just stuff again
idk I'm overreacted again
recently we've been adopted 2 kittens and maybe i care too much about them that i can't act calmly when i saw my mom teasing them
maybe that's my problem that i can't control my emotions .
I'm feeling very guilty for shouting at her .
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The most breadish bread I ever encounter in my life
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❕❕If you're a fan of father I don't want to get married than I think you should be stayed away from this❕❕
I fuking hate "father I don't want to get married "
Like they are not logical in any shape or form I know that what make a historical romance manhwa but this shit is out of the line, no good character development and character personality is too cliché with and how they don't use brain for problem solving.
And I HATE every character in that manhwa.
Let's first talk about JuBeliAn.
This girl is privileged, and she doesn't take any consequences for her actions as her dad pays for everything terrible she has done, and she is not even once apologised to the people she has hurt in the whole series, and people still support and forgive her as she is " PRETTY and is a daughter of a high ranking noble" . It just because she has a new identity doesn't mean that everyone has to forget everything and be nice with her again, not only that she made friends with many people that i think they also share the same single braincells with her.
and oh she got to be saving the kingdom in the end of the series too, maybe because SHE WAS SO RIDICULOUSLY POWERFUL? Her family is one of the richest families in the empire, her dad is a hero, her mom is a wizard that now JuBeliAn possessed godly magical powers that the gods predicted that she will be the chosen one to save the country, and she also super beautiful that maybe people also forgive her if she ever committed murd3r or arson on an orphanage. Oh yeah and her husband is the emperor too so maybe ten orphanages won't be a big deal
Now let's talk to her dad, he is stupid
Oh but he's handsome
He is the type of guy who clearly that the author wants him to be also perfect to fit with JuBeliAn super gene
Omg he's got magic that kept him young and handsome? Or is it just because the author art skill was so low level like her iq that she doesn't know what old people looks like? There is a tons of manhwa out there that depicted dad figures successfully and you can look at it and learn, but all what i can see is that you used all of the time to describe how godly your protagonist were. Well they're not, they're so good i think that maybe you even draw their shits the look edible and maybe the shit smell like perfume too, he's the strongest man in the empire and he is smart, BUT HE ACT EVEN LOWER THAN A BABY, not only he's abandoned her ( which is considered to be abuse) you white washed his crime by " oh he's actually love her alot , he have to act like he doesn't love her because of evil king bla bla" I DON'T CARE you fucking made that girl, saying I love you is fucking easy there not gonna be any shadow hear it. You know you can annihilate any of the king's spy because you fucking strong and you just choose to abandon your child. And the fact that you destroyed your daughter's ex house because he's harassing her is also stupid.
do you think that the man that has the guts to mess with your daughter cannot do the same thing again after you just did that? Not only you don't realize that his father also work for the emperor, they can alliance with each other because they HATE YOU, you just waste large amounts on your energy to get potential bad reputation, why don't just k!ll them all and use money to mute the witness, you have all the power to mess with everything that harassed your daughter and you choose the most stupid way to solve YOUR FRUSTRATION NOT THE PROBLEM.
And yeah the chapter where they go to court, even I'm haven't been to a court once and I know that they doesn't work like that.
Oh and Maximilian too, he's just violent, but I think that he got the reason, and yeah don't have any proper time to work things out with jubel and he was force to immediately fall in love ,with JuBeliAn to match the timing of the manhwa.
The other character is like props to aid the protagonist, not once their have spotlight or character development, i remember fiodore in the very first chapter and he just appears in one or two panels, no relationship with jubelian no friendship no everything. And he gets motivated by only sentence of her.
The problem with the manhwa is that the protagonist have too much spotlight to talk about their greatness while support characters or the antagonist have so little to none chapter that dedicated to tell why and how they do certain things. Even we don't know why the evil king is evil in the first place. The fact that this is so rush in solving the final issue just to take more time in family and romantic love is boring. If the dad dies in the end I think it be great, not only it becomes a flaw and finish Legis's character development and story, it can also be helping Jubelian to develop into a more mature person.
The storyline is brain rotting but don't let me get into the art style it so flashy with too much error that they cannot blame on the short deadline that they receive, errors that can be easily spotted and fix, the artstyle that is too sparkle that hurts my brain.
If the protagonists have more flaws I think that the story would be more interesting, like karina in limited extra time, she literally died in the end she even have intrusive thoughts in her mind but that's how good character is written, from a submissive can be into a more stronger person but also still have a feminine personality.
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kinito pet
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My grandparents have a coffee booth and they force my brother to coffee because he play too much video games.
Now he in charge of the coffee booth and have to do stuff like cleaning and making coffee
So far he told me he has only sold 5 cups.
He's 10.
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Today is the first time my cat travel by car , and she just chooses to sleep on my leg
i guess I just her favourite human.
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dos anyone want to play cars with me .
🚗 🚙 🚘 🚙 🏎️ 🚗 🚗
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writing a text -> remember the fact that I don't remember the qwerty keyboard alphabet's order -> return to the dark age where I have to look at the keyboard to type.
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This is one of my OC
their named An
this is a Vietnamese gender neutral name, they don't really have a pronoun. so call him every pronounces you like.
they're a ghost who used a mannequin body to interact with people,
they don't really have any memories of their death or the previous life, the only thing they remembered is their name and some vague memories which they don't bother to find back anymore.
An has a collection of broken and abandoned dolls and mannequins in their dorm room.
they're a very cheerful ghost, although they cannot show any facial expression.
An is based on a Vietnamese belief (or the world, IDK) that object which looks like humans is usually become a vase for ghosts to live in if they exist for too long ( if the object already live in your house for over a decade).
An is a ghost wandering around in the human world for so long that they forgot why they were here in the first place.
many people suspected that An >ied of being burned.
An is very old-fashioned, and he don't know how to use technology but he claimed to be 17 years old.
An can talk.
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I don't even know the show and decided to look it up, to my suprise, their oldest son is about 11 years old 💀💀💀
“she should be at the club” changed me as a person. forever
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gangle, full body i guess
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i just felt like this multiverse trend have coming up for a while now
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I think that if gangle was an circus employee in the real world she would be those acrobatic performers that can walk on a string
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so It was raining, and I have to go home fast because I don't want to catch the rain, but then I suddenly stopped because I saw a small food stall with treats, and I just couldn't help but went to the stall to order some food, the moment I finish my order, the rain started to rain more and I have no where to hide because the stall was a small one with a shield just small enough to cover their stand, so I basically have nowhere to hide and have to accepted that I going to be so wet when I reached my home ( because I forgot my umbrella also), but then there's a girl with holding an umbrella went to the food stand and ordering too, so I asked her if she can share the umbrella with me and she said yes, and we just stand under one umbrella under the rain
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In the brief moment of waiting for our food, by somehow my brain thinking about starting a relationship with her and I blushed so hard for that.(and I just silent)
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and I didn't even have the encourage to ask for her name, and I paid for her food as a thank, and went home.
and I just felt bad for liking her
a lot.
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this is so stupid to like a stranger that you barely know, but here I am, I felt so dumb.
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