the emotional rollercoaster that is the christmas prince series continues to be one of the greatest mysteries of modern television because how do you go from
1: pure trash. could barely make it through the second time. every second of watching this sends me closer to the edge. i hate you amber you are my enemy
2: ... camp?? crazy bc it actually took me a year after my first experience with the shitshow that is the christmas prince 1 to force myself to try again but i was actually having a good time here. everyone is so silly like I <3 you guys [not you amber. never you] yess unintentional gold
3: the finale. climax. apothéose. literally insane. an absolute journey. went into this not knowing whether to get out the popcorn or the vomit bucket and somehow left both untouched. this film is a tragedy named king tai and queen ming. the tragedy is that it wasn't about them wtf. literally crying wdym they only appear in this film and leave forever. THE PRINCESS SWITCH TWO REFERENCE WASN'T ENOUGH I DEMAND BLOOD
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doobydoobydoowau · 11 months
why is this series about those bland ass aldovians 😭😭 gimme a christmas romcom about queen ming and king tai of penglia
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srijellyfishtempura · 2 years
Vanessaverse Timeline
ok so i was watching the strange aeons vanessaverse video and because I have a passing interest in alternate history i wanted to challenge myself to come up with a scenario where the Vanessaverse world exists
Here are the facts we know:
In eastern europe and the caucasus, there are three new nations:
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Belgravia and Aldovia are both absolute monarchies run by white people with British accents. Penglia is run by an absolute monarchy by East Asian people (the writing on the treaty looks like Kanji to me?). We also know that, in this world, absolute monarchies are commonly accepted, and involve various arranged political marriages, as well as the appearances of the monarchs and royal families having significant impact on the country.
There is also the small possibility that every month in this world is December, and they are in a constant state of winter. This is relevant I promise.
I have three possible scenarios, each one going back a bit further in time, although all of them have one thing in common and that is Penglia, because I can't think of a way to get East Asian people into the Caucasus except this:
In the time of Alexander the great, Greek kingdoms extended through a massive part of the known world, all the way to Afghanistan. Due to this, the Chinese dynasty at the time (Han), interacted with Greeks in BCE times, fighting a war with them over horses. To get them into Eastern Europe, I propose that the Han dynasty was so invested in this war that their military forces went over the mountains to Afghanistan and eventually got to the Caspian Sea. They took complete control of the sea, greatly advancing contact between the Caucasus and East Asia, but they do it in like the Byzantine empire way, staying remarkably constant even as Eastern China breaks apart. They eventually rename themselves Penglia, and due to their relatively non-confrontational nature with the rest of Europe, they never get fully conquered. The entire Caucasus region, as well as the Caspian sea, is isolated from the rest of the world, as well as completely Sinicised.
Ok time for Europe
First up, Napoleon.
Due to the eternal winter of this world's Europe, all armies are very used to fighting in bitter cold conditions, so Russia does not have as significant of a home team advantage as they did in our timeline. For some miscellaneous reason (let's say he doesn't get a scholarship), Napoleon Bonaparte never goes to France, instead going to England and becoming a force in the English military. Thus, when the French Revolution happens, and Robespierre declares war on the rest of the world, because they don't have Napoleon, they lose. France is completely conquered, and the revolutionary democratic ideas proposed are quashed, leading to monarchies staying constant throughout the rest of history. Napoleon, now in the British military, helped to defeat France, the nation that rejected him, leading to England taking a majority of France in the treaty that ends the war of the coalition. Napoleon continues rising through the ranks of the British military, eventually invading and conquering Germany, then Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus (and the Balkans, making an agreement with the Ottoman empire to share trade routes). These protectorates eventually built into Belgravia and Aldovia (with Montenaro somewhere in France). Much like the rest of the British empire, the UK held a vast amount of control over these nations, taxing them to hell, as well as Napoleon's fun trait of giving his own families monarch positions in the countries he conquered. Once modern ideas of nation states arises (assuming it still does due to the 1848 revolutions in Switzerland, Italy, and Germany), Belgravia and Aldovia declare independence, but keep their monarchies due to the increased relevance of royal families in this world. Europe is dominated by British countries, the English language, and absolute monarchies spawned from the Bonaparte family.
The main issue with this is that in The Christmas Prince 3, Aldovia and Penglia have been signing this treaty for 600 years, but my next proposal solves that problem.
Second! The Black Death.
Basically, the Black Death is significantly worse in this world, with all of Northern and Eastern Europe, as well as Western Asia being pretty much wiped out (this also provides a way for Penglia to be East Asian, as China would expand into the free territory). Anglo-Norman settlers would expand from England and France into the newly freed-up territory, creating new nations that are absolute monarchies, as was customary at the time. By complete happenstance, two of them, Belgravia and Aldovia, survive into the 21st century, with Aldovia having excellent relations maintained with Penglia, just across the Black Sea.
Third! The Roman Empire.
idk this is much less thought-out, but the romans steal all the land from the germanic tribes, then they split off from southern europe, creating 3 roman empires (northern, western, and eastern), with Britannia incorporated into the North due to their cultural similarities. When the northern romans fall (I'm guessing around 860 CE), instead of Germania being a disaster, they quickly reorganise into smaller kingdoms, with much less loss of knowledge than occurred in our timeline. This timeline I'm imagining involves much faster technological development, while absolute monarchies remain into modern times, due to the relatively high standards of living that they have presided over. Feudalism never exists, and Europe is much better overall. The films take place in about 1700 because they explored so much earlier and the technological development was so much faster.
Also, Scotland. In A Castle For Christmas, a Vanessaverse movie, it's confirmed that the Vanessaverse version of Scotland is just normal Scotland, which I've incorporated here by making the island of Britain relatively unchanged in all of these scenarios (except the last one but idk im tred its almost midnight here Ive spent like 30 minutes writing this post)
@strange-aeons please notice me this is all your fault
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aellathedreamer · 10 months
in a world of boys, he’s a gentlemen
“Got lovestruck, went straight to my head. Got lovesick, all over my bed”
A look through of Stacy and Edward’s relationship right after he proposed. The royal life, a whirlwind of emotions.
Chapter 15/40
Pairing: Stacy x Edward
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51843736/chapters/131078110
As Stacy entered the regal tea room, her initial confidence wavered upon encountering the intense gaze of Queen Ming. The weight of the queen's scrutiny bore down on her, creating a momentary pause in Stacy's steps. Queen Caroline, noticing Stacy's reaction, subtly gestured for her to proceed. Despite the initial falter, Stacy summoned her inner resolve and continued into the room.
Amelie, sensing Stacy's discomfort, subtly whispered, "Hold your head high, Lady Stacy. You're here representing Belgravia."
Stacy, determined to make a positive impression, straightened her posture and met Queen Ming's gaze. The atmosphere in the room carried a subtle tension, but Stacy, with a gracious smile, navigated through it. "Your Majesties," Stacy greeted, her tone steady despite the underlying nerves. She executes a well crafted curtsy much to Amelie’s relief. "I am honored to join you for tea."
Queen Ming, maintaining her composed expression, acknowledged Stacy with a nod. The intricate dance of royal interactions unfolded, and while the initial encounter held a hint of challenge, Stacy persevered, determined to find her footing in the realm of royal intricacies. Despite her attempts to maintain composure, Stacy's nerves shone through as she delicately took her seat at the tea table. The subtle tremor in her hands while reaching for the teacup didn't go unnoticed by the discerning gaze of Queen Ming.
Queen Caroline, sitting beside Stacy, observed the unfolding scene with a hint of concern. She exchanged a glance with Amelie, silently acknowledging the delicate nature of the moment.
"Princess Stacy, I trust you find our tea to your liking," Queen Ming inquired with a tone that carried both formality and a touch of scrutiny. Throughout the ordeal, Stacy picked up subtle cues that the tea served was a gift from Penglia. Queen Caroline mentioned that Penglians have a delicate palate in terms of creating tea. 
Stacy, her eyes meeting Queen Ming's intense gaze, managed a polite smile. "Yes, Your Majesty, the tea is exquisite. If I may, just Stacy will do. I am only to receive the title of Princess once married to Prince Edward."
Queen Caroline and Queen Ming exchanged glances. The Belgravian queen gave a subtle nod of approval towards Amelie. However, the vulnerability in Stacy's demeanor was palpable, and Queen Ming, perceptive as ever, saw through the carefully crafted facade. The room held a subtle tension, and Queen Caroline, sensing Stacy's unease, interjected with a gentle redirection. "Perhaps we can discuss the upcoming events and engagements, easing Princess Stacy into her new role."
As the conversation shifted, Queen Ming continued to observe Stacy with a keen eye, the unspoken recognition of the princess's vulnerabilities lingering in the air. Stacy, determined to prove herself, pushed through the nerves, navigating the intricacies of their exchange with each passing moment. Queen Ming's perceptive gaze lingered on Stacy as the conversation shifted, and she couldn't help but comment on the striking resemblance between Stacy and Duchess Margaret Delacourt, Edward's former fiancée. "Lady Stacy, pardon my observation, but you bear a remarkable resemblance to Duchess Margaret of Montenaro," Queen Ming remarked, her tone carrying a subtle hint of curiosity.
Stacy, maintaining her poise despite the probing comment, replied with a diplomatic smile, "It's not the first time I've heard that, Your Majesty. People do say that the resemblance is uncanny and we may be related through a far relative."
Queen Ming, however, pressed further. "Rumors circulated during Edward's engagement to Duchess Margaret, suggesting that the two of you may have switched identities. Is there any truth to those rumors, Queen Caroline?"
Queen Caroline, choosing her words carefully, confirmed the truth of the rumors, acknowledging the unconventional events that had transpired during Edward and Margaret's engagement. With the revelation laid bare, Queen Ming turned her attention directly to Stacy, her inquiries becoming more pointed. "Princess Stacy, did you play a role in instigating the breaking of Edward's engagement to Duchess Margaret? The rumors implied a certain level of... cunning in the matter."
Stacy, aware of the indirect insult woven into Queen Ming's words, responded with measured composure. "Your Majesty, I assure you, my intentions have always been sincere. Circumstances surrounding the engagement were complex, but I am committed to fulfilling my responsibilities as a member of the royal family."
Queen Ming, ever the discerning presence in the room, continued her subtle probing, her gaze fixed on Stacy. With a slight nod to Queen Caroline, she decided to express her observations more explicitly. "She looks exactly like Margaret, but..." Queen Ming began, her tone carrying a calculated pause that hung in the air. "Minus the poise and elegance."
The comment, delivered with a measured and deliberate cadence, cast a momentary shadow over the room. Stacy, maintaining her composure, acknowledged the implicit critique with a subtle nod, aware that every word and gesture was under scrutiny.
Queen Caroline, caught in the delicate balance of maintaining diplomacy, responded, "Princess Stacy is adapting to her new role, and I have full confidence in her abilities to represent Belgravia with grace and charm."
“This seems interesting…” Frank mutters under his breath. Observing from the sidelines, his gaze drifts to Stacy’s attache right beside him. The palace was well aware of the unspoken feud between the two. Frank, ever so mischievous, chose to annoy the attache. “You look like you could use a bottle of vodka, Elsworth.”
Amelie elbowed the butler. “Oh shut it, will you? If i had my way, i would have shipped you off to Montenaro on pronto.”
“It would be my pleasure.” Frank instigates her ire. It took Amelie Elsworth all her patience in order to not to get rid of the butler right beside him. 
Stacy returned to her room, a sense of frustration lingering in the air. Amelie, ever the strict figure, observed Stacy's demeanor with a discerning gaze. "Amelie, I feel like I acted like a fool in there," Stacy admitted with a sigh, her tone reflecting a mix of disappointment and self-criticism.
Amelie, maintaining her stern demeanor, responded firmly “Your Ladyship, you must learn to navigate these situations with more composure. The expectations are high, and you represent more than just yourself in these interactions."
Stacy nodded, acknowledging Amelie's strict guidance. "I know, Amelie. It's just... it's harder than I anticipated."
Amelie, unmoved, continued, "Difficulties are part of the journey. You need to rise above them. Mistakes are not afforded the luxury in this realm."
Stacy, feeling the weight of Amelie's strict expectations, took a deep breath. Though she was well aware that Frank was annoying Amelie earlier which would have caused the sour mood in her attache. "I'll do better next time, Amelie. I appreciate your guidance, even if it's stern."
Amelie's stern gaze softened slightly. "It's for your own good, Stacy. The realm demands a certain standard, and you must meet it."
Stacy, determined to improve, nodded resolutely. "I'll learn from this, Amelie. Thank you for being honest with me, even if it stings a bit."
Amelie, strict yet unwavering, offered a nod of acknowledgment. "That's what I'm here for, Princess. To guide you through the challenges of royalty. I’ll be right back…"
Amelie, recognizing Stacy's need for relaxation, decided to bring a bottle of wine to her room, hoping to ease the princess's nerves. As she entered, she found Stacy already feeling the weight of the day. "Your Highness, I thought you might appreciate a bit of relaxation," Amelie stated, offering the bottle and a pair of glasses.
Stacy, looking appreciative, accepted the gesture. "Amelie, you might be onto something there."
However, Amelie didn't anticipate Stacy's eagerness. Before she knew it, the entire bottle was empty, and Stacy, now a bit tipsy, wore a mischievous grin. Amelie, with a raised eyebrow, remarked, "Your Ladyship, I intended for a moment of relaxation, not an entire evening's entertainment."
Stacy, giggling, replied, "Well, Amelie, sometimes you just need to dive in. Let's make this royal evening an adventure!"
Amelie, faced with the unexpected turn of events, managed a subtle sigh. "Princess, perhaps it's time to slow down. We still have duties to attend to tomorrow."
Stacy, undeterred, spun in a playful twirl. "Amelie, you worry too much! Tonight, we're just two friends enjoying a royal evening. Join me!"
Amelie, torn between her strict demeanor and the undeniable humor of the situation, found herself reluctantly pouring another glass, realizing that navigating a tipsy princess might be an unexpected challenge in its own right. Their banter was interrupted as a knock on the door echoed through the room, Amelie, with a stern expression, opened the door to reveal Prince Edward bidding Stacy goodnight. His departure for an overseas meeting added a layer of formality to the encounter.
"I figured i would see you before i depart," Edward greeted, a hint of longing evident in his eyes.
Stacy, in her slightly tipsy state, responded with a playful grin. Stacy sashays towards the door and leans on the door frame. Amelie experienced an acute wave of secondhand embarrassment. "Well, hello there, royal six-pack," she grinned, obviously drunk.
Amelie facepalms in sheer embarrassment. "Oh dear lord, kill me now," Amelie muttered, caught between the cringe-worthy moment and her commitment to maintaining decorum.
“You’re drunk.” Edward points out.
“No, I’m not. I’m jhust… I’m jhust tipshy…” she slurred.
Edward, managing the situation with a touch of blush but ease, responded to Stacy's flirtatious remark. Meanwhile, Stacy, not wanting Edward to leave, became remarkably clingy, a stark contrast to her usual composure.
Amelie, witnessing the unexpected turn of events, exchanged a glance with Edward, who mouthed a silent inquiry about why she allowed Stacy to consume alcohol. Amelie, with a subtle eye roll, gestured that it wasn't entirely intentional. Stacy, oblivious to the exchange, clung to Edward, expressing her reluctance for him to depart. "Edward, don't go. The night is young, and you're my favorite company."
Edward, handling Stacy's clinginess with good-natured patience, assured her, "I'll be back before you know it, my princess. Do promise you’d take care of yourself, won’t you?”
As Edward left, Amelie found herself navigating the challenge of managing a particularly clingy and tipsy princess, realizing that the evening had taken an unexpected turn into the realm of royal escapades. In an unexpected burst of tipsy energy, Stacy sprinted after Edward into the hallway, surprising him with a playful tackle. Amelie, trailing behind, could feel a fresh wave of secondhand embarrassment washing over her as the scene unfolded.
"Lady Stacy, please!" Amelie called out in a futile attempt to contain Stacy's uncharacteristic antics.
Edward, caught between surprise and amusement, decided to play along and gently lifted Stacy onto his back. Amelie quickened her pace, realizing that guiding Stacy through this tipsy escapade had become a challenge. As Edward carried Stacy on his back towards her room, Stacy, grinning happily and inebriated, continued to shower him with playful kisses. The echoes of her laughter and his good-natured chuckles reverberated in the hallway. “I never told anyone, but… i liked your piggyback rides.” Stacy babbled.
However, the revelry took an unexpected turn as Stacy, overwhelmed by the effects of the alcohol, passed out drunk while still on Edward's back. Amelie, arriving just in time to witness this unforeseen development, sighed with a mix of amusement and exasperation, wondering how the evening had taken such an unexpected twist. Together, they navigated the challenge of guiding a tipsy princess who had succumbed to the effects of the revelry.
Edward, with a bemused yet responsible demeanor, carefully carried the now-blackout drunk Stacy to her room. Amelie, slightly exasperated but ever composed, followed closely, anticipating the challenge of dealing with a thoroughly inebriated princess.
As they entered Stacy's room, Edward gently placed her on the bed. Amelie, with a subtle sigh, began the task of making Stacy as comfortable as possible.
"Amelie, we need to ensure she's alright and let her sleep it off," Edward suggested, his practical side taking charge.
The attache, agreeing, nodded and added, "I'll stay with her for a while, just in case."
Edward, appreciating Amelie's willingness to help, acknowledged, "Thank you, Amelie. I'll check on her in the morning. I’d call once i arrived in England."
Stacy groaned as she woke up with a pounding headache, her surroundings slowly coming into focus. Amelie, standing nearby with a stern expression, wasted no time in addressing the events of the previous night. "Princess Stacy, do you have any idea the level of secondhand embarrassment you subjected me to last night?" Amelie began, her frustration evident.
Stacy winced at the scolding tone. "Amelie, my head feels like it's about to split open. Can we skip the lecture?"
Amelie, undeterred, continued her lecture with a mix of frustration and embarrassment. "Do you even remember what you said last night? 'Hello, royal six pack,' you declared to Prince Edward. Honestly, Princess, where did you even come up with such lines?"
Stacy, rubbing her temples, attempted to recall the hazy memories. "Did I say that? Oh, dear."
Amelie, her frustration growing, sighed deeply. "Yes, you did, and it wasn't the only thing. You tackled Prince Edward in the hallway and then proceeded to shower him with kisses. The whole castle heard your antics!"
Stacy, now fully grasping the extent of her actions, cringed. "Amelie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you."
Amelie, with a raised eyebrow, retorted, "Princess, you need to exercise more restraint. We're not in a tavern; we're in a royal palace!"
Stacy, still nursing her headache, muttered, "Note taken, Amelie. I'll try to keep the royal six-pack comments to myself in the future."
Amelie, shaking her head, couldn't help but mutter to herself, "I swear, dealing with the aftermath of your escapades should be an Olympic sport."
Stacy, despite the throbbing headache, couldn't help but chuckle at the mention of the "royal six pack" line. Amelie, already in the midst of whining about the embarrassing events of the night before, rolled her eyes in exasperation.
"Princess, this is not a laughing matter," Amelie complained, her frustration evident.
Stacy, still grinning, replied, "Come on, Amelie. You have to admit it's a bit funny. Royal six pack, who comes up with these things?"
Amelie, unwilling to concede to the humor, sighed deeply. "Princess Stacy, last night's antics were far from amusing. You need to realize the gravity of your actions and the image it projects to the entire kingdom."
Stacy, now more serious, nodded in understanding. "I get it, Amelie. I messed up. I'll try to be more careful in the future."
Amelie, though still visibly embarrassed, appreciated Stacy's acknowledgment. "Well, at least that's a start. Let's work on avoiding such incidents, shall we?"
“Amelie…” Stacy pouts.
“What is it this time?” Her attache asks, Amelie was also nursing a headache with Stacy’s antics. 
“I feel sick. I think i’m going to vomit.” 
As Stacy found herself alone in the luxurious solitude of her chambers, a sense of disenchantment settled over her. The weight of the day's encounters, the critical gaze of Queen Ming, and the echoes of tradition clashing with her evolving role as a princess weighed heavily on her shoulders.
She stood before the ornate mirror, her reflection surrounded by the opulence of the room, and couldn't help but feel a profound sense of inadequacy. The polished surface seemed to reflect not just her physical image but also the expectations and judgments of the royal world she had entered.
A sigh escaped her lips, and she sank into an intricately carved chair, her thoughts swirling with doubts and uncertainties. The grandeur of the palace, once enchanting, now felt like a gilded cage. The journey from a simple baker in Chicago to a princess in Belgravia seemed like an insurmountable leap, and Stacy couldn't shake off the feeling that she was falling short of the mark.
The vibrant spirit that had propelled her through the challenges in Chicago now faced the formidable walls of royal protocol and expectation. As she traced the delicate patterns of the chair with her fingertips, a sense of disillusionment crept in, threatening to dim the spark that had fueled her resilience.
In the midst of everything, Stacy grappled with the internal turmoil of finding her place in a world that seemed determined to define her by its own standards. The journey toward acceptance and self-discovery appeared daunting, and for a moment, the princess found herself disheartened in the midst of the regal splendor that surrounded her.
Determined to prove herself and overcome the shadows of doubt that lingered after the encounter with Queen Ming, Stacy threw herself into the next round of royal lessons with unwavering resolve. However, her determination led her to push herself to the limits, especially in the realm of royal etiquette.
Under Amelie's watchful eye, the lessons delved into the intricate dance of formalities, the correct way to address dignitaries, and the nuances of diplomatic etiquette. Stacy, fueled by a desire to excel, absorbed every detail with a fervor that bordered on obsession.
Days turned into nights as Stacy tirelessly practiced curtsies, perfected table manners, and memorized the elaborate protocols of royal gatherings. The palace halls echoed with the sound of her footsteps as she tirelessly moved from one etiquette lesson to another. Amelie, recognizing Stacy's dedication, also sensed the strain it was placing on her. The constant pressure to conform to rigid standards began to take a toll on Stacy's vibrant spirit. Dark circles formed under her eyes, and the once-lustrous energy that defined her was gradually replaced by a sense of weariness.
She also finds Stacy asleep in the library in the wee hours of the morning. Amelie sees her dedication, she’d give her that.
One evening, after an exhaustive session on the art of small talk and social pleasantries, Stacy found herself alone in her chambers. She stood before the mirror, staring at her reflection with a mix of determination and frustration. The stark contrast of Belgravian royal fashion towards her normal Chicago attire seemed to carry the weight of expectations, and for a moment, Stacy felt suffocated by the regal attire.
In that moment of solitude, Stacy confronted the reality of her journey. The quest for perfection in every gesture and word had pushed her to the brink, threatening to erode the authenticity that made her who she was. As she peeled off the layers of formality, Stacy questioned whether she could truly find harmony between the demands of royalty and the essence of her true self. The struggle for acceptance, both within the palace walls and within herself, unfolded as a complex acceptance of identity and expectation.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Christmas With A Prince: The Royal Baby
Christmas With A Prince: The Royal Baby
Price: (as of – Details) A Royal Christmas ��� and baby! From Harlequin! It’s Christmastime in Aldovia, and a a royal baby is on the way. Queen Amber (Rose McIver) and King Richard (Ben Lamb) are getting ready to take some time off to prepare for their first child’s arrival, but first they have to host King Tai (Kevin Shen) and Queen Ming (Momo Yeung) of Penglia to renew a 600-year-old sacred…
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seafrost-fangirl · 4 years
So now that we have evidence* that the Netflix Christmas Cinematic Universe (NCCU) is a thing, I desperately need to know if this means we're going to get the MCU treatment of 'each facet will get a trilogy and then crossover'??? Like, we already have 3 Christmas Prince movies, so all we need is 1 more Princess Switch and then 2 more Knight Before Christmas-es! Then we can have the doppelgangers possibly explained through the magic that we know exists (ie the witch, time travel, and Santa Claus (?)). Please Netflix....do it for me....
1. Reference to Aldovia in AKBC
2. Two references to Belgravia in ACP3: RB; both verbal and a map depiction
3. King Richard and Queen Amber appear at Lady Margaret Delacourt's coronation as Queen of Montenaro in APS:SA
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justneedmybooks · 5 years
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milfbro · 3 years
There it is again! The christmas prince is set in the same universe as the princess switch. That means that in the princess switch the cold war never happened
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alrightsnaps · 5 years
So, apparently, in the TCP cinematic universe I am officially Aldovian!
Now I really need a prequel that explains how the fuck someone managed to unite the Balkans into a bigass British kingdom with an obnoxiously posh English accent. 😂
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
I just love how Nexflix movies either have totally made up countries for their roalty movie or they just invent completely new lenages for the existing countries like Norway.
Lets see: we have Belgravia, Montenaro, Aldovia, Penglia and Lavania from the top of my head. How many countries do Americans think you can fit in to Europe? Because we are gonna start running out of room pretty soon if get 2 imaginary countries ever Christmas season
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vikingrose24 · 4 years
Honestly Netflix Christmas movies are the worst but so fucking good
Princess Switch: they each fell in love in just three days. Not an exaggeration either, literally three days and both the Princess and her doppelgänger are swearing undying love for their partners. However, it’s a cool movie. 10/10 would recommend
A Christmas Prince: what happens when you break into the palace and start snooping. True love (that again happens far too fast). 10/10
A Christmas Prince Royal Wedding: honestly don’t fully remember this, but I think the king died in this movie (could be wrong, he may have died in the last one) either way the New Zealander playing a New Yorker married into Queendom. I’m like 97.2% certain she skipped the Princess stage entirely. I also think there was a cameo of the princesses from the Princess switch. 10/10
A Christmas Prince Royal Baby: genuinely the second Mel went in to Simons room to confront him I had the whole plot figured out. I knew it was gonna be a Christmas baby as soon as we saw her pregnant, knew that Simon was hiding a ring and not the treaty. Knew that the queens were gonna sign it, and had it down to two people who stole the treaty. Only thing that threw me was baby gender but I honestly wasn’t trying to figure that out. 10/10
I still haven’t seen the second Princess Switch movie, but I heard there was a cameo from the king and queen of Christmas prince, so I got that going. Honest to God looking forward to the cringe of this one, and seriously hoping for an actual crossover movie soon. I want more than a simple cameo. I also want a new movie series for Penglia
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Can we have a spin off of A Christmas Prince for King Tai and Queen Ming of Penglia? I loved them so much!
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absurdsoutherner · 5 years
Queen Ming of Penglia.
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andyouweremine · 5 years
“According to the treaty’s terms, if it’s not renewed by midnight on Christmas Eve, Aldovia and Penglia technically return to a state of war.”
“Should be interesting, as neither country has a standing army.”
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filmadaydiary · 5 years
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A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby – John Shultz, 2019
Everyone is talking about what a beautiful hot mess this movie is, and I cannot help but agree. We’ve got the same over-the-top characters as the previous two movies, an even more ridiculous plot somehow (the queen is pregnant, but they also have a treaty to sign, and then the treaty gets stolen and if they don’t get it back the baby will be cursed). It is every bit as fun as it sounds. The best part is when Queen Amber reveals the thief, using her investigative journalism background, in an epic monologue while she is in labor. A close second is the king riding his horse to rescue the doctor in a blizzard (which has not been very apparent for most of the film, despite everyone talking about it) and literally telling a howling wolf “not tonight.” And the wolves listen, I guess because he’s the king.
The only problematic part of this movie is the stereotypical portrayal of the Asian monarchs from the neighboring country of Penglia (which is also a terrible name for a country). Their names are King Tai and Queen Ming, and they embody several harmful tropes, such as being wound too tight only to loosen up with time, and having foreign wisdom of alternative medicine. Considering that everyone in these movies is a caricature of a real person, that’s not such an egregious error, but it didn’t sit right with me. That being said, the rest of the movie, while not exactly quality cinema, was still very fun to watch. I was able to call every single twist (the baby will be born on Christmas! the butler did it!) and I had a wonderful time making fun of the film as I watched it. It doesn’t make a lot of sense, it’s silly, and ultimately so bad it’s kind of really good. It’s the epitome of holiday treacle, and I’m here for it. 
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innocentamit · 3 years
We set up Democratic Standards of Fictional Netflix Nations
We set up Democratic Standards of Fictional Netflix Nations
Finally, Aldovia is a sexist country that simply changed its rules to allow women to take the throne in 2019 – moreover, the royal family repeatedly serves “jellied meat” on their balls. Penglia Penglia is located east of Aldovia and is the country’s closest ally. Even viewers do not reach Penglia itself in Christmas Prince franchise, the reigns of King Tai and Queen Ming appear throughout the…
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