iceaura39 · 3 months
Well, in fairness, it's not like the world requires you to have physical muscle mass to be strong, so I can see how it wouldn't be a prior-
looks at men like Jaune, James and fucking Hazel
how do you have a cast of very physically strong women, who either wield very large weapons or have fighting styles that rely on strength and athleticism, and yet after two redesigns for the whole cast, which, due to a timeskip, would let you believably change their physicality, not a single one of those women has an ounce of muscle present
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iceaura39 · 3 months
Reading this after knowing what they did to Adam pisses me off.
Hold up wait a minute.... are you telling me a RWBY light novel tried to make a SUPREMACIST A SYMPATHETIC VILLAIN.
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iceaura39 · 4 months
The lack of a "no" option in this graph is depressingly understandable.
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I had a scientific theory I needed to sketch out.
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iceaura39 · 6 months
But you see, RWBY has done something very innovative, by cutting out the middleman and portraying the oppressed minority as morally black.
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So don't any of you call me an "apologist" for any of these characters
This isn't an "These characters got done dirty, Killmonger was right all along" post more like an "I'm sick of seeing this trope wtf" post
The whole "This Freedom fighter is just as bad as their oppressors" trope is just so tiring.
It's writer's shorthand for "I want to make a morally gray story, but I'm too much of a hack to make a point beyond 'What if both sides UwU' " dumbed down to a formula.
Even if we ignore the politics and morality or whether or not this applies irl, y'all really wanna be served the same repetitive slop? At least shake things up a bit from time to time.
Look, all I ask is if you're going to make a Morally Gray Freedom fighter, maybe go for "V for Vendetta" and not "Terrorist Strawman #69420"
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iceaura39 · 7 months
Well, in Cardin's case, one can argue that the lack of institutional prejudice won't stop individual racists from having their beliefs.
That being said, aggressively eyes everything else in the show.
I've seen people argue that "well it makes sense that Remnant has no prejudice or discrimination since they constantly face a threat to their very existence! It would be counter-productive."
And each time I can't help but feel dumbfounded when people say that - like, sweet summer child, have you LOOKED at our very real world?
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iceaura39 · 8 months
How are you gonna put in "Watson if he worked with Moriarty instead of Holmes" and then include neither Moriarty nor Holmes?
I still can't believe that Arthur Watts is meant to be inspired by John Watson. It's so badly done, bro.
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iceaura39 · 10 months
"Pokemon is aimed at an older audience" - absolute clown shoes, mask-off moment. He doesn't know anything about it, evidently, so why would children?
It's been a while since I did one of these posts, but guess which franchise Astruc is claiming isn't as well-known as Miraculous Ladybug?
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Mind showing us some sales numbers for merchandise, audience surveys, or literally any proof that what you're saying is true, Astruc?
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iceaura39 · 10 months
A lot of RWBY fans are content to simply do the writers' job for them, and then gaslight themselves into believing it was the writers' idea all along.
"Blake's TRUE color is purple, the black was only ever because of Adam" Friend, if that was the case her name wouldn't literally mean black. You guys were watching the color show originally centered around color where the color oriented team rwby who had names with the first initial of their color made by someone who was so particular about color that he almost made all dust red just so he didn’t throw off Weiss's color scheme. You really think that if Blake's TRUE color was always meant to be purple, she'd be named Blake?
Also, people only ever offer Blake 'breaking away from Adam' and 'getting healthy and confident' as reasons why the writers are acting like she's purple now, but like... Blake hasn't been with Adam at all during the course of the main show. She was completely disillusioned with him, she was against the things he did, she was standing up to him, she was calmly articulating the way she felt about him, she was making friends, learning to trust, went on a date for God's sake, all within the first three seasons. And the backsliding that happened because of the fall of beacon was dealt with and left her more confident than ever, reunited with her parents and Ilia, 'reclaiming the White Fang' from him even though that was a badly done mess, etc, all prior to reuniting with Team RWBY by the way. Killing Adam in volume six was completely unnecessary to Blake's journey of healing and actually logically would've made her backslide again, and as I've said before, Blake turning into a meek flinching passive person trying to manage her partner's temper and hiding behind said partner when her seventeen year old teammate raises her voice makes it seem like Blake is actively LESS healthy than ever before.
People literally only say that about "purple is really Blake's color, the black is just Adam" because they're unable to see Blake outside of Bumbleby and use Adam as a fallback hatesink for anything she once was that contradicts it. Also I want these people to stop calling their ship bumbleby and find something purple and yellow to call their ship, like LarryBoy or something. Also Also I want them to stop singing Red Like Roses, because "Black the beast descends from shadow-" Oh ADAM that must mean ADAM because Blake's color isn't black! /s
Also the same can be said for Weiss. "White was the Jacques color, blue is really what Weiss's color really is" A. Her name means white. B. You’re telling me that in V4 at the height of when the writers want you to think Jacques is so cruelly controlling her, she's wearing that dull gray-ish blue dress and absolutely no white, and that wasn’t meant to be symbolic at all? And when she leaves she puts on the wide white belt, and you thought that... What, meant that Jacques still had a hold on her or something? Also, C. I could be wrong, but doesn't Nicholas Schnee who the writers are billionaire simps for and Weiss admires and calls a hero ALSO wear tons of white? If Weiss is shedding Jacques (represented by white) and embracing the True Blueblooded GOOD Billionaire Schnee name (blue) then wouldn't old Nick Schnee be decked out in blue?
And legitimately, the writers might've randomly decided while writing V6 that Weiss's color should be blue and Blake's color should be purple and THEY might have come up with those same dumb excuses, but they're not good excuses and I absolutely DO NOT believe that Blake's color being black and Weiss's color being white was originally meant to 'show us they weren't being their true selves' or that they were 'getting held back' and so on and so forth. Every time I see people say that, I roll my eyes so hard.
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iceaura39 · 11 months
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While I have no dog in Critter's RWBY reviews themselves, what this joker is saying intrigues me.
What they're saying is that the dance scene isn't transphobic because it's an expression of Jaune's loyalty, and believing otherwise is "deranged".
This take manages to hop, skip and leap right over the reason why it is considered transphobic in the first place, which is because the sentiment of the scene is very much "boy in a dress. Laugh plz", or that the scene can be transphobic while being an expression of loyalty. And even so, it doesn't say as much about Jaune's loyalty to JNPR as much as it does his willingness to follow through on a bet to one person who happens to be in his team.
But I will give Monty the benefit of the doubt here. It's very unlikely that he was actively transphobic. It was, what, 2014? Trans trials and tribulations were nowhere near as prevalent back then. I know the me of 2014 would find that hilarious without even knowing what a transgender person even was.
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iceaura39 · 1 year
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The holy trinity of "they're definitely hate sinks within the context of their stories, but the fact that they were written that way in the first place is problematic".
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iceaura39 · 1 year
First one is unhinged. Like this post and I'll feed you the entrails of a hamster. And I'll do it with a real spork, too.
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iceaura39 · 1 year
Y’see, kid, back in Volume 7, many people actually agreed with Ironwood despite him being written as an opponent to our heroes. This is because many people perceived the RWBY gang as not having any alternative plan other than “fuck you, Ironwood”, and their actions in recent volumes as making them hard to root for. I can imagine CRWBY didn’t like this very much, and them making him cartoonishly evil was a response to this - a way to force viewers to stop rooting for a character that they themselves disagreed with.
Serious question, does anyone know what crwby’s beef with ironwood is? I know why they hate Adam but having this much malice for a character you went out of your way to make cartoonishly evil (even more so than you hate your morally worse main antagonists) is very weird.
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iceaura39 · 1 year
RWBY criticism, mostly. I frequent it quite often because I enjoy doing so.
Where are these RWBY fanatics who “can’t take criticism?”
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iceaura39 · 1 year
Echo chamber? Now where's that coming from? We aren't much more of one than the bad eggs of the main RWBY community, for sure.
Where are these RWBY fanatics who “can’t take criticism?”
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iceaura39 · 1 year
Genuine question, what exactly are you trying to accomplish here?
Where are these RWBY fanatics who “can’t take criticism?”
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iceaura39 · 1 year
On the Cinder thing, I’d like to point out that even when she did use her intellect, it was ultimately for the sake of a shortsighted, petty revenge that ended up hurting her own side more than the enemy. So she’s still an idiot, just a scheming one.
Do you think Adam was nerfed?
Pretty much everyone was nerfed.
Cinder's cunning and personality was nerfed right after V3 because the show really wanted to sell the viewers on "those other evil guys that totally always were planned to work for Salem". It took her eight seasons to somehow remember that she can...use her intellect?!
Leviathan being taken out by a some mech after the show and the cast hyped up underwater Grimm so much.
Goliath getting taken out by a teenager who has not really shown to have improved in any way from the last time she got told she can't even scratch it.
Adam went on from slicing mechs in half and one-shotting charged up angry Yang of all people to getting one-hit-clowned by Blake during Haven nonsense.
Weiss went from having all those cool glyphs she uses to barely ever using them again.
Blake would very likely get defeated by one or two Grimm nowadays.
Raven was positioned as one of THE strongest characters in the story with a mysterious backstory. Her fighting prowess AND her plot importance BOTH got nerfed.
Remember when Ozpin was a freaking badass with all the weird cool abilities and when he was mysterious and ambiguous and had plans and secrets? Only for the show to tell us that he go clowned by two angsty teenagers that were beefing with their Tree-Dad? And that in grand scheme of history of the world and everything that's going on Ozpin is basically a nobody?
Remember when Glynda was a powerhouse and actually mattered in the story?
Remember the story of the great White Fang leader Sienna Khan jobbing to a sneak attack?
Remember when a single Nevermore posed more challenge than dozens of new and improve and creepy and unique Grimm some of which even Cinder (for some reason) was afraid of?
The characters and monsters both end up getting nerfed for multiple reasons. Mainly:
So they don't have to create and animate more complex fights.
So they don't have to actually bother to write a creative way to use the character powers or have to write situations where they can't just go and say "Ruby tapped this Grimm with her scythe and it fell over".
Because the people writing it just seemingly really lack any imagination of how to use countless of extremely well designed eldritch monsters
Because the people writing it just seemingly really lack any imagination of how to use dozens of characters with their unique power sets and worldviews. Its the issue present in the writing of entire show. They decide specific thing needs to happen and then just make it happen somehow rather than writing actual progression toward it. Be it the need to distrust Ozpin, Atlas mess, character traumas magically disappearing, broken moon, etc. It all happens "somehow".
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iceaura39 · 1 year
When a character was designed from the get-go to be attractive and was openly lusted over by the creators in the early volumes (even more digusting because she was seventeen in those earlier volumes, but that's a different can of worms), expecting good treatment towards that character and their femininity is a fool’s errand.
There is absolutely no problem with making queer couple that is masc x fem. Couples like this exist in real life and they should be represented! I especially love butch x femme lesbian couples and I want to see them more of that in media (Like. Actual butch lesbians btw. Not just some woman wearing pants. Because apparently some people claim Yang is canonically butch when that's not true 🤡)
The fact that the cishet male writers in rwby made the decision to make one character that was in fact very feminine to make her more masc and made her girlfriend be a cute femmy catgirl who acts literally like "uwu *giggles twirls hair and kicks feet in the hair*" should be questioned.
And if you say that Yang becoming "more masc" is character development and is a sign or her growth because being girly and flirty somehow equals immaturity to you I am going to stab you.
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