What are you two going to dress up as?
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“I’m going as the Goddess Angi and Vash is going as Indra! I don’t know what Gilbert’s going as, but I guess it doesn’t matter, I’ll know it’s him anyway.”
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Mun: Vash told them to stop so Gilbert got himself a different disguise, look out for him at the festival! He’s got a variety of costumes he’ll wear for different events, or just when he wants a change.
Vash is from @hws-gods-austria-switzerland go check them out!
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Did you see any great Indra costumes?
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"A few here and there... Though there were a lot more at the look-alike contest"
"Actually- I participated in it too.."
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((yes, despite trying his best, indra got 17th place in his own look alike contest. he is just that uncharismatic 💔))
//also mun's note- sorry its not fully coloured ;;; im in the middle of exams rn so I dont have enough time to fully shade it😔
Also sbzhshxh thank you @hws-gods-denmark and @hws-gods-austria-switzerland for having their beautiful muses dress up as indra✨❤️❤️
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Vash!!! Do you help Erika with promoting Gilbert or do you just stay out of their shenanigans?
“I try not to, but sometimes... I’m hooked into it anyways.”
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[Image text: Vash: Sigh Vash: Is this good? Erika: Mhm! Vash: Ok. Let’s go.]
Preparing for the festival is not an easy feat, especially with a very excited twelve year old, but Vash found himself able to wrangle some costumes together. They are ready for the festival of unity!
[Event: The Festival of Unity!]
ft: @hws-gods-liechtenstein-prussia​‘s Erika!
Mun: Sorry this is a week before the event ends please send asks in for them during the festival and I’ll get to them as soon as i can!! <3<3
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Hello Everyone! It is time for HWS Gods AU’s very first Event!
From the 9th to the 30th of November, AU Muses and Blogs will be celebrating The Festival of Unity between the Five Realms.
Join the festivities and interact with all your favourite Gods and Humans today!
See if they will be in costume, whether they’re participating in or hosting mini-events, how they celebrate the festival in their own unique ways and much more!
Will shenanigans occur? Will romance bloom? Will shocking revelations come to light? Will there be magic? Will there be action? Make sure you’re following all your favourite blogs and this Hub Account to find out!
More Details on the Origins and Various Traditions of The Festival of Unity can be found in this document or on the Hub Page here.
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Vash did you believe in soulmates when you were a kid? What did you think your soul mate would be like?
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“Of course I believed in them as a kid. Didn’t everyone? You were so gullible back then.” The blond hesitated at the second question, his teal eyes flitting over the anon’s face cautiously. “Musical.” He said at last, frowning slightly. “What, do you want to set me up with someone?” He asked sarcastically, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.
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hey jaro!! do you have any friends ??
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Jaroslav: “mhm !! actually its p funny, a lot of them are gods !!! just a plus side of being enlightened :0 bc i go around to different places a lot, i see a bunch of ppl around. i tripped over in chun’s– lord chun’s?? garden, i see raccolto whenever summer rolls around, and i tend to stay in vash’s farm or berwald’s temple when im in their areas !! i met shiv when i challenged him to a climbing contest!! meeting yilin was also a funny story,, he found me eating rice out of his fields 😳”
[ft. @hws-gods-1p-2p-beijing @hws-gods-veneziano @hws-gods-austria-switzerland @hws-gods-finland-sweden @hws-gods-india @hws-gods-chinas ]
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Guess who’s Back!!!~~
Hi y’all! Sorry for being absent! Schoolwork caught up to me and some things happened. But I’m back and with some plans! Who’s ready for some Halloween shenanigans!!! There will be costumes, food, and party favours!
-Mod Tyberious
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Rod what if you got Ludwig to do your paperwork for you?
(No art for this one, sorry... School n all.)
The god tapped his chin thoughtfully with a gloved finger. “I have tried that, I do believe. He was busy.” He sighed, propping his elbow up at the desk he was sitting at. “Such a shame, I absolutely despise paperwork. If only I could project what I needed onto the parchment then I’d be done and be free to do as I please instead of sitting at a desk staring dully into an endless void of scribbles.” He was clearly bitter about having to do this, and his face lit up as he had an idea, “Maybe I could get Shiv to help. He’s always up for that.”
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!!!! Oh my god?? YES!!! I’m so sorry I didn’t post this sooner, school got so chaotic!
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Vash does reality feel very different for you too? Has Erika seen you like this?
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“Now that you mention it, it did feel very off. I didn’t like it. Everything was bright and flat. Thank god it’s over.”
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Both/Either, do you believe in soulmates?
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“I do, though I don’t believe gods get them. And if gods do have them, I must have terrible luck finding them.” Roderich said, pushing up his glasses to hide his face.
“No.” Vash stated, rolling his eyes. “Only children believe in soulmates.” He looked away from the anon, his face softening slightly with sadness before his mask of neutrality snapped back into place.
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For Both/Either, do you like flowers? If so what kind?
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“My favorite flower is the Edelweiss. One of my few memories from my past life involves one of my friends giving me one annually, since I couldn’t go and find some on my own.” The god said wistfully, a slight smile gracing his features.
Vash shrugged, crossing his arms. “Edelweiss. They’re tough and beautiful. Erika and I felted one when I went to the army as a good luck charm.”
Mun: I reused an old photo I drew of Edelweiss because I didn’t wanna draw another.
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Erika what is your worst memory?
The small girl seemed to curl in on herself and was quiet for a moment before answering “Vash used to be a soldier, so he was away a lot when I was little. When I was nine he went off to war, and he got hurt. Really bad. They said he’d probably die. I was at home with Mister Gilbert when I got the letter.” She wrapped her arms around herself before continuing, “Those were the worst months of my life. Mister Gilbert didn’t take it well either, he acted really weird about it until Vash came home. I don’t want that to happen again, I don’t want to feel that alone again. I had Mister Gilbert but it... It’s not the same.”
Vash is from @hws-gods-austria-switzerland
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“Yes, please.” The man said in relief, peering up through the lenses of his glasses at the Goddess. There was a considerable stack of paperwork and by the looks of it, the practically illiterate god had barely even started.
Erzse walks in and sits beside Roderich. "How much paperwork do you have this time?" There's no need to be elegant or graceful-Its just friends being friends(and Erze wanting it to be something more)(@ask-hws-gods-hungary)
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The chestnut-haired god sighed as he held a quil between his fingertips. “Too much of it, if you ask me. I shouldn’t have put off Adéla’s paperwork. Alas, I must do it at some point.” The man pouted, placing his quil on his desk. “And you?” M!A Style: 3/3
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Rod, do you have a temple or shrine dedicated to you? If so, what is it like?
“Yes, I have many shrines. Not many temples, though. I have approximately one temple and it’s been abandoned. It’s very peaceful, though it’s slightly sad. It was a beautiful thing in it’s hayday. Now it’s scorched, cracked, and covered in vines.” The god looked mournful, his normally sharp eyes clouded with something like grief. “I haven’t been there in a while. I fear it’s condition has worsened after the fire.”
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Erzse walks in and sits beside Roderich. "How much paperwork do you have this time?" There's no need to be elegant or graceful-Its just friends being friends(and Erze wanting it to be something more)(@ask-hws-gods-hungary)
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The chestnut-haired god sighed as he held a quil between his fingertips. “Too much of it, if you ask me. I shouldn’t have put off Adéla’s paperwork. Alas, I must do it at some point.” The man pouted, placing his quil on his desk. “And you?” M!A Style: 3/3
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opinions of Viola's?
[Image text: “They’re a bit clunky, but I don’t mind them. They’re just not my preferred instrument.”]
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The God crossed his arms once more. You could barely hear him mutter, “This new way of perceiving reality is quite odd...”
M!A Style: 2/3
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