igot7stories · 8 years
i made this really fucking dumb crack video out of boredom so enjoy
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igot7stories · 8 years
why did i make this im screaming
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igot7stories · 8 years
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igot7stories · 8 years
My laptops broken currently
i wont be able to update Trials and Tribulations😡 ill try through here but its hard to tyoe it all up on a phone keyboard. Thanks for understanding😄
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igot7stories · 8 years
So...What happened to..?
What happened to every one being mad at my precious baby BamBam for saying word thats (in my opinion) too commonly used by everyone in the USA anyway…What happened to that?
-Admin NyJae
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igot7stories · 8 years
When Love Fades.
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Sehun AU
Word Count: 463 __________________________________________
It’s been three years. Three years since you’ve last seen each other, three years since you’ve spoken, three years since the breakup.
She was a dance major and when she got an offer to study abroad in England she took the chance as fast as she could. She knew it would hurt him, but this was her life and her dream. Sehun didn’t want to hold her back, he didn’t want to make her feel guilty and beg her to stay. He loved and cared about her to much to do that, but as one year turned to two years and two turned to three he felt that love fading.
He never thought he would see the day the sun shone brighter than she did, but as she stood directly in front of him he told himself to never say never.
“It’s been a while” she said as she let the corners of her mouth turn upwards. Although she knew she had hurt him deeply she still wanted him. To hold him. To see him everyday. To love him. She was selfish.
Running his fingers through his hair he let out a breathy “Yeah”. She looked towards the ground mindlessly fumbling with her fingers trying to find the words to say.
“Every time it rains, I still think of you” she said hoping that he would agree. Hoping he’d remember the day they met and how they both ran together in the rain trying to get to their dorms. Hoping that he would have somehow forgave her, but as he let out a shaky breath she realized that wasn’t the case.
“Every time I think of you my heart hurts” as these words passed his lips she was frozen. Regaining composure she let out a soft chuckle “You always know just what to say” she was hurt. She wanted to curse, to scream, but she knew she had no right to. Sehun had missed her like hell and for three years she somehow only managed to call him twice.
“Sehun” she uttered out while taking a few steps forward, now standing directly in front of him. “I missed you” she lifted her hands up and cuffed his cheeks caressing his warm skin. Searching his eyes for the love that once resided there, but it was gone and it was replaced with resentment.
Pain truly does come in waves and she was certainly being swept away in that moment. “Let’s stop this right here” she heard him say, while trapped in the midst of her thoughts. “Let’s not hurt each other anymore” He moved his face from her hands and turned to walk away. The same back that used to carry her when she was exhausted from a long day was the same back that turned and left her.
She felt like a criminal. Her insides were screaming “You deserve it” and “This is how he felt for three years” but it was the truth. This was how he felt for three long years.
He doesn’t love you anymore
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igot7stories · 8 years
To the young men and boys of my generation...
I no longer want you. I no longer need you. I no longer want your comfort. God is with me and thats all that matters:) This is why i like older men because they tend to care and not just want the gift that I was given between my legs. You guys really need to step up your game because girls like me get hurt by things like “youre kinda ugly..no disrepect”. Those type of lines hurt..especially when youre 16 and VERY insecure about yourself..I just want the young men and boys of my generation to know..please be careful of what you say and do because the things you say..they do hurt. #GIRLSFEELINGSMATTER
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igot7stories · 8 years
Trials and Tribulations|| {PART 2}|| Im Jaebum & Kim Yugyeom
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Thank you guys so much for all the likes and re-blogs I received for Part 1 and its teaser. I really appreciate it guys! Thank you! I hope you guys enjoy this Part also!
“What are you gonna order?” You asked Yugyeom with a smile on your face.
He looked up from the menu and your breath caught in your throat. You couldn’t help but gawk at the way he let his eyelids lay low on his eyes. He must’ve noticed your abnormal staring because he chuckled whilst licking his lips a little. You blinked and shook your head slightly. “What’s funny?” You asked him, cocking your head to the side.
“You and Jaebums’ relationship” He picked his glass of wine up and looked you square in the eyes. Your smile faded and you tried your hardest to get it back but your lips refused to curl upwards. All they could was say “Whats funny about it?” 
He just smirked and sipped some more wine. “Just the fact that you and Jaebum act like a couple and...you aren’t”
You brought your eyebrows together in confusion and blinked repeatedly, unable to reply. 
“Unless, you are dat-”
“We aren’t” You said quickly and cleared your throat. “Jaebum just..loves me and I think sometimes he gets carried away with certain things.”
He scoffed. “Certain things..More like everything” He mumbled under his breath. 
“Yugy why do you even care what happens between us?” You were beginning to feel irritated with him. Why did he decide to ask you all these  questions when you came here to relax and have a few laughs with him? 
“Is it wrong for me to just ask some simple questions about your boyfriend?”
“He’s not my boyfriend! Why-” You realized you were yelling, looked around to find most eyes in the restaurant staring you down with nasty looks, and lowered your voice. “-are you acting like this? You know good and well me and Jaebum aren’t a couple”
He huffed. “That’s not what he told me”
“He what?” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Did Jaebum actually start spreading rumors? He couldn’t have. He knows better than that.
“He said, and I quote, ‘Me and Y/N are dating now so step the fuck off’ “
“Yugy I’m sorry..Thats not anywhere near the truth” 
A few seconds went by and then the thought of why Yugyeom would even care if you began dating someone, flew around in your head like a bird in the sky. And it wouldn’t go away. You had to ask him. You had to know right then and there. “Yugy..Do you..?” You paused due to your heart beating in your throat.
“Do I what?” He asked looking down towards his phone.
“Do you..like me?”
The ride back to Jaebums’ house couldn’t have got any more awkward than it was. You really did not expect the answer Yugy gave to your question. It was rude. It was painful, yet blissful. It was heavy. It wasn’t fair. That is what’s important..it wasn’t fair to you that he could sit there and say ‘Yeah i do but I’m not sure the feelings mutual” and then leave?! You were infuriated with the fact that he left you at the table by yourself but you had to realize that you did in fact ask him the question and the answer he gave…was the truth.
Jaebum noticed something was off with you. Your face flushed, your eyes watering, your slow movements…he knew something went wrong.
“Is everything alright with you and Yugyeom?” You looked at him and then out the window. He felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach. You couldn’t look at him and he knew that meant something terrible or heartbreaking was about to happen.
“Um..Jaebum...” You sniffled softly and continued looking out the window. You couldn’t face him with this type of news. 
“Yeah..What’s wrong?” He stood from the bed and moved closer to you. You softly wiped the tear from your eye, moving cautiously so that he wouldn’t see you and inquire more. 
“I’m moving out Jae and-”
“God!” He exclaimed and you winced softly as his sudden outburst. He walked away from you and flopped on the edge of the bed. “What the hell could he have possibly said that would make you move out? After 2 years of us living together? Now you wanna leave?! Where will you go?! Huh?! Who are you going to be staying with? Lemme guess...Yugyeom?” He was breathing hard, clearly angry with your decision. The words rolled off of his tongue like water on a hill. He spilled his thoughts onto you with no hold backs and you wanted to cry more. You despised making Jaebum angry with all your heart but, you made up your mind and this is your decision. He needed to just man up and deal with it. You and Jaebum aren’t a couple and its sad that it took someone like Yugyeom to help you realize that. You had to move out,..no..you needed to move out. The longer you stayed, the more Jaebum thought you were his.
“I’m really sorry but I have to go...I’m going to stay with a friend...I’m not telling you who because..” Even though you knew it was you and Jaebums’ friend Youngjae you still didn’t want Jaebum to know. “..because I- I know you’ll come there” You swallowed and turned to face him. The water works had already started. He had his head in his hands and his shoulders were going up and down with each sob. “What are we (Y/N)?” He lifted his head and you almost regretted your decision. You never seen Jaebum cry like this before. His face was red. His hands were wet from the tears pooling in them. His forehead was creased from the confusion you were putting him through. 
Despite all that you knew exactly how to answer the question. You needed to answer truthfully or..this would turn into something you didn’t exactly need it to be 
“Do I really need to answer that question?”
“Yes” He looked at you and the tears started up again. You stood up and let the tears fall from your eyes. “Jae..you and I both know what we are...We arent lovers..We arent friends...We just..We’re..I dont know what the fuck we are! I’m tired of you acting like we are a couple! Everyone is! I’m not yours Jaebum! Cut it out right now! Jackson is irritated! Jinyoung, Mark, Youngjae, Everyone! Please...Stop...”
When you were finished, Jaebum had a look of utmost shock on his face. He didnt know it then but he needed that. He need that awakening. That shock. That jolt of revelation. No one could tell him that he was wrong for spreading the rumors of you and him being together, but you. 
You grabbed your purse and dotted out of the house. You stood at the bus stop and closed your eyes tightly. You pulled your jacket closer to your body and quietly sobbed. In your heart you loved Jaebum like a lover, but the thing is, you and Yugyeom have history. A warm, smooth tear slides down your cheek with ease and you sniffle loudly, not caring who hears. “Why?” You ask yourself mentally. The more you ask yourself that, the more your body tells you, you were wrong. But you aren’t wrong and you did the right thing by giving Jaebum the medicine he, quite frankly, deserved and needed. 
FINALLY! UGH! Sorry it took so long for me to do that! I draw alot of blanks when im writing because i dont get enough feed back on my stories and i so desperately need it!! So guys please follow my joint blog @dangerouskpop its shared between me and my friend Zai @thug-pastor Thank you guys so much for all the support!!!
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igot7stories · 8 years
Can i have some bottle of water??? HES SO CUTE!!!!!
namjoon’s british accent :’)
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igot7stories · 8 years
Everyone who reblogs this with their bias in the tags before January 5th 2017 will get a special wintertime themed anon from their bias!! ❄️❄️❄️❄️
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igot7stories · 8 years
SO...What happened to..?
SO…what happened to Mark having a piercing under his tongue?….I dont hear anything about this anymore…
-Admin Nylah
(this might actually be a thing..each week ill do a #whathappenedto
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igot7stories · 8 years
Good Evening! I am bringing you guys some good news! There is a new kpop blog that was born today, Dec 4, 2016 and it is a joint blog between me and my friend Zai,a fellow kpopper, and must I add a wonderful writer. I have decided that my story will go on that blog instead of this one. Please support us because we need it! Thanks for supporting me and this blog! The new blog is https://www.tumblr.com/blog/dangerouskpop and our selca ships and personality ships are open so SUBMIT SUBMIT SUBMIT!! Oh and yeah request some fluff, drabble, one-shot (zai is good at those), and even smut! Thats right you heard me...SMUT!! Come on y’all!! SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT!!
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igot7stories · 8 years
I still stand by the fact that youngjae aint innocent
Youngjaes glo up game is so strong.
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igot7stories · 8 years
Me 😂
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igot7stories · 8 years
i swear my cousin does this on snapchat
me after i get my nails done and i’m on facetime with my bestie
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igot7stories · 8 years
You muster enough courage to just point upstairs to your room. Luckily your brother doesnt catch it. @kpoppantydrop @thug-pastor @daddiesprncess
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here’s that stubble!mark y’all were thirsting after
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igot7stories · 8 years
My sister has been harassing me for months and I recorded her and she tried to hit me and now I’m shaking it may not be a big deal to y'all but it is for me because I don’t feel safe where I live right. She’s not a nice person she’s manipulative and takes out all her anger on me constantly.
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