hyungs-mini-me · 3 years
"Don't think like that, my swan, have faith that neither of us will be hurt ok?" Jacob says as he wipes his lover's cheeks "We WILL come back to you. You're stuck with us, remember?" Jacob says with a small smile as his kisses his lover again despite his own tears rolling down his cheeks. "I love you so much, Jazzy, you and Aidan are my whole world."
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"We will come back and when we do I promise we will mate." Aidan sniffles as he strokes his cheek "You're one of the two most important people in my life and I couldn't live with myself if I lost either of you so I'm going to fight to make sure that doesn't happen. Trust us ok? One way or another we will come back to you." He says kissing him again as he and Jacob held the smaller warlock between them.
"We have to go, Jazzy, they opened the portal and they are waiting on us." Jacob sniffles as he kisses him again.
On the way to Priam's
To @jasper-lloyd and @endangered-aidan
Jacob and Aidan didn't want to do this, they didn't want to send their lover away but they knew that it would be for the best if he was out of harm's way so they could be on top of their game. Jacob held one of Jasper's hands tightly in his own while Aidan held the other. They were already running behind, Joel having messaged him to say they were getting ready to leave. They stopped in front of the shop doors and Jacob turned to Jasper.
"Jazzy, my swan, I know you don't want to do this and you're angry at us for making you go but neither of us can lose you." He says as he caresses his cheek "I love you so much, Jazzy, and I would rather die than see you hurt." He says as he leans in for a kiss, a tear rolling down his cheek "I'm going to miss you so much, my swan, be strong for me. For us."
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Aidan had been silent most of the walk to the book store, dreading what was to come but knowing that sending his mate away was for the best. He turned Jasper to look at him when Jacob was done, cupping his cheek.
"I love you, Jazz, remember that ok? I know you're angry, you don't want to be left behind, but like Jacob said we can't lose you." He says as he leans in for a kiss "When this is all over, when we come back to you, I'm going to mark you both. I'm doing to keep you both with me always. Don't worry too much ok? Be strong and I promise this will be over soon and you'll be back with us before you realize." He says resting his forehead against Jasper's as his own tears rolled down his cheeks "I'm going to miss you m, babe, so much."
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hyungs-mini-me · 3 years
On the way to Priam's
To @jasper-lloyd and @endangered-aidan
Jacob and Aidan didn't want to do this, they didn't want to send their lover away but they knew that it would be for the best if he was out of harm's way so they could be on top of their game. Jacob held one of Jasper's hands tightly in his own while Aidan held the other. They were already running behind, Joel having messaged him to say they were getting ready to leave. They stopped in front of the shop doors and Jacob turned to Jasper.
"Jazzy, my swan, I know you don't want to do this and you're angry at us for making you go but neither of us can lose you." He says as he caresses his cheek "I love you so much, Jazzy, and I would rather die than see you hurt." He says as he leans in for a kiss, a tear rolling down his cheek "I'm going to miss you so much, my swan, be strong for me. For us."
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Aidan had been silent most of the walk to the book store, dreading what was to come but knowing that sending his mate away was for the best. He turned Jasper to look at him when Jacob was done, cupping his cheek.
"I love you, Jazz, remember that ok? I know you're angry, you don't want to be left behind, but like Jacob said we can't lose you." He says as he leans in for a kiss "When this is all over, when we come back to you, I'm going to mark you both. I'm doing to keep you both with me always. Don't worry too much ok? Be strong and I promise this will be over soon and you'll be back with us before you realize." He says resting his forehead against Jasper's as his own tears rolled down his cheeks "I'm going to miss you m, babe, so much."
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hyungs-mini-me · 3 years
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Jacob smiles "We have a ballet instructor, she's one of the best in London, and I teach contemporary. Contemporary and lyrical are very similar, alot of people tend to loop them together. I teach some Latin dances but Danny is the go to for that and hip hop or street dance." He smiles before nodding "We've had quite a few West End actors come in to learn for roles so I'm sure we can do our very best to help her adapt to whichever role she is going to be performing."
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At Hope World
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"Oh hello! Can I help you with anything?"
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hyungs-mini-me · 3 years
"You've come to the right place then." Jacob smiles "I'm Jacob, one of the assistants and teachers here. Danny is well versed in nearly every style of dance and most of us have been taught by him so we can teach others. What style of dance does she practice?"
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At Hope World
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"Oh hello! Can I help you with anything?"
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hyungs-mini-me · 3 years
At Hope World
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"Oh hello! Can I help you with anything?"
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hyungs-mini-me · 3 years
"Sam's the one who's dating Riley right?" Jacob asks "I've seen him around. He seems cool."
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“Come on, it’s not that bad here is it?”
“I’m only here for Sam and Axel.”
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hyungs-mini-me · 3 years
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"I never really thought about it actually. Before I met Jasper and Aidan I never really thought I'd settle down but we've been living together a while now" Jacob says thoughtfully " I guess I should probably think about stuff like that considering what hopeless romantics they are huh?" He chuckles.
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“What kind of wedding would you want if you got married?” 
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hyungs-mini-me · 3 years
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"Come on, it's not that bad here is it?"
In a corner...alone
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hyungs-mini-me · 3 years
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hyungs-mini-me · 3 years
My Swan and My Kitten 🥰
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hyungs-mini-me · 3 years
Hyung 💗
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hyungs-mini-me · 3 years
26 Things About Me
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A- Age:
B- Biggest fear:
Being left behind/alone, The Unknown, Losing my family
C- Current Location:
Richmond-upon-Thames, London, England
D- Drink you last had:
A special drink Sam concocted for me at Marcel's
E- Everyday need:
Sex, Food, Sleep, My Soulmates and my Family
F- Favorite song:
Pretty much anything by my Hyungs and platonic soulmate.
G- Ghosts, are they real?:
If I'm real, they're real. Period.
H- Hometown:
Seelie Court, Faerie
I- In love with:
Jasper Lloyd and Aidan Bang, my forever loves
J- Jealous of:
Not normally the jealous type but I have my moments when people try to come at Jazz or Aidan.
K- Killed someone?:
I haven't killed someone personally but I have been an accomplice. I'm a Knight though so I know it comes with the territory sometimes and I would kill for the people I love to keep them safe (Especially my soulmates and siblings) which is why I did everything I could to help during the one time I was an accomplice.
L- Last time you cried?:
When I found my Eternal Bestie (platonic soulmate) lying on the ground dying and I sat with him with my hand on his wound until Kwan and help arrived.
M- Middle name:
I don’t have one.
N- Number of siblings:
Two, Joel (here in London, older) and Jasmine (back in Faerie)
O- One wish:
To keep my family together as a whole happy, healthy and safe, to be the best uncle I can to Dae, to be the best soulmate to Jasper, Aidan and Atti.
P- Person whom you last called:
Aidan to invite him to come to dinner with Jasper and I for our weekly family dinner night at the Mansion.
Q- Question you’re always asked:
Are you taken? Are you happy with the people you're with? What do they have that I don't?
R- Reason to smile:
My Loves, My Hyungs, My Eternal Bestie, My Nephew and the Twins
S- Song last sung:
I sang a song Eomma used to sing to us when we were babies to Dae while I was babysitting.
T- Time you woke up:
I woke up at 5 because we had an early dance rehearsal for this group that's about to debut.
U- Underwear color:
I'm not scared....I don't wear any.
V- Vacation destination:
Considering London is the first place I've ever visited in this realm, I'd like to see more of the world so literally anywhere.
W- Worst habit:
I stare off into space sometimes when I'm deep in thought but my worst habit is not thinking before I open my mouth, I'm pretty blunt, and cursing.
X- X-Rays you’ve had:
Y- Your favorite food:
I had only eaten Fae food before moving here but I love all the Korean food David Hyung makes. I need to try more of this realm's food before I can pick a favorite.
Z- Zodiac sign:
Scorpio like my dude Joon
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hyungs-mini-me · 3 years
Having fun with my Eternal Bestie
Trying to cheer him up and convince him to come with me and Kwan to Marcel's party (pre-party)
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hyungs-mini-me · 3 years
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"Hello. You must be heading the same direction I am."
Heading to Marcel’s
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hyungs-mini-me · 3 years
"Hello, my swan, don't pout we're here now." Jacob smiles as he kisses his lover "Miss me?"
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At Marcel’s
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Jasper was meeting Jacob and Aidan at the party. He dolled himself up hoping to impress his lovers. But he realized after a moment he was the first one there. “Oh…” He pouted, lonely.
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hyungs-mini-me · 3 years
Jacob smiles back at his soulmate, pecking his lips one last time. "I will, my swan, those babies are going to love you and Aidan. You'll both make such amazing uncles." He says before smirking and chuckling "Save some for me too, I'd hate for you to completely exhaust our mate before I get to come home and have fun with the both of you." He winks.
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“I love you, Jazzy, so much.” Jacob says kissing him deeply and resting his forehead against the other’s “I’ll make it up to you, in the meantime I know Aidan will be more than willing to help you for the both of us.” He says kissing him again “I’ll call you when the babies are born. I love you so much.”
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Jasper softened. “I love you too, Jacob.” He licked his lips after the kiss, enjoying the lingering taste of his mate. “Give them all my love and congratulations.” He said softly. At the mention of Aidan an impish little smile appeared. “Oh I have plans for Aidan.”
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hyungs-mini-me · 3 years
Jacob: They are doing ok just in pain but that's normal considering they are in labor.
Jacob: Magnus and Mason should be delivering them soon.
Text to Eternal Bestie
For @atti-wants-to-be-your-friend
Jacob: I know it's still a sensitive subject, bestie.
Jacob: But you're family so I thought you should know the babies are on their way.
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