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Dance, Mustache-Gabrielle! Dance!
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The Sword In Stone Part 2 Finale Scene
Does anyone else think that it would have made way more sense (and be a heck of a lot more interesting) if Mordred found a dead Morgana and saved her? That would set up the Mordred/Morgana alliance.
I mean, I really hope the writers give us an explanation in the fifth and final season as to why Aithusa revived Morgana. Correct me if I am wrong, but don't dragons only do what they are instructed to by their master (aka Merlin)? He's the last one and I doubt he would order for her return.
Too bad Asa Butterfield is busy with other projects. The probably just couldn't get him down to film that scene. It would have been so much better.
Just my two cents.
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Working on a sunday is the devil's work man...
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Lancelot Du Lac
Now that Gwen is banished from Camelot, she can go run into her ol' mate Morgana's arms. Y'know, patch things up. It's just the two of them again.
That would be true love. The two of them together could really fuck with Arthur and the whole of Camelot.
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I fucking hate doctors
...seriously! They all are money hungry, heartless, pompous sons of bitches!
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