imagine-ouran · 8 years
*COUGHS* you guys should totally go and follow beckett’s new twitter account
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imagine-ouran · 8 years
gif imagine for the hosts hugging their s/o? love your blog!!
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he is both tbh
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- Admins Kits and Beckett
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imagine-ouran · 8 years
Gif imagine for any tattoos/piercings they'd get when they're older? Welcome back xx
Okay not actually a gif response here we just have pictures and little explanations, so this is more of a headcannon post i guess haha! this was so much fun to think about though! This is long AF tho so half of its going under a cut. We hope it’s what you wanted anon!
Tamaki was at first, completely opposed to the entire idea of tattoos - in his mind he could only see the skulls and obscenities typically associated with big hardcore metal fans. So on his own, we could never see him getting one. But if his partner suggested couple tattoos, well… he can’t help but be slightly curious. And when he sees how beautiful and elegant and so fucking hipster meaningful they can be, he relents.
He picks the tattoo design, though, and it’s not big or as ostentatious as you’ve come to expect from his love declarations. Instead, it feels like a small, private assurance that both he and his partner keep close to their hearts.
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Haruhi is much too practical to get a couples tattoo. She knows that there’s no guarantee a relationship will last forever and doesn’t want to mark her body with something that she may someday not want to remember. If she does get a tattoo, she makes sure that it’s something she never regrets, and the result is then clear.
She honours her mother. 
She thinks on how for a while. A rosemary for remembrance? A lily? Perhaps one of the kanji of her name? But eventually, she realises. She is planning on following in her mother’s footsteps in law, after all. She does not remember much of her as a person, but she knows what Kotoko stood for, and so her tattoo is on her collarbone, small and close to her heart as a secret to the world, and her own personal reminder to persevere.
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After Hikaru dyes his hair and the visual differences between the twins become more obvious as they both find individual tastes, you can see that Hikaru begins to opt for a more bolder style, whilst Kaoru sticks to a more classic aesthetic. Hikaru doesn’t seem the type for big loud tattoos, but I can certainly see him with some piercings. Nothing huge, but quite a few on his ear - usually studs - and a  T O N G U E  P I E R C I N G. A simple silver one.
Remember how we keep going on about Hikaru probably being a terrible kisser and not realising it when he first starts out? Yeah. But then someone tells him, and he gets the tongue piercing because he heard that it can make things v ER Y INTERESTING. But then he spends LOADS of time researching HOW and what to do and what NOT to do because he isn’t gonna screw this up by accidentally injuring himself or someone else. If confronted, he will deny it to his grave and insist it is all natural talent. So when he gets back in the game and actually knows what he’s doing…. ohohoho.
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Kaoru ends up a fucking sentimental bastard and none of you can convince me otherwise. He ends up accumulating quite a few tattoos over the years - all simple things but significant. They all represent important aspects of his life, and he often jokes that his body is a map of his journey he’s hipster trash rly
The first one is two birds sitting on a wire on the back of his neck; the first thing he ever really did to completely differentiate himself from his twin - even though they ended up picking it out together - so the image seemed pretty fitting. Staying together even as they both prepare to go their separate ways. Then there was the orange rose on his left shoulder to represent his time as a host, and the king’s crown on his inner wrist which only Hikaru realises is for Tamaki, the first person to ever break through their walls. There is a tuna fish resting on his collarbone - because Haruhi was and still is close to his heart but he knows now that specific place is reserved for someone else. He got the small clothes hanger on his outer ankle the day he officially entered the industry, and a single butterfly now curls around the finger Ageha had grabbed the day she was born. His entire body is littered with tattoos, but he’s by no means covered. They’re all small, simple things, often slipping by unseen unless you were actually looking.
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Kyoya outwardly scoffs at the very idea. He works his arse off every day to prove himself worthy of becoming the family patriarch and taking over the company, and there’s no way he’s risk any form of piercings or loud tattoos making him look unprofessional and sabotaging his chances. He doesn’t particularly want to get any piercings anyway; he doesn’t see the point. 
It’s unlikely he’d ever get either a piercing or a tattoo because of this, but if did, perhaps one night when he is slightly tipsy and about to crack under the weight of stress and responsibility and work, he does it on impulse. A small but significant tattoo somewhere easily hidden, his own secret little act of rebellion.
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Honey doesn’t really see the appeal of piercings, but is quite excited by the idea of tattoos! He wants to get something cute and light-hearted, and he definitely loves the idea of getting something to match with his partner. None of his tattoos would be particularly meaningful, just little, cute things that he gets on a whim. 
He’d been quite surprised by the pain at first, but brightened up after his tearful expression had gotten him a promise from Mori to buy sweets afterwards. He has since gotten used to it, but Mori still buys him cake after any tattoo.
He gets fairly small tattoos, probably something along these lines.
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Mori would get a big back tattoo, something traditional or meaningful. I can’t think much to say about his reasons, and I doubt he’d say much about them himself, but saying that he does it on a whim isn;t exactly right. It’s more he does it because… it feels right. He probably does it for spiritual purposes rather than aesthetic ones.
Such as this beauty, featuring the symbol for Strength.
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- Admins Kits and Beckett
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imagine-ouran · 8 years
changing the blog theme!
will probably be messy for a few hours until we’re done, so our apologies haha :)
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imagine-ouran · 8 years
how about a gif imagine for when the hosts see someone hitting on their s/o or crush and making them super uncomfortable?
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do u guys not remember episode 3
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- Admins Kits and Beckett
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imagine-ouran · 8 years
Oky with this update apparently also allowing to comment on/reply to reblogged posts… Please reblog this if you’re alright with followers just commenting on stuff? This might be a potentially great way to just show your approval or throw in a funny comment whatsoever in and just… if you are chill with that, it would be good to know!
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imagine-ouran · 9 years
hMMMMMM thinking about changing the blog’s theme! what do you guys think?
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imagine-ouran · 9 years
tfw you realise the blog looks so much nicer on macs then pc
~ Mod Beckett
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imagine-ouran · 9 years
Scenario: Tamaki is too nervous to kiss Haruhi for the first time (they've been on dates) so he asks Kyoya for advice
ahhh, my apologies, we don’t do ship asks! tho this sounds super cute
~ Mod Beckett
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imagine-ouran · 9 years
@ the anon who wanted a gif reaction to the hosts seeing their s/o with someone else: did you mean seeing them with someone actively cheating, or with someone after they and the host have broken up or something else?
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imagine-ouran · 9 years
Ok umm I have no idea what a testimonial is but I'm going to try my best based off of what I've seen from others...here it goes. My cinnamon apple Majestic kawaii Unicorn Senpais, eeeeeeekkk!!! Did-did I do it right? Can I call y'all Senpai? 😶😶😶
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*senpai notices u*
- Beckett
send in some testimonials
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imagine-ouran · 9 years
For the testimonials: AHHHHHHHHHHH
- Beckett
send in some testimonials
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imagine-ouran · 9 years
10/10 would recommend, even better then dwarf rabbits
!!!!! !!!!!!   ! ! ! ! ! !  !! !!!!!!!!! b-better than dwarf rabbits??!!?! the highest honour!!!
- Beckett
send in some testimonials
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imagine-ouran · 9 years
10/10. Would follow multiple times if possible. Also would want to be internet friends bc u rad as heck
anon, the tru rad one is you, who puts up with our shitty writing
- Beckett
send in some testimonials
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imagine-ouran · 9 years
14/10 would recommend. would also qualify as a fancy cute little cheesecake.
a fancy cute little cheesecake??? ?? ? ? anon i. i dont know what to say. i.
i might cry, i
- Beckett
send in some testimonials
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imagine-ouran · 9 years
Testimonial: 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌here👌👌👌 right✔here ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right here right here (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
this is possibly the most beautiful and touching one
- Beckett
send in some testimonials
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imagine-ouran · 9 years
cries sorry for igniting affection in your chest??? i'm just a very gentle person who gets aggressive during video games and loves this blog too much ahhh
- Beckett
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