ilyoimia · 2 years
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ilyoimia · 2 years
Not in the fandom but ur fics are nice dude! Luv ur writing
thank u againnnn
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ilyoimia · 2 years
Yoo I know it's the 20th already but happy birthday!!
thanksss 😭
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ilyoimia · 2 years
@ilyoimia i feel so single looking at this
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ilyoimia · 2 years
going on a tiny haitus for writing 😜 and i’m going to be busy for some next week
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ilyoimia · 2 years
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ilyoimia · 2 years
the stars and fireworks - i.
info: yoimiya, fluff, wlw, uni au. <3 enjoy
an: rbs are greatly appreciated! (based on my genshin girls on a date hc) (also i’ve been writing this for a while cause of all these tests and i’ve been offline of tumblr, but i’m finally backkk) REQS ARE GREATLY ENCOURAGED TO BE SENT 🙏🏽
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preview: after bumping into a clumsy girl at uni, you seem to peak interest in her after the incident.
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november <3
there was a huge clatter. everyone was looking at you, fallen on the floor. you bumped into an unknown girl while rushing to your next class, and all of the books and materials that you had in your hand fell to the ground.
"sorry about that!" the girl with blond hair and a messy bun and a bubbling tone of voice said while everyone continued what they were doing, like walking to their next class or talking to their friend. "I should be the one apologizing, I wasn't looking where I was going! are you okay?" you asked as you felt your head sting. suddenly, your vision turned black.
you eventually woke up on a bed in your unis nurse room. you looked to the side of the bed you were on and saw the same girl that you bumped into earlier.
"oh hey! you're finally awake!" she said with excitement "are you okay?"
december <3
it's been a month ever since the incident with yoimiya and you, and ever since you two have grown close together. since it was exam month, or season you two were in your unis packed library, getting some studying books so that you could study in your apartment together.
you finally checked out the books, after waiting in the line which felt like an eternity, and now you and she were exiting the library, when your friend, ganyu, saw you and called out your name.
"oh, hey ganyu? getting books for exam month?"
"about that..."
you, ganyu and yoimiya were studying, when you noticed that yoimiya was feeling down, so you asked if she was feeling well.
"oh, well i'm feeling a little bit sick, so i'll just go home." yoimiya said, surprised by your voice. yoimiya didn't seem sick, therefore you found it odd that she would make an excuse to leave your apt because she usually loves hanging out or studying with you.
"i'm feeling a little tired, so I might as well also head home too. bye y/n! bye yoimiya!" ganyu said as she was lifting herself up from your couch.
after ganyu left, you offered to make soup for yoimiya since she was "feeling sick". before she even answered you started heating up some extra soup from your dinner from the day beforehand.
"oh, no i'm okay!" yoimiya said stuttering and hesitating. she didn't feel like drinking soup since she wasn't sick in the first place.
"i insist, darling" you said, teasing her with a pet name as her face quickly turned to a bright blush red. you knew this would be a fun night.
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ilyoimia · 2 years
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ilyoimia · 2 years
the stars and fireworks - i.
info: yoimiya, fluff, wlw, uni au. <3 enjoy
an: rbs are greatly appreciated! (based on my genshin girls on a date hc) (also i’ve been writing this for a while cause of all these tests and i’ve been offline of tumblr, but i’m finally backkk) REQS ARE GREATLY ENCOURAGED TO BE SENT 🙏🏽
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preview: after bumping into a clumsy girl at uni, you seem to peak interest in her after the incident.
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november <3
there was a huge clatter. everyone was looking at you, fallen on the floor. you bumped into an unknown girl while rushing to your next class, and all of the books and materials that you had in your hand fell to the ground.
"sorry about that!" the girl with blond hair and a messy bun and a bubbling tone of voice said while everyone continued what they were doing, like walking to their next class or talking to their friend. "I should be the one apologizing, I wasn't looking where I was going! are you okay?" you asked as you felt your head sting. suddenly, your vision turned black.
you eventually woke up on a bed in your unis nurse room. you looked to the side of the bed you were on and saw the same girl that you bumped into earlier.
"oh hey! you're finally awake!" she said with excitement "are you okay?"
december <3
it's been a month ever since the incident with yoimiya and you, and ever since you two have grown close together. since it was exam month, or season you two were in your unis packed library, getting some studying books so that you could study in your apartment together.
you finally checked out the books, after waiting in the line which felt like an eternity, and now you and she were exiting the library, when your friend, ganyu, saw you and called out your name.
"oh, hey ganyu? getting books for exam month?"
"about that..."
you, ganyu and yoimiya were studying, when you noticed that yoimiya was feeling down, so you asked if she was feeling well.
"oh, well i'm feeling a little bit sick, so i'll just go home." yoimiya said, surprised by your voice. yoimiya didn't seem sick, therefore you found it odd that she would make an excuse to leave your apt because she usually loves hanging out or studying with you.
"i'm feeling a little tired, so I might as well also head home too. bye y/n! bye yoimiya!" ganyu said as she was lifting herself up from your couch.
after ganyu left, you offered to make soup for yoimiya since she was "feeling sick". before she even answered you started heating up some extra soup from your dinner from the day beforehand.
"oh, no i'm okay!" yoimiya said stuttering and hesitating. she didn't feel like drinking soup since she wasn't sick in the first place.
"i insist, darling" you said, teasing her with a pet name as her face quickly turned to a bright blush red. you knew this would be a fun night.
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ilyoimia · 2 years
people send me asks i’m bored and i wanna talk to someone
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ilyoimia · 2 years
i was looking at my 3 writings i posted and DAMN
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ilyoimia · 2 years
hii how are you doing today?
i’m doing so good! me and this girl were taking a lot and we are friends now but she is so pretyyyy
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ilyoimia · 2 years
hi i’m the anon who was talking to you, and we were talking about soda, valentines etc! i hope you’re comfortable with having me on your page ! :D
OF COURSE I AM COMFORTABLE!! /nm i am responding late cause i fell asleep and couldn’t respond in the bus cause ppl r nosy 😭 but hii!
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ilyoimia · 2 years
:o nice! okay i’m coming off anon once i send this ask !
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ilyoimia · 2 years
lucky once again 🥲, yeah i’m talking about soda in honest truth sprite and ginger ale is my favorite soda , also yep i’m coming off anon after i send one more ask!
WWWW ginger ale, sprite and fanta are all the best flavors 🙅🏾‍♀️🙅🏾‍♀️ and im also planning on writing on the weekend or on thursday and friday hopefully? i just have to think of who hhhhh
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ilyoimia · 2 years
lucky i had no ice cream 🥲, i had coke but that exploded 🥲, also i’m planing on coming off of anon today :D
DO IT!!! or u can stay anon it’s ur choice ☺️ and coke is so bad im so sorry 😭 (i hope ur talking about soda). speaking of soda we also got a vending machine in our school!
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ilyoimia · 2 years
awh i’m sorry :(, to be honest i didn’t have a valentine either 🥲
it’s okay! it was a very lonely and single day but at least i had ice cream 🙏🏾🙏🏾
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