ignotabackwoods · 6 months
warning for discord users
If you're on the app, immediately go to your dms and then "add friends". After the latest update they allow your contacts to find you and have that option turned on by default, so make sure it's unchecked!
This is very obviously not great for a multitude of reasons, but especially for people in vulnerable positions who do not want people in their contacts to see who they are on discord and/or know they have discord in the first place. I've also tried finding out if this is a thing on desktop but haven't been able to find any mention of it, so either it's not a "feature" (yet) or they've hidden it. Either way, stay safe, and turn off finding friends via contacts!
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[ID: three screenshots from the discord app with circles around the buttons to press to get to this "feature". 1: the messages/DM button, 2: the "add friends button", 3: in the add friends page, the "allow contacts to add me" checkbox. /END ID]
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ignotabackwoods · 7 months
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ignotabackwoods · 7 months
all of this is really really awesome i love your worldbuilding you should be proud of yourself man this is some good shit
Thank you! I loved working on the world building for this town, now it's figuring out what I wanna do with it and finding the time that's going to be a challenge
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ignotabackwoods · 9 months
This new mirror is so fun! My reflection moves around and makes faces at me.
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ignotabackwoods · 9 months
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𝑰 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒅.
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ignotabackwoods · 9 months
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ignotabackwoods · 9 months
Now that all the DU departments are out for the world, head on over to this quiz to see which one you fit into best. Also feel free to make something related to your department, I'd love to see any writing or art anyone can come up with even though I know there's not a whole lot to go off of just yet
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ignotabackwoods · 9 months
Oh to be the very embodiment of the void itself. To lurk in dark corners and be one with the shadows. How I wish to be a formless being of darkness that has no worries of the mortal plane and can finally scream incomprehensibley into the ether without wondering if Jessica next door thinks I'm dying
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ignotabackwoods · 9 months
You stand at the edge of the forest digging your toe into the dirt as you stare at the endless trunks of the trees. The whispers are loudest here. They tell you to join them. You aren't sure how much you trust them but the offer is so enticing that you couldn't stay away for long.
You walk into the treeline and the long spindley arms of the trees' shadows immediately reach to claim you. The whispering becomes much louder to the point you nearly have to cover your ears, they are just so excited to see you here.
The voices becon you further in and you oblige. Brambles attach to you and sticks tug at your pants but you persist. There is a small clearing covered with moss and the whispers tell you to lay down. Once again, you adhere there words.
You aren't sure how long you lay there but you can hear the voices softly whispering, "welcome home." "You are home." And you slowly feel something weigh comfortably on you.
The forest consumes you that day and you wouldn't have it any other way. After all, this is your home.
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ignotabackwoods · 10 months
Is it too much to ask to be a feral cryptid in the woods, foraging the moss and crushing the skulls of weak men?
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ignotabackwoods · 10 months
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ignotabackwoods · 10 months
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ignotabackwoods · 10 months
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Department 8 of 8: Department of Unfinished Business
[Description for those who can't read it: On the right side of the main building is a decently sized, cozy library filled with old books, newspaper clippings, and classified files. No one knows how DUB got most of what they have but the other departments are too afraid of the answer to ask them. Many cork boards fill the room connected by red yarn and whiteboards crowd corners filled with unhinged ramblings about unsolved murder cases and conspiracy theories. Coffee mugs varying in levels of fullness and stray papers litter the tables. DUB spends all their days holing up here, hanging onto threads of their sanity as they gaze into the glassy eyes of past murder victims - not their own of course. These students can often be found quoting memes at each other or yelling at each other to get some sleep although none of them listen. Surviving through the power of espresso and spite, the DUB students spend most of their time sleuthing. In their off time they enjoy listening to true crime podcasts, and discussing outlandish ideas with their fellow Desolation U students. They seek to find the truth and they will do so even if it kills them.]
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ignotabackwoods · 10 months
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Department 7 of 8: Department of Smoke and Mirrors
[Description for those who can't read it: Near the middle of desolation U’s district is a building designed and constructed by DSM that does not look like it should exist. Its walls don’t align, it appears to be floating, and when stared at for too long you may start to get a headache and feel as if you are losing sight of reality. Inside is a maze that’s so complex that finding your way through without a guide is near impossible. Further still into the building, the rooms are arranged very comfortably and very particularly in a way that best maximizes the Feng Shui. The students don’t take kindly to their things being moved. The newest addition to the DSM building is an anti-gravity chamber made by a past student that allows for students to decide their own orientation of the day. Upon closer inspection, the rooms have unusual hidden doors and weirdly useless staircases that only reveal their functions to those who know what to look for. These students love to live extraordinarily and their building shows it. Within the walls, DSM students enjoy doing puzzles of any kind and figuring out the secrets of structures. These students hold a fascination with liminal spaces and often hang around the parking lot of the burnt down Denny’s at night. While mostly these students are average people, their penchant for the mysterious and the in between can make them a little unsettling to be around for extended periods of time.
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ignotabackwoods · 10 months
So I'm not meaning to be rude with this, and this project looks really interesting, but it just smacks of Averno(hell you reference it in your pinned post) and I'm just a little concerned to support this until I know this isn't going to turn out the same way. So I guess do I have your scouts honor that your not going to try to exploit underage artists or try to start an actual cult?
I swear on my life that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid. I liked the concept of Averno (sans the heinous actions the creator had done) and wanted to try and capture the magic of the world itself. I know I don't have the money to hire anyone and if I see any work that I want to share I'll sure as hell be crediting them. I hope if I make mistakes the community will hold me accountable so I can correct myself, and I don't intend to ever go on some crazy streak of trying to convince people this place is actually real or cause any other traumas that have come out of Averno. For as long as this project goes on, I will try to make this fandom an actual safe space for everyone instead of the lies that were promised by Averno's creator
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ignotabackwoods · 10 months
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Department 6 of 8: Department of Obsession and Creation
[Description for those who can't read it:
The left wing of the school holds the inhabitants of DOC, more accurately it has been infested. Beautiful murals cover every expanse of wall and intricate knitting projects hang from ceilings and floors like a human-sized spider’s nest. Pockets of space exist only to house the various other projects of its inhabitants. Unpolished manuscripts sit in messy piles, easels take refuge in front of windows, a large stage constructed by the students themselves holds practices for musical productions. A lone fridge resides suspended in the air housing nothing but energy drinks and many wonder how it hasn’t yet fallen from its yarn prison. The smell of paint lingers strongly in the halls and the air crackles with a feral creativity like no other. The students bustle through the halls constantly indulging in their passions to create. Most run on little sleep and survive through spite and caffeine alone. DOC is always boisterously loud, many of its students mutter about writer’s block or give each other constructive criticism on their latest works. Meanwhile, the performing arts students practice their singing or shout staging directions at others. Other departments find their practice to be concerning but they know not to bring it up lest they be caught in a duel for the honour of creation. DOC believes that passion should be chaotic and all consuming, that those who fail to live their lives this way fail to live at all.]
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ignotabackwoods · 10 months
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Department 5 of 8: Department of Freaks and Transformation
[Description for those who can't read it:
Taking up the two left wings of the school, labs are used as a dangerous breeding ground for creatures old and new. This area can be marked by the two metre blast radius that has yet to fade from the premises after failed experiments. Tables hold beakers and archaic runes, large, deadly plants sit off to the sides, and animals that look vaguely feral and utterly surreal gnaw on the bars of cages. Although most of the mutants are trained to varying degrees, that doesn’t stop them from attempting to bite anyone who isn’t a trained handler. DFT fills the roll of “mad scientist” with their outlandish practices ranging from biochemistry to alchemy. These students study ways in which they can alter the behaviours and DNA of once beloved fauna and flora. They play god. In a way, they are god; creating horrible beasts that would rival the cryptids of folklore or even the eldritch horrors that lurk in the vast expanses. When not working, the inhabitants of DFT enjoy playing with their horrid abominations and ranting to each other about their favourite and least favourite (Frankenstien) scientists in popular media. The students always have mischievous glints in their eyes and unsettling mannerisms that make them look like they’re up to no good (which they usually are). DFT students are vessels of creation and will stop at nothing to bring upon the blights of the earth that could only be founded in their own minds.]
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