imaginexsa · 4 years
Hii, love your fics!!! Could you do a platonic matt x foggy x reader? Sending love!!!
i’m so sorry but i don’t think i can write this because i never had the time to complete watching daredevil and it’s been awhile since i last watched it and i feel like i wouldn’t be able to write it well, but if i pick it up again soon i’ll definitely write this!! I’m so sorry😓
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imaginexsa · 4 years
Hey! I was wondering if you could write one in which the reader works at MACUSA and she is important but still Percival’s subordinate and they argue at every meeting and basically hate each other. Everyone else is sick of it and want them to finally get together, and they make it happen and then basically Graves and the reader go from hate to very fluffy love
oh mans it’s been so long since i wrote about Graves i hope i can capture his personality😗
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imaginexsa · 4 years
So idk if you know the song Ghosted by Ariana grande BUT if you do-- Everytime I listen to it I think it would make a great story about someone whose love got dusted (I always think Bucky, but honestly any) and they found a new lover who is such a good person, but they just can't get over the lost one ((also could tie nicely with She's not Him by Miley Cyrus if you know that one))
oh nooooo that’s gonna be sad😭😭
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imaginexsa · 4 years
Second Chances (Peter x Reader)
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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry it took so long again..I’ve been caught up with life lmao well...I’m sorry the ending seems a lil rushed hahah😅 Anyways...enjoy!!😊
Request: Fake date part 2 please and thank you!, Peter trying to be all romantic and toss rocks at your window but he forgets how strong he is and breaks the glass
Part one, Part two(here)
“Peter? Peter Parker!”
Peter jolted up from his seat, the whole class looking at him. His math teacher did not look impressed as he asked Peter to explain the formula he had just taught. Peter stared at the teacher blankly before glancing down at his empty notebook, gulping. He had been too busy staring at you from where you sat a few seats away from him.
“Uh, I-” Peter stuttered out as he fidgeted, he didn’t know the answer. He couldn’t help but let out a small sigh. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know.”
The teacher clicked his tongue and shook his head. “See me after class. Y/N, could you explain instead?”
You stood up and started explaining the formula as Peter slowly sat down, watching you. He couldn’t help but felt a pang in his heart, you two hadn’t spoken for almost two weeks, and it hurt him. The two of you used to be such good friends but ever since that night you’ve been avoiding him and MJ wasn’t letting him get close to you as well.
Well, he couldn’t deny it was his fault though, ever since he asked you out on that fake date. Peter could still remember vividly the pained expression you tried to hide as you smiled and told Allison to give him the best. It was only then he was aware of your feelings and went to chase after you but when he reached your place he saw MJ was there to comfort you. He wasn’t even bothered by MJ’s cold glare as your sobs tore at his heart.
It was only when Peter went home and had a talk with Aunt May about this, he realized how stupid he had been. He had liked you for a while but he didn’t want to risk the friendship between the both of you so he tried liking other girls instead. He regretted his choice and really wanted to make it up to you but he didn’t know how to.
He glanced at his notebook as he tapped on his notebook with his pencil, it was a Friday today so he probably could come up with something by the end of the day. Peter felt a shiver run through his back as he turned around to see MJ looking at him before mouthing to find her later. Peter nodded and turned back to the front as the school bell rang.
Peter let out a long sigh as he stepped out of the classroom after that long lecture from the teacher.
“Hey, Peter.”
The teen turned as he heard his name, seeing MJ standing behind him with her arms crossed. “What are you planning? Don’t think I haven’t notice you staring holes at the back of Y/N’s head.”
Peter decided to tell her the truth, about how he had always liked you and how he really just wants to make it up to you. MJ was skeptical of the whole thing but she could see the sincerity in his eyes. She just let out a sigh.
“Show up with her favorite food and honestly tell her how you feel,” MJ advised, albeit reluctantly before her voice turned cold as she added. “But if you make her cry again I swear…”
Peter immediately put his hands up as if to defend himself. “I promise I won’t!”
MJ saw the slight fear in his eyes and smirked in satisfaction. “Good.”
Laying on your side as you stared at your wall, wallowing in your own self-pity, you let out a sigh. Maybe you should go get some ice cream.
You gasped and sat up in bed immediately as a loud crash came from your window. You turned to see a hole in your window as glass shards littered your floor, a rock now laying in the middle of your room. Hearing a string of curses coming from the outside, you tiptoed around the broken glass shards to look out of your broken window to see Peter panicking as he held bags in his arms.
Your brows knitted as he looked up at you. “What the hell, Peter?”
“I-I didn’t mean to break you window, I swear!” Peter stuttered out. He had completely forgotten about his newly acquired super strength.
You sighed as you pinched your nose bridge, it was luck that tonight was your parents’ anniversary so they were out. Turning away, you headed out of your room to go to the front door. Honestly, you felt like you were still not prepared to face Peter ever since the date but with him breaking your window like this, how could you ignore him?
“You better have a good explanation, Parker,” you said as you opened your door.
“I just thought it’ll be a cute, romantic gesture,” Peter replied sheepishly, making you widen your eyes. He hastened to add. “Don’t worry! I’ll definitely fix your window.”
“I-” You started but shook your head and decided to let him in. “Let’s clean up my room first then we’ll talk. I think that this talk is long overdue anyways.”
Peter quietly followed you in and placed the bags he brought on your kitchen counter before he remembered the he had bought ice cream as well. “Um, Y/N, I bought some ice cream for you, we should put it in the freezer before it melts.”
You looked at him in stunned silence before glancing at the bags he brought, you couldn’t help the small smile that graced your lips as you nodded and went to put the ice cream tubs in your freezer.
The two of you headed to your room and Peter swept the floor while you went to grab the vacuum cleaner so that you could clean up the smaller shards. When the two of you finished cleaning up, you plopped onto you bed as Peter sat on your floor beside you, silence between the both of you.
Peter broke the silence first as he turned to face you. “Y/N, I’m really sorry for that night, I didn’t think about your feelings and just acted selfishly.”
You nodded. “Yeah, you were a fool. So now you’re trying to win me back by bribing me with food?”
Peter rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he shook his head. “I know this isn’t enough but I really want to make it up with you and I also wanted to tell you my true feelings?”
“You true feelings?” You asked as you held your breath.
“Y/N,” Peter started, turning to you fully. “Like you said, I’m a fool and it took me this long to finally snap out of it but I just wanted to tell you that I like you, a lot…”
You just stared at him as if he had grown two heads and he continued. “I didn’t want to ruin our friendship so I never confessed and thought that if I started liking other girls I could move on but I realized that was dumb and I should’ve just told you my feelings, that way you wouldn’t have been hurt like that and you would have never cried the way you did that night.”
“Wait, wait,” you put a hand up, stopping him. “You saw me cry?”
Peter slowly nodded and you felt your face heat up as butterflies fluttered in your stomach. He had gone after you after all.
Peter looked down at his fingers. “D-do you think you could give me a second chance? I promise to never do anything as dumb as that ever again and that I’ll only make you happy! Or at least hope I can…”
You just stared at him in silence, making Peter stiffen up from the tension. The teen felt a shift from the bed, signifying that you’ve moved but he still didn’t look up from his fingers until you wrapped your arms around him, burying your head in the side of his neck. “Okay, I’m going to accept your promise and give you a chance but pull something stupid again one more time, my window isn’t the only thing that’s going to be broken.”
Peter gulped before slowly wrapping his arms around you. “That’s fair.”
Giving him a kiss on his cheek, you pulled away and gave him a smile. “Wanna watch a documentary while we eat the snacks you bought?”
Peter looked at you in surprise before he gave you a bright smile and nodded. You stood up and reached out to pull him up before grabbing your blanket off your bed. The two of you headed to the living room after getting the snacks.
You were now cuddled into Peter’s side after you put on the documentary, the blanket covering both of you. “I heard about this new Spider-Man documentary, so I put it on. I really wonder who that masked hero is.”
Peter’s eyes widened as he stared at the screen, seeing a familiar figure in the red suit whizzing through.
Tags: @sammysgirl1997​, @melconnor2007​, @marvel4geeks​
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imaginexsa · 4 years
Peter trying to be all romantic and toss rocks at your window but he forgets how strong he is and breaks the glass
Hi! sorry for taking so long to respond!! I hope you don’t mind if I merge this with Fake Date part 2 hoho
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imaginexsa · 4 years
Fake date part 2 please and thank you!
i should get started on this next hahah if you want to be tagged pls tell me!!
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imaginexsa · 4 years
Coming Back (Bucky x Reader)
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A/N: Hey guys! So sorry I took so long to upload hahah...I was having some issues with work and my mental health😗 Anwaysss, I don’t know if i made this angsty enough? And I hope this was what you requested haha I kinda struggled a little bit...uhHHHhH enjoy!!!
Request: @sarge-barnes-sir​: henlo was wondering if u can do a bucky one hehe where he didn't get dusted, its set during endgame and bucky & the reader (they've been together since pre-hydra/40s) were sent to vormir (i actually have a detailed concept about this but i suck at writing) it's kind of confusing :( so u don't really have to do it but if u wanna to, i can explain it further or maybe dm u but again it's pretty convoluted so it's okay if u don't want to do it, i understand 💕 thank you!! stay safe and healthy ☺️
Warnings: angst, character death
You couldn’t believe your eyes.
He was back.
You had been called to help during the battle with Thanos when you saw him again. You remembered your old friend, Steve, telling you that he didn’t die but seeing him in person hit you a lot harder than you had expected.
Steve and you were both test subjects for the super serum and had both went under ice that time to get rid of the Tesseract, but instead of joining the Avengers like Steve did, you wanted a break. You remembered the traumatic experience of seeing your lover fall off the train and you felt like you couldn’t handle anything, you were lost.
However, now, he was standing in front of you. The emotions you’ve held back all these years came crashing on you.
You didn’t know why but even though he was the love of your life, you felt tense walking beside him as the two of you trekked up the mountain in Vormir. It was a tensed silence as the two of you had been tasked to retrieve the Soul Stone.
The Avengers had figured out a way to defeated Thanos and it was to go back in time. You were honestly skeptical about the plan after seeing Scott get turned into an old man and a baby using the machine they created. However, when Tony had come to help, the whole situation changed, making it a lot more reliable and trustworthy to you.
Bucky and you were silent the whole way, each of you stealing glances at each other as there were a bunch of things you wanted to tell him but just couldn’t get the words out. Just as you were about to talk, someone in a hood came out to stand in front of the two of you.
You and Bucky tensed up immediately and drew your guns. “Red Skull.”
He didn’t react to the hostility from the both of you. “I am not here to fight. I am just a guide. To you, and to all who seek the Soul Stone.”
“Oh good, you can just tell us where it is and we’ll be on our way,” you said, still not putting your gun down.
“Ah, liebchen, if only it were that easy,” he said as he turned away. You and Bucky looked at each other before following him.
He brought the two of you near the edge of the cliff before turning to the both of you. “What you seek lies in front of you.”
You looked at the edge of the cliff, an eerie feeling washing over you as Red Skull continued. “As does what you fear.”
“The stone is down there,” Bucky stated.
“For one of you,” Red Skull answered Bucky’s statement. “But for the other…”
“Spit it out,” you snapped.
“In other to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul, for a soul,” Red Skull finished as he moved away, giving time to think for the both of you.
“Do you think he’s lying?” Bucky asked after a while of watching you pace in front of him.
You stopped and looked at him, deep in thought before shaking your head. “I don’t think so. Thanos left here with the stone without his daughter. It’s not a coincidence.”
You and Bucky stared at each other as emotions running through your head as you knew what this meant. “Bucky­––”
“No, Y/N,” he replied almost fervently as he walked to you and grabbed your arms, he knew what you were thinking and he hated the idea with every fiber in his body.
“Please, Buck, if I don’t do this, billions of people are going to stay dead,” you said, giving him a sad smile. “Let me do this.”
“No, I-I can’t.” Bucky shook his head. “I’ll do it.”
“No!” You shouted immediately, shocking Bucky. You had tears in your eyes as you remembered the scene of him falling off the train. “I can’t see you die again.”
You shook your heard, looking at him in all seriousness. “I won’tsee you die again.”
You reached up and cradled one side of his face, seeing him lean against your hand almost immediately. You felt a sharp pain in your heart as you spoke. “I can’t do this again, Bucky. You know how much I love you and seeing you gone so easily…hurt so much.”
A tear slipped down your face as you saw Bucky’s eyes clouding over with unshed tears. You rubbed your thumb against his cheekbone gently. “I tried so hard to be okay, I wanted a fresh start. I couldn’t keep dwelling on this pain but…seeing you again, it was like the wound that had slowly been healing got ripped open again. It hurts so much. If I were to leave this place without you like what I did in the past, I’m never going to get back up.”
“Y/N,” Bucky choked out your name as tears fell from his eyes. “I’m sorry.”
You let out a shaky laugh. “Why are you apologizing, silly.”
The two of you quietly looked at each other before you pulled his head down and rested your forehead against his. “Please, please take good care of yourself. Don’t end up like the mess that I was. I know it’ll hurt but just know that I’m still here.”
You pulled away and took in a deep breath, turning to the edge of the cliff and walking towards it. As you stood at the edge, you closed your eyes and calmed your nerves before turning back to Bucky to give him one last smile before leaning back.
However, you suddenly felt someone hold on to your wrist as you dangled on the end of the cliff. Your eyes widened as you looked up to Bucky, his tears now freely flowing, drops landing on your face.
“Sweetheart, I really can’t let you do this,” Bucky spoke. “I can’t watch you die.”
You could feel your own tears falling as well as you steeled yourself. “Bucky, let me go.”
“No, please, no,” Bucky sobbed out.
“It’s okay,” you said as you used your free hand to hold onto Bucky’s wrist. “It’ll be okay. I love you, Bucky. I always will.”
With that, you ripped Bucky’s hand away from you as you felt yourself falling. Closing your eyes, you could hear Bucky’s shouts, despair in his voice before everything went quiet and you couldn’t hear anything anymore.
“Bucky, where’s Y/N?” Steve asked as everyone returned from their respective missions.
Bucky didn’t reply as he just collapsed to the ground, holding his face as he sobbed.
You weren’t coming back anymore.
Tags: @sammysgirl1997​, @melconnor2007​
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imaginexsa · 4 years
hmmm should i? HAHAH🤪
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imaginexsa · 4 years
henlo was wondering if u can do a bucky one hehe where he didn't get dusted, its set during endgame and bucky & the reader (they've been together since pre-hydra/40s) were sent to vormir (i actually have a detailed concept about this but i suck at writing) it's kind of confusing :( so u don't really have to do it but if u wanna to, i can explain it further or maybe dm u but again it's pretty convoluted so it's okay if u don't want to do it, i understand 💕 thank you!! stay safe and healthy ☺️
hey!! of course!! send in dem juicy deets hurhurhur🤠 i hope y’all are staying safe too! always remember to wash your hands and not touch your eyes, nose or mouth, also drink lots of water!! be safe my doods
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imaginexsa · 4 years
Fake Date (Peter x Reader)
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A/N: Hey guys! Oh my, it’s been so long since I last posted hahahaha I hope you are all doing well and that you guys are all safe and healthy!! Also, honestly, this fic was a lil hard for me to write because I honestly don’t think baby cinnamon roll Peter would be like this but it was also an interesting experience and I really enjoyed writing this!! HEHE hope you guys enjoy!😊
Request: hey! Would I be able to request a scenario with peterxreader? I was thinking something like reader likes peter but they’re just friends and he’s into someone else and enlists the reader on a fake date because he’s trying to make the girl jealous (like she’s at the place they have their fake date). And the readers never been on a date before and gets upset because peter doesn’t treat it like a proper date and basically ignores her all night bc of the other girl? Sorry if this is too much 😭
Part one(here), Part two
“Go on a date with me?”
You stared at your friend, blinking. Once. Twice. Is this real? Your crush is actually asking to go on a date with you?
“Please?” Peter asked you with a smile.
“B-but, I’ve never been on date before,” you admitted, feeling slightly embarrassed.
Peter tilted his head slightly, his brows furrowing slightly. “Really? Why not? I think you’re pretty cute.”
You felt your face turning warm and was about to say something when you saw Peter’s gaze shifting.
Following his eyes, you saw that he was looking at Allison who was another girl in your class. Oh…you knew it was too good to be true. You smiled back at him. “Thanks, Pete, and sure, why not?”
He looked back at you, his smile widening. “Thank you, Y/N! You’re the best. I’ll pick you up at 7? Friday night?”
Peter patted your shoulder with his bright smile still plastered on his face before walking off to find Ned. You stared at his back and rubbed your shoulder subconsciously. Well, you could at least lie to yourself and pretend that it was a real date, could you?
“You shouldn’t have agreed.”
You turned as you heard a voice from behind you, seeing MJ walk towards you with her arms crossed over her chest. You gave her a weak smile and shook your head. MJ was the only one who knew about your crush on Peter. “It’ll be my first date ever and it’s with my crush, isn’t that what most people wish for?”
MJ raised a brow before she threw an arm around your shoulder. “If you get hurt, don’t say that I didn’t warn you.”
You chuckled and nodded your head, looking forward to Friday.
Peter had told you that the place he was taking you was a homely diner so you didn’t have to dress up that much. You wore a simple denim skirt and a shirt, putting on your sneakers before shouting to your parents that you were leaving.
Just as you opened the door, you saw Peter standing outside, his hand raised as if he was preparing to knock the door. He retracted that hand and moved it to scratch the back of his neck with a sheepish look. “Uh, hi.”
You felt your face flush. You had gotten too excited that you were prepared to just wait for him at your porch. Tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear, you gave him a small smile. “Hi.”
He was wearing a plain white shirt with a denim jacket and dark jeans. Boy, did he look good.
“You look good,” Peter said, looking you up and down before putting his arm out.
You grinned and accepted his arm, locking arms with him. “You look good too, my good sir.”
Peter laughed as both of you headed to the diner, chattering and talking about anything. It was really nice and it felt just like a real date to you.
When the both of you arrived, you were directed to a booth and the both of you made your orders. As the waitress walked off with both your orders, you started to talk about a topic when you noticed Peter’s eyes drifting past you, his smile slowly widening.
Ah, it’s that look again. You really didn’t know what you were expecting when the person he was looking at came to view, immediately making you shut your mouth.
Allison walked up towards your table with a grin. “Hey, what’s up guys? What a coincidence.”
“Hey, Ally!” Peter replied. “Oh, I’m here with Y/N, we’re on a date.”
You looked away and muttered under your breath as you put the pieces in your head together. “Yeah, a coincidence.”
Allison’s face dropped slightly when she heard the word ‘date’, but continued her upbeat tone. “Ah, I’m sorry for disturbing then. I hope you guys have fun.”
She waved goodbye before walking away, however Peter stopped her. “Are you alone? If you are, maybe you could, you know, join us?”
“I don’t know…Y/N, are you okay with it?” Allison asked as she slowly walked back.
You could feel Allison looking at you and you drew in a quiet breath, knowing how happy Peter would be. You forced yourself to smile and look at her. “I’m okay with it, the more the merrier, isn’t that right, Pete?”
Peter nodded and scooted over in his seat so that Allison could sit down. You felt your heart sink as you saw the scene in front of you. The waitress came and put your order down in front of you and went to take Allison’s order.
You stared at your food in front of you as you picked up a fry from the plate, listening in to the conversation between the two people in front of you but feeling too awkward to say anything. Feeling your appetite disappear, you slowly put the fry back down as Allison piped up.
“Right, Y/N?”
“Huh?” Looking up at them in surprise, you saw Allison looking at you expectantly while Peter had that dopey smile on his face, not really looking at you, making your heart clench more.
“I was saying that Peter is so clumsy, but I can’t deny that it’s a really cute trait,” Allison repeated.
You forced yourself to nod as you wiped your fingers on a napkin before saying sincerely. “Yeah, he’s real cute.”
Peter turned his head to look at you when you said that, shocked. You smiled at him. “He’s really cute and has a great personality, I really hope for the best for him.” Something that I can’t give him.
Looking back at Allison, you felt your smile falter a little but you didn’t want her to see your hurt as you pushed yourself up. “I hope you’ll be able to give him the best.”
After saying that, you turned and immediately walked out of the diner. You don’t think that you’ll be able to sit there as a third wheel for another minute even though you knew that the main purpose for this date was to make Allison jealous because Peter knew she’ll be there. Sucking in a deep breath, you held back your tears as you started walking to the direction of your home.
Well, as long as Peter is happy, you’ll try to be happy for him.
You had really, really hoped that you could at least enjoy this date, or this fake date, to a certain extent. Letting out another sigh, you really regretted agreeing to it. As you reached home, you noticed MJ standing at your porch, leaning against the entrance.
Stopping in your steps, you felt something lodged in your throat, your vision becoming blurry. MJ moved to stand directly on top of the steps and opened her arms and you didn’t hesitate to run straight into them, the tears you were holding back now freely falling from your eyes.
“I told you, didn’t I?” MJ said as she hugged you back, rubbing your back comfortingly.
“Shut up,” your voice muffled as you cried into her shoulder. Of course, MJ knew this would happen, she always seems to know what would happen. You sniffled slightly. You know that you probably shouldn’t think this way but you wished that Peter had chased after you at least, but you almost laughed at the absurdity of it.
“Hey, hey, you’re gonna get snot all over my jacket,” MJ laughed as she put her arms around your shoulder and brought you back into your house. “Com’on, let’s get you all cleaned up.”
MJ opened the door and lightly pushed you to go in first before she glanced back with a glare, watching Peter look at your back with a pained expression before she shut and locked the door behind her.
Tags: @sammysgirl1997​, @melconnor2007​
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imaginexsa · 4 years
Hello lovely! I was just wanna ask if you're still accepting requests and if you do angst? Thank you!
hi!! yes! requests are open and i do write angst hehe
0 notes
imaginexsa · 4 years
hey there! was wondering if you do chris beck imagines? ☺️
hi!! i’m so sorry but i don’t😓
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imaginexsa · 4 years
hiii! new to your blog and just wanted to express how much i appreciate your work so fat 💕💕 it's very light and fluffy 🥺🥺
hi!! thank you so much, you have no idea how much it means to me that people actually like my work😭🥺💕
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imaginexsa · 4 years
hey! Would I be able to request a scenario with peterxreader? I was thinking something like reader likes peter but they’re just friends and he’s into someone else and enlists the reader on a fake date because he’s trying to make the girl jealous (like she’s at the place they have their fake date). And the readers never been on a date before and gets upset because peter doesn’t treat it like a proper date and basically ignores her all night bc of the other girl? Sorry if this is too much 😭
hi! hmm i think it’ll be a bit hard because i don’t really think that’s peter’s personality haha but i’ll try!! hopefully i could still make it seem like him?
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imaginexsa · 4 years
Stolen Fanfic on Wattpad
Yes, again. Someone (who doesn’t want to be named) sent me links to works that have been translated into Spanish and posted on Wattpad with and without credit. Some of these are extensive and some I couldn’t figure out due to me not speaking the language. But there are a lot of people on that list that I KNOW don’t give permission for reposting. I’ll link as many people as I could find, please let people that it didn’t link know in case you’re friends with them.
While I have my opinions on the “reblog discourse” on Tumblr that simply developed that way because of algorithms and marketing changing user behaviour, I DO strongly believe that all the comments on those works deserved to be on the original Tumblr & AO3 works. Even if all those people upvoting those Wattpad stories would’ve simply liked and not even reblogged on Tumblr, some of these works would be having 300+ notes.
If you find someone else that I forgot, please let them know. I only wrote down the tumblr names for the most part since I don’t use AO3. If one of you could go through these and write out those and contact the AO3 writers that would be kind.
@imagine-that-marvel (A LOT of works) / @nerdofthefreeeeandfandoms / @imaginegeekdoms-blog (A LOT of works) / @imagining-marvel / @alloftheimaginesblog / @marvelsupernatural / @littlemisssyreid / @fandomnetwork / @aplaceicanreturnto / @walking-flag / @imagines-4everything / @icanbeyour-blasphemy / @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms (A LOT of works) / @avengerxyou / @bbbarneswrites / @oneshotshield / @lavellenchanted / @kristis-stories / @SamSkyHill / @meester-pigvig / @awkwardlilfanficwriter / @lynyrdwrites / @natashasbanner / @lmaoyougoodbruh / @marvellousimagines / @lysiabeth / @vividimagines / @angelycdevil / @hero-imagines / @geeks-universe / @scarletvisionperfection / @my-avengers-imagines / @mattmurdockimagines / @the-starts-who-gazed / @imaginemarvel / @bellarke / @fanficsallnight / @pleaseletmeshowyou / @theincredibleultron / @imaginesteverogerss / @agentsofshieldimagines / @happyimagines / @kamalas-fanfiction / @allofimaginesblog / @texting-the-avengers / @imaginemarveluniverse / @silver-imagines / @imagine-marvel-12 / @misswinchester221b / @marvelousmarveldreams / @fvckingavengers / @ourotps / @ljb-novels
DemonDeepFried (AO3) / @youdidntseethatcoming-h / @philociraptorsquad / @marveluniverseimagines / @theheadcanonsawakens / @myriadimagines / @simplyonehellofapilot / @unratedcharactersimagine / @imaginesofeveryfandom / @imonomnity
@marvel-nerd-87 (A LOT of stuff) / @peterpparkrr / @ohmaigay / @imaginexmeintheuniverse / @baked-bean-bekah / @onegayastronaut / @avengers-familyimagines / @imaginethisdarling / @infinitefandomimagines
@youlightmeupbucky / @captaine-canada-blog / @imaginesnthings / @wlntrsldler / @hunters-from-stark-tower / @fanfic-shiz / @madamslayyy / @avenge-these-imagines
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THERE IS MORE UNDER THE CUT *cries into the void*
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imaginexsa · 5 years
could i get a percival graves imagine where reader is his coffee deliverer and is going through an abusive relationship but is shy to say something. one day an auror asks her if shes alright and she breaks down and Graves finds them and takes her to his office to comfort. she confesses and hes angry but promises itll be taken care of. if u dont feel comfortable writing this, thats perfectly fine! i understand :) thank you
hi!! i’m so so so sorry that it took so long to get to your request!! i’m not sure if i’ll be able to write this as i’m not very sure about these kinds of relationships and it’s a bit hard for me...so sorry!
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imaginexsa · 5 years
Really Really Love You (Bucky x Reader)
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A/N: Hey guys!! Big oof, so sorry that I haven’t been updating!! I’ve been working and I’m still going to school and it was really hard to find time to upload😓 I’m so so so sorry!! Anyways...I hope this is still up to standard haha...enjoy!!
Request: Can you do a Bucky x reader, Where the reader has her wisdom teeth out and Bucky takes care of her? Thanks love!!
“Bucky, please, I can’t do this,” you said, panic in your eyes as you looked at your boyfriend.
Bucky parked the car before looking at you and reached out to hold your hand. “You’ll be fine, doll, I’ll be outside waiting for you.”
He stepped out of the car and walked over to the passenger side and opened the door for you. You looked at him with a pleading look as he smiled and shook his head, you groaned and reluctantly got out of the car, seeing the building in front of you. God, how you hated the dentist.
You were having pains as your wisdom teeth grew out and the rest of the team have been trying to convince you to go to the dentist to remove them but you kept refusing. Bucky had to persuade you continuously and you finally relented with the promise of him making your favorite dessert.
“You know what, Buck?” You said as you bounced your leg up and down in nervousness as the both of you waited for you name to be called. “I think my teeth doesn’t hurt anymore, we should leave here, don’t want to waste the dentist’s time.”
Bucky raised a brow as he held your hand with his metal one, the cooling sensation distracting you and you looked down at his hand before looking up at him. He grinned. “You’ll be okay, I promise you. If you can handle broken bones and major wounds, this would be nothing but an ant bite.”
You bit your lower lip as you nodded. Bucky was right, you’ll be fine. “You’ll wait for me?”
“Of course,” Bucky replied, leaning over to plant a kiss on your forehead.
“Ms. Y/N Y/L/N?” A nurse called out and you gulped and stood up.
“I’ll be right here waiting, sweetheart,” Bucky assured and you nodded and went to the room that you were supposed to go and knocked on the door. Oh god, bless that you’ll make it out alive.
“Mr. Barnes?”
Bucky looked up as he saw a nurse standing in front of him with a smile. “The surgery is done and Ms. Y/L/N may be discharged.”
He nodded as he stood and went to the room, knocking before walking in. Bucky noticed that you were sitting up the bed as the doctor nodded her head at him.
“Please don’t let her eat any hard, chewy, hot or spicy food or basically anything that will irritate the wound,” the doctor advised. “I’ve given her some laughing gas as she seemed terrified of the procedure so she’s a bit woozy right now. With more rest, she would be back to normal.”
“Thank you, Doctor,” Bucky replied as the doctor smiled before leaving the room.
Bucky walked towards you and shook you lightly. You groaned as you opened your eyes, turning to look at Bucky. Your eyes widened. “Wow, you’re hot, can I have your number?”
Bucky laughed. “Com’on, let’s get you home.”
“Oooo.” You wiggled your brows. “You gonna take me home, baby?”
“Yes, dear,” Bucky nodded as he helped you off the bed. You wobbled and grabbed Bucky for support before straightening up, you touched his metal arm.
“Shiny,” you murmured as you stared at it, taking his metal hand and resting it against your swelling cheeks, letting out a sigh of contentment. “It’s cold.”
Bucky smiled at you before he walked to put an arm around your waist. “Let’s go home first, okay?”
You nodded. “I want ice cream.”
The both of you finally made it to the car and Bucky help buckle your seatbelt before walking to the driver’s side and getting in. Bucky started the car and drove off, glancing at him to see you look at him with a pout. “What’s wrong, doll?”
“Don’t call me pet names, I have a boyfriend,” you retorted. “Even though you are very good looking, my boyfriend will always be the hottest to me.”
“Is that so?” Bucky chuckled as you nodded fervently. “But I am your boyfriend.”
Bucky watched as your expression changed, your eyes lighting up. “Bucky! I missed you, you’ve been gone so long.”
“It was only about 2 hours, dear,” Bucky said and you gave him a sad look and Bucky rubbed the back of his neck before smiling at you. “But I missed you too.”
You gave him a satisfied smile before you stick out your tongue. “Is my tongue still there? I can’t feel it.”
Bucky stopped at the red light before turning to stare at you as you poked your tongue, stifling his laugh. “Yes, it’s still there.”
You looked at him with slight panic as your tongue was still out. “Are you sure? I can’t feel it.”
“Do you trust me?” He asked and you nodded. “Then trust me that it’s still there.”
Giving him the biggest grin, you watched Bucky as he drove. “I love you, Bucky.”
Bucky glanced at you with a soft smile. “I love you too, Y/N.”
You shook your head fervently, making your head spin as you retorted. “You don’t get it.”
“Get what?” Bucky asked in confusion as he turned into the carpark of the apartment complex, trying to find a parking space.
“Don’t get how much I really really love you.”
Bucky stopped the car as he looked at you in surprise and you nodded in return. He stared at your determined expression before he let out a laugh, reaching forward to tuck the loose lock of hair that had fallen to your face with all the shaking and nodding. He leaned towards you and kissed your forehead before resting his forehead against yours.
“I really really love you too, doll.”
Tags: @melconnor2007, @sammysgirl1997
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