ightlossecret · 4 years
My Weight Story I am about to tell you a story about my weight loss journey and how I lost 400lbs in a couple of months and some days. If you can’t read through the article, you can visit the official website of the product that help me do the wonder here
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ightlossecret · 4 years
Shocking : Secret Revealed On How To Live A Stress Free Life
Stress Is The Life Killer
Stress is the greatest problem for people in the modern world, and it’s much worse than just health problems such as heart attacks that are brought on by too much stress for way too long.
Stress impacts EVERYTHING.
This is how i was able to overcome stress in my life , you
Stress kills our libido, our enjoyment of life; stress causes disturbed emotions of anger, rage, sadness and depression; stress makes us clumsy; stress causes us to make mistakes and worst of all, stress makes us think stupid thoughts (we become “stress stupid”) and it cuts off the internal flow to our creative and innate talents and abilities.
It is clear that we ALL need to de-stress, whether we are teenagers who suffer from acne and migraines as a result of stress, men and women in “anger management”, authors who suffer from writer’s block, business people who burst a blood vessel, or parents at home who aren’t enjoying their kids but end up screaming at them instead.
So how do we de-stress, and urgently, and FAST?
***** Why Stress & Meditation Are At Odds
Many hold that meditating and meditation is the answer to stress.
Meditating and meditation is the act of entering into altered states of consciousness, to widen our conscious awareness and to re-connect with the superconsciousness of our energy mind (subconscious mind, subconsciousness).
This does not happen when we are stressed – a person under stress is like a TV that isn’t tuning properly. Everything is disturbed, mad, doesn’t fit together, there is no clarity.
Trying to meditate when you are stressed is like trying to be romantic with a pick axe embedded in your forehead – try as you might, it’s not going to work very well if ever at all.
So we have the classic Catch 22 and another big stressor to add to all of that stress – a stressed person is TOLD to relax and go away and meditate, but they can’t meditate because they’re way too stressed!
***** Why Hypnosis Is The Best For Stress
Long before a person who is under a lot of stress can even BEGIN to enjoy harp music to relax them even further, they need to be made to slow down into other states of being, and for that you need HELP.
“A good talking to” by a sympathetic other is the most NATURAL way of getting rid of stress invented by human kind, and it even exceeds physical touch approaches in high stress situations; it precedes them too. We “talk” a potential suicide victim DOWN from the top of a building, not massage them off; we “talk” an angry man with a gun down into lowering it, we don’t pat him on the back.
That is exactly where hypnosis comes in to help with stress.
Hypnosis is DESIGNED to assist people to ENTER INTO AN ALTERED STATE of meditation – that is the first purpose of hypnosis, and its speciality.
Often people get confused by the “instructions” or the content of hypnosis – the post hypnotic suggestions for change that take all the attention, but it is the fact that hypnosis brings people into the restful meditative state where they even become RECEPTIVE to suggestions, ideas, visions and new thoughts is where the power of hypnosis to heal the mind actually lies.
***** From Hypnosis To Meditation – Breaking The Stress Loop
“Going into trance” is something that we learn and we are taught when a hypnotist talks to us, and talks us down from the stress of the thoughts that fly here, there and everywhere, into a relaxed state of clarity, and peace, where your body is at ease and mind healing can finally begin.
It is a learned skill that gets ever better with practice.
So my recommendation to combat stress, and to learn how to relax and EVENTUALLY to be able to meditate successfully, which then leads to being able to control one’s own stress levels in the real world and to be able to relax and de-stress even in the middle of a stressful situation, is to DO HYPNOSIS – and LOTS OF IT.
Rather than to hopelessly try and “find inner peace” so necessary for mind healing without guidance, do hypnosis inductions. This is as easy as sitting down in a chair, putting on the headphones and letting the hypnotist do their job.
Hypnosis CDs, mp3s and tapes are readily and freely available; there are MANY free downloads and trial downloads available.
Try many, and if you find a hypnotist that YOU GET ON WITH, someone you find relaxing to listen to and who can make you feel safe, relaxed and you can feel your stress begin to drain away as they speak with you, you have struck “Anti-Stress Gold”.
Now you have a tool to help you break out of the stress loop.
Use this hypnotist to de-stress you regularly and as often as you possibly can.
You will find after a few repetitions that you LEARN TO LEARN TO RELAX and HOW YOU DO THAT.
Now, you are ready to start meditating on your own.
***** Anti-Stress Meditation In The Moment
When you are out and about in your daily environment and you notice your stress levels rising, remember your hypnotist and what they said, just for a moment. Find out if you can feel your stress beginning to flow away. Even if your stress abates just a little bit, you can know that you are now on your way – you have started to learn to control your states of being, your states of mind.
This is the beginning of a new stress free life.
Life will ALWAYS be stressful.
We need to learn to be able to notice when we’re stressed, and to step
back from that into the clarity of altered states.
That is what hypnosis teaches you, teaches you easily, and just for the listening, no willpower required at all.
When you have learned the basics of relaxation, THEN and only THEN are you ready to begin to meditate on your own, or to use meditation devices that require these basic skills of knowing how to shift state in the first place.
***** Hypnosis, Stress & Meditation – In Conclusion
Using hypnosis for stress relief doesn’t mean that you should only look at hypnosis programs designed for stress alone. Remember that what you want to learn is the skill of altering your states of being, so that you can also then meditate and get all the health benefits from that; but more importantly even still, so that you can de-stress yourself in REAL LIFE.
You can choose ANY good hypnotist, and ANY good hypnosis program that excites you, in a double benefit, because it is not the CONTENT, but the hypnosis skills themselves you need to learn to put an end to being in stress states all the time.
You can choose intelligence enhancing hypnosis programs; mind healing programs; performance programs, health programs – the CONTENT is irrelevant and just the icing on the cake.
Hypnosis is a WONDERFUL and incredibly USEFUL tool for dealing with the human mind, for healing the mind, and for getting our thoughts and
conscious mind under control.
Using Meditation To Help You To Reduce Stress, here is what i have used to live a stress free life
Do you feel that you are constantly under stress? Are you looking into ways of how you can reduce your stress levels? If you have answered yes to both of these questions, you are not alone. The world is seemingly becoming faster, more demanding and more pressurised. In this article I write about how meditation can help you to relax and become a happier person.
Stress affects people in different ways. I personally feel very tired and lethargic during these periods and start to worry about things, like a future event. This can easily lead me into a period of depression, which in the past I have found it very difficult to come out of.
Other people suffer from panic attack attacks, become very shaky and nervous, feel sick in the stomach, become sad and can begin to think in a very negative way.
Most of the conditions I have described above are actually a mental and not so much of a physical problem. This is why I believe meditation to be an excellent form of stress relief or stress management.
Meditation helps us to control our emotions, to think in a more relaxed and positive way and certainly helps us to think more clearly.
Positive effects of meditation:
It reduces your heart rate
It relaxes your breathing and can even make it slower
It can lower blood pressure
It can increase your self-esteem by making you think in a more positive way
Helps you to think in a more logical and clear way
Helps you to reduce stress
Types of meditation:
Walking meditation
Mandala meditation
Yoga meditation
Sitting meditation
Prayer meditation
Visualisation meditation
I personally prefer the sitting meditation. I try to make time around three of four times a day when I will sit down to meditate. Originally I had a lack of belief about what I was doing and about if it would work. I found it difficult at this stage to get myself into the zone. With practice and realising that I needed this to work for me, I managed to get enough concentration and focus to see the full benefits.
A lot of the people in my circle of friends think that I am a bit mad. They can not believe that I actually just sit there and think. Meditation has had such a positive effect on my life and continues to do so, therefore my friends can mock as much as they like. I actually believe that some of them should try it themselves but they always laugh at the suggestion.
This is something I now do on a daily basis and it works. Give it a go with belief and I am sure it will benefit you to.
r Life without stress.
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ightlossecret · 4 years
How To Loose Weight Faster  With Fat Burner Supplement
about fat burners.
First, I want to break down how fat burners actually work, and if they do work, how do you tell the difference.
I would like you to have some basic idea how this process work, so that you can make an informed decision if you will continue taking fat burner supplements if are already taking them.
When you look at the process of burning fats, specifically fat burners, we are looking at a process called “Thermogenesis”, it is actually the process of generating body heat, it’s also the process known as the thermic effects of food. Our metabolism in a nutshell is simply the process of taking in food, our bodies absorbing and process it. Thermogenesis is one of the three ways your body legitimately burns fat. There are other different ways your body burns fat like, intermittent fasting, whenever we begin and maintain a new exercise regimen and we limits calories intake, your body burns fat in which case it uses energy stored in the fat cells to fuel new activity. All these are different means to an end, when it comes to stimulating one of these three things. So, we’re talking about thermogenesis, the production of heat, our basic metabolic rate or our natural calories we burn at rest, and of course physical activities. These are the 3 pinnacles we need to be paying attention to when it comes to fat loss and even choosing a fat burner.
Here is my most recomended fat burner supplement, so you can get it now.
You have to understand that our metabolism in general is greatly dictated by the amount of lean body mass we possess. Lean body mass is everything in your body, that is tissue not not fat. Organs, muscle, and things like that not referring to bones here when we are talking about lean body mass on a person, that determines what their metabolism is like. Studies have shown that when you look at it from the stand point of per kilogram basis, if people have the same amount of lean body mass, their metabolism is usually the same. So, our metabolism as far as body mass goes, pretty similar between you and I. For example, if you have two 200 pounds person has 30% body fat and the other person who weigh 100 pounds with 5% body fat, this second person will have a higher resting metabolic rate.
In summary, when we look at fat burners, how does this affects you with the example above? Most fat burners in the market today claim themselves to be thermogenic, however, it does not seem as thermogenic alone can actually directly increase your body temperature, because it all comes down to the beta-adrenergic receptors (beta ARs) and our overall catecholamines response.
These are members of the large family of G protein-coupled receptors that affects our body response to fat loss. Next, we have the EGCG,we see this in a lots of fat burners too and it works. You also have an ingredient known as carnitine in a lots of fat burners. We are told that carnitine allows more fat got into the cells, with this you have Triglycerides; 3 fatty acids bounds to a glycerol molecule.
But if you are interested to know the real product with actual fat burning effect,  I will recommend you to the product i discovered sometimes in 2020 which had helped my mother to burn a lot of fat in her body.
This product helped my mother  to loose weight from 400lbs to 140lbs in less than five months and it has also helped  her to sleep very well.
I will advice you to get it for yourself now at  a very discounted price from the official website here , and you will be glad you did.
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