reblog if you believe fanfics are as valid as books that were published and sold by authors who write as their main careers. I'm trying to prove a point
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i love being sensitive. i love feeling love and giving it to others. i cannot imagine a day when i'm not feeling all my emotions with such primal rawness.
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Uncle's girl
Prompt :  so we know that Rossi married 4 times and that he doesn’t have kids. But we also know that if he did have kids, he will most likely want to take care of them. So how about some uncle Rossi, hmm? 
A/N: everybody say it with me: "we all need uncle Rossi"
Uncle Rossi! Who came to visit an old friend, to see how they are doing, just to be greeted by a little girl hidden behind the front door. 
Uncle Rossi! Who can see the kid’s suspicion, so he tries to play a trick by magically pulling out a coin from your ear. 
Uncle Rossi! Who sees that you became much more comfortable around him as you tell him about the homework you aced in your class, the playground date that you had with your friends and the new books that you have read. 
Uncle Rossi! Who memorizes the things that you like and dislike so that next time he visits he can bring you gifts.
Uncle Rossi! Who is still very firm about manners and being polite so when you trow a tantrum, he doesn’t budge until you have calmed down, excused yourself and expressed what you wanted. 
Uncle Rossi! Who then acknowledge your efforts and comfort you and say that there is no reason that he wouldn’t give you what you want if you say it properly. He’s rich after all.
Uncle Rossi! Who ironically doesn't like when your parent scolds you because apparently they are "too strict" (acting like he didn't just scold you 2 minutes ago)
Uncle Rossi! Who tries to cook with you, but being your clumsy self, you poured the flour on the floor.
Uncle Rossi! Who just blows the flour on your face and soon becomes a flour fight
Uncle Rossi! Who still treats you the same after you became an adult because you will always be his little kid.
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The people's princess
Aaron Hotchner x Princess! Reader
A/N: this is the last chapter of this princess reader fanfic, even if it isn't the best fanfic I'm happy that I made it because it made me want to write again.
he doesn’t let the sadness wash over him. Or maybe he just hasn’t realized that he has lost you. A part of him still believe that you’ll come back. 
His step lead him toward the last place you have been. The hallway. He walks down the path, project himself into your last moments. Unaware of everything that was going to happen. 
He looks around him, some maids were present, he could read sorrow in their facial expression. He was by your side for a few days, they were here since you could walk in the castle but he could swear his pain was deeper than theirs.
He stopped in the middle of his track, slowly trowing his head back. A way to regain his breath that seems to not want to enter his lungs. He opens his eyes to look at the sky, it wasn’t sunny, yet it was gloomy either. It felt pleasant. Your face appeared within his vision. He saw you everywhere he went. Was it a curse or a blessing, he couldn’t tell.
His eyes landed on a paper, hidden behind a vase. It wasn’t a piece of trash since you could tell it was neatly folded.
He opened it.
I never called you by your name, even though I wanted to. If you’re reading this then something must have already happened to me. Don’t worry, as the princess of this country, I was always ready to sacrifice myself for them. But truthfully, I wished things happened differently. There were time I wanted to despise you. My heart felt too heavy when I thought about losing you. I can’t change my faith but if I could go back in time, I’ll always choose you. Because not meeting you is more painful than loosing you.”
He traced the letters that were blurred by your tears, not realizing that they were his own. He touched his face, surprised by himself but he didn’t find any strength in him to hold back. He cried. He cried loudly. He didn’t feel the reassuring hand of his friend telling him that it wasn’t his fault. 
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The people's princess
A/N: hope you enjoy it ! Currently in history class and talking about politics, so I thought it was the perfect moment to post it.
PS: the previous parts are on my blog, go read it. Now.
Chapter four
Aaron felt a chill run down his spine, which waked him up from his daydreams. What’s taking her so long? He glanced at his watch. 15 minutes. The hallway sure is pretty long. He peers at his colleague, and somehow you both came down to the same conclusion.
“I tracked the signals of the last call of the cellphone you found and it came from inside the palace.”
“Call the security! The princess has been kidnapped!”
“what do you mean, my daughter has been kidnapped?” the agent look at her father, their king.
“Your highness. It seems like the spies took the princess but we-” The chief of the BAU plead the best he can for his mistake.
“It’s not possible” the king simply says. The phrase, which could be an expression of despair, did not match with his face. The king was not desperate. In fact, he couldn’t be more expressionless. The profiler, the man who has faced many heartless persons in his long career, could not understand the meaning of his words.
“The spies wouldn’t need to kidnap her since we came down to an agreement”
An agreement. The end of the war. A way to calm the tension between two nations, weither it was temporary or permanent. But the word agreement felt bitter.
“SSA Agent Hotchner. You may dispose of your responsibility because there is no more danger.” he smiled, places his hand on his shoulder, not without giving it a little pressure.
“You have done a great job at protecting the princess, what might be the object of your desire that I can grant you?”
It was you he wished to have.
You were taken from him. No, you weren’t even his to begin with.
But he wanted you. He needed you.
But he was the chief of the BAU, SSA agent Hotchner. No matter how much Strauss irritated him, he must admit that she was right.
You were merely a piece of chess in the game that was the politic.
A pawn who became a queen after passing the other side.
Bowing his head, “there are no greater pleasure than serving the king, your highness.”
After a moment, the man spoke, “what a wonderful knight you are, Aaron Hotchner.”
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Teacher’s favorite
Reader is a university student and Hotchner is a FBI agent who occasionally comes to share his experience. In a room full of student who are interested, sure. But who are also very much tired, the very excited reader catches Hotchner’s eyes. 
Teacher Hotchner! Who can see that everyone was diligently writing the precious information bought by the SSA Agent Hotchner. Yet, it doesn’t take a profiler to see that these kids were gone for dreamland since they sat. 
Teacher Hotchner! who glances toward his colleagues, Agent Reid, and he shakes his head out of defeat. Trying a weak attempt to make the student participate, he asks a question. 
Teacher Hotchner! Taking a look at the room in hope that someone takes the bait, he was almost startled when out of nowhere a hand appeared in his field of vision. Looking at the owner of the hand, he feels his heart soften a bit. In contrast with the gloomy atmosphere of the rest of the class, you were standing out with your engagement for the presentation. You reminded him of a little kid in class who knew the answer and didn’t want anyone else to say it. 
Teacher Hotchner! You present yourself and proceed to ruffle through your notes. A lot of notes. Smart girl. His eyes caught on some little doodles. Cute. You place the few strands of loose hair behind your ear as you look up to him to answer. A soft giggle leaves your lips when you realize the rather awkward silence from your awaited answer. 
Teacher Hotchner! Who was about to continue his presentation but sees that you have something to add. You ask a question and the ears of the students are perked up of interest. They haven’t though about that. The presence behind him shifts and he knows that his colleagues going to speak, so he allows himself to rest at the back. 
Teacher Hotchner! Who crosses his arm out of habits and studies you. Feeling eyes on you, you inspect the room for the person who’s responsible for your discomfort. Everyone had their eyes straight toward agent Reid, and that’s when you saw him.  
Teacher Hotchner! Could swear he saw your cheeks redden. (Even your legs shut but that’s a detail for later) 
Teacher Hotchner! Who didn’t see the time pass and was surprised when he heard the school bell ring.
Teacher Hotchner! Who follows you with his eyes while quickly putting his belonging in his bag. Pushing the door, he searches for you and finds you near the vending machine. You pushed the button to your selected beverage and before you could pay, a black card appeared near the contactless payment part. 
Teacher Hotchner! Who, before you could argue with him, gives you his business card. “I would like to exchange with you in the future if you don’t mind” 
Teacher Hotchner! Who can’t savor your flustered expression because his colleague calls for him, an emergency case. 
Teacher Hotchner! Who gets a notification that night, after dealing with some irritating police officers. “Are you free right now?” 
Teacher Hotchner! Who now knows how to relieve that stress. 
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I left the class. He put the lesson on our website.
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The people’s Princess
Hotchner x reader
A/N: since we’re on a roll…
Warning: angst. It’s starting…
Chapter three
It was complete silence.
You could even feel the change of expression of the people surrounding you, the slightest noise captured your attention and every time you even uttered a movement, all eyes were on you.
You escaped on the pretext to go to the bathroom. Naturally, you weren’t left alone, but being able to walk down the hallway gave you a sort of relief that was almost pitiful.
When you finally arrived in front of the bathroom and gave a nod to your escort to stay out of the way.
But he didn’t move.
Doubting yourself, you looked at the man to tell him to dismiss but you were cut off short when he muffled your noise with a piece of fabric.
While you were about to lost conscientiousness, you felt the need to yell something. Someone.
Aaron Hotchner.
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God, when the teacher isn’t a very good teacher but at the same time you can see that he’s trying his very best 😭😭😭
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The people’s princess
Hotchner X reader
A/N: publishing this while being in class 🫡 should probably focus but oh well
Warning: fluff to angst in the next chapter so be ready. Reader is a Princess and hotchner and fbi agent in a kingdom. America doesn’t exist in this fanfic 🤣🫵
Chapter two
Time is ticking. The tension between the BAU members grew every seconds. You were all in your spacious living room, reason why even though you were all in the same space, you could barely hear them.
You were sitting on your divan, stressed wouldn’t be the right word but you felt a certain weight on your shoulder. Truthfully, you didn’t know what was going on. Your father most likely told everyone to keep their mouth shut. You could tell from the almost to perfect way your maids continued their daily tasks but the sudden raise in number of bodyguard said otherwise.
You decided to play along, what else could you do? You weren’t smart enough, you knew that much. The least you could do was to follow orders.
But you must admit that these days were more lively since that old handsome FBI agent came in your room. He kept you company, it felt nice.
You actually never talked to a boy, nor a man. You were told that he was a profiler, did he notice? Even if he did, he didn’t budge. Which made you want to do more. To get a reaction out of him.
The irony of this was that the more you spent time with him, the more you felt like losing. Your heart felt heavy. The intuition of a woman is always correct.
You were gonna lose him.
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Aaron Hotchner x reader
The people’s Princess
A/N: in the prologue, reader was the one who was whipped. But what if it’s Aaron’s turn? 🤭 MOUHAHAHAHHA
Warning: Princess!reader, kinda fluff, Aaron being more interested by reader. Once again, forget that America exist since it’s in a sort of kingdom where Aaron is an fbi agent for the king
Chapter one
Two days later
The princess...was keeping a good behavior. Well, to be precise, she kept her manners when the other agents were there or when the housekeepers were near her. When they were alone? She was quite different. She wouldn’t intrude his personal space. However, he could definitely feel her stare pierce his back. And obviously it was always followed by a honey dripping smile.
Somehow, he got used to it. It wasn’t disturbing or else he would have kept his boundaries.
No, actually he liked it. Even though most of the time, you kept trowing poor pickup lines that you most likely learned from the internet. The rest of the time, your conversation was enjoyable, with a comfortable silence or the both of you asked each other genuine questions.
If only the world was not in danger. This single though gave him a cold shower. Of course he’ll want peace. Still, he can’t attest that it was strictly for the good of civilians.
He felt unsure. That’s what he wanted to believe. He could have repressed those feeling but he was now too old for this. He knew he was starting to like you, to be used to your presence. Not only that, he would check on his teammates to unsure the progress of the mission, returning to you naturally.
To protect you
To see you
or just both.
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The people's princess
Hotchner x reader ff
A/N: How did I end up having a huge obsession over Hotchner? Disney+ is to blame. But here is my first fanfic of his. Hope you enjoy it.
Warning: Princess!Reader, Reader being the definition of whipped for Hotchner, Hotchner being some sort of FBI agent in a kingdom where the political situation is fragile. Forgot that America exist.
The BAU was always packed with cases. Psychopaths, cannibals, pyromaniacs, you name it.
However, this case put the country at stake. Yet, here was Aaron Hotchner, SSA Agent, getting hit on by a 20 years old princess.
“Sooo what’s your name?”
“Hotchner.” he says, the same stoic voice he uses when he’s answering the phone.
“Hotchner, got it. And how old are you?” before he could respond, a ringtone cut him off. He answers the phone, not without noticing how you batted your eyelashes.
“Yes? Is there anything new, Garcia?”
“Greetings to you too, Sir Hotchner. I may have something, but I can’t call it good news. I tracked the signals of the last call of the cellphone you found, and it came from inside the palace.”
Understanding the situation, he was about to hang up when someone grabbed him by the arm. “Who is it? What are you talking about?”
The sudden physical contact made him freeze, but Garcia’s laugh brought him back to reality. “Is it the princess?”
He can’t answer her, trying to get off your grip, which wasn’t hard since you let go. “You can’t do that. You are a royal princess, shouldn’t you have a certain behavior?” He though. Except, as he glanced at your face, he could see the concern on your face.
Even if you act like that, he knows that you aren’t completely ignorant about the situation. It’s probably your way to ease your mind. He sighed, and his tone changed to a softer one.
“Princess, the situation is not great currently, so I’ll have to stay with you for as long as it is necessary.”
“Ooooh nooo, looks like we’ll be stuck together for some time” you cried out, but the agent could note the sarcasm in your voice.
Penelope on the other end of the call, who heard everything, giggles. “Looks like she’s trying to sit on another type of throne”
The teasing ended quickly since he pushed the “end call” button.
He gazed at the princess in front of him, who was hiding her face between her palms, he could perceive her smile which concluded his though.
It was definitely going to be the hardest case he ever had.
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Me core (especially since school started)
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« Everyone hates their job, so you might as well hate your job and be rich. » is going to be my new life motto.
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Sneak peek:
Aaron: I’m 40 so I can’t f^ck with you-
Princess reader: You’re 40?!
Aaron: Yeah
Princess reader: It’s okay no one has to know baby girl
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Wrote 4 chapters in 2 hours? WE ARE SOOO BACK
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good morning 😃
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