They all deserved it. Yes even great. If I saw someone throw away my loved ones like they’re trash and the police is actively working against bringing the people accountable to justice then I’d take matters into my to my own hands. I don't agree with his methods though….. Okay maybe just the Dad.
I'm sorry guys, but if you come out of today's episode thinking the show confirmed that Tonkla is a serial killing psychopath, then I'm afraid we can't be friends.
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The gasp I gusped!
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ifeelthingssometimes · 6 months
Lol, 4 that I know of, history 1, history 2, history 4, unknown. History is the biggest offender. I'm sure there are more. I'm not a fan of the trope so it's been kind of hard getting into unknown.
What’s with taiwanese bl and being in love with the step brother ?! And why there are a lot of step brothers 😭😭
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ifeelthingssometimes · 8 months
My understanding of the scene after the attempted murder “I refused to call it a dream or a nightmare.”
I've seen some comments that it didn't make sense for them not to cuddle afterward, but in my opinion, it's perfect that they didn't.
First, tharn would not want to be affectionate because, deep down, he believes that the only reason something like that happened in the first place is because they acted on their feelings. Therefore, whoever is after them was probably punishing Phaya for that reason. To that logic, he wouldn't want to provoke what seems like a supernatural force against them by further being affectionate with Phaya.
As for Phaya, he probably knows that Tharn is still scared and very much prone to flight at the slightest hint of danger. So he downplays his dreams even though he's been trying to get Tharn to take them seriously. He went back to sleep like nothing was wrong because he didn't want to make it seem like a big deal and scare Tharn into ending their relationship.
Anyway, they've cuddled on several occasions that when they don't (and it seems like they should), it has to be a deliberate choice from the director. That's my reading of the scene. It might be wrong but it made perfect sense to me
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ifeelthingssometimes · 9 months
I think Koh is a jealous bi*tch, and he’ll try to steal Zee/sprites position on the team by drugging him, so he fails the drug test. Also the moral of today’s episode is that you should always report assholes who commit assault because if they get away with it, they will do it again. Sprite knew they were responsible, but I think he kept quiet because of the switch thing. Anyway, I’m excited for the next episode. Things are getting heated
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ifeelthingssometimes · 9 months
Side character enjoyers when their favorite side character isn't in every single episode of the show they're watching (they are a side character)
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ifeelthingssometimes · 10 months
I just finished the first two episodes of The Sign
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ifeelthingssometimes · 10 months
I don’t think the freen that lured Phaya into the river is the same as the one that saved him in episode one. The crown and necklace are different. Even the outfit is slightly different. Plus Tharn sensed that Phaya was in danger. I don’t think the real one would do that to Phaya. There’s also the smirk as Phaya is walking towards her in a trance. Also the birthmark on the left eye is missing. lol maybe I’m reading too much into it. The show really does live rent free in my head 😂
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ifeelthingssometimes · 11 months
I’ve finally given up on strong girl Namsoon. My enjoyment of the show fell when the real daughter returned, and the mom never spent any 1:1 bonding with her despite her initial desperation to find her daughter. She spent more time connecting with the fake daughter than her real one. She fat-shames her son all the time. The Grandmother is worse. I don’t think they’ve shown a scene with just the grandma and the granddaughter bonding. The dad at least had that moment with Namsoon in the amusement park. The closest the ladies were was that one time at the pool/hot spring or whatever it was.
Another thing that doesn't help the show is the stupidity of the cops. That one cop knew how highly addictive the drug was and still tasted it. He knew people were dying left and right from the drug, but he still ingested It willingly and unprompted. Like it's a suspected drug, why would you even have the urge to taste it? That's the forensics team's job, and they have a lab for a reason. Then there's storing the drug in an unlocked cabinet in a place multiple people have access to, especially when you know your colleague is a potential addict. Not removing a potentially compromised cop from an investigation of a drug he is potentially addicted to. There is the other thing with the undercover operation that I won't even go into.
Next, we have the stupid drug dealers. It's bad business to have your customer base die because of your product. You lose out on future profits, and the cops investigate you. The only acceptable explanation is that it's a strength enhancement drug, and the customers are lab rats, but even then, why keep spreading the drug if it always ends in death? They don't have access to the dead bodies to even research ways to improve the drug, so what's the purpose? Anyway, the show started out strong but it's getting harder to suspend my disbelief. I will tune in for the last episode to see the conclusion.
It's just so sad because it started out so strong. I wish they didn't include the drug element and just kept it as a heartfelt drama about a daughter reuniting with her family after decades and learning to adapt to vast wealth when she grew up in an humble environment while fighting crimes with her super strength. Trying and failing to Recconect to her family and falling in love. Letting the big mystery be about how she went missing.
What was the point of the whole missing plot point if they weren't going to utilize it fully? The story would absolutely remain the same regardless of if she went missing or not. The only plotlines to come from that thread are the fake daughter and the homeless people. And they are so unimportant to the show that it would've worked just fine without them. She could have still met the cop or any other guy whether or not she went missing as a child so what is the point. Anyway I will stop here. I was so into the show at the beginning so it's really disappointing it turned out this way.
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Momi was such a vibe though. Not everyone that gets arrested can get the outfit they were wearing at the time of their arrest sold out. Plus, she only killed 1.5 people, so she doesn't qualify as a serial killer. Sadly, she was punished for all the murders
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The real villains are that pervert guy and his mum. I felt bad for the mum initially, but in the end, I was praying for her to end up in prison. Until the end, she was unwilling to accept that her son was not a good man. Without her son, Momi wouldn't have ended up where she did. I hate the ending.
Funniest part of the show was them trying to convince us that OG Momi was ugly. Like what is the beauty standard in Korea if she’s considered ugly.
Also this is the 3rd show that I’ve watched where Nana’s character is queer coded. Well technically 2, it was canon in the good wife.
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Im rewatching Gap the series, and I just realized that the childhood bullies are Sam’s friends.
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I might be in the minority, but I think Jeng’s only mistake was that he wasn’t transparent. He did what he could to guarantee that the people in his department still had jobs. People’s livelihoods were at risk. He made a strategic decision. In fact, only relying on one strategy would be irresponsible. I understand why he didn’t tell him, just look at how he reacted. He didn’t care to listen about why Jeng might’ve done that, all he cared about was that Jeng didn’t trust his ability. One exception doesn’t make the rule. It’s like he’s refusing to acknowledge all the other times Jeng has trusted his abilities even when no one else did. Again people’s job were at risk, get over yourself! It’s not about you. He’s allowed to be angry or feel like the trust is broken but if Jeng wasn’t his boyfriend he wouldn’t need to run business decisions through him. He heard how manipulative and controlling Jeng’s father is, and instead of approaching the obvious manipulation from a side of understanding all he cares about is how it affects him and his obvious insecurity about his abilities. It just feels like projection, he doesn’t trust himself so Jeng deciding not to gamble an entire department on his ability is the end of the world. Maybe sit down and talk to him, hear his point of view. Decide if it’s contextually acceptable and decide from there if it is worth losing your relationship over. If that was what happened, I would be on his side because it was an informed decision but instead we got “let’s break up” two seconds after only hearing the dad’s side of things
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People are allowed to like what they like. I wasn’t a fan of unintentional love story or even the Vegas/pete portion of Kinnporsche, but I never called the fans Delulu. Media is subjective, and people are allowed to interpret it however they want. On that note, I would like to state that I don’t care that Patt is immature or that there is a significant age gap. I like the show because it’s somewhat grounded in reality, which is not the norm for Thai bls. I like the show because they recognize that there is a power imbalance between the couple, and they are addressing that. I’m aware of the show's shortcomings, and I like it despite that. I don’t need to convince myself of anything to improve my enjoyment of the show. I didn’t want to reply under the original post to be respectful, but I needed to state my piece. Be critical of the work, not the audience. I’m sure I’m guilty of not separating the two, but I don’t think I’ve ever gone so far as to impose my view about the state of mind a fan has to be to like a certain kind of media.
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Man is such a good actor for a first timer. The involuntary shoulder movement in the second gif to show how uncomfortable he is. Just wow
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Man Trisanu's For Your Consideration entry ⇢ Man Trisanu Soranun as JengKittiphong Atthachiranon (Step by Step, 2023, EP08)
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So many Step by step slander on the internet. I feel like I’m one of the few actually enjoying the show. Most of the criticisms are that the main couple have no chemistry but I think it’s still too early to decide that. They’ve only shown them mostly in a professional setting. I do see the chemistry so I guess it’s subjective. At the very least if they really have no chemistry then it’s not from jeng’s side. Dude has mastered the art of heart eyes.
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reblog with your controversial bl opinions
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