hxllyandhawthxrn · 2 days
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i needed to draw this. apparently
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hxllyandhawthxrn · 3 days
just imagine a drarry au where draco and harry meet again after the war because they're both in the auror program. the first time they have to practice dueling everyone thinks it's going to be super dramatic between of their history of rivalry at school and the fact that Draco was a Death Eater and Harry defeated Voldemort
But the thing is, a lot has changed for them. Harry spoke at Draco's trial and saved his life and he knows Draco risked everything by not identifying him at the Manor. They don't want to hurt each other anymore. They're not enemies now, but they also don't really know how to be around each other yet.
And there's too much history around the other times they've fought. Harry can't stop remembering the duel in sixth year and how he almost killed Draco by mistake, can't stop picturing him just sixteen, lying gasping in a pool of his own blood. And he can't bring himself to strike first.
Meanwhile Draco's trying to make amends and redeem himself. The last thing he needs is for everyone to think he intentionally cursed the Boy Who Lived Twice, Savior of the wizarding world. And even worse than other people thinking it, is if Harry thinks it, if he has to see those green eyes looking at him with disappointment, thinking he hasn't changed. So he doesn't want to strike first either.
So after all this buildup and even though they're both formidable duelers with seeker-fast reflexes, they just both kinda end up awkwardly standing there with their wands at their sides.
After an uncomfortably long pause this actually breaks the tension between them because it's so ridiculous. Draco's all 'go on then' and harry kinda mumbles something about how draco should go first and draco rolls his eyes and is all 'yeah im really going to curse the "Savior" in front of everyone. that will do wonders for what's left of my reputation' and harry's like 'oh so u think you're fast enough to actually hex me then' but draco doesn't rise to the bait and just insists that harry go first, though he's starting to sound annoyed now for all he tries to control it.
but now harry's set on being stubborn and finally draco does Rictusempra just to shut him up and as a callback to when they were children. So of course Harry has to counter with Serpentsorsia. (Draco insists to himself that he absolutely does NOT find the fact that Harry can still speak Parseltongue attractive at all. Really. He DOESN'T.)
Afterwards things are easier between them. they find themselves gravitating towards each other. and sitting together. and chatting. and eventually even spending time together outside of training and starting to consider each other friends. and then more than friends.
by the time the 3 year training program is over all of their classmates are tired of how soppy and in love they are. they still get silly when they duel though and throw ridiculous, juvenile spells and bait each other. but now it's more playful.
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hxllyandhawthxrn · 4 days
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The Career Fair
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hxllyandhawthxrn · 5 days
Harry: I am completely normal about Draco Malfoy. Why is everyone saying I'm obsessed?
Also Harry: Did you see Pansy stroking Malfoy's hair? Wasn't that the most disgusting thing you've ever seen? I mean just objectively that was basically a war crime right? Getting my nose broken was one thing but THIS. This is just inexcusable. How is this allowed?
Ron & Hermione: *face palming*
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hxllyandhawthxrn · 6 days
Alright! Fic 3 of the Phoebe Tries to Write Again Challenge! This one goes out to the lovely @chinike, who prompted "soulmates." Hopefully, this makes up for yesterday's angst lol. Big big thank you to my darlingest bestest hedgehog @basicallyahedgehog for looking this over and basically being the official sponsor of this challenge lol.
cw: references to canon violence
At six years old, Draco had read about fated love and wondered if it, like magic, was real.
"Soulmates are a myth," his father had said, looking at Draco over his glasses. "You ought to spend your time on more productive matters instead of burying your head in those nonsense books your mother buys you."
At sixteen, Draco learned how to brew love potions. He'd leaned over his cauldron to sniff the rising steam: fresh grass, broom polish, and treacle tart. He glanced over at Potter, who was whispering with his friends. A moment later Potter met his eyes, as if sensing Draco was staring, and scowled.
Draco knew his father had been right.
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"Do you believe in soulmates?" Harry asks him one morning over breakfast.
He's 26 years old. The engagement ring on his finger is new, from the previous day. He'd woken up to see Harry on one knee next to the bed, ring box open, asking simply, "Will you?"
Draco looks into Harry's bright, loving eyes and thinks, as he often does, of the improbability of them. He thinks of hexes, shouting matches, threats, and pranks. Of stomping on Harry's face. Of bleeding out on the bathroom floor. Of all-consuming, daily terror.
He remembers lying to his family, and Harry's outstretched hand pulling him out of the fire.
He remembers forgiveness. Redemption. Conversations that left him raw and weeping. Apologies.
He remembers the smell of fresh grass, broom polish, and treacle tart, and he knows, without a doubt, that the smell would remain unchanged, ten years later.
"I can't be sure," Draco finally says. "But I do believe in us."
Send me a prompt! See the guidelines here.
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hxllyandhawthxrn · 6 days
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Ron Weasley (ageless), “I’ve come here in support of my best friend, and my older brother, Charlie. Though, I think my wife is a little bit too.”
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hxllyandhawthxrn · 6 days
The thing about Harry in the books, and how he notices Malfoy so much, is that like.. the tone of it is just so different to how he notices other characters that he (actually) doesn’t like.
For example, we get much more of a sense of Harry’s reluctance to be near Lockhart, his distaste and distrust of Lockhart, any time he has to interact with him. And Harry even notices that Lockhart is good looking, but he notices it in more of a sense that it’s not something he’s personally drawn to. Kind of similar to how he notices the Veela at the World Cup. He recognises it in passing, because it’s objectively noticeable.
And yet the tone of how he notices Malfoy is so different. His gaze is constantly drawn to Malfoy. He notices Malfoy anytime he’s around - whether it’s across the hall (surrounded by literally HUNDREDS of other students) or in the busy thoroughfare of Diagon Alley. And he’s not noticing Malfoy’s looks in a kind of.. dismissive, passing way. He’s hyper focused on Malfoy’s expressions, his underlying mood, the way he’s carrying himself. He’s always noticing how he looks, his pointy features, the flash of his hair. He recognises him instantly even from a distance.. even though I’m sure there were plenty of other blonde students at Hogwarts. He’s constantly drawn to him, in a way that Harry is not drawn towards other people he actively dislikes or hates. THAT’s the difference. Harry wants absolutely nothing to do with anyone else he dislikes; but with Malfoy, he’s completely drawn in, even when Malfoy is doing his best to avoid being noticed.
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hxllyandhawthxrn · 24 days
@microficmay day 19, drarry. cw: sex pollen
Harry paces within the narrow confines of the charm. “One more hour.”
Malfoy swallows. Harry can’t bear to look at him. 
“It’s like I’m burning up on the inside,” Malfoy says softly. “Like I’m going to die if I don’t–” 
Harry can’t let him finish that sentence. “No one has ever died from…” The wanting probably won’t kill him–he’s almost certain–but the embarrassment might. “... From not having sex.” 
“Shows what you know, Potter,” Malfoy says prissily, and it’s not helping at all, hearing him talk.
Harry casts about for a distraction. “Think about something else. Think about… Umbridge.” 
“Eurgh.” Then Malfoy says, slowly, “Do you remember in fifth year, when I caught your little club?” 
“Yeah.” This actually is helping. Harry focuses on the anger he’d felt then.
“I finally had you where I wanted you. And–I took your wand. I remember how it felt, holding it. It’s longer than mine.” 
Oh no. “Malfoy,” Harry says warningly. 
“I thought to myself, Harry Potter is entirely at my mercy. I could do anything to him.”
Harry stops pacing. He turns around. Malfoy’s sitting straight up, eyes pinning Harry in place. 
“What would you have done?”
Malfoy rises to his feet. He takes a single step closer, and the final, pathetic thread of Harry’s control snaps.
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hxllyandhawthxrn · 24 days
Microfic: impatience // @microficmay
Drarry, PG
In the dimly lit confines of the Auror office, Harry's leg wouldn't stop jiggling. He glanced over at Draco, who was engrossed in a stack of paperwork.
“Malfoy,” Harry called, irritation seeping into his voice. It garnered him some glances from his other colleagues, who were already on the way out. He ignored them. “We need to wrap this up.”
Draco looked up, a strand of soft hair falling into his eyes. “Impatience doesn’t suit you, Potter. You should try relaxing for once.”
Harry huffed, running a hand through his hair. “Easy for you to say. Some of us have lives outside of work.”
Draco’s eyes gleamed mischievously. “Oh really? And what’s so pressing?”
They watched the last person, Janet, hurry outside. Their fights were legendary and no one wanted to be within wand range when either snapped.
Once alone, Harry’s reply was soft, barely audible. “Dinner with my boyfriend.”
Draco rose with quiet elegance and sauntered over. "Your boyfriend, hmm?"
Harry swallowed as Draco's index finger traced Harry's palm.
"Yeah," he mumbled, impatience forgotten.
Draco's hot gaze bored into him. “Well then, let's pack it up."
He smirked at Harry's silence, intertwining their fingers.
After a while, Draco gave his hand a gentle tug. "Come on then. We shouldn’t keep me waiting.”
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hxllyandhawthxrn · 26 days
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hxllyandhawthxrn · 26 days
“He’s just a boy.”
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hxllyandhawthxrn · 26 days
trope mashup, what a joy! 16 and 61?
Prison AU + Love Confession!
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A patronus is basically a love confession, right??
Trope mashups!
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hxllyandhawthxrn · 28 days
Hello! List 5 thinks that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last ten people that reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :D
helloo, thank u vm for sending! okay, let's see.
ofc i have to mention the trash baby (cat) i rescued and accidentally adopted.
definitely getting a new tattoo/piercing. i just got my first tattoo last week & i'm still riding a high from it.
my comfort food, which is currently kimchi fried rice.
i guess i should be sappy & say my friends. they're all wonderful people who i couldn't imagine my life without & i love them dearly.
lastly, all the amazing, beautiful, heartbreaking work of the people who make drarry content. fics, art, edits.. this has been my safe space for so long & i would not be sane without everyone who puts their work out there.
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hxllyandhawthxrn · 29 days
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how i love "when evil blooms" and draco from this fic (at all drarry from this is my roman empire) 🪻
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hxllyandhawthxrn · 1 month
[ for @microficmay day 11. drarry | rating: t | word count: 114 | part 9 | part 1 here ♡⋆˙ ]
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The night wraps around them, and Harry goes quiet and somber, hands slowing and faltering over Draco’s chest, tracing the deep pink scar tissue that criss-crosses his torso.
“Ah. Nasty bit of work, that,” Draco says lightly.
���I don’t think I’ll ever stop being sorry,” Harry murmurs into the small space between them.
Draco hums, running his fingers through Harry’s hair, gently scraping over his scalp. “Nonsense, Potter. Bygones. Besides,” he adds, mischievous, “men love scars.”
Harry huffs a laugh, looking up into his eyes. “And you know this how?”
Draco smiles at him softly. “Personal experience.”
He leans forward, pressing his lips to the pale bolt of lightning where it cuts Harry’s brow.
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hxllyandhawthxrn · 1 month
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After a long time stalling, I’ve finally read Dwelling. Also because of this immaculate work of @sits-bound, and @tackytigerfic’s caution encouragement. I may have survived, but not without a crater in my chest made by thousands of shards. Here’s my sloppy attempt to patch that up.
PS. Dear @pl0tty and my irl friends, you’re the OG. Thank you for your insights. ♥︎
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hxllyandhawthxrn · 1 month
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i’m weak...
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