The Holiday (2006)
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Fun fact: I only picked up this film because I share a name with one of the characters. I won't disclose which one, but what I can say is that I was stressed trying to figure out which I was in the opening sequences. And goddamnit. I have never felt so called out by a piece of media in my entire life.
The energy of this film is so chaotic. It was like the actors had been split in two and given two different acting directions. You guys over there, camp to the max. In every situation where there are several normal, acceptable reactions, choose the surprise third option of going completely fucking nuclear. Have sex twice with a man (in his sister's bed??) and be in love, repair your intimacy issues, meet his kids, live happily ever after, etc. a silly little raunchy hallmark-esque rom-com. Amanda is insane. I love her.
The other characters in this film are living in a completely different universe. My girl Kate Winslet does an insane job balancing acting the most messy/good-natured/people-pleasing/oblivious and yet self aware woman in fiction. Iris spends half of the film trying to get over a man who has been stringing her along for years, and the other half going on friendship dates with an old man she picked up off the street. Her love interest (aka: the most Jack Black character Jack Black has ever played), is just her if she was less cool, and has about five minutes of screen time. Take him out of the movie and nothing about Iris's character arc changes. He's like a ken doll, laying forgotten in the dream house while a little girl (me) sends her barbies on dates together.
That being said, I loved them together. The way the studio resolved a character's issues with being down bad for douchebag men by putting her with a man in the same position as her (albeit with douchebag women), who was down bad for HER?? Obsessed.
The ending of this film was rushed, open-ended, and didn't make any sense. It was so good. Top 5 christmas rom-coms of all time, hands down.
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i think I might have a condition where I cannot watch Christmas rom coms around christmas ever :(
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the problem with starting an alt blog bc you have watched every single christmas rom com on netflix and have to vent your feelings about them is that you have watched every single christmas rom com on netflix so you cannot remember any significant plot points and mix them all up in your head. it's rough out here.
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You might be right tbh, I should probably go for a rewatch before I start making strong opinions on the internet!
a castle for christmas
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my father is scottish. watching this made me wish he wasn't. maybe then i could pretend that this is something that i am ok with. probably not tho - i might just be ashamed to be associated with this intellectual property through my heritage.
is it particularly offensive? *sighs* i guess not. do i remember most of the plot besides the icky feeling of both watches? nope not at all.
maybe one day i'll drink a lot of bourbon and i'll go for a hat trick so i can do a proper review. that day is not today though, and the voices are screaming for me to articulate exactly how this movie made me feel.
blegh. that's it.
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If Netflix ever makes a ‘Princess Switch 4’, I pray that they show Frank and ‘Telli as definitely a thing, considering the cameo they appeared in for ‘Castle For Christmas’.
Or at least do a mini spin-off series for them, depending on which.
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a castle for christmas
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my father is scottish. watching this made me wish he wasn't. maybe then i could pretend that this is something that i am ok with. probably not tho - i might just be ashamed to be associated with this intellectual property through my heritage.
is it particularly offensive? *sighs* i guess not. do i remember most of the plot besides the icky feeling of both watches? nope not at all.
maybe one day i'll drink a lot of bourbon and i'll go for a hat trick so i can do a proper review. that day is not today though, and the voices are screaming for me to articulate exactly how this movie made me feel.
blegh. that's it.
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the emotional rollercoaster that is the christmas prince series continues to be one of the greatest mysteries of modern television because how do you go from
1: pure trash. could barely make it through the second time. every second of watching this sends me closer to the edge. i hate you amber you are my enemy
2: ... camp?? crazy bc it actually took me a year after my first experience with the shitshow that is the christmas prince 1 to force myself to try again but i was actually having a good time here. everyone is so silly like I <3 you guys [not you amber. never you] yess unintentional gold
3: the finale. climax. apothéose. literally insane. an absolute journey. went into this not knowing whether to get out the popcorn or the vomit bucket and somehow left both untouched. this film is a tragedy named king tai and queen ming. the tragedy is that it wasn't about them wtf. literally crying wdym they only appear in this film and leave forever. THE PRINCESS SWITCH TWO REFERENCE WASN'T ENOUGH I DEMAND BLOOD
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just started this alt blog 🤭 is this fate rn??
I know ‘The Princess Switch’ fandom is pretty much bare, but if anyone out there is much of a fan of it as I am then please don’t hesitate to reach out.
It’s a bit lonely here and while it’s technically a Christmas franchise, it still holds a very special place in my heart. 🥺
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the princess switch series are the best films ever made. end post.
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