idkmbti · 3 years
I can't stand being a woman I don't know how to live the rest of my life as one. I never wanted this. I want muscles I don't want to give birth, I want strength not whatever women have.
Every time I see a man I get envious that I am not him and will never have his body or strength. I hate how men only see women as sexual objects and only value youth a fertility.
Men never respect women men always want to keep women down and it is natural for men to rape women. How am I supposed to go the next 50 years with this knowledge? Men just want women to be their bangmaids.
I want to self harm, I want to cut my boobs off I am my sexual organs gone. I want to be unrapable.
I hate humanity I am a childfree antinatalist because if I were to have a male child I would be envious of him and if I were to have a female child I would pass on the pain of being female to her and rn that pain is unbearable. Also every male child will just be a future perpetrator and ever female a future potential victim.
It's not just society that's the problem it's nature even in tribes they restrict women to prevent them from being raped but no if we call men evil then we are told that's not nice men have oppressed wonen for thousands of years. If women did what men did to women men woukd gave already committed mass genocide of women.
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idkmbti · 3 years
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Hatsune Miku 2022 Year of the Tiger FuwaFuwa Plushie by Sega
MSRP: 6,380 yen. Release Date: June 2022.
Available for pre-order at the lowest price via CDJapan! Purchases via CDJapan help financially support this blog.
Other retailers: AmiAmi. 
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idkmbti · 3 years
Wtf was I even going with this? Makes zero sense now, I mean maybe compared to Ne but no. I guess Ti in socionics is the truly black and white function. 
Ni is quite a black and white function.
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idkmbti · 3 years
Self Help for 9s
Since ennegram is about self help and I notice that most people into typology rarely talk about what to do after discovering your ennegram, so I thought I would share some of my ideas. 
9s cannot stand discomfort, and sure most humans dislike and want to avoid it and to some extent it is healthy. However if you always stay inside your comfort zone you will likely regret it in old age. Many 9s spend most of their lives going to work, coming home and going on Netflix or the internet and rinse and repeat. It is enjoyable in the moment, but is that really a life worth living? No, it is not. 
What 9s should do is identify activities they want or need to do that make them uncomfortable, then they should enact exposure therapy starting with the least stressful activity and progressing to the most. The only way to lessen the anxiety of an uncomfortable activity is to do it. The more you avoid the uncomfortable activity, the more your brain will learn that it is uncomfortable and your brain will learn to be anxious of it. If you do the uncomfortable activity and you do not die or get hurt enough times, then you will learn that the activity is not dangerous and your anxiety will lessen over time. 
For example I used to be terrified of going to the gym because I worried that people would judge me, but after sucking it up and going to the gym a few times, I simply stopped being anxious. I am still amazed by how simply the solution to that problem was. Simple but difficult. 
Another example is that I used to avoid expressing controversial opinions because I didn’t want people to get mad at me, so I went to discord servers and started saying things that I knew for certain would piss the people there off. I told this one guy that vaccines cause autism and he got so angry due to his parents being anti vax and we got into a heated argument. I had to deal with the heightened feelings of threat I had. But I did it and I was okay. I did this for a while, and now I am able to share unpopular opinions without a second thought. And I still speak to the vaccine guy today and we are on good terms. 
You can’t live a rich life if you avoid every activity that makes you uncomfortable, so it is important to accept that life is not always comfortable and to move on with the activity despite any discomfort you feel. Then you can start living life instead of escaping it. 
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idkmbti · 3 years
Reblogging to say this is more likely due to insulin resistance or eating too many carbs and not your mbti type.
Sensor Struggle #5
You feel the need to eat often… Even when you are not hungry. 
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idkmbti · 3 years
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idkmbti · 3 years
on april fools day we should all change our icons to this
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idkmbti · 3 years
So it's not based on a set of 4...
Opinion on socionics?
i don’t have a strong opinion on it.
in some ways it’s better and in others it’s worse than mbti
what it does right:
sensors have a better rep
grouping types by functions
more nuanced view on the functions
hints of visual typing
what it does wrong:
stupid names for the groups
switching J/P for the introverted types (confusing af)
LSI, SLI ...wtf are those abbreviations supposed to mean??
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idkmbti · 3 years
It's not even based on mbti, it's losely inspired by Jung's cognitive functions.
Opinion on socionics?
i don’t have a strong opinion on it.
in some ways it’s better and in others it’s worse than mbti
what it does right:
sensors have a better rep
grouping types by functions
more nuanced view on the functions
hints of visual typing
what it does wrong:
stupid names for the groups
switching J/P for the introverted types (confusing af)
LSI, SLI ...wtf are those abbreviations supposed to mean??
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idkmbti · 3 years
Yo, I saw that we interacted a bit before in the past. What’s your socionics type?
LSI, but I and other people have considered IEI. LSI fits more though. 
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idkmbti · 3 years
The socionics abbreviations are very straight forward. S= sensing, L= logic E=ethical the only non-straightforward one if that I stands for both intuitive and introvert, but introvert and extrovert are always at the end. 
Opinion on socionics?
i don’t have a strong opinion on it.
in some ways it’s better and in others it’s worse than mbti
what it does right:
sensors have a better rep
grouping types by functions
more nuanced view on the functions
hints of visual typing
what it does wrong:
stupid names for the groups
switching J/P for the introverted types (confusing af)
LSI, SLI ...wtf are those abbreviations supposed to mean??
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idkmbti · 4 years
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“The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.” – Thomas A. Edison
(I own none of these photos)
ISTJ playlist created by yours truly:
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idkmbti · 4 years
It's been a while but this is not what I would have typed him 5 years ago.
Megamind: Megamind (ENTP)
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Perceiving Functional Axis: Ne/Si
“Hey, not now, Minion! I’m in a heated, existential discussion with this dead-eyed, plastic desk toy.”
Even as a child, Megamind is an ingenious inventor. He makes all these insane inventions, comes up with brilliant ideas (most of which that don’t work), and constantly provokes Metro Man just so he can have some fun. He is buoyant, theatrical, and vibrant—it’s all about the presentation for him. When he has everything he thinks he’s wanted, he’s thoroughly bored. It’s not about ruling the city for Megamind; he just enjoys fighting with Metro Man, trading quips and playing the hero-villain game. And now, it’s not fun anymore, and he spirals into an existential crisis. So, he creates Titan. But Titan doesn’t act as he expects him to—like Metro Man did (he has all the powers of Metro Man, so why won’t he just be good? isn’t that what heroes with powers do?) Megamind’s still operating on his ideas of how Metro Man worked and is deeply frustrated that Titan won’t just do what he's supposed to. 
Judging Functional Axis: Ti/Fe
“But I had something far, far greater. My amazing intellect! A knack for building objects of mayhem. “
Megamind has a great analytical mind that allows him to build all his insane inventions. He is quick, clever, and successfully tricks the Mayor so he can escape prison. Then, again, Roxanne and Metro Man into falling for his trap. But Megamind never wanted to be evil. He didn’t even think of himself as bad until everyone’s perceptions of him at school started rubbing off of him, and he turns into a villain because that’s what they expect him to be. When Metro Man dies, he engineers this elaborate plan just so he can have someone to spar with again. He goes to great lengths to teach Hal how to use his powers and how to be a superhero, so he can go up against someone again. But, in the end, he finds it rewarding to be a hero—he gets the girl and the public’s praise and appreciation—so he decides to stick with it. 
Enneagram: 7w6
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idkmbti · 4 years
Is creative se supposed to be impulsive or does it make the LSI and ESI cautious? I keep hearing conflicting information on this. 
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idkmbti · 4 years
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I’m an ambivert you gais, inb4 someone asks what the fuck is a hidden agenda function
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idkmbti · 4 years
Is socionics finally a thing on tumblr now?
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idkmbti · 4 years
Analysis please? 
It appears its a good day to not turn in anything and write a personality analysis of Tom Nook just because he's also ENTP.
No, he isn't ENTJ.
Argue with me.
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