imbuckysplum · 3 years
I think I might make my page dedicated to Chris and Seb Tik Toks what do we think
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imbuckysplum · 3 years
Relatable content
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imbuckysplum · 4 years
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imbuckysplum · 4 years
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When your brother’s dog is more famous than you...
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imbuckysplum · 4 years
Some of my favorite underrated pictures of the boys
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imbuckysplum · 4 years
A much needed and important rant to the fanfiction community:
I just need to say that it’s sad and actual bullshit that there isn’t more plus size!reader fan fiction on this website or other fan fiction websites. And there isn’t much POC either. It sucks and it’s hurtful and it’s like being sat on the sideline while the starter players get all the glory. I still love the Winchesters, Marvel characters, Star Wars characters, etc. just as much as any thinner person does. We deserve to feel seen and heard and wanted in these fanfics just as much as any other person. I’ve read hundreds of fanfics, and while they’re all brilliantly made and written, I would say total I’ve read about 10 plus size ones. I recently have been reading Poe Dameron fics. A lot. And I’ve seen 3, 3!!!, plus size fics total. That is so unacceptable and total bullshit.
And the ones I have read have all been about how the reader or ‘y/n’ is self-conscious about her body or others talk about her body negatively. And that’s not much better. Although it’s awesome that the love interest comforts them and let’s them know they’re loved, that isn’t what it’s like to be a plus size woman every day. We aren’t self-conscious bubbles that are afraid to pop. We’re fucking kick-ass women as well. Write a fan fiction where the reader is confident as shit and knows, all though she has imperfections and not the most amazing body, that her body is still kick ass and she’s proud of the body she has. And depending on the fandom, she may even be able to use it to her advantage. Give me fan fiction where there isn’t any self-loathing but instead a plus size reader telling a thinner/skinnier girl that her body is amazing too. It doesn’t always have to be a skinny person comforting a bigger person. I am on the heavier side of plus size, I am an on the bigger end of the spectrum. And I’m not saying to dismiss mid-size plus size people. They still count as plus size. But you write about them is if they’re the only type of plus size body. And when you write about them, you talk about their accentuated curves and body as it is a gift. Which it is. Love the body you’re in! But you can’t then write about a true plus plus size girl as if she’s any less. I don’t want to sit and imagine a plus size body or skinny body that I know I don’t have. Move past the beginner plus size body and talk about the bigger ones as well.
And if you don’t know how to write for plus size people but want to try, don’t be afraid to ask questions. I can’t tell you how many people on this site would be willing to just explain what it’s like to be a plus size person on an average day. Send out asks, make posts asking for plus size advice and or confirmation of things. Fuck I mean just send me a message or an ask and I will gladly tell you. Don’t be afraid to grow your writing and your base with new material and new body sizes. It’s important because then it makes everyone feel included and seen and you’re reaching an even bigger base! You want to know what it’s like for me to see my curves and sometimes hate them but then the next day fucking adore them because I can rock a dress others can’t? I’ll tell you. You wanna know what it’s like to wear a bikini and know that even though I look different, I still look just as good? I got you. Are you interested in how I do my hair and makeup so that it accentuates my good features that I love while taking away from the pudge or double chin I so clearly know I have? I’ll write an essay. Interested in how sometimes I don’t like my gut but my thighs make the perfect plate and computer resting place and is a great pillow for animals and heads a like? Bro have I got you. I’ll tell you anything you need to know, comfortable or uncomfortable. It’s so gotdamn important, especially in today’s society, to include everyone.
In conclusion: Write More Plus Size Fanfiction!!!!
Feel free to share, like, and reblog!
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imbuckysplum · 4 years
You’re welcome
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imbuckysplum · 4 years
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Hey, I hope this isnt rude, but writing fanfic about read life people is weird. I mean writing about charcters is fine but actual people😬
Well everyone is entitled to write whatever and for whoever the hell they like. if it makes them happy who the hell cares?
if you don't like it, don't read it 👌🏻
be responsible for your own Internet consumption.
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imbuckysplum · 4 years
I wouldn’t want to be murdered by anyone else
The Biker In Town
Summary: you’ve been warned to stay away from him, he’s deemed the most dangerous man in the town...but one night when your car conveniently breaks down, he’s the one who offers you a ride home.
Pairing: Biker!Bucky x Reader
Warnings: None I don’t think?
A/N: Here’s another one written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club 😁
Y/N = Your Name!
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“Argh! You stupid useless piece of metal junk!!!” You scream at your car, kicking the front wheel for no reason. You’re stranded in an empty car park, your car stutters and then smoke was seen coming out of the hood, it doesn’t take a mechanic to tell you you’re not driving in this thing tonight.
The question was, what was you supposed to do now? There was no cellphone service, no pay phone nearby, nobody was around and it was a good 20 minute walk back to your house. You might not have minded walking if it wasn’t pitch black outside and so few streetlights to guide you home.
Life could go suck a dick for all you cared.
But the stubbornness in you jumped back in the driver’s seat to try and start it up again. Or you were about to when your ears perked up from the sound of the motorcycle roaring from up ahead.
A single light was shining on the road, you ran to the sidewalk and waved your arms to flag the biker down.
“Hey! Hey!” You yelled, sighing in relief when the bike was slowing down and pulled into the side.
“Thank god I was—,” you froze mid sentence, the biker removed his helmet and you realized it was the one man you had been warned to stay away from. The most dangerous biker in the town.
“Are you okay?” His voice was soft despite the look he had. Even in the dark you could make out his soft features. Hopefully, he wasn’t going to murder you.
“Uhm– my car.” Your thumb pointed over your shoulder and the biker, who you knew as James, unmounted the biker and walked over. His boots crunching against the fallen leaves on the ground.
“Oh yeah. Looks like you need a mechanic. They aren’t open till mornin’” he stated. “I can give you a ride home.”
Your heart felt like it wanted to jump out of your chest. You’ve heard so many stories of this man, what he’s capable of.
“I’m not sure.” You said, battling against your own thoughts. On one hand, you didn’t want to sleep in your car tonight in an abandoned car park.
James smiled knowingly, he knew what the townsfolk were capable of saying. His reputation was butchered long ago after a misunderstanding with the other club.
“Look. I don’t know what you heard about me but I assure you, I have no intentions on hurting you. Just want to see you get home safely.”
“You’re- you’re not going to murder me?” You could see your breath from how cold it was getting.
Bucky chuckled. “No, definitely not. Come on, it’s freezing. You’ll catch your death out here.”
“I’m Y/N.” You spoke as he handed you his helmet and you climbed on the back of the bike.
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imbuckysplum · 4 years
This is one of my favorite shoots of him
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Chris Evans photographed by Tony Duran for Flaunt Magazine (2004)
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imbuckysplum · 4 years
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I’ve been lucky enough - well, maybe unlucky enough - to have had a lot of friends who have had their ups and downs. And for an actor, that’s good. Life experience in any regard is good. So I’ve seen a lot and I’ve had my own experiences.
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imbuckysplum · 4 years
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Captain America : The Winter Soldier (2014)  dir. Joe and Antony Russo
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imbuckysplum · 4 years
This is just your daily reminder that Chris Evans biceps are probably the same size as your face
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imbuckysplum · 4 years
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Chris Evans making sure we know he knows how to change a tire. 
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imbuckysplum · 4 years
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imbuckysplum · 4 years
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imbuckysplum · 4 years
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Martin Waters (Sebastian Stan) in The Architect (48m).
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