free/Fall
Frozen Feathers by @present-mics-scream
Fanart by @asaka-sk  
Day 1: Fall by @vixenofthemist  
Fanart by @ettomaru  
Free as a bird by @tinglecannon  
A brittle mood by @windkikyo
Fanart by @elie-lou
Day 2: Change/Brittle
Fanart by @asaka-sk
Fanart/fic by @nocandnc
As delicate as ice by @tinglecannon  
Fanart by @ettomaru  
Day 3: Eve/End
Fanart by @asaka-sk
Day 3: Eve by @vixenofthemist  
On the Eve by @tinglecannon  
Fanart/fic by @nocandnc  
Day 4: Holidays/Snow day
Fanart by @asaka-sk  
Merry Christmas, now sleep by @tinglecannon  
Fanart by @deadlock21
Looking after by itsmilamon 
Day 5: New Life/Rebirth
Fanart by @asaka-sk
Fanart by @cpmerlot
A shot at a new life by @tinglecannon  
Day 6: Growth/Bloom
Fanart by @asaka-sk
Sproutlings by @tinglecannon  
Fanart by @littlegreenstrawberry  
Day 7: School/Vacation
Fanart by @asaka-sk  
Fanart by @littlegreenstrawberry  
A vacation away from you by @tinglecannon  
Day 8: Heat/Chill
Fanart by @seaweedraindraws
One of the good guys by @present-mics-scream
Fanart by @cpmerlot
Red Feathers by @snowoverforest
Chilled hands, heated cheeks by @tinglecannon
Fanart by @asaka-sk
Go through and check these awesome creators out! Thank you all once again!
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huwumi-week-2018 · 6 years
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My participation for Huwumi week. Day 1 : fall.
I’m sorry that I had to rush it. So it doesn’t look as good as it should. I’ll try to make up to it with something else soon.
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huwumi-week-2018 · 6 years
Looking after by itsmilamon
Notes: "this is for day 4 of huwumi week !! the prompts are holidays/snow day and i went for snow day !! i've never done anything w prompts or anything romancy let alone do a ship week day n it rly shows so . sorry in advance lmao ." Read it on Ao3!
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huwumi-week-2018 · 6 years
Written for Huwumiweek2018
Despite how well he managed to hide behind the farce of high-spirits, Hawks was anything but. Snow had just started to fall and he long since ventured out on thin ice. He was alone and left amongst hushed secrets.
We follow along the Winged Hero, Hawks as he tries to distract himself throughout the day while he’s left dealing with the role of being a double agent. When he comes across a particular kindergarten teacher, he never expected her to become a small ray of hope among his doubts. And Todoroki Fuyumi might never know just how much their awkward conversation helped him continue moving forward.
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huwumi-week-2018 · 6 years
Chilled hands, heated cheeks
Day 8 of @huwumi-week-2018 prompt: Heat/Chill
… I’m so sad this is over xD We all worked really hard on this week and got a good amount of support for this little rarepair! I have so many ideas, and honestly I’m debating continuing the Winter and Summer fics, in fact I already wrote another chapter for this story. I’m insane and I’m sorry.
Anyway! Also on Ao3. Part 1. I hope you enjoy!
Fuyumi’s face is getting uncomfortably warm. She refuses to look in Hawks’ direction, yet keeps a firm grip on his hand.
His hand isn’t much bigger than hers, it’s a little callused and feels rough against her moisturized skin. His palm is tepid, and Fuyumi worries it’s making her hand clammy.
Hawks is fidgeting in his seat and keeps stealing glances at their intertwined hands. He suspects Fuyumi isn’t aware she’s using her quirk and frosting their fingers over. He awkwardly clears his throat, “Um, Todoroki-san?“
Fuyumi hums, keeping her eyes trained elsewhere.
“Your quirk…I can’t feel my fingers.” Hawks mumbles.
Fuyumi whips around and gapes in horror at how she’s accidentally icing their hands together. “Ah! S-sorry, sorry! Um!“ There unfortunately isn’t much she can do to unfreeze things, so instead she starts panicking.
“Hey, it’s ok!” Hawks places his other hand over their frosted ones and chuckles. “Just, try not to use anymore ice. I’m not too great with the cold.”
Fuyumi feels dumb not noticing she was using her quirk. She also feels…fuzzy?
Her skin is prickling where Hawks’ warm palm is touching. She blinks and locks her eyes with his. Then he smiles, and her heart flips.
Fuyumi violently turns away again, ignoring the noise of surprise from Hawks as she takes in how her chest is suddenly tight and her face feels as if she’s hovering over a flame.
"I want to try and sleep during the flight. If that’s alright…” Fuyumi cuts him off while still not facing him.
“O-oh,” Hawks stutters. “Ok, yeah, um, me too.”
He keeps his other hand on top their tangled ones, and starts to rub his thumb over the frost. Fuyumi knows this is to help speed up the melting process, though all it does is speed up her pulse.
It takes a short while, however eventually Hawks’ movements taper off and his head droops against his shoulder as he falls asleep. Fuyumi has been trying to concentrate on regulating her body temperature this entire time; her palm is freezing but the top of her hand is toasty, sending tingly waves up her arm all the way up to her burning face.
Her heart clenched each time Hawks gently swiped his thumb over the layer of frost until it finally thawed. Fuyumi racked her brain for any explanation on why she would feel this way. She didn’t feel sick, she wasn’t sleep deprived, she was almost certain allergies didn’t work this way.
Then a voice that sounded suspiciously like her brother whispers from the back of her mind in a sing-song voice, “Someone’s got a crush.~“
Fuyumi’s hands ice up so drastically it jolts Hawks awake with a loud yelp.
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huwumi-week-2018 · 6 years
A vacation away from you
Day 7 of @huwumi-week-2018 prompt: School/Vacation.
I’m a sucker for the AU where Hawks, Fuyumi, and Dabi(Touya) were all classmates at UA, and I love the idea of either Hawks and Fuyumi always crushing on each other or Fuyumi absolutely hating Hawks (Hawks and Dabi are bffs either way tho). So this and day 8 will be focused on that AU. Also on Ao3. Hope you enjoy!
Fuyumi isn’t sure what deity she upset to warrant this type of punishment, but she would do anything to rectify it.
She’s glaring at the seat number on her plane ticket for the school trip, then flicks her turquoise eyes over to the individual next to her. Takasu, or ‘Hawks’ as the hero name he picked, is the one classmate she can’t stand.
Coincidentally, he’s also the person she’s seated next to in the absolute last row of the plane.
He looks less than thrilled with the situation as well, pointedly avoiding her gaze and keeping his hands shoved into the pockets of his oversized sweater. She isn’t sure if the feeling being mutual makes this easier to deal with or not.
Fuyumi sighs, and trudges along with the rest of the crowd waiting to board the plane. The next ten hours were going to be miserable.
They move at a snail’s pace to their seats, the entire process taking over twenty minutes. When she passes her twin’s seat, Touya taps her arm and whispers, “Hey, you gonna be ok?“ Fuyumi mutely nods. “Message me if you need me, but you can always talk to Hawks too.”
At that Fuyumi scoffs and starts moving with traffic again. Finally she’s at the end of the plane standing in the aisle observing their seats with disdain.
“Um, Todoroki-san? We uh, kind of need to sit.” Hawks mumbles behind her.
She can feel the dread crawling up her stomach, and moves as far out of the way as possible. “You take the window seat.” Fuyumi nods towards the spot in question.
“Are you sure?“ He furrows his unruly eyebrows. “That’s technically your seat.”
“It has the better view, I don’t want you to regret it later.” He continues pinning her with a questioning look.
“Just take it already.” Fuyumi snaps just a touch louder than necessary.
Hawks doesn’t seem to notice, or care, merely shrugging and slinking past her into the seat. Thankfully his quirk allows him to remove his feathers and reduce the size of his wings, otherwise it’d be thoroughly uncomfortable for them both to be stuck in a cramped space with his large red wings in the way (much more so for him, but Fuyumi would still find it suffocating).
He situates and cradles the bag full of his feathers on his lap. Fuyumi hesitates, so Hawks frowns at her. “Come on, I don’t bite or smell or anything.”
“That’s not the issue…” Fuyumi grumbles under her breath. She sits in the aisle seat next to him and buckles in.
She’s gripping her armrest tightly through the entire safety speech from the flight attendants. Once that ends, she squeezes her eyes tight and focuses on controlling her breathing until finally the telltale noises of the plane roaring to life sound.
Her face is screwed into one of pain and fear and she’s clutching both armrests like her life depends on it. She’s so hyper-focused on trying to staying calm that when something lightly brushes her hand she jolts violently.
“Hey, it’s just me.” Hawks speaks gently. “Todoroki-san, are you ok?”
“Yes…“ She forces out between grit teeth.
“…Todoroki-san.” She knows he isn’t convinced, and she knows what he’s going to say next, but still prays he’ll leave her alone.
Hawks licks his lips as he debates pushing the subject, but decides he has to because when Touya told him to 'make sure she’s ok’ as he passed by, he realizes now this is what his friend meant. “Are you afraid of flying? Or heights, to be specific?”
Fuyumi doesn’t respond for a while, and can feel Hawks watching the way she twitches when the plane starts to stir.
Eventually she laughs a self-deprecating noise. “Pitiful, right? What kind of P-pro in training is afraid of h-heights?” She stutters, her voice becoming more strained as the plane picks up speed.
Hawks is silent for a moment, before he somehow plucks her hand off the armrest between them and squeezes her hand in his.
Her eyes snap open and she whips her head in his direction.
The smile on his round, boyish face is blinding. “Don’t worry. If you fall, I’ll catch you. Ok?”
Fuyumi’s breath hitches and she feels warmth spread from her hand up her arm and somehow settling in her cheeks. She stares at him and absentmindedly wonders if his eyes always had flecks of gold around the irises.
He doesn’t complain once as she holds his hand in a crushing grip the rest of the flight.
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huwumi-week-2018 · 6 years
Red Feathers
Based on @cpmerlot ‘s art
For @huwumi-week-2018. Day 8: Chill
Ship: Huwumi (Hawks x Fuyumi)
Rating: Gen
Summary: Hawks attended the Olympics to see the world-renowned Fuyumi Todoroki in action. He was head-over-heels in love with someone he never met. And maybe, just maybe, he stood a chance with her.
There were a few things Hawks knew about Fuyumi Todoroki.
He knew that she was going to take the gold in the Olympics today. He knew that she was as graceful on ice as she was on land. He knew that she was the most beautiful person he ever laid eyes on. He knew that if he had the guts, he would beg her to marry him. He would jump from the seats and slide right into the ice rink on his knees, ring in hand, if she so much showed the slightest interest.
He also knew that she had no idea he existed.
He wished this was one of the movies he acted in. He would bump into her, making a fool of himself as he flapped around awkwardly. Then, she would fall head over heels for him. They would go on secret dates in disguises. Someone would find out and threaten to blackmail them. He would suggest publicizing their relationship. She would disagree. They would have a big fight, she would storm off into the night, and he would chase after her, but end up seconds too late. News of their relationship would break to the tabloids, and both of them would be ashamed, but nostalgic for what they had. Fuyumi would go to an international competition and prepare to leave the country forever. He would realize at the last minute who she was to him, and run to the airport-
“Next up, from Japan,” the announcer cut through his pathetic thoughts, “Fuyumi Todoroki!”
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huwumi-week-2018 · 6 years
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“He shouldn’t have had to catch his breath.”
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huwumi-week-2018 · 6 years
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Day 6 of Huwumi week: growth/bloom
Late as always haha I chose the prompt bloom for this day cause Fuyumis love for Hawk bloomed a long while later than his love for hers did
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huwumi-week-2018 · 6 years
One of the Good Guys
Summary:  If he walks like a traitor and talks like a traitor, he’ll be treated as a traitor. Even if he’s really one of the good guys. Even Hawks can fall from the sky. 
AN:  @huwumi-week-2018 day 8– heat/freeze! 
                                One of the Good Guys
She’s not a field medic. She’s not a nurse. She has no place on the battlefield.
Yet there she is, standing in the middle of collateral damage, wearing the same clothes she wore to work that morning, watching the world burn.
There’s too much happening at once. Too many people screaming. Too many colors, too many opinions yelling in her ear. She knows what they’re saying about Hawks. They’re calling him a traitor, a turncoat.
It couldn’t be true. Not her Hawks.
He wouldn’t betray the heroes.
But in the middle of the battle, the league of villains wrecking so much havoc no one can see straight, Fuyumi knows the orders Endeavor is under. Fire to kill. Enemies must be disposed of.
He would kill Hawks.
The only saving grace….she can see him flying above the battle. Half of his feathers are gone. Soot and ash cover his face and clothes, and he’s covered in cuts. He looks bad. Really bad.
But he’s alive.
Fuyumi races after him. “Hawks!” She calls out. “Hawks–”
Flames burst from the ground, arcing through the clouds and cutting through the sky. It hit Hawks dead on, and when Fuyumi blinks the dots from her eyes, he’s already fallen.
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huwumi-week-2018 · 6 years
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@huwumi-week-2018 Heat/Chill
How about a fire demon and an ice demon? This was thrown together pretty quickly but hey, I’m lovin how Fuyumi turned out!
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huwumi-week-2018 · 6 years
Day 8: Heat/Chill
Finally, the last day of the event! There's so much we want to say for you guys, but that deserves a seperate post in of itself soon :') For now, let' s enjoy the last day! And never forget:
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huwumi-week-2018 · 6 years
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Huwumi week day 7: School/Vacation
So super late entering the game, but I thought about the school prompt for a bit since I kept thinking how Hawks must have seen Fuyumi from far away one day when he was let out for a small outing of being made into the perfect hero (cause we all know there’s crazy shit there). The only reason he recognizes her is because he’s a little fanboy that knows a lot about Endeavor and his family; at least the outside situation which is that he has 4 kids. One of them being the only girl Fuyumi. So he sees her and is instantly enamored by the idea of her and how lucky she is and how pretty she looks in her school uniform. And well, silly instant crush. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ it probably just saddens him a bit that they can’t go to school together so he thinks that it would be nice to meet her in the future
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huwumi-week-2018 · 6 years
Day 6 of @huwumi-week-2018 prompt: Growth/Bloom. Have some huwumi kids! Also on Ao3 with better explanations on the kids. Part 1.
Married life was easy to adjust to. Becoming parents was a little more challenging, however the reward was well worth it.
There’s a loud crash from the baby’s bedroom, and Fuyumi can practically see the way Hawks’ wings would jolt seeing the crash in real time.
“What was that?“ She shouts from the living room as she folds laundry in front of the TV.
“Nothing!” Hawks yells back.
Fuyumi isn’t convinced in the slightest, but considers letting it slide until another bang comes from down the hall. She sighs deeply, placing the towel she started folding aside and rising to her feet.
When she approaches the door she can see her husband with his brow furrowed as he attempts to change Asuka’s diaper. Flurries of crimson feathers collect the pieces of the now broken lightbulb from the lamp while individual ones dance over the baby’s head to distract her as he works. Their son, Hiroaki, is holding the trash can for feathers to drop pieces they pick up into it.
“Hi, mommy.“ Hiroaki greets. He looks up at her with his goldish brown eyes and smiles. His white hair is still damp from his bath and his pajamas are a touch too big, allowing space for him to grow into.
Fuyumi walks over and kneels in front of him. “Hi, sweetie. What happened?”
“Nothing!“ Hawks whips his head over towards them, but turns back instantly when Asuka lets out a loud whine. “Oh no, angel, daddy’s here, see?” He softly coos at her until she gurgles a laugh.
Hiroaki points at the where the lamp used to be, giving Fuyumi a pretty good idea of how it got knocked over. “Was she trying to fly again?“
Hawks sheepishly chuckles and nods, continuing to coo at Asuka.
He warned her when they found out the baby would have wings that she might accidentally break things a lot; it was an issue he had growing up and it caused him a lot of hardship as a child. Personally, Fuyumi can’t fathom getting mad at her darling little girl for it (or having gotten mad at a baby Hawks either), she’s only an infant, naturally her quirk control isn’t going to be great.
It seems Asuka’s wings are different from Hawks’ where the feathers can’t willing be removed and replaced, though it’s too early to really tell. Her small, pale red wings flutter happily when Hawks holds her up and snuggles his face against hers, resulting in a stream of loud giggles.
Fuyumi really can’t understand how anyone could be angry; her two birds are absolutely adorable.
A small fleck of red catches her eye. “Oh, Tsubasa!” She reaches over and touches his wrist. “You’re bleeding!”
“Hm? Oh, that’s not anything to worry over.” He spares the cut a fleeting glance before turning back to Asuka.
“We should still bandage it.” Fuyumi frowns. She tugs his hand towards her so he moves to gently cradle Asuka in his other arm, still not paying the cut any attention.
She’s about to head to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit, when Hiroaki walks over and gently wraps his small hand around his father’s wrist. “Let me help, daddy.“
Small crackles of ice and frost emit from his palm, chilling Hawks’ skin enough he shivers and goosebumps prickle on his arm. Hiroaki releases his grip and the frost fades away almost instantly.
As does the small cut.
Hawks and Fuyumi gawk at his hand, then each other, then at their son. “How—”
“I got a bump a couple days ago so I iced it better!” Hiroaki smiles wide.
“You…” Fuyumi’s eyes dart back and forth from her husband’s disappeared wound to Hiroaki. “You have an ice quirk? Your quirk has manifested?”
“It’s not just ice, it has healing effects…” Hawks whispers in awe. “That’s amazing, Aki!”
Hawks excitedly asks their son for more details on when it first happened, and their son shyly retells the event. Meanwhile, Fuyumi is still examining her husband’s wrist lost in thought.
“Honey…“ She murmurs. Hawks looks at her and cocks his head. “Our family is incredible.”
Hawks chuckles under his breath, and gently drags his hand out of her grasp to caress her cheek. “Yeah, we really are…”
His face morphs from a fond smile to an amused smirk. “Hey, wanna start a Pro Hero family group?”
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huwumi-week-2018 · 6 years
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day 7 @huwumi-week-2018   family vacation a little sketchy today^^’ Suriyushi and Kori got elementary wings , they can activate them as will. Suri got wings made of ash, and Kori made of ice Kajaku and Unmo , one of them can make fire sparks(like ember in Pokemon,) the other one can do the same with snow flakes. But I forgot who~ somehwere in my notes it stands 
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