illuminatedchalk · 3 years
oh, by the way, i am open for asks!! feel free to ask me anything <3 requests are still closed for now... i am still not sure what to do but maybe chatting with people can give me inspirations? feel free to send your genshin thoughts my way~
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illuminatedchalk · 3 years
hmmm should i open requests... will anyone requests anything though dgjfkgl
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illuminatedchalk · 3 years
Modern AU Headcanons & Imagines : Science YouTuber/Professor Albedo
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a/n: first post! let's gooo
warnings: none, maybe slight AlbeRose? but they are not together or anything, just rumored to be. Also slight spoilers of Albedo's lore.
genre: fluff, completely platonic, slight angst and implied character death? implied abandonment issue (Rhinedottir)
• I firmly believe that Albedo would be an educator. A teacher, professor, you name it.
• Widely regarded as a genius, perhaps recognized by the country. He has a lot of achievements in science under his belt at such a young age, graduated with stellar grades, has a Masters degree, basically, he lives and breathes science. And education. And learning. Ever the curious mind.
• His mother is a famed scientist, Rhinedottir. His childhood is where he learned all things alchemy, often watching his mother works with curiosity. Rhine then taught him everything she knows, but she was also strict with him, letting him know she wouldn't hesitate to leave if he wastes her time. Albedo however, was determined to learn.
• She unfortunately went missing one day when she goes out on a trip overseas, and she, before leaving, left him in the care of Alice, her colleague and friend. He then grew up in her care, and he became a renowned scientist, just like his mother.
• (In his quiet moments when his workload was a little heavier than usual, or when he hit a wall in his research, his mind sometimes wondered if Rhine actually left him... He prefers to think she wanted the best for him and everything else was just an accident, but in his more stressful moments, he can't help but feel a pang in his chest at the possibility.)
• He became very focused in his studies and interests, so even though he has social media (persuaded by his co-workers, acquaintances and family so they can reach out to him easier), he isn't online often unless to watch even more learning materials, or sharing said learning materials. Often people have to straight up give him a call if the matter is urgent or important, since DMs and messages are mostly forgotten with him. You can spam him and he will STILL respond a day later, maybe half a day if you are lucky (or if he prioritizes you *wink wink*). That's a minimum.
• (He does indulge in art content and sweet food videos on the internet sometimes. Art videos are for him to learn more about... well, art, since he does paint as a hobby, and sweet food videos gave him the boost he needed. Someone please bake him a cake... He is craving but waaay too busy to go to a bakery or café 🥲)
• He gives lectures from time to time, and does research on the other. His mind never rests, and time, to him, is something he should spend for learning.
• "Going out into the world investigating... Turning the unknown into the known... *sighs* I miss this feeling." Yes, I imagine he will be exactly like the way he is in canon.
• Now, his more 'free' time, however...
• If you have surfed through YouTube, then you must have seen the science education channels?
• Then there he is!!! Albedo in all his glory!!
• You'll probably come across his video on one of those random YouTube recommendations. Something about a solid that's lighter than air? Aero...gel? And you see a beautiful blondie with a pair of beautiful blue eyes holding up what looks like a cube of transparent air in the thumbnail. Now that's interesting. (Shout out to the YouTube channel Veritasium, my main inspiration for the content Albedo posts. Very interesting stuff he talks about there.)
• Albedo's channel covers a wide variety of topic, mostly regarding alchemy and all the cool phenomenon/objects that entails it, sometimes it's physics and the laws of nature, and sometimes he also dabbles towards more philosophical questions pertaining life, somehow relating it to science in the most introspective ways. His channel is... fascinating, to say the least. (The philosophical science part is a reference to Tom Scott and also Kurzgesagt. Again, fascinating stuff!)
• The surprising part of his channel is discovering how madly talented he is. So, his channel has an average upload period of one month, but sometimes he will also upload art videos in between them, perhaps it's to keep his schedule and to have a stable engagement, or perhaps it's just something he does when he is in the mood. He talks about art fundamentals, or sometimes just simply relax, sketching with little to no talking in it. His viewers just... vibes with him. Maybe also fall for him and his brilliance a little.
• His channel's tone is serious and calm for the most part. He shows his face in his videos and mostly has a neutral facial expressions with a monotonous, yet serene voice, so there aren't many moments where you can laugh. He doesn't crack jokes, often too immersed in his explanations and observing whatever he is covering to do so.
• It is fine, though. His charm may not lie in his comedic prowess, but it lies in his charisma. He could explain the most difficult subject like a walk in the park, pulling his viewers so they're able to see his unique perspectives, and sometimes he shows slight smug confidence while he shares his theories. He also occasionally drops some meaningful messages subtly, you'll miss it if you don't pay much attention. Just from the way he narrates his videos you can tell he is a great teacher.
• It is when Klee joins him when he is recording is where the mood shifts. Klee's cheerful presence helps brighten the mood, and Albedo visibly relaxes in front of his little sister. She is often seen asking him questions, climbing up a chair so she can see what Albedo is doing more clearly. Albedo often lifts her up anyways so she doesn't injure herself, and her appearance makes him smile a lot more, maybe even let out a chuckle or two while he holds Klee in his arms. His viewers will note about how his voice turns warmer when he talks to Klee, answering every single questions she asked.
• The first time Klee appeared in his video resulted in a funny misunderstanding amongst his audience. Everyone thought Klee is his daughter, that he married young and his assistant that is also often seen in his videos, Sucrose, is his wife.
• Timaeus is the one who moderates the comments section, and he had to watch Sucrose burns in embarrassment while stuttering endlessly when he reported the news to her. She is clearly at a lost because of the outrageous rumor, the poor girl.
• This rumor continued for quite awhile before Albedo finally introduced Klee as his little sister on the next video featuring her, and he also made everything clear that Sucrose is his assistant and pupil, along with Timaeus, and Sucrose can finally greet Albedo again without sounding like a robot. The comments thankfully understood. (Though Timaeus sometimes still found some comments that ships the two together. He didn't tell them, because poor Sucrose would probably start overheating again.)
• Now Klee has her own segment where Albedo teaches her basic alchemy! He also lets her experiment in his lab, safely of course. He taught her how to make gunpowder and fireworks.... safely... of course. Let's just hope she doesn't blow anything up, though she IS quite fascinated at the demonstration...
• gosh im a sucker for albedo-klee interaction they are just so cute
• All in all, his channel garnered millions of views on average! That's to be expected. After all, who would not love to watch educational content hosted by a beautiful guy with a voice akin to honey? You'll get an added bonus of fun family content with little Klee too! A full package <3
• People used to think Albedo is a cold, serious and unapproachable person, but after sticking around, you'll find the professor is actually quite the warm person, caring to his students and loving towards his family. Professor Albedo finds comfort in science, and he would like to share all the wonders he discovered with the world. Thankfully, the people around him also shares the same sentiment.
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illuminatedchalk · 3 years
hello. i am reina, and this blog will be used to write all my brainrots and headcanons of genshin characters (though i tend to skew towards one character i really like...)
my blog will contain:
- drabbles
- headcanons
- imagines? could be x reader or any pair dynamic i want. same as headcanons.
- my favorite character is albedo, so you'll see a lot of him since my brain just loves thinking up stuff about him.
- maybe nsfw, but i will tag properly.
characters i am not comfortable writing nsfw for:
- fischl
- noelle
- razor
- bennett (?)
- xingqiu (?)
- chongyun (?)
- xinyan (?)
- xiangling (?)
- sayu (she is not a kid, but i dont think she is an adult too, so)
- and this goes without saying, but i dont write nsfw for any of the kids. request that and you are getting blocked <3
the names i listed are characters that i personally see as teens (minors), though some that has question marks are the ones which i am not 100% sure of. if any in game content could convince me that any of them are in fact not minors, i will revise the list, though i still would not guarantee i will write nsfw of them.
dni if: (please read this part carefully)
- you think traveler is a minor. i go by canon information and as such, i ship traveler with some characters. i do not want to hear how it's 'problematic' since its canon that they are at least 500 years old or more, so it's best that you do not interact unless you can respect and not harass me for my preferance.
- you allow pedophilic and incestuous ships. just... don't talk about them to me, as it makes me very uncomfortable. (kaeya and diluc or kaeluc/luckae i personally see as brothers and i dont ship them romantically, but they... are a bit of a cultural case in the cn fandom --which i wont elaborate further, just read up more if you want to find out why--, and so i am not as opposed to them. the kid x adult shippers and the ones who, for example, ships siblings, adopted or not, like jean-barbara, klee-albedo or lumine-aether however... yeah you guys are not welcome.)
- you are homophobic. i believe i do not have to elaborate further.
- lastly... minors. like i said, there's a possibility that i will write nsfw, and i dont want minors anywhere near my nsfw works. please dont snoop around adult spaces 🥲
all in all, welcome to my blog! i... might forget some important details to put here, so expect this post to be edited a lot. just be respectful, and i wish you have an enjoyable time here <3
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