idwtia · 7 years
Oh hi Tumblr, it's been a while. Just popped on to see if anything was different, but it's all the same. See you in another 6 months time 👋👋
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idwtia · 8 years
That Nashville episode was the most tragic thing I've ever watched.
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idwtia · 8 years
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When You See A Squat Booty
But you can’t touch it.
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idwtia · 8 years
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Okay, so, I've been putting off posting this photo anywhere on the Internets for a while but I've finally decided to. The left was my current condition at 191lbs post-bulk in January (aka getting fat and enjoying Christmas food) The right was what I looked like at the beginning on the month at 169lbs. Oh and yes that is a Supernatural tattoo.
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idwtia · 9 years
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Train Wreck Tumblr Posts
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idwtia · 9 years
I laughed. It just got me 😂😂😂😂😂
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idwtia · 9 years
@wegotlostinwonderlandbaby There's more than just the Halloween one!
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18 People Who Had A Really Tough Time With The English Language
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idwtia · 9 years
I'm 90% sure I want to start my cut. I want to see the effort, the time, the sweat. Everything I've contributed to my body over the last 6 month. I'd never "bulked" before. Not seriously anyway, I always thought I was eating enough but it was no where near what I should've been eating to properly gain any muscle. But then that other 10% is the part wanting me to carry on getting bigger, be as big as I can be. Become a beast. I know Christmas is coming up so I'll have to put off any decision I make until after then because what kind of Christmas would it be if I was having to cut back on calories and not indulge in the festivities? So 2016, highly likely going on a slow cut, dedicating as much time as I did building the house as I will chiselling out the features.
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idwtia · 9 years
This is so perfect. I work in retail so after a day of dealing with probably hundreds of people, I want nothing more than to sit in silence and ‘recharge’. It is unfathomably draining.
Things You Need to Know About the Outgoing Introvert
1. When we see you after a long day, we might be all irritable and not want to talk
It has nothing to do with you. Outgoing introverts, though still introverts at their core, often need to recharge after a large use of social energy. After a long day of dealing with people, our social batteries are drained and we need to unwind and recover, usually alone.
2. We’re charming creatures and can be the life of the party, but…
You’ll be surprised how much we actually live in our heads. People often confuse us for extroverts, but we’re too introspective and over-think too much to be one.
3. If we like you, we really like you.
We don’t waste our time with people we’re not completely crazy about. If we agreed to go on a date with you, we like you. Take it as a huge compliment.
4. We have times when we’re weird with our phones.
Some days we can talk for hours, but sometimes we’re not so good at replying and talking on the phone. Don’t take it personally - we screen our phone calls, even from our closest friends. Outgoing introverts sometimes hate the phone because it’s all, like, intrusive and tears our minds away from whatever we’re deeply focusing on (and we are always deeply focusing on something). Our mind doesn’t change direction easily. Listening to one thing and seeing something else is a lot of sensory input piled on top of everything that’s already going on in our heads.
5. But don’t worry, in person we’ll listen to you for hours.
We have spectrums of introversion, so we’re good listeners. We’ll always be naturally in tune with how you’re feeling, so we’ll be able to see through any front you put up and make you jump into the deep end.
6. We need to dip our foot in the pool first.
We need time to warm up, so, like, chill. We tend not to outwardly express our feelings and spill our whole life story in the first hour of meeting you. Or the first year.
7. Our energy level depends on our environment.
Yes, we can get annoyed easily. If we vibe with the crowd, we can get our energy from human interactions. But if we don’t, we’ll start to get really introspective and reflective, and tend to withdraw into ourselves. It’s kinda like a hit or miss. We’re very selectively social. But it’s not because we dislike people - it’s actually the opposite. We dislike the barriers like small talk (which often comes with going out) creates between people, and try to avoid it at all costs.
8. You’ll think we are flirty with everyone.
Okay here’s the thing, when we inevitably have to interact with people, we make it seem like there’s nothing in the world we’d rather be doing. It’s ‘cause we’re, like, overly sensitive and so we go out of our way to make other people feel comfortable and happy. We’re intuitive and outgoing at the same time.
Research has found that introverts pay more attention to detail and exhibit increased brain activity when processing visual information. A study shows that the brain of an introvert weighs internal cues more strongly than external motivational and reward cues.
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idwtia · 9 years
when ur friend is watching one of ur fav tv shows but u dont wanna give away any spoilers 
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idwtia · 9 years
i wish there was a definite way to know how somebody felt like you could just write their name into a database and find out what theyre feeling in that exact moment or how they feel towards you or how sad they generally are or how many times theyve felt truly happy you know
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idwtia · 9 years
Follow me on Twitter maybe? @NFletch93
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idwtia · 9 years
me: i need to save money
me: (gets paycheck)
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idwtia · 9 years
I wasn't expecting this to actually be funny but WHAAA!
Penguin falls down resulting in best sound ever [x]
oh my god
they all gasped like OHHH
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idwtia · 9 years
Why is it so hard to find someone as weird as me??
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idwtia · 9 years
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So, hey, it's my birthday! And my best friend @wegotlostinwonderlandbaby bought me this awesome Tay inspired t-shirt because well I am 22 today! She was one of the few people to actually remember that it's my birthday today. So, thank you! Oh and @taylorswift if you want to wish me a happy birthday *cough* *cough* (I have no shame 😂)
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idwtia · 9 years
I'm so disappointed this doesn't say 'Dogtor'
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