Wheels on the bus [B.B x reader] • Modern!AU Part 1
Warnings: none, just fluffy and cuteness
Word count: honestly not sure, not many.
A/N: I thought I would do a modern!au for Benny boi <3 still give him his class and charm just in the 21st century! It’s not the best fic in the world rn but it will get better!
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Every morning was the same. Get up, get ready and get on the bus to work. You had been doing this for the past seven months at your new job out of town. It was always a pleasant enough ride (as pleasant as a bus ride could be) and you would stick on your headphones, ignoring the world until you got into work that day.
Until one day, you noticed a man. An ordinary man dressed less so. You could tell by his attire that it was expensive, and you wondered why a man like him would be on a public bus. He was one of the most handsome men you had ever seen.
His curly brown hair and matched brown eyes. His small smile when letting people sit on the seats he was just occupying. He somewhat fascinated you.
After seeing him several times, you started wondering where he was going every day. Was he going to work? He looked a little older than you, and he carried himself well. Perhaps, he worked in a firm and just decided to take the bus like a normal working-class citizen.
You often made stories up in your head about people on the bus. You liked to guess their background, where they worked and what they liked to do for themselves. You often wondered how they would interact with you. Would they be nice? Nasty? Sarcastic?
This day had been like any other. You got up, got ready and walked to the bus stop near your house. The bus was late, which was typical.
When it finally did turn up, you let out a huge sigh, seeing that the bus was packed full of people so you wouldn’t be able to just sit down and enjoy the ride in peace.
You showed the bus ticket to the driver and scooted by a few people until you found a space. You hung onto the bar as the bus began to move. As more people got on you became more and more squished to the person next to you.
“Oh sorry.” You said absentmindedly, not paying attention.
“It’s quite alright.” The man laughed slightly, and then you looked up and caught those brown eyes. It was the man you had been seeing, the wealthy man who had no reason to be on public transport.
Well, you only assumed he was wealthy.
“At least we’ll get to know each other a little better.” You quipped, slipping your headphones back on. You should have mentally scarred yourself for saying it, but it was only a joke.
You had got off the bus at your stop, shimmered by everyone and waited till the bus had moved so you could cross the road and as you were stood there, he was looking at you. Really looking at you. You felt intimidated by his stare, so awkwardly looked away.
It had been a few days since the man had come back onto the bus. Plus, you never saw him on a night time. Part of you wondered if he was going to a partners house in the morning after a night shift.
And again, a few days later and he wasn’t on the bus. You almost wished you could have spoken to him again or even seen him.
The thought of his eyes staring you down, had made you flustered these past few days. You were beginning to become worried for the man. For the past few months, he hadn’t missed a bus in the morning.
Maybe he just decided he would get a later one.
It had been two weeks since you had last since the mystery man.
That was until you got on the bus that morning and he was there. His usual black pristine suit, paired with his curly brown hair and those chocolate eyes that you could melt into.
There weren’t many seats on the bus, so you decided to sit next to him. A bold choice of yours, may I add.
“Is it okay if I sit here?” You asked.
He looked up at you and you swore you saw happiness glide through his eyes, “Oh yes, of course.”
The ride was in silence. You decided to keep your headphones off and just sit next to him. Bothering him would not be on your list.
Realising he was sketching something in a small book. You didn’t want to pry but you couldn’t help but try and catch a glimpse.
And when you did, it was extraordinary. His talent was next level.
“Wow.” You whispered and of course, he heard you. Looking straight up at you but not moving his book to the side.
“Thank you but this is nothing.” He said humbly.
“It doesn’t look like nothing to me. I can’t even draw a stick man.”
“I’m sure that’s not true.” He smirked, god that smirk could have killed you then and there.
“I can assure you, it is.”
“Fine, I’ll take your word for it.” He put his book down and extended his hand, turning his body around, “Ben.”
You took his hand and shook it, very formal, you thought.
“I’m Y/N.”
“A pleasure.” He said, letting go of your hand.
You looked past his head and panicked, your stop was coming up next, “I have to go, it was lovely to meet you. This time tomorrow?”
He smiled, “Wouldn’t miss it.”
Grabbing your bag you headed to get off of the bus.
But as you left, you hadn’t realised you had dropped your purse on the ground. Benedict realised as soon as the bus drove off, and he knew that he had to get it back to you.
taglist: @willowpains <3
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So I have a Tony Stark x reader fic, it’s already posted on ao3 and Wattpad but the feedback on there is hard to get. Would anyone be interested in it being posted here? I’ve already written 7 chapters :)
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Yours, forever • [B.B x reader] Part 3
Summary: Months have passed, and you and Benedict are enjoying your time at Aubrey Hall. Maybe he even has a question to ask?
This is the last chapter, however, maybe a smut first night of their marriage chapter????
Warnings: FLUFF so much fluff / my other fave bridgerton makes an appearance
Word count: 800 (sorry!)
Part 1 | Part 2
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It had been a few months since you had first been courted Benedict Bridgerton. Your happiness levels were through the roof – he was just the perfect gentleman.
He sent you fresh sunflowers every day, and parts of drawings he had been working on that you said you liked the most. None of them finished but you almost preferred it like that. It was like the two of you, perfectly together but not yet come fully together as one.
The social season was coming to end, and you knew what this meant, if Benedict was going to ask for your hand in marriage it would be soon, and you knew that he was going to. He had made several different promises to you throughout the months of your courtship.
And you knew he was being serious; you had fallen head over heels for one another in such a short space of time.
You were sat with each other as he painted the wide landscape in front of him at Aubrey Hall. You had only ever been here once before, but you marvelled the beauty of the entire estate. You were sat with Eloise, someone who you had grown attached to and similarly, she was attached to you.
"Benedict always talked highly of you even before I met you." She leaned closer to you, "And I have to say seeing my brother happy is phenomenal."
"Your brother makes me the happiest woman alive; I can assure you. The whole Ton is envious." You teased back to her, looking back at him. The way his shirt sleeves were rolled up and he had charcoal all over his fingers and forearms.
"I don't doubt it. Even Lady Whistledown talks about the two of you being madly in loveeee." She dragged out her words as she spoke. Eloise had always been fascinated by Lady Whistledown and how she knew so much, even small details that not even she knew.
"Lady Whistledown see's everything and nothing at the same time."
"Are you two gossiping?" Benedict called from over his shoulder.
"Isn't that what women are supposed to do, Dear?" He turned his body round and walked up to you; he loved the way you would use your wit when you spoke.
"Yes, Dear." He creeped closer and closer to you, Eloise still very much by your side.
"If you two are going to be lovey to one another, can I look away?" She quipped, here at Aubrey Hall the Bridgerton's were known to let lose and be themselves without the eyes of the Ton on their backs. Not even Lady Whistledown could get them here.
"Eloise Bridgerton, we would never be so improper." Benedict replied, now right in front of you as you sat down on the bench, "Unless, it's to do – this."
He grabbed your face into his hands and the charcoal went all over your face. You screeched and stood up in front him as he ran away, "BENEDICT BRIDGERTON!"
"Oh brother, you are in trouble." Eloise said, putting her hands over her mouth out of shock and to conceal her laugh.
You chased him around the field, Benedict was ducking behind trees and going the opposite way to you when you thought you had caught him with him. You followed him into a thick bush of trees and grass.
"I swear, Mr Bridgerton! I will cause havoc when I find you!" You shouted, still chasing him past the tree into the somewhat clearing you had found yourself in.
"You can't even catch me, Mrs Bridgerton."
You stopped in place, and he moved from outside of the trees, fern and grass all over him and intertwined in his curly hair that you oh so loved, "If you will have me."
You couldn't say anything. You were stuck in place as he approached you again, slowly.
"Y/N, will you be mine forever and marry me?" He got onto one knee, pulled out the most gorgeous ring you had ever seen.
You looked between the ring and him, still not having said anything. He was proposing. Was this his plan all along? Did Eloise know of this plan? Oh, it did not matter. Here he was as vulnerable as ever and you covered in charcoal in the middle of the forest at Aubrey Hall.
It was perfect, more than.
"Yes Ben – oh my god, of course, yes!" He put the ring on your finger, and you jumped into his arms, he picked you up easily and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
"For a moment there, I thought you were going to say no." He laughed, his hands rubbing up and down your back.
"I would never." You put your forehead on his, as you did all those months ago and he leaned forward, giving you a knowing look. All you did was nod.
And then he kissed you. For the very first time. It was as magical as you had imagined. It was as if all his paintings had come to life. Like the moon and the stars had shifted. You were in love with this man, and you were going to spend the rest of your life with him.
"I love you, wholeheartedly." He said, lowering you to the ground.
"And I you."
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Me every time Anthony and Kate’s mouths hover close to each other, you hear their hearts beating, they’re heavily breathing, they’re whispering scandalous things into each other’s mouths, their eyes drift closed, and they get so close to kissing but don’t at the last second
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So I really want to write a modern AU with Benny !! I have a really cool idea for one, would ppl be interested?
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Yours, forever • [B.B x reader] Part 2
Summary: Benedict is being serious about wanting to call for you the night after the ball, and your mother is one sneaky woman.
I also can’t do the ‘see more’ option cos i’m on my phone i’m sorry!
Warnings: none :)
Word count: 1.4k
Part 1 | Part 3
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Waking up in the morning, your only thoughts were of last night, dancing with Mr Bridgerton. The sun shone through the curtains as the early morning sun graced your eyes. You knew it would be soon time to rise from your bed chamber and face your potential suitors and you were nervous, rightfully so.
As the birds chirped through your open window, you forgot what it was like for a second, to be you. You often wished you were a normal girl, with an ordinary family who didn't have to marry a wealthy, high up man. If Benedict was anything to go by, he seemed somewhat in the middle of it all. Of course, he and his family had money, but he was not opposed to clearly creating a scandal. If anything was to show last night, he loves a great tease in public.
And you loved that excitement. The way he made you feel by just a touch of his hands on your wrist. You had obviously never been with a man. You didn't even know what that truly meant, but you had whispers amongst other ladies.
A knock on your door took you from your thoughts, "Miss Y/L/N, it's time to rise for the day."
"I'm awake, Lily." You called, sitting up in bed for the first time this morning. You usually liked to mill around in your pyjamas for the first half of the morning, but you knew that wouldn't be ladylike of you today.
"Are you excited for your callers today, Miss?" Lily asked, opening your wardrobe to pick out an outfit for you. You had always let her, as she had great sense of style. She picked out a gorgeous pink dress with small, decorated flowers on it. A small pair of satin soft pink gloves to go with it.
You got out of bed, and she started to dress you for the day, helping you into your corset. Making sure to pull extra tight today. Lily wanted you to make the best impression, clearly.
"Your Mama said, 'tighter the better'." She winced as you sucked in your breath.
"And here's me thinking it was you that wanted me to look my best." You quipped.
"That to, of course, Miss Y/L/N." She shyly looked down and continued to pull at your corset strings. She pulled your dress over your head, with the corset on, this dress really did pull you in at all the right places. Lily fixed your hair how you liked it best and smiled, "Gorgeous, as always."
"Thank you, Lily. That's very nice of you." You said, pulling up your gloves on your arms. If you knew any better, Lily liked you more than a woman should. Not that you would have been opposed, but legally it was not allowed.
You got up from your chair and made your way down the stairs. The array of flowers in the hallway was enough to shock the whole of England. There were so many, all from different gentleman. One stood out more than the others though, bright yellow sunflowers, amongst all the reds, purples, pinks and blues. They were stand alone, for sure.
Walking up to them, you were hoping they were from Mr Bridgerton and as you read the card, you were correct.
I told you I was serious.
Mr B.
You shook your head as you read the card repeatedly, pulling it to your chest and closing your eyes. You felt like you were lovesick for this fool, this fool that had only met once. Or maybe, you were the fool.
Placing the card into the top of your glove, you walked into the living room where your Mother, Brother and Sister were already sat.
"Good morning, did you sleep well?" Your mother asked, as you sat by your brother.
"Yes, Mama. All that dancing last night really tired me out." You took a sip of the tea on the table, that was just made by one of the many servants you had in the house.
"Are you expecting anyone in particular today to call for you?"
"Oh – well I was rather hoping Mr Smith or Mr Bridgerton would call."
"Let's hope it's the latter." Your Mother was an extremely cheeky woman. She allowed you to be that with her too, in the privacy of your own home, who was going to judge you?
"I hope so." You shrugged and fell back onto the sofa, leaning your head on your brother's shoulder.
"Is someone in love?" Your Brother cooed. Ruffling your hair, making you sit up straight and push him slightly to the side.
"Don't be so daft, love comes with time."
"Lust then maybe?" He winked.
"DAVID Y/L/N!" Your Mother shouted, making your brother stop his taunts all together.
You wondered what that truly meant, that word you had never heard of before. You assumed it was something your lady ears should not hear from the way your Mother screeched your brother's name. You were naive to the ways of life.
"Sorry to interrupt, but you have your first caller of the day, Miss Y/L/N." One of the servants told you, hanging by the door.
"Let them in."
The rest of the day went by quickly, you had spoken to many different gentlemen. Some you had danced with the night before and some you had not. The only person you were hoping for, hadn't turned up yet and you were beginning to feel disheartened. Surely, he hadn't just sent flowers and not decided to show his face.
Until the same servant came to the door again, "You have one last caller for today, Mr Bridgerton is here to see you."
You looked over to your Mother who's faced had lit up with excitement for you, you nodded frantically at the servant who only but smiled in acknowledgment.
And there he was, as handsome as he was last night but even more so, if that was even possible.
"Mrs and Miss Y/L/N, I hope you are both well today." Benedict said, entering the room and coming to sit down opposite you.
"Very well, thank you Mr Bridgerton." You smiled up at him, as he came over to give you a small kiss on the hand. Holding your forearm gently, again you began to get flustered almost instantly.
"I'm actually rather parched, I think I need to get a drink." Your Mother rose from her seat, giving you a knowing look. She was always one to let you do as you so pleased and was never one to step in the way of what could be, "I'll be back in five minutes."
You were now left alone with Benedict, just you and him in a room on your own without a chaperone. The door was still open, but still all of this was scandalous. Lady Whistledown would have a field day if she knew this was happening.
"I take it your Mother is not one for the rules." Benedict moved over to sit next to you, holding your hand in his.
"Sometimes she is Mr Bridgerton, other times, not so much."
"I like her." He smiled, that lovely smile that you have only witnessed once but melted your heart either way.
"I'm guessing she also thinks the same."
There was some silence between you, something unspoken between your eyes, and he spoke again, "I think you are fascinating and well, I would like to get to know you."
"I would love nothing more." You grabbed both of his hands, and he placed both of your hands on his chest.
"So, I will ask, will you allow me to court you, Miss Y/L/N?" Benedict's piercing gaze into your own, he played with your fingers in his own and leaned his face closer to yours.
"Yes, Mr Bridgerton, you may." Your face began to get closer to his and your foreheads connected, "Is this truly happening?"
He laughed slightly, "I believe so. I never truly believed in love at first sight, but I have come to the truth that it does exist."
"And I never knew men could be so soppy." You laughed back.
"You wound me."
You both took a look at the door as you heard your Mother's voice coming back and that was your cue to move from the compromising position you were both in.
"Tomorrow, a promenade around Hyde Park should do as well, don't you think?" He asked, standing up to look at you as he retrieved his hat and gloves from the table.
"It would be my pleasure."
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Yours, forever • [B.B x reader] Part 1
Summary: It is your seasonal debut, you dance with a few people but it is one person in particular that catches your interest.
This is a three part series that I have already completed :) i’m also sorry that I can’t do the ‘see more’ option, i’m on my phone and i’m useless!
Warnings: none apart from benny being sexy but what’s new, slight mention about being a bigger woman (but never mentioned again)
Word count: 1.1k
Part 2 | Part 3
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You were never one for balls.
But here you were, on the way to one.
It was your season debut, something that your Mama had been going on about for weeks now. You needed to be on your best behaviour, you needed to dance the night away until your feet hurt with every gentleman that wanted to get to know you.
However, you did not believe this to be an authentic setting to do so. You always believed that you would find your husband somewhere not so orchestrated. You knew you needed to marry, you always wanted to have the fairy-tale lifestyle with someone you loved so dearly.
"Keep that smile on your face, darling." Your mother said, you were the eldest of three. Your sister sat to the side of you and your brother on the other side of your mother.
"Of course, mother."
The carriage pulled to a holt outside of Lady Danbury's estate and you could already hear the music from inside. You knew as soon as you got out of the carriage, the worlds eyes would be on you, including Lady Whistledown.
Your brother got out first, helping you down. You all walked inside, the array of different coloured dresses flew around as everyone was dancing and gossiping away.
"Remember to get your dance card as full as possible." Your mother whispered into your ear, whilst she was looking around the room.
You weren't ugly, that was known, even to you. However, you were far from desirable. In this society, to be a slighter bigger woman was frowned upon. You knew that it would be harder for you to attract a suitor but that wasn't going to stop you from enjoying your evening. Plus, your mother had always thought you were the most wonderful and gorgeous human being to walk the earth.
"Mrs Y/L/N, what a pleasure." Lady Danbury approached, with her signature walking stick. You smiled up at her and she returned it, "This must be your eldest."
"Hopefully the new season's diamond." Your mother replied.
"What? I can't live in hope." She pushed you along towards the dancefloor, so you could enjoy your evening.
About an hour had passed, you had a few dances with a few lovely young men but none that stood out to you. All of them were gentleman, they were kind and not at all unsuitable, but you weren't going to settle for mediocre. If you couldn't find someone this season, you would simply wait.
You went to table where the punch was and stood there, taking a sip. Everyone was too busy on the dancefloor, and you wanted a moments respite.
"I find standing here away from everything, is the best thing to do at things like this." A voice came from the side of you. It startled you as you looked up to see a man, who was incredibly handsome.
"It seems that I am quite tired after only three dances, maybe this life isn't for me after all." Sarcasm dripped in your voice as you took another sip of your drink, still facing forward.
The man laughed, "What's your name?"
Turning to face him now, you looked into his blue eyes, the slight twinkle from the candlelight around the room, "Y/N Y/L/N, and you?"
"Benedict. Benedict Bridgerton."
You choked on your drink, "Mr Bridgerton. Please forgive me, I had no idea."
Again, he laughs, "No need for any of that, Miss."
You nod at him and look back at all the people dancing. Benedict doesn't move from your side; he stays there, and you can feel him looking at you.
"Paint a picture, it will last longer."
"Maybe I will." He leaned into your ear, grabbing your wrist as he did so. Your heart thumped in your chest as his fingers graced your gloved wrist. You had never been this close to a man before and for him to be so bold. You couldn't even form a sentence to reply to him.
He grabbed your dance card and wrote his name down, "I look forward to our dance." And with that, he walked away. Leaving you dumbfounded.
After the encounter with Benedict, you couldn't be more excited to dance with him, but you had a few more with other suitors before you could dance with him.
Mr Smith was your last dance before Benedict. He took you around the dancefloor with ease and suave, he was dreamy to say the least. The way he feathered his fingers on your waist, not enough to impose but enough to show dominance.
You were left breathless as the song came to an end, Mr Smith took your gloved hand and kissed it gently. You nodded your head towards him and went over to take a sip of your drink.
"That seemed to go well." Your Mother was beside you.
"He is a very lovely gentleman."
"And kind on the eyes." She nudged you with her elbow but straighten up when she saw Mr Bridgerton coming towards you both.
"Mr Bridgerton." Both you and your mother said in sync.
"I was rather hoping I could take your daughter for her last dance." He held out his hand towards you, you looked towards your mother who had the look of glee on her face. You took his hand in your own, his hands were much bigger than yours and he was clearly a little old than you.
As soon as your eyes met his on the dancefloor, all thoughts left your head. It was just you and Benedict, on that dancefloor and no one else seemed to matter. You were hoping that's what he was feeling too. It's silly, only knowing of someone for a short few hours but them becoming the only sensible thought in your head.
The tempo in the sound had changed, both of your hands hovering in front of one another, mirroring. Almost touching each other but not having the privilege. His eyes burned into your own, he owned the most intense stare you had ever seen.
"I see you enjoyed the company of Mr Smith?" He twirled you around, your back now to him as he was behind you.
"He is a very lovely gentleman." You said, the exact same thing you said to your Mother. You tried to keep your breath steady as he swayed against you with the music.
"And what do you think of me?" He turned you back to face him, his smile plastered on his face. You could get used to that smile.
"I'm not sure."
"Oh, really?"
"I am sure if you are serious, Mr Bridgerton, you will be at my house tomorrow morn. Will you not?"
He smiled, bowing towards you as the song finished, kissing your hand. His lips lingering there as he looked up at you, "Of course, Miss."
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Okay so i’m back and i’m going to write bridgerton content, requests are open! :)
P.S I bet you can’t guess my fave bridgerton sibling🤣
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hey i... just thinking about your description and... i just wanna say, i take your art here seriously!
Aw thank you so much!! I will write more eventually if that’s what the people want :) dracotok has took over everyone’s life’s ahaha
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I hope you're feeling better today! \(^•^)/
Yes! thank you x 
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Are you alright, darling?
not particularly. i’ve just sat and listened to dodie’s 6/10 song and it triggered sth off and now i’m super upset oh gOd
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(1/2) Hi! Male GoT ship, please? I'm generally a pretty reserved person, although I'm not particularly shy. If I'm around people I don't know, I don't usually take part in conversation, and I guess I sit "cool, calm, and collected." I've been told that because of this I seem intimidating and hard to approach, even though I'm actually the opposite. I'm very polite and when you go to the effort of reaching out to me, I'm actually super funny (at least I think I'm hilarious) and easy to talk to.
(2/2) I’m devoted to my studies, and I want to become a surgeon. I’m very dedicated to someone when I’m in a relationship, and I’m definitely one for long-term rather than meaningless flings (although I do like the attention of having multiple suitors/options). I’m bad at expressing myself, and I often let things build up for far too long until I break down. I’m 17, 5'1, and I have long brown hair and hazel eyes. I’m pretty thin, very fair, and I have freckles across my nose and cheeks. Thanks!
I ship you with Jon Snow!
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Jon would see so much of himself in you and would want to try and help you open up, even if it was to him. After Ygritte he never thought he’d meet someone else just as special but he was wrong. He would (also) find you hilarious and laugh at all your jokes, even if some of them weren’t funny. Jon would 100% make sure that nothing was going to hurt you because he couldn’t stand going through the entire grief process again, especially since he decided to get close to someone again. When you first met him, Jon was a very reserved and almost broken off person. He didn’t want to speak to you nor look at you but he grew to really like you which then evolved into a relationship. Jon was very reluctant at first but he couldn’t resist you anymore. He needed you, you were the only person that understood him. 
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I don’t know if ships are still open or how do you do them but yeah. I’m a short (5’) and curvy latina Ravenclaw, with curly brown hair, tan skin, and hazel eyes. I’m considers the mom of the group always looking out for others. I’m generally nice but that doesn’t mean I’m not a sarcastic little thing. I love art, books and movies and stuff like that. Can you ship me with someone on any or all Harry potter generations? Thanks
(Marauders Era) I ship you Young!Remus Lupin!
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Remus would love to be around you all the time and his life quite literally revolves around you. He would protect you from anything and everyone. Ever since he saw you for the first time in first year, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. Thankfully, he eventually asked you out and you were more than happy to say yes. He often recommends you books to read and fell in love with your sarcastic sense of humour. 
(Lightning Era) I ship you with Ron Weasley!
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At first, Ron wouldn’t quite like you. He would often avoid you because of your comments towards him but he would eventually learn that it was all sarcastic and you didn’t mean any of it. One day, he would see you in a completely different light. All he wanted to do from that day forward was have a future with you.
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Omg come what may I’m crying 😭😭😭😭literally deceased that was too cute
babe it kills me off too 😂😂 thank you so much!! it makes me so happy that people like my writing ahah xo
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you’re so pretty!
aw thank you wow X
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hello!!!!! I’m the anon who’s description you used for him & I and I would like to say how delighted I was
omg this is so so kind!! thank you very much lovely!! it was a delight to write xxx
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Come What May | Tommy Shelby x Reader
Warnings: swearing, smoking & death
Words: 1,019
Summary: This is based off of the song ‘Come What May’ from Moulin Rouge. Please listen to this song, either whilst you are reading or after/before you’ve read it. The song is beautiful and basically sums up the fic.
Bold - Lyrics.
A/N: Yes I know, another Tommy Shelby fic!! I can’t help myself he’s just so addictive lol. Tommy is very soppy and cute in the first part of this so yaknow if you aren’t into that side of Tommy, probably don’t read this. It may seem a little rushed but I tried to fit a big chunk into small one shot. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this x
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His life felt ethereal. You made him feel so many things, not even he could describe it himself. Seasons may change, winter to spring but he would love you until the end of time. He closed his eyes as he took a drag from his cigarette and stubbed it onto the ground. He couldn’t believe that today he was marrying, the love of his life.
“Don’t get emotional yet, brother.” Arthur said to Tommy, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, “Cry when she’s here.”
Tommy watched you walk down the aisle, with your father on your other side. He was memorised by your beauty; the way you walked, the way your hair fell naturally on your face, the way you would say his name. Before he knew it you were in front of him, staring up at him with your doe like eyes. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was. 
“We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Mr Thomas Shelby and Miss (Name) (Last Name). If anyone has any complaints as to why these two should not get married, please speak now.” 
Thankfully no one objected to it. You were now about to say your vows to one another. Something that you yourself, had practised over and over again in the mirror to make sure you got every word correct. 
Looking up at Tommy you began to speak, “Thomas Shelby. My Thomas Shelby. Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place. Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace. Suddenly my life doesn’t seem such a waste. It all revolves around you. There’s no mountains to high and no rivers to wide.” 
For the first time in your life, you’d believe to see one small tear roll down Tommy’s cheek. He was the happiest he’d ever been. When the priest looked at Tommy, he realised it was time to say his vows. 
“Never knew I could feel like this, like I’ve never seen the sky before. I want to vanish inside your kiss because every day I’m loving you more and more. Seasons my change, winter to spring but I’ll love you to till the end of time.” He was nervous as he spoke, stumbling over a few words. This was certainly a first for him.
“Come what may?” You asked.
“Come what may.” Tommy replied.
Sealing the marriage with a kiss. Everything was perfect.
It had been two years since you married Tommy. Lots of things had happened ever since then but this one, this one definitely tops them all. 
“Say it. You have to say it.” Tommy said, grabbing your arms in a panic. 
“Why?” You were confused. You had no idea how this would make things easier. 
“Because I can’t fucking lose you! I’ve lost too many already.” He let go of your arms and took a harsh swig of his whiskey. 
“Tommy, they aren’t gunna touch me.” You tried to reassure him. 
“WE DON’T KNOW THAT!” He shouted at you with force. All you could was roll your eyes and walk out of his office with a thud. 
Waking up you were disorientated. You had no idea where you were. The last thing you remember is walking out of Tommy’s office and now you were here? Where even was ‘here’? 
“She finally woke up, how sweet.” A large man walked up to you, his hands on either side of your face, “Have a nice sleep?” 
“Where the fuck am I?” You spat. You could almost feel Tommy saying ‘I told you so’. 
“Soon you won’t be anywhere anymore and no one will care because guess what? no one will find you.” He smiled and kissed the side of your face. Your neck rolled in response. 
“Get the fuck off me.” You were beginning to panic. Surely, Tommy knew that you were gone by now and he’d be searching the whole of Birmingham for you. 
There was silence for a while until you spoke.
You closed your eyes, “In the bleak midwinter-”
“What?” The stranger cocked his nose up in response.
“Frosty wind made moan. Earth stood hard as iron, water like stone...” You started getting quieter as you spoke it out to yourself. 
“SHUT HER UP, WILL YA?” The man shouted to some others from a different room. 
You kept repeating and repeating it. Tommy had told you every word just to make sure you got it right. It almost reminded you of your vows in a way. However, this wasn’t for love, this was for your life. 
You watched as the men came closer to you and then - intense pain was felt into your left side. All you could feel was numbness through your body. You didn’t even cry. It hurt so much that you didn’t even cry. Another jab to your right side and you were feeling dizzy. 
Tommy always said that it worked. That you wouldn’t die if you said it. But here you were - slowly dying. 
Your head hung low on your chest, your eyes half lidded. You felt the amount of blood rushing from your body, onto your clothes and onto the floor. You couldn’t die. You needed to be alive for him. 
Gunshots were heard from a distant. You had no energy in you to even move but you knew you’d be safe soon. You were trying your best to stay awake yet your eyes failed you and you soon saw black once more. 
“(Name)! (Name)!” You woke up and saw Tommy looking down at you. His brothers surrounded the both of you. 
“Tom-” You tried to take a deep breath. Tommy had tried to stop the bleeding with a few clothes but nothing was working. 
At this moment, Tommy doesn’t know what to say.
“In the...In the bleak midwinter...” You smiled sadly, “I - I said it.” 
He shook his head, this was the second time you’d seen him cry. The rest of the Shelby’s had already moved away by this point. It was just you and Tommy. 
“Come what may?” Tommy asked.
But this time, there was no answer back. 
Come what may. I will love you until my dying day.
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