One of my favourite pop culture useless pieces of information that I know is the fact that trends in horror movies can tell you about the general fears of the world at any given time in cinematic history.
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You gotta love tumblr for releasing merch that no one was asking for, with either the shittiest designs or jokes that are a decade out of date 😂
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I finally got diagnosed with OCD a few years back when I was able to admit to my therapist that I pick at my skin and my hair, due to believing that any perceived ugliness or unsatisfactory textures have to be removed. Which it is apparently not normal when I keep doing it until my skin blisters and bleeds. ✌🏻
Would you publish this as a call to other OCD radfems, similar to the ADHD or Autistic ask? I’d love to hear similar perspective on the beauty industry and rituals, and intrusive thoughts and comphet.
Hey OCD radfems! Please reblog
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Not exactly a fridge story but freezer.
Okay my family is Jewish and has seven people in it. The Jewish part is important because we kept kosher and kosher meat is expensive so whenever it went on sale my parents would LOAD up on meat and chicken and all my friends were weirded out why we had so much raw meat and chicken in our freezer.
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I keep seeing the idea that the Supreme Court is un-impeachable and it’s NOT TRUE. Supreme court justices can be impeached, and have. Samuel Chase was impeached in 1809. Abe Fortas resigned rather than be impeached in 1969. Fourteen other federal judges (also lifetime appointments) have also been impeached.
And there is grounds for impeachment for several of them. Lying to the Senate during your confirmation hearing is Federal Perjury. They have comitted public crimes.
Call your congresspeople. Let them know you want these criminals removed from their authority. They are not untouchable.
Contacting Congress
Contact Congress U.S. House of Representatives: * Telephone:  202-225-3121 * Website:  http://www.house.gov/  U.S. Senate: * Telephone:  202
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Maya Forstater, who took a claim for belief discrimination against her former employer, the Center for Global Development, has been vindicated by a ruling that she was unlawfully discriminated against by her former employer on the basis of her protected belief.
This follows a ruling at an Employment Tribunal in June 2021 when Ms Forstater successfully established a binding legal precedent that gender-critical beliefs were in principle protected by the Equality Act.
Following that appeal, her case continued at the Employment Tribunal, to determine whether she was unlawfully discriminated against by her former employer on the basis of her protected belief.
The Tribunal unanimously found that, as acts of unlawful discrimination on the basis of Ms Forstater’s beliefs, CGD: 1. Did not offer her an employment contract; 2. Did not renew her visiting fellowship; and 3. Removed her from its website.
Among the findings in the judgment are that Ms Forstater’s tweets and comments, which formed the basis of CGD’s treatment of her, were statements of her protected gender-critical beliefs. The negative consequences which flowed from them were therefore unlawfully discriminatory.
The statements that Maya Forstater made in this regard included: - “A man’s internal feeling that he is a woman has no basis in material reality”. - Describing Pips Bunce, a male who identified as a woman for part of the week, as a “part time cross dresser”. - Drawing an analogy between self-identifying transwomen and Rachel Dolezal. - That “the places that women and girls get assaulted and harassed are ‘normal life’”; in the context of a discussion of whether recognising transwomen as female potentially posed a risk to women and girls. This was not, as CGD’s counsel had argued, “catastrophising” but was instead “an unobjectionable observation in the course of the debate … [which was] not an objectively unreasonable observation to make”. - That describing self-identification as a woman as “a feeling in their head” was not to equate self-identification with mental illness and “did little more than assert Ms Forstater’s gender critical belief”. The Tribunal also recognised that Ms Forstater had been entitled to criticise those holding an opposite view to her, and had done so legitimately. The Tribunal found in particular that the mere fact that offence may be taken to a particular statement was not sufficient to render it incapable of legal protection. This included describing opposing views as “stupid, dangerous or unfair” and the statement that allowing male-bodied individuals access to women-only spaces gave rise to “an increase in risks, threats and discomfort” to women. Forstater, a public policy researcher, who co-founded human rights organisation Sex Matters a year ago, welcomed the verdict.
“My case matters for everyone who believes in the importance of truth and free speech. “We are all free to believe whatever we wish. What we are not free to do is compel others to believe the same thing, to silence those who disagree with us or to force others to deny reality. “Human beings cannot change sex. It is not hateful to say that; in fact it is important in order to treat everyone fairly and safely. It shouldn’t take courage to say this, and no one should lose their job for doing so. “I am pleased that the Tribunal has allowed me to put on record what happened to me at the Center for Global Development. The tribunal has found that I was a victim of discrimination because I stated that biological sex is real and important, a view shared by the vast majority of people in this country. I hope employers will take note of the judgment. “I would like to thank my family, who have gone through this with me over the past three years, and my legal team: barristers Ben Cooper QC and Anya Palmer, and my solicitor Peter Daly. Above all I want to thank the thousands of women and men who sent me their support, and in particular JK Rowling for standing by me in the darkest of days. “To hear that my case has helped other people to speak up against unfair and discriminatory practices at work makes the hardship of the last three years easier to bear. All those who are fighting similar battles — and there are many such people now — have my solidarity and support. “I also want to thank all the brilliant organisations fighting to protect sex-based rights. They will make the world a safer, fairer place for women and girls. They are stepping into the democratic space that well-funded organisations like CGD have vacated through cowardice. “CGD’s unfair treatment of me, and prejudice against people who believe that sex is real, changed my life. If the organisation hadn’t ended my employment, I would never have co-founded Sex Matters. I would never have had the opportunity to be part of the amazing movement in the UK to re-assert the importance of sex-based rights. We have had enough of being sidelined in language, law, policy and public spaces. This judgment is further evidence that the tide is turning.”
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Will forever be thankful that I didn’t think to consult even the progressive areas of the internet about my abortion, because so many liberal “pro-choice” activists are so judgmental and disgusting when you get into the meat of it. 
You tell them that you just want an abortion because you’re simply not ready for a child and they go haywire. Why exactly don’t you want that baby? What happens if you look back in 9 months and regret it and wish you DID have a baby? Are you financially stable, and if you are why not just go through with it? You know there are plenty of couples desperate to adopt a baby right? Why did you have sex if you knew you didn’t want a child?
All of a sudden they aren’t so pro-choice anymore when faced with the reality that some women really do get abortions simply because they don’t want to be pregnant.
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Punishing men who impregnate a woman who doesn’t want the baby by sentencing the men to death would ALSO cut abortions. Hmmm, I wonder why THAT’S not the solution?
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Where do these idiots come from?
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wonder how many people are going to be put off from donating to planned parenthood and end up accidentally donating to their local crisis pregnancy center instead. like i'm sorry but if you think planned parenthood is doing just fine, research is clearly not your forte
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We now have all the exposure of life pre-Roe but none of the paternalistic protections: Women are now seen as fully autonomous moral agents, which means that they will be legally on the hook for endangering the babies they carry, but they will also be punishable as autonomous adults. Women thus remain children for purposes of pregnancy and giving birth, but have become adults for purposes of criminal liability.
It’s easy to lull yourself into the false belief that a reversion to life pre-Roe would simply mean that the reproductive freedom movement needs to redouble efforts to fund and transport persons needing abortions to more hospitable states. That would be awful, we think, but maybe not that catastrophically bad. But as Goldberg warned in 2019, “the past can prove inadequate to understanding the depredations of the present.” We are not in fact moving “backward” to life before Roe. We are more likely moving sideways into a fundamentalist religious regime in which life pre-Roe will come to look like a vastly less terrifying option than a world in which women are subject to revanchist religious claims—claims with no support whatsoever in the Constitution—about the lives they may carry, the unknown crimes they may commit, and the choices they are no longer permitted to make.
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I lived with my brother and sister in law for a year, taking care of their baby (2-14 months) and ended up taking on the bulk of the food shopping, cooking, and cleaning work while I was with them. I remember one Sunday I went to a friend’s graduation party and ended up hanging out all day until I got back close to 7:00pm and let my brother know that I was getting a ride back. He asked me to pick up bread for dinner while I was out and I had to inform him that the stores would be closed by the time I got back, even though the real issue was that I couldn’t exactly ask someone else to drive me to pick up groceries when they were just doing me the favor of driving me home. When I told him that he could pop out and pick up the bread himself before the stores closed, he said to nevermind. I got back and found him playing on his computer and my sister in law lost it at him when she found out that he was trying to send me out for chores he could do himself but just didn’t want to.
Men as a class think their time is more valuable than women’s so it makes more sense to shunt their tasks onto us.
Weaponized incompetence, a ✨compilation✨
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Remember, queens... this happened to me and it's very possible it'll happen to you. It's the little things that make life miserable 😍💕
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Um isn’t Ms Marvel supposed to be a teen? Why did they draw her waist to ass ratio to emphasize her ass like that?
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The future begins with her
Ms. Marvel, an Original series from Marvel Studios, is now streaming on Disney+. Art by Patience Lekien
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I’m about 90% sure the economy is never gonna “improve” 
this is capitalism in it’s final form
this is it honey 
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I will say one of the reasons why some radfems on tumblr feel isolated is because they don't know how to use tumblr.
There's a post going around with about 1k radfems who are looking for women in their area. There are many issues with it I've found when following up on it.
Some women will add their location and that's it! They'll yell into the void and hope the void yells back.
A very large portion of these women have their messages set so no one can contact them or so no one can contact them unless they are already following that user. Hint: if you're following them, you probably don't need to reach out right?
Other than a few women running regional blogs (blessed angels) no one is checking the notes! Someone will say "well there's probably no radfems in [wherever city]" and there will be like 10 women in the notes saying the same thing! (Not that it would make much of a difference given the last bullet but yeah)
Don't even get me started on the women who reblog it and put the location in the tags instead of just adding a comment/reply (only you, and maybe me, will see the tag. Not everyone has the version of tumblr that shows tags. Meaning few women will know you added a location)
Tumblr, like other social media, and like space lol, is a bunch of orbits. You have to reblog posts to get them into other orbits. Say a woman adds her location to that post, it will only be seen by a fraction of her followers. Me and some of those regional blogs and some other dope women do reblog it sometimes, boosting it into our orbits. But it would help if others did to.
And this applies to all kinds of radfem posts on tumblr. Likes are cool I guess but reblogging is where things start moving. Libfems and anti feminists seem to have figured it out. I see so many great radfem posts and discussion die out because they have little interaction. More exposure will increase the interaction and that leads to women connecting.
I hope this will inspire you to change your settings, reblog radfem posts, and interact with each other.
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Okay so I see a nice chunk of interest in this, so let’s make this happen!
A friend of mine suggested using a Discord server for hosting conversation and also that there’s a video chat/conference call function. So we could meet virtually to discuss and have the option of turning video cameras on or off. As it is, I’m not super savvy with Discord so I don’t know if there’s already a radfem group there we could join so for now I’ve just set up a Discord link here: https://discord.gg/D2SFj3E5zN
It’s pretty easy to set up a Discord account if you don’t have one, I just made one with my Radblr username so it’s easy to identify mine (still looking for my icon image to match it). Feel free to drop in!
Would anyone be open to starting a radfem book club for reading and analyzing books on queer theory and gender identity? I’d like to be able to know what the other side is saying in order to be able to refute it but I’m reluctant to read said books alone without anyone one to critically examine their problematic nature with and decompress after the discomfort/distress that these books are sure to bring me.
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Not so hot take:
Art is associated with women but artists are associated with men because women are seen as passive objects to be looked at whereas men are seen as active individuals that do the looking
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