imeria · 9 years
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All I’ve been drawing for the past few days is just Undertale, Undertale, Undertale OTL I’ve been pretty shy about posting it all here, but I’ve spent so much time on this one that I felt like I needed it somewhere on my blog. ;;
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imeria · 9 years
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been awhile since i’ve posted here, let alone drawn fanart for anything ;; i’m deep in the undertale pit, so maybe expect more art from me in the future
i’m actually on twitter a lot more than i’m on tumblr, so if anyone happens to be interested, my twitter handle’s @levelduck. i’d love to have more undertale accounts on my twitter’s feed, so feel free to hit me up there ;;
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imeria · 9 years
Tips for respecting children’s spaces, competence, and general existence from a preschool teacher:
Listen to them
Ask them, “Do you want to say hi to your auntie/grandma/cousin/dad/whatevs” (Hint: they will be honest and this can result in a simple hello or a hug or a...
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imeria · 9 years
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Achievement Hunter roll call!
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imeria · 9 years
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imeria · 9 years
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imeria · 9 years
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I have done the impossible, and that makes me mighty. 
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imeria · 9 years
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These past months I’ve been doing like thousand different things at the same time, and sadly it’s making my animation process super slow… But here it is!! I was FINALLY able to finish the hardest cut! 130 frames in TOTAL! (still can’t believe it…) From now on this will speed up a big time, since all the other cuts are much shorter/easier to animate.
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imeria · 9 years
when you catch yourself drawing on the wrong layer
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imeria · 9 years
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imeria · 9 years
The Customer Is Not Always Right: Getting Owned By the Owner Part 2
Getting Owned By The Owner, Part 2
(I’m standing in a fairly short queue when a businessman walks in, pushes straight to the front and starts dictating his order to the 20-something year old cashier.)
Cashier: “I’m afraid you’re going to have to go to the back of the queue, sir.”
Business man: “I have an important meeting shortly. You must serve me now!”
Cashier: “Yeah, the longer you stand there, the later you’re going to be. Back of the queue.”
Business man: “Do you have any idea who I am?”
Cashier: “Nope. Now shut up and go to the back of the queue.”
Business man: “How dare you talk to me like that?! Get me your manager now!”
(The cashier sighs heavily, walks into the back, comes out with an older woman in tow and nods her towards the businessman, then disappears back into the back.)
Manager: “What seems to be the problem, sir?”
Business man: “That boy was incredibly rude to me! I demand you fire him immediately!”
Manager: “I’m afraid I don’t have the authority to do that, but if you want I can get the owner for you.”
Business man: “Bah! Fine, but I expect to be compensated for having to go through all of this trouble!”
Manager: “I’m sure you can discuss that with him, sir.”
(She then walks into the back, then comes out again with the now grinning cashier.)
Cashier: “Yo.”
Business man: “What’s the meaning of this? I said I wanted to talk to the owner!”
Cashier: “Like I said, yo.”
(The businessman silently gapes for a few seconds, then walks out stammering threats about having his head and closing the shop down.)
Manager: “Why do you always have to involve me?”
Cashier: “I just love the look on their stupid little faces when they find out I own this joint.”
(The manager rolls her eyes and walks into back.)
Cashier: “I love this job. What can I get you?”
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imeria · 9 years
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imeria · 9 years
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Free the tiger !
Another Moulin Rouge! au because of thechosenchu and Savi-bunny. You’re right courtesan Marco is so good !
God i love this movie! And this scene is hilarious !
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imeria · 9 years
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50 YEARS OF RDJ: presented by downeysducklings 7/7 | favorite Tony Stark moments — Iron Man 3 (2013)   
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imeria · 9 years
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Actual ray of sunshine Tadashi Hamada (ノ ´ヮ´ )ノ*:・゚✧
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imeria · 9 years
Things Not to Do to People with Service Dogs, Please, I’m Begging You
Immediately assume they are pets without looking
Pet them, ESPECIALLY without asking
Ask their owners to leave without checking to see if the dog is a service animal
Roll your eyes when the dog is a service animal
Ask whether the dog is a service animal when they are clearly wearing a service coat
stop????????????? questioning my wife’s fucking service dog
It doesn’t matter if “other people have tried to bring pets inside,” that doesn’t give you the right to ask illegal questions??
That’s like saying, “Someone hit me with a stick once, so no one can use a walking cane in my establishment because they might hit me with it.”
if you see a dog wearing all of these:
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Helpful Facts About Service Dogs
They can be any breed.
They may even be other species, such as miniature horses.
They are allowed anywhere the human public is allowed, such as restaurants, stores, markets, hotels, bathrooms, etc.
You do not need to ask if a dog is a service dog, as long as the dog is wearing a clearly-visible jacket.
As an owner/employee of an establishment that someone brings a dog to, you are only entitled to ask two questions. You don’t NEED to ask any. You are allowed to ask two.
The first question: “Is the animal required because of a disability?” NOTE: If it is obvious what the dog does and why it is required, you ARE NOT allowed to ask this question (for example, if the handler is in a wheelchair or also using a red-tipped white cane).
The second question: “What task does this animal perform?” ALSO not required if it’s obvious.
That’s it.
Any more and you are violating the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), opening yourself and your business up for a hefty lawsuit.
There are two times you are allowed to ask a service animal to leave. You are NEVER allowed to ask the dog’s handler to leave, no matter what the animal is doing.
The first time you are allowed to ask the animal to step outside: if it is not housebroken, and poses a sanitary risk.
The second time you are allowed to ask the animal to step outside: if it is acting aggressive towards or endangering other patrons.
That’s it.
You are only allowed to charge a cleaning fee if you would normally charge a human for the same fee. In other words, if the dog leaves hair on the floor and you wouldn’t charge a human for shedding on the floor, you can’t charge. If it’s a hotel and you wouldn’t charge a human for peeing in the tub, you cannot legally charge the dog for the same.
You are never allowed to ask for documentation that an animal is a legitimate service animal. This is in part to protect many people who don’t have access to medically-provided dogs, who have trained their own service dogs (perfectly legal and fine), or who can’t carry papers around with them at all times.
You may not ask that the animal perform their task for you. What the fuck, don’t do this. Think of allergy alert dogs—are you really going to wave an allergen in front of someone that might have a deadly allergy just to prove that the dog is “real?” congratulations, your ass is sued.
If you want more helpful facts please hit me up, I’m just really sick and tired of going places with my wife and her service dog only to get the message loud and clear that everyone is nervous and we’re unwelcome, when her dog is the most polite, well-trained, well-MARKED animal you’ve ever seen.
A typical conversation entering 2/3 businesses we went into today:
Person: Ma’am, you can’t have a pet in here. You have to leave. Wife: She’s a service dog. She’s wearing her coat. Person: Oh, sorry. We have to ask. People bring their pets in here sometimes, and we have to ask them to leave, because they’re not allowed. Wife: She’s not a pet, she’s a service animal.
Please spread this. Some people just don’t know. Others think that if they can’t see a disability, it doesn’t exist or need treatment.
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imeria · 9 years
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