Here is the beginning of it folks. Wish me some luck because we’re all going to need it :’) 
I’ll post the edited prologue as soon as it is edited!
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: American Horror Story, American Horror Story: Apocalypse Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Michael Langdon/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Michael Langdon, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: Dark Fantasy, Dark Romance, Angst, Angst and Tragedy, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Tragic Romance, tragic ending, Evil Wins, Catholic Guilt, Catholicism, Catholic Character, Catholic Imagery, Corruption Summary:
There's something quite peculiar about Anna Merryday. It might be the rosary she keeps in her hand twenty-four seven, or the cilice licking her thigh, or even perhaps it's her eyes, so void of true life even Michael Langdon is somewhat curious to know what makes her tick. A woman burdened by her strict beliefs, even when the world has all been but destroyed, it's no wonder that Michael thinks he has become her everlasting savior.
A romance tale about corruption and deceit, how there can be freedom found in rebellion, and how sometimes, the bad guys win.
Not me just writing a story based in this world centralized around Michael because I get so bitter thinking about the problems with season eight. Years later, I am still angry, but that's what fanfiction is for baby, and we're going in for a super dark ride. Enjoy!
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The Antichrist
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That's it.
I'm sick of how bad the writing is in Season 8. Even years later I am bitter that one of the best characters in that season is reduced to a warlock and all the religious themes are kind of just tossed in their half-hazard because no one knew what they wanted.
It was about witches and warlocks.
It was about robots and sci-fi shenanigans.
It was about a boy born at the end of murder house.
It should have just simply been a story on the antichrist and how everyone is doomed to die. It should have been about the life inside a bunker, about not knowing what is going to happen to you or your family. It should have been about Michael Langdon winning and completing the prophecy without any involvement of witches.
Don't get me wrong, I love Coven, but it should not have been involved with Michael's story.
Let's talk about the lure of the antichrist, how he's charming, how he's supposed to become a minister and turn the world to him, how he punishes those who oppose him, how easily one's faith can be squandered when someone claims they are a prophet and proves it.
So thus, despite it being years later, I am going to rewrite that season. I'm talking about dark religious contexts with the horrors of the end times. I'm keeping the setting and the premise, but there will be no drawn-out backstory about magic.
I will be posting it soon. Keep a lookout for it~
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Today a 13-year old boy was convicted of felon arson in less than 24 hours. Both him and a young 12-year old girl were caught in the bathroom of a public park. On video, it showcases the 12-year old setting things on fire, with the 13-year old actively trying to stop her before receding to the back, he had done nothing, other than being caught on the public cameras alongside her.
She has not been found, but since he was the only one caught, in less than 24 hours of the crime, he has been convicted, even after the cops had issued it as accessory and proof he was not the one doing the crime. 
He had spent the night in Juvenile Detention and will remain there until the 7th of January because, as the District Attorney ADMIITED on the phone, “someone has to take the blame.” 
This is why BLM matters, why justice needs to happen. Just because someone isn’t dead or shot, does not mean there are still people who need help from the corrupted system we’re stuck in.
From accessory to felon arson? Does that make since to you? 
Please spread this. 
This is my little brother. He’s in trouble because of a flawed system. And if they don’t find this girl, the true culprit will not be caught and my brother will be charged for everything. Simply because he was caught at the scene of the crime. 
The DA is at fault. 
I live in a small remote town called Rupert, Idaho, where BLM, LGBTQ, and more is laughed at and not seen as anything serious. So blatant racism is large between the white and Hispanic community. 
I know Tumblr is a hellsite, but I also know how much the people here want justice and a future we can believe in. It starts here. Every misuse of injustice NEEDS to be showcased.
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Fall to your knees before the king!  Hail Satan! 
Michael Langdon in American Horror Story: Apocalypse ‘Apocalypse Then’
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