immalittlepandybear ¡ 5 years
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259K notes ¡ View notes
immalittlepandybear ¡ 5 years
loosely inspired by @irondadbingo‘s cliche prompt “people think peter is tony’s kid”
They had every right to assume, now that Tony thought about it.
Peter and Tony were together most of the time the teen was in the tower, Tony called him ‘kiddo’, and Tony treated him like his son. Rhodey made a joke about the two being so closely related, telling Peter to call Tony his father, so whenever the man was in proximity, the teenager called Tony 'pops’. It doubled as a jab at Tony’s age.
In general, they had a close father-son relationship, no matter how they both denied it. Rhodey had caught Peter asleep on Tony’s shoulder on their every-other-weekend movie night. Of which they hadn’t had lately due to Tony being so busy with the accords. They had one scheduled this weekend, or the same weekend everyone would be moving back into the tower.
Bucky had been picked up from Wakanda, or wherever the fuck he was and pardoned, Steve had been released from wherever he was being held, and even Clint accepted a room in the tower, despite his farm. It pissed Tony off, but he didn’t want to argue with the law anymore. He’d learned from that.
The group huddled in the elevator. Tony, Natasha, Rhodey, Bucky, Steve, and Clint. Tony spoke, facing the elevator doors. “So, we need to go over the ground rules, which have changed. We all eat dinner together if everyone’s home, and if not we can still sit down but it’s not necessary. Nothing inappropriate and watch the language. Training is only allowed from four to five on weekdays and on Saturdays, it doesn’t matter as long as you don’t wake someone up. FRIDAY has all your commands set up and your handprints help you to get into most rooms, otherwise, just say your name. Clint, signing 'deaf’ will come up with a screen to help you. Questions?”
There was a pause.
“Yes, Bucky, it’s your right hand,” Tony replied, not missing a beat.
Tony, Natasha, Rhodey and the rogues- god, Tony had to stop using that term- followed him into the living room. They were moving back in and Tony was sure Peter would hate it. Tony sighed. “This is the living room, we got a new couch and new TV, so don’t spill shit on it or download anything inappropriate on it. I’m looking at you two.” He pointed at Bucky and Steve.
“You never care about we make even sex jokes, so why now?” Clint interrupted. He didn’t get in a whole lot of trouble with the accords, but he wasn’t on the greatest terms with everyone. “You make the jokes most out of everybody, why are there now rules?”
Before Tony could answer, Peter slid out of his room, one of his shoes untied, his hair hastily brushed. Tony grinned, but the boy was rushing down the halls. “Sorry, Pops, I’m late to meet up with Ned and MJ and freakin’ Ned threatening to send me old 2011 memes if I’m any later, but I’ll be home by dinner, I swear.”
I was going to introduce you later, but… “Do you need cash?” Tony stopped him, putting a hand in front of the teen. Peter usually forgot, and they were in the pricier part of New York, so those two factors wouldn’t be all that helpful. Peter’s rushing halted.
“Oh, shoot.” He stopped and turned. His face burnt red. “Um, yes sir.” The teen seemed somewhat embarrassed asking for money, but Tony didn’t care.
“For the three of you.” Tony handed him the card. “Don’t lose it, don’t talk to strangers, don’t spill any Avenger secrets, and have fun.” Tony named the rules off on his fingers.
“Thanks, old man. I’ll tell Ned all about your prototypes!” Peter started to back towards the elevator. Before Tony could protest, the boy was in the elevator, snickering.
Tony turned back to the group, who stared at him like he’d grown another head. Rhodey was smirking like a dick. The engineer frowned. “What?”
“You have changed.” Steve seemed… mad. “You didn’t tell us?”
Tony frowned. I can let anyone I want have a room in my tower. "Okay, hypocrite. Anyway, let me show you the rooms.“ He started to walk down the hall the teen had just emerged from. All the doors automatically opened but one, the one closest to the living room. Bucky pressed his hand to the sensor, which had newly been installed. It beeped red, denying his entry.
"Whose bedroom is this?”
“That’s Peter’s.” Tony replaced Bucky’s hand, showing the semi-tidy bedroom. It had muted blue walls,  a black bed, and his desk. He had minimal decorations, but clothes sprawled on the floor near the bed and homework all over the desk. Before anyone could speak, the door shut. On the wall the group couldn’t see, there was a trans flag over the closet. Ironic. “Alright, it goes to Pete, Rhodey, Natasha, Clint, Wanda, Sam, Bucky, Steve. Nobody gets to share. No pets. The kid’s allergic to fur.”
“Are you going to tell us about him yet?” Bucky piped up.
“He’s none of your business, guys. Let him be. I’ll be in my suite, where none of you are allowed. I’ll be making dinner when the kid gets home. Ask FRI if you have questions and don’t break anything.” He went into the elevator, checking his phone to make sure Peter had made it to the cafe safely.
Bucky, Steve, and Natasha all murmured together. The elevator dinged and the teen opened, holding three drinks. A muted orange-colored smoothie, a Pepsi bottle, and a vibrant orange soda. He set them all down on the kitchen counter. “Miss Romanov, this one’s for you.” He handed her the soda bottle.
“Which one’s mine?” Bucky asked. Peter’s face flushed with color. The man didn’t shout 'just kidding’, only giving the boy an absent stare. The teen panicked quickly.
“Um.. you didn’t ask for one. Sorry, I, uh-”
The elevator dinged again. The billionaire exited, a smirk growing across his voice once his eyes fell on the kid. The teen’s anxiety melted away, his shoulders visibly relaxing. “Hey, bubba. This my smoothie?”
“Yessir, mango.”
“Mango?! I asked for strawberry!” Tony threw his hands in the air. He had a small grin on his face, trying to show he was kidding, but Peter’s expression contorted to worry. “Woah, woah, kid, I’m kidding. Have you met me? I lived in malibu for years, I love mango.”
Peter nodded, shifting foot to foot. Something’s wrong. Tony thought. The boy was bad at hiding it.“I’m gonna go work on my homework.”
“Alright, bubba. We’re gonna dinner soon, so don’t fill up on junk food or whatever you have in your room.” Tony waved him off, a smile growing on the teen’s face.
“I don’t keep food in my room!”
“We both know that’s a lie. You’re forgetting the time I caught you with that big pack of Twizzlers. I should’ve grounded you.” Tony fell onto the couch next to Bucky, Peter disappearing into his bedroom. Tony looked at Natasha. “Something’s wrong. I bet it was that Flash kid, he always gets like that when Flash’s done something. It’s like my dad senses are kicking in.”
The two on the couch shared a glance. “Steve’s pissed at you,” Bucky informed him.
“Good for him, Buck.” He didn’t ask any further. They put on a show and let it slide, Tony’s worry kept silent. He’d ask later.
Dinner had arrived late, so as people got hungry, they all made their way into the kitchen. Steve, Natasha, Clint, Bucky, and Tony all sat at the table. They were digging into the food, and small conversations started about their day and plans.
Peter padded into the room, silently taking the empty chair next to his mentor. He dug in, helping himself and the conversation went on seamlessly. The only difference is that Steve had stopped speaking, now shooting small glares into Peter, making the boy curl in on himself a bit.
“Did something happen at the cafe?” Tony asked. “You’re just quiet.” Ton’s conversation with Peter was quieter than most of the others so he wasn’t spilling the kid’s secrets to the entire table.
“Yeah, uh, we saw Flash of all people.” Peter shrugged, not making eye contact. Peter had always told his mentor about how much Flash bothered him.
“That kid’s a brat. I could tell, you just seemed upset. Is there anything specific he did?” Tony put a hand on his shoulder.
“He just said some uh…” He lowered his voice significantly. His eyes darted around the table to make sure nobody was staring. “Transphobic stuff.”
“What?” Tony asked a little too loud.
“You should’ve told me sooner if he does anything I’ll be at the school in nine minutes. That’s how fast the suit takes me. No kid named goddamn Flash picks on my kid.” Which made Peter start to giggle. Tony ignored the daggers Steve was glaring into his back.
“And I’m going to fly to Serbia next week.” Nat finished. “What’s up with you two?” She gestured to Steve and Tony. Tony looked up in confusion, Steve’s eyes darting away from the kid.
“It’s nothing.” Steve murmured, going back to his food. Alright, dickhead.
“Anyway,” Tony continued. “We’re gonna put on Doctor Who. Who’s in?” The entire table raised their hands, minus Natasha and Steve. Tony grinned and elbowed Peter. “We’ve got a crowd. The sofa can’t fit all of us.”
“We can take the floor.” Bucky shrugged. He raised to put away his and Steve’s plates. The term we was odd. “We aren’t picky. What season?”
“Season two!” Peter announced. “I love David Tennant!” He grinned ear to ear. “And the little robot Dalek guys!”
“Petey-Pie Doctor Who fan here hasn’t seen anything besides season two,” Tony announced. Peter didn’t answer because it was true. He just snickered, shrugging. The boy launched into a ramble about David Tennant’s entire filmography.
Clint dove into the recliner, calling dibs. Tony took the couch and Peter sat next to the man in the middle. The right was taken by Steve, who didn’t seem all that happy to sit next to the boy. But Bucky had his head in Steve’s lap, so the soldier was obligated to stay until Bucky fell asleep or went to his room.
Tony didn’t find the show all that interesting, but he knew Peter did, so he didn’t comment. Peter’s doe eyes were fixated on the TV. He had a small smile on his face, content. After three episodes though, it had gotten late. Bucky was the first one to fall asleep, Steve running his hands through Bucky’s hair from the couch. The brunette closed his eyes, probably falling asleep to the rhythm.
In the middle of the second, Peter put his head on Tony’s shoulder, closing his eyes. By the end of the third, Tony glanced at Steve. “I’m gonna put him in bed, you can stay out here and change the show.”
“Were you ever going to tell us about him?” Steve gestured to the boy. Tony made a face.
“Of course I would’ve. It’d be pretty difficult to keep that from you guys- Rhodey knew, though. He would’ve wanted to meet you, anyway. He’s a good kid. He always has been.”
Steve avoided eye contact. “Would he, though? Want to meet Buck and me, that is. After everything-”
“He would’ve loved it. Well, he tells me he watches your educational videos in class, so maybe not as excited for you.” Tony laughed. “You’re making this a big deal, Capsicle.”
“Yeah, well, if Natasha had a kid, you’d want to know, wouldn’t you?”
“That’s a bad analogy.” Tony rolled his eyes. I just let an intern live here, you’re being dramatic.
“It’s not. He’s what, fourteen years old? That’s before you were Iron Man. You never told us?” Steve frowned, crossing his arms. “I thought we were family.”
“What?” Tony frowned. What did Peter’s age have to do with anything?
Steve looked down at the boy, his lips curling downward.“Who’s his mom? It’s not Pepper, is it? She-”
“What? Steve, he’s not my son!” Tony announced. Have they been messing with Peter this entire time? For fuck’s sake. “Steve, his name is Peter Parker-”
“Then why do you call him your son?! 'Kiddo’? For fuck’s sake, Tony, if he isn’t your son, then why do you say he’s 'your kid’?” Steve threw his hands up. “You aren’t going to pretend he isn’t your son, blood or not?”
“He’s not my son, Steve! He’s an intern who, yeah, I care about, but he’s not my son. If he sees me as a father figure, I’m okay with that, but I’m not going to force that on him. You guys all thought-”
“Dad?” Peter asked, half asleep. “Whuh’s goin’ on?”
“Nothing, Pete, let’s get you to your room.” He helped the sleepy teen up, the boy confused at the sudden harshness. Tony had a hand on Peter’s back, bringing him to his bedroom. The teen fell onto his bed, curling up under the blankets.
Tony sighed. I’m sorry, bubba.
The elevator opened. He entered the living room to see Steve, Bucky, Clint, Natasha, and Wanda on the couch. Tony entered. “What’re you guys congregating about?”
“Peter,” Bucky answered. Steve hit his arm. Tony groaned loudly, rolling his eyes.
“Seriously? I told you guys, he’s not my son.”
Bucky started a list on his palm. “You two look alike, you’re both… kinda smart, and you kept calling him 'your kid’. Steve said he called you dad.”
“He was half asleep, okay? Leave him alone. I’m not his dad, okay? You guys need to chill out. We don’t even look alike.”
“You two are the same person,” Clint interjected.
The conversation fell silent as Peter walked into the room. The teen was in his pajamas, as he was the night before. A black water bottle in one hand, the other in his pocket. He raised an eyebrow at all the eyes on him.
“See?” Steve gestured to the two.
“See what?” Peter asked, unscrewing the cap and taking a drink. Silence hung in the air. Tony tried to wave him off to get him to go back into his bedroom.
“Steve, don’t get him involved. Pete, don’t listen to them, they’re just-”
“Are you Tony’s son?” Bucky asked. The silence hung in the air. Nobody spoke until Peter snorted, about to start laughing. He shook his head quickly.
“No, sir. My last name’s Parker. My dad’s Richard Parker and my mom’s Mary. Died in about ten years ago, so I moved in with my aunt and uncle.” Peter shrugged. He started to make a bowl of cereal. “Like, six months after my uncle died Mr. Stark and I met, and I helped out a lot in the lab to the point we had weekly ones here and, I dunno,” He took in a mouthful of cereal. “I guess he tolerates me.”
Steve shut up. Tony spoke for him. “Sorry kid.”
“It’s no biggie. I did accidentally call you dad. I’ve done it to Ben like hundreds of times.” He took another bite. “But the only reason I called you pops is 'cuz it makes Mr. Rhodey laugh. But you do act like a dad sometimes.” He turned to Tony. “You make sure I do my homework, you called me bambino once.”
Tony shrugged. “That’s true. So no guys, he’s not my kid. Any other questions?” Nobody asked. Tony shrugged. “Well, Pete, I’ll be in the lab, come and join me when you want.” And Tony exited.
Steve looked up at the teenager. “Peter, I’m so sorry, I had no idea-”
“Ok, boomer.”
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immalittlepandybear ¡ 5 years
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Klaus is available to watch on Netflix today!💕
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immalittlepandybear ¡ 5 years
the teammate finds a way to die just so that they can restart a day after one of the other members are killed, and keeps doing it until they can save the one that dies
In the vast world of comics, I wonder if there have been heroes with a “Groundhog Day,” type power. By that I specifically mean a hero who, if they die, immediately finds themselves waking up at the beginning of that day again. If they don’t die, they just continue forward through time.
I’m just thinking of how crazy it would be to have that hero on your super hero team. Like, you go to headquarters in the morning, and it seems like everything’s normal. But then you go to fire off a one liner, and they say it at the same time as you. And suddenly you know. Something went wrong.
And then one day you come in, and your heart drops as you see that their every move looks rehearsed. They answer questions before asked. They are totally aware of everything that’s about to happen. Imagine how scary that would be, realizing you’re starting a day that you’re team mate has failed to survive maybe dozens of times.
153K notes ¡ View notes
immalittlepandybear ¡ 5 years
5 with Ohmtoonz? Love you
alpha / beta / omega au
ohmtoonz drabble
5. I walked into the bathrooms during class and the whole room is reeking of anxiety because you’re freaking out in the back stall. Please let me in because if I don’t help you calm down I’m going to be on edge all day.
Luke thought he’d be able to make a quick run to the bathroom before his next test. He was already worried about it, not trusting his knowledge in the topic. He’d hardly studied for it, he’d been ill for several days of course content; he was overall unprepared and stressed out of his mind.
The second he stepped into the boys bathroom, he was slammed with a dangerously overwhelming scent of anxiety.
“Oh, fuck me,” he spat out, hand flying to his nose to try and block out the smell, but it did nothing as another stronger wave washed over him, the door shutting him in. “Dude,” he gasped, eyes locking on the last cubicle of the bathroom where the door was locked shut. His sharp ears picked up on the pained whimper that slipped from the back corner of the room and he felt every hair on his body stand on end. “Okay, co- come out, please. You gotta breathe, dude, you’re gonna suffocate in your own anxiety in there.”
His feet moved without his command, drawing him towards the cubicle and pushing through the stress and anxiety and fear that clogged his nose and mouth. “Go away!” The words were rasped out as if the boy speaking them could hardly breathe, and Luke’s fear for him spiked.
This kid needed to calm down or Luke was going to break through the door just to scent, cuddle and reassure him. “I gotta- I have to make sure you calm down before I think about leaving or I’m gonna lose my mind. You need to come out here.”
He dropped to his knees on the outside of the door, hand flat on the wood to gentle rattle it back and forth. “Please leave.”
Luke closed his eyes, head falling to rest against the door. “I’m not going to,” he promised. “If you won’t let me in then at least talk to me.” At the silence, he continued. “My name’s Luke. What’s yours?” He tried to keep his voice steady as he spoke through the door, his knees aching against the tiles.
The silence stretched for an agonisingly long few seconds and Luke held his breath as he waited for an answer. Eventually, it came: “Ryan.” Barely a whisper; a scared exhale.
Luke exhaled, dropping a hand to the cold tiles and sliding it forward to sit directly below the door. “Okay Ryan, let’s just chat. If you’re fine with me talking and asking questions, tap my hand every now and then and I won’t stop or go anything. If I say or ask anything you don’t want, hit my hand twice and I’ll stop. You let me know when you feel comfortable to come out but I ain’t leaving until I at least get to hug you and make sure you’re gonna be okay.” The words slipped beneath the door, washing over his fingers to where he couldn’t see.
A pregnant moment passed before he felt a soft touch on the back of his hand. It was fleeting, but Luke could recognise the soft pads of fingertips and the points of claws that refused to retract.
“Okay, sweet. What year are you in, Ryan?”
Another tap to the back of his hand before Luke picked up his shaky inhale. “Eleven,” he murmured. Luke took another deep breath in, his own heartrate pulsing faster than normal at the amount of fear and stress locked up in the one room.
He smiled still, tapping his index finger on the tile. “One year below me,” he said, leaning heavy against the door. “Am I right about you being an Omega?” he asked, humour in his voice as he tried to ease the other boy’s stress.
The sharp inhale was his first sign that it wasn’t working. Then two sharp taps on the back of his hand. He flinched, clenching his teeth but not letting the pause linger.
“Have any out of school hobbies?” he asked instead, frown curling sourly at the fresh burst of fear hanging in the air around him.
One tap to the back of his fingers. “I… I paint a- a bit.” Timid. Small. Terrified. Luke had never heard someone sound so fearful in their life. He spoke as if someone was listening, someone who wanted to hurt him, to hunt him down and fight him.
“What do you like to paint?”
Tap. A slow sigh. “I do a lot o- a lot of expression art. Close ups… of facial expressions.”
Luke hummed in thought, wondering about the style of art, the colours, the faces, the emotions. “You’ll have to show me some when you’re not locked in a cubicle, hey?” Tap. He grinned. “Are you in the arts programme?”
“Yeah,” Ryan said. “But I don’t- I don’t like showing my art off a lot.”
“Any reason why not?” Luke pushed, holding his tongue between his teeth as he waited. One tap. He relaxed.
“Just general nerves about not being good enough.”
Luke could hear the strength slowly, slowly returning to Ryan’s voice. Not every words was breathed instead of spoken and only now and then he heard the tremour in the younger boy’s words.
The anxiety still hung around them but it wasn’t so suffocating as it had been when Luke had stepped in. With the air thinner, Luke found it easier for himself to breathe and picked up on the touch of mintiness that wafted in the air. It was sweet and Luke felt like he could almost taste it on his own lips.
“Well I bet you’re damn amazing, Ryan,” he said, words heavy with sincerity receiving a quiet breath of laughter in response. Luke smiled. Tap. He smiled wider. “Do you wanna tell me what’s got you so freaked out?” he asked. Tap-Tap. “M'kay, how about what the colour of your eyes are?” Tap.
Relief. He waited as the boy hummed softly to himself. “People say different things,” he mumbled, words almost blurring at the edges, but another tap was laid to the back of Luke’s knuckles without him even saying another word. He found himself beggining to hang off the soft, slow cycle of Ryan’s fingertips. “Usually, it’s green. Sometimes I get blue or even a murky grey. I can’t tell myself.”
The air began to settle. “I’ll see what I think when I see ‘em,” Luke laughed softly, hearing a little giggle sound from the other side of the door. A tap to his hand. He softened his voice, turning his hand face up. “Are you feeling better?” he asked. A tap to the palm of his hand before those cold fingers settled atop his.
No more claws. “A bit.”
He could tell too: smell the calming down, hear the slowing heart beat, hear the comfort growing in his voice. “Do you want to come out yet?” he asked, feeling a flutter of hope in his chest. The last thing he wanted was for Ryan to snap back shut. But the single tap of Ryan’s fingertip against his reassured him and a reply wasn’t needed.
Luke reluctantly drew his hand back, pushing back up onto his feet and stepping back. Breathing in deeply, he lingered on the smell of mint that slowly began to overpower the anxiety. He held his tongue, waiting as the door slowly creaked open and a pair of big, pretty eyes peeked out.
“Ryan?” Luke asked and as the door swung open and revealed the boy inside, Luke felt his breath get stolen. Ryan stood with uncertainty, his eyes flickering up and down with his nerves. He could definitely tell the boy was an omega, with features so pretty and a form so fragile. As an alpha, Luke felt scared that if he touched the boy too roughly he could break him.
“Hi,” he murmured, anxious smile half formed on his lips. “Is this okay?” he whispered, unsure whether he was allowed to step out of the cubicle.
Luke held out a hand, keeping sure to relax his spine and not tense up too much. He didn’t want to scare the boy back into another panic attack. Thankfully, the boy stepped forward and took his hand with wary fingers. “Of course it is,” he said, tilting his head and smiline softly. He took a gentle step closer, maintaining eye contact with the omega as he tried to decifer their colour.
Green. Flecks of gold and sliver. Beautiful.
“Can I… hug you?” he asked, a gentle tug on her hand. “If you’re okay with that-“ 
Before he could finish, Ryan was stepping into his space and winding his arms around Luke’s waist. That pretty face tucked into his neck, arms tighter than every and Luke didn’t wait to wrap the boy in a hug. "Totally okay,” he murmured, mouthing the words against his neck.
He couldn’t help the satisfied sigh that left his lips, ducking his head down and allowing Ryan access to his pulse point, the omega letting a soft, pleased sound from his throat. The scent of mint filled Luke’s nose and he tightened his hold on the boy who scented him tenderly.
He pressed his nose to the soft brown hair and breathed in deep, mumbling a soft: “You smell so much better when you’re not reeking of anxiety like that.”
He didn’t care for the test he’d missed. He didn’t care for the rest of the school day. All he wanted was to make sure Ryan was alright and so that’s what he would do.
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immalittlepandybear ¡ 5 years
30 + Vanohm please :) Thank you so much!
30 (The smell of freshly baked bread) + Vanohm
The Gentlest of Battles
Ohm quirked up a smile at the smell of coffee and freshly baked bread, it seemed that Evan woke up before him again. He snuggled deeper into the warm comfort of their bed, not wanting to face the world just yet. The sound of Evan’s light footsteps escaped him but not the feeling of the bed shifting when he sat down on the edge.
“Come on sleepy head, it’s time to get up.” Evan gently teased as he ran his fingers through Ohm’s hair. Ohm peeked at him before shaking his head and sliding deeper into the covers.
“Come on I want company for breakfast, I even did a run to the bakery down the street.” Hmm that explained the bread and while he did love eating with his boyfriend the bed was still too comfortable to get out of. Noticing that bribery didn’t work Evan went into the next tactic, threats.
“Ryan I will open the curtains up.” How dare he! Trying to ruin the warm embrace of the bed with sunshine. Knowing it wasn’t an idle threat Ohm took measures to ensure the peace wasn’t ruined. He grabbed Evan and pulled him back into bed.
Fighting Ohm’s embrace Evan tried to wiggle away but it didn’t work so he resorted to desperate measures, kisses everywhere.
Ryan laughed at the gentle kisses being pressed all over his face and just threw his leg over Evan’s hip and buried his face into his neck. Blushing, Evan tried to reason with his boyfriend.
“Come on Ohm the coffee is getting cold.” Ryan just chuckled and pressed a gentle kiss against Evan’s neck. “Let the coffee get cold, we can reheat it later.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be the grown up one?”
“I don’t know who told you that but this grown up one just wants to start the morning cuddling his boyfriend.” His voice deep and raspy from sleep, Ohm could feel Evan starting to relax into the embrace.
“You’re ridiculous.” Evan complain even as he started turn to get more comfortable. Ryan just hummed and pressed another kiss against his lover’s neck. Both fell asleep smiling, happy to be in each other’s arms.
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immalittlepandybear ¡ 6 years
Prompts you say? 👀 How about... Witch "outlaw" Ohm running from the law, that includes really hot Wildcat (since u like OhmCat so much 😉) Any time period, any setting, just a twist on your typical cop and robber situation
You know me too well XD Don’t know if there’s really a twist but this is kinda bittersweet.
Whilst it’s not really stated this is set in the time of the Salem witch trials
[Wildcat POV]
He ran into the small clearing, knowing exactly that this was where he’d find the witch, the spot being a familiar rendezvous point for the both of them back when times were simpler.
“Ohm, you fucker, I know you’re here” His eyes kept scanning the area in front of him waiting for the man to appear, he supposes he shouldn’t have been surprised to hear the man behind him nevertheless he still jumps in surprise when he hears his voice breaking through the quiet.
“I’m surprised it took you so long, almost ran out of juice keeping myself invisible”
He’d tried to keep composed, to not let his emotions cloud his judgment, to bring the witch into justice where he was sure to be hanged, but he couldn’t. As soon as he saw the smaller man his resolve disintegrated, making him putty for the other man to use.
“You know what I have to do Ohm, please don’t make me do this” He saw the pained look in the other’s eyes, he’s sure it’s the same pain reflected in his own.
He watched the other man slowly approach him and the lump in his throat got bigger with his every step to the point where he could no longer breath, not until a soft hand pressed against his cheek and he was helpless but to lean into the touch.
Keep reading
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immalittlepandybear ¡ 6 years
Bingo prompt: misdelivered packages
Four of five, this time with a rarepair! I just love vanpanda too much and I’m not sorry for it XD This one was super fun to picture even if it was annoying to write at times, but I’m pretty happy with it: I hope you enjoy, folks. 
“What. The. Fuck.”
Evan stared in disbelief at the mountain of packages on his doorstep, utterly confused, as he had been for the past five minutes. The shy Canadian was used to the only cardboard boxes being takeout and pizza boxes, and he hadn’t ordered anything online in the past month. He definitely had never ordered enough at one time to warrant his door literally being blocked off by deliveries.
Although, at a second glance, the boxes weren’t from brand stores or taped up professionally; they were plain, with large sharpied words hidden under various colors of duct tape and faded labels. Who on earth had shipped all their stuff to his doorstep, and why the fuck had they sent it to him?
“What do you mean, I don’t have any packages left?!” The stressed and slightly panicked voice caught his attention, and as he looked down the hall towards what he’d thought had been an empty apartment his eye snagged a label with a clearly-printed name on it that wasn’t his own. The unfamiliar man in the doorway shook his head at his phone before snapping into it again. “I- they were supposed to be here today, after they got delayed for two fucking weeks! You people already shipped my entire house to the wrong side of the country, you promised it would be here on time!” He paused, and Evan took his opportunity.
“Uh.” An eloquent opportunity, to say the least. “Hey, uh… are you Mr. Brown?”
The guy spun around to face him, spending a few seconds flicking between the boxes and Evan’s sheepish smile. “Oh, those motherfuckers,” he breathed before hanging up. “I can’t believe they sent it all to the wrong address, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s all good,” Evan chuckled, and the guy- fat, fluffy brown hair and beard, a relieved grin on his face that made Evan do a double take with how cute it made him- walked over to inspect his boxes. “I, uh, I think they’re all yours probably, I haven’t gotten packages in months.”
“Yeah, it looks like it’s all here too. Thank god, because I’d rather go homeless than live another two weeks without any of my stuff except a mattress and a suitcase.” The guy held out his hand, shaking Evan’s with a firm grip. “My name’s Anthony, by the way, although most people call me Panda.”
“Evan,” Evan replied. “Let me help you move this stuff?”
“What?” Anthony’s brown eyes went wide, and Evan felt his grin falter for a second. Had he overstepped some line of politeness? Was he somehow being rude? But his new neighbor’s next words didn’t imply that. “You don’t have to do that, dude, I can get this stuff on my own! You probably need to get into your apartment, don’t let me keep you.”
“I really don’t mind,” he laughed, turning to pick up one of the larger boxes. “Besides, it’s not often I get to meet new neighbors.”
“Well-” Evan quirked an eyebrow at Panda over his box, and the man sighed in defeat. “At least let me get lunch, then. You a fan of pizza?”
Evan laughed, and he felt something in his heart relax into the ease of friendship when Anthony joined in. “If you buy me a pizza I’m pretty sure I’d give you my soul,” he joked, laughing louder when Anthony wheezed.
“Keep it, dude, I’ve got enough to handle with mine.” He picked up a box of his own, grunting slightly under the strain, and jerked his head back towards his open door. “Mi casa, tu casa, dude. Lemme know what toppings you want, I’ll eat anything. And seriously, thank you.”
“It’s no problem.” And it really wasn’t; he already enjoyed being around his newest neighbor, and a part of him was even hoping their friendship would extend far beyond this one instance of misaddressed packages.
And to his delight, over the next few months, it did just that. No matter how clearly Anthony would give his address to a shipping company, the package always found its way to Evan’s doorstep. He’d bring in the packages to avoid theft, text Panda that he’d gotten another box meant for him, and later they’d end up eating pizza and playing video games, the box in its rightful home but left for later on the table.
Their friendship didn’t necessarily grow so much as immediately blink into existence. Hanging out with Anthony was easy, comfortable for the shyer man. He never felt awkward around him for long, he never felt like they were fishing for conversation (although some of their topics, he had no idea how they got to them), and best of all, he was genuinely fun to be around.
So to Evan, who always lost his heart pretty quickly, it was no surprise he had a crush on the guy.
“Welcome back! Long time no see, man.” Anthony beamed in his doorway at him, pulling him in for a quick hug before stepping aside to let him in. “I’m amazed you managed to go a whole week without being my middleman again.”
“Guess that’s what happens when you finally stop ordering shit every night,” Evan sassed back. “If this had kept up, I woulda called that Hoarders show on you. There’s only so much stuff you can fit in a fucking apartment.” And yet as he stepped into the familiar room, he was struck once again by how much space there still was. Whatever Panda was ordering, it seemed to vanish pretty quickly.
“Yeah, you’re gonna have to find another excuse to come over and eat three pizzas in a single sitting. You want the usual?” A quick glance over at Anthony’s phone showed the order ready to go.
“Sounds good. But another excuse to come over, besides giving you your mail? What would be next, going out to eat?” Even as he joked and flopped down on the couch, he felt his heart sting a little at the thought of never getting at least a date with the guy.
“I mean, I wouldn’t mind.” Panda’s nonchalant tone caught his attention. “Should we? Get dinner some time, I mean.”
“Seriously?” Evan scrambled for words, eyes going wide. “I- yeah, I’d love to. Um, just… where, or… when…?”
“Next week probably works.” Unless Evan’s eyes were deceiving him, his friend’s hands were shaking slightly, and the grin on his face held a bit more than just excitement. “I’ll text you when, just pick some place besides a pizza parlor.”
“Yeah.” Evan felt his smile grow confident, and relief filled Anthony’s eyes. “Yeah, okay. I’ll let you know.”
“It’s a date, then.” And without further ado, Panda sent in their order and took his spot next to Evan on the couch, and Evan smiled at the feeling of something new starting to grow within their friendship.
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immalittlepandybear ¡ 6 years
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Don’t mind me. Just reviving some old concepts of my AU TwT
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immalittlepandybear ¡ 6 years
Ohmtoonz - Endless Ambition
chapter one: Zero
Ryan loved the kingdom outskirts, he loved comparing the vast and never sleeping town to the fresh and grassy fields that kept his home hidden from any other kingdom or rogue thieves. His home- The Todian Kingdom was safe and peaceful. He often remembered racing his older brother down the hills, seeing how far up he could go, before gravity forced him tumbling down to the city.
The hills surrounded the town almost perfectly, aside from the occasional smoke from a production line, the town was out of sight. Nobody new came in, not without the entire kingdom knowing. Especially the king.
The king was strict and calm, his two sons always tried to show off, trying to prove that they deserved to be the next rightful ruler to show that they were capable of leading the kingdom the same way as their father. The smaller prince, Prince Luke was agile, but also incredible at hand to hand combat, he often left those lucky to watch him spar, breathless.  He had the looks and the brain, he was charming and friendly to all those around him. Ryan believed he would be the heir to the throne.
The other prince, Prince Tyler was larger, standing at 6’1 with incredible muscle, he had been able to punch through rocks and not even flinch. He constantly helped anyone in the town, showing off by lifting up any object that was considered moderately heavy. He loved showing off to everyone about how powerful he was, he was short tempered, but definitely a loveable guy.
“Ryan, stop getting distracted,” his older brother scolded, nudging the smaller boy in front of him.
His older brother was rather short, blue eyes, black scruffy hair and a very faint stubble, he wore a dark blue hoodie and some baggy cargo pants.
Ryan nodded quickly and followed him, pulling his own, stolen, grey hoodie up. His jeans were ripped to hell, but at least they kept him warm.  
“Oi! stop drooling over the castle and get moving, we don’t have all day.” His older brother- Jonathan reminded fimly, nudging his younger brother forward and out of the way to other townspeople.
Jonathan was a tall and muscular, he was taller than Ryan by a few feet and his muscles were noticeable in his rather tight shirt, at first glance, the brothers looked completely different, they had different skin tones, Ryan was as white as snow, while Jonathan had a type of olive skin. Ryan had soft hazel eyes while Jonathan had a set of piercing blue eyes. Jonathan was the better brother, Ryan knew that. His brother was going to leave a legacy that Ryan knew he wouldn’t be able to fulfill.
The two walked together quietly, the townspeople all rushed around besides them, but they didn’t mind. Jonathan stopped at an alley and headed down it, tossing a cloak at Ryan who caught it and put it on, immediately knowing what they were going to do.
The town often held public executions, trying to underline the fact that they would be punished. Yet, Ryan and Jonathan continued to steal, besides, it was only illegal if you were caught.
Ryan swiftly grabbed his brothers hand as the drew close to the gallows, he hated the idea of watching criminals reach for the thick rope crushing their windpipes, leaving permanent bruises that never got the chance to heal, the way they desperately squirmed and clawed at their necks was haunting. He could never understand which sadist thought that hanging people was a good idea. Especially with kids watching. It disgusted Ryan and he prayed that one of the princes would remove it once they got into power. “I hate this.” he muttered, hiding his head in his taller brothers shoulder as he heard choked breaths and the wooden frame creak, Jonathan just gave a curt nod, holding onto the smaller man’s hand and tugging him away from the gruesome scene, he knew a shortcut, but it meant they had to walk past the ‘chopping block’. Which was pretty self explanatory.
Jonathan knew his younger brother hated running past the guillotine, he hated it as well, but he knew he didn’t have the position to complain, it often came to survival to run past the guillotine, he even threw the decapitated heads at one of the guards so they were distracted and he could make it home.
The two continued to run, ignoring the cheer of the town people as the sharp blade sliced the man’s head clean off, the head landed in the basket with a thud, which made Ryan flinch, his grip was impossibly tight on his older brothers hand, Jonathan kept tugging him along, forcing the smaller brother to keep running, they were almost out of the area, almost to their destination.
The crowd soon dispersed as Ryan and Jon made it out of the main city streets, the men panted and leaned against a wall. Ryan pressed two fingers to his neck, feeling his pulse, he sighed, his pulse was racing, yet stable, like his body was getting used to the sudden bursts of adrenaline. Jonathan smiled at his brother, pulling the hoodie way up over his eyes, “Come on Ohmie, Mask on,” He ordered, slipping his own mask on, which was just an old hockey mask.
Ryan stuck his tongue out and grabbed his blindfold from his pocket, before slipping it on over his eyes. Ryan was definitely more in touch with his sense, his hearing was incredible, so was his sense of touch and his ability to remain undetected. Jonathan was the best fighter he knew, he had troubles being quiet and often gave his position away, but that was a small price to pay when he could easily thrash anyone who got in his way. “Fuck you, Delirious,” He giggled.
Code names were often common around their friend group. Mainly because their tasks were incredibly illegal, as stealing tended to be. Delirious was a code name that the brother earned, it was for his “psychopathic laugh” but Ryan knew a different reason the name was given to him, it had something to do with his brother’s secret love life. Ryan didn’t know how he got his nickname, but Ohm just suited him, yet whenever he asked anyone for a proper explanation, they just brushed him off and said, “You’ll know when you’re older.”
Jonathan laughed and punched his brothers shoulder, “At least i know what my code name means,” He taunted, walking off without another word, leaving Ryan to whine and follow.
“As if it isn’t obvious! You and your boyfriend are ‘deliriously’ in love.” Ryan teased, jogging to his brother’s side. “You do know you can get executed for that, dude.” he said quietly, looking down.
Jonathan went silent, “As if, I’m the only one who knows what my boyfriend looks like, You don’t even know his name,” He chuckled, keeping his voice low as he started to walk again, heading down the empty street towards some abandoned buildings, the city was empty here, aside from the few thieves and tourists that were drawn to the mystery of the place, Ryan dreaded this part of their daily commute, he knew that getting through the public punishment was bad, but compared to the endless amount of climbing he had to do now was a pain in his ass.
The first part of the climb was to scale a building, the building had been half knocked down, so the bricks were sticking out, they definitely weren’t stable enough to climb, but it had to be done.
Or so they thought.
Just as they turned into the final alley before the climbing began, Jonathan tensed, he pushed Ryan back behind him as he stared at the tall Irishman in front of him, the man was wearing some thick armour, he was one of the kings knights, it was obvious because of the crown symbol above his heart on the chest plate, a loaded gun in his hand, however, the gun was doubled as a sword, it was sharp enough to pierce through someone completely, the gun aspect came into play for long distance fights.
“Well if it isn’t me favourite commonplace thieves,” The knight spoke, his Irish accent thick as he spoke, making Jonathan visibly relax. “Oh thank fucking god, it’s just you,” Jonathan visibly relaxed, before hugging the taller man in a friendly gesture. “You had me scared for, half a second there, Daithi.” He laughed.
Daithi chuckled and precipitated the hug, rubbing the thief’s back gently, before pulling away, “Ye should always be scared of me, especially since I got promoted,” He bragged.
“Really? That’s great! Good on you man!” Jonathan smiled brightly, pulling away, Ryan poked his head around the corner, just in time to watch Jonathan slip Daithi’s wallet into his pocket. “So whatcha doing here then?” He asked, trying to keep the kings-guard distracted.
Daithi smiled and waved at Ryan, “Oh, I’ve just gotta do some patrols,” He explained, “So. what are the thieves up to today?” he asked.
Jonathan grinned under his mask and pulled Daithi’s wallet out, “The usual.” Daithi gasped, his hands latched to his pockets, “What, Wha-?!” he squealed, snatching the wallet back and holding it to his chest, “Ye need to stop that!” he pouted, pocketing his wallet and folding his arms childishly.
Jonathan laughed and stuck his tongue out, “Maybe you should be more alert, Mr King's’ Knight,” He grinned, slipping past the knight and looking to his younger brother, “Come on, Ohm, we’ve got work to do,” He said calmly.
The knight rolled his eyes, “Be careful you two, I’m probably the only nice knight you’ll see for a while.” He warned as Ryan slipped past him, standing at his brother’s side.
Jonathan smiled and nodded, “Yeah yeah, but we’ll be fine, it’s not like we’ve been doing this since our parents were alive.” Jon jokes, walking off and heading towards the beginning of the climb, Ryan went quiet at the mention of his parents, when he was born, the birth killed his mother, he didn’t really know much about his dad, other than he was incredibly quiet, maybe he was quiet to mourn his wife. Ryan didn’t know. Jon did, but never told him.
The two climbed in moderate silence, gripping the bricks of the large, demolished wall, he glanced up at his brother, watching the more flexible man scale the wall effortlessly, he climbed to the top and sat on the more stable part of the wall, accidentally kicking dust in his brothers face.
Ryan cringed at the dust and held back a sneeze, his mask was good at hiding his facial features, but not good at protecting him from dust or sand. “Thanks,” he muttered, holding onto the bricks tighter and turning to wipe his face on his shoulder, shaking his head for good measure, before continuing to climb up the wall.
Jonathan grinned at him, he looked around the surrounding area to make sure nobody was following him, when he was certain they were safe, he looked over to their location, which was a large warehouse covered by trees, he could already see some of his friends head into the building, some with their familiars, some with just their large shiny weapons and the occasional magician, flaunting off their magic to the bored thieves next to them, he smiled warmly, the thieves knew each other incredibly well, it was like a huge supportive family.
He looked back down at his brother and grabbed his wrist, pulling him the final way up, “We’re almost there, but we can take a break if you want,” He suggested, watching his brother wipe his hands on his hood.
Ryan shook his head, he grinned at Jon, “Why? Are you tired or something? Does my big brother need another nap?” he asked, he was secretly kinda tired, but he didn’t want to slow his brother down because of it.
Jonathan laughed, “As if, i used to have to do this with you on my back because you were scared of heights,” He teased, grabbing a rope from nearby and hooking it along a suspended hook, it was designed to make it easier for them to get back up and down the building to the warehouse.
The two finally made their way down the rope, Jonathan whined and complained about the slight burn in his non-gloved hands, Ryan simple laughed and flicked his older brother’s nose gently, before heading to the warehouse, more commonly referred to as “Zero.”
Just past a large fence, was Zero, Zero was absolutely packed with thieves, all ranging from different skill sets, some had incredible agility like Jonathan, while other could tank hits and deliver lethal blows that could often end a fight, Right there and then. Some thieves were incredibly rich, helping to keep Zero nice and stable with their wealth, which also gave shelter to the lower level thieves that didn’t have anywhere to safely live. However Zero wasn’t just a thieves only haven, the place often had warriors and medics that struggled to find a stable job, magician’s and abandoned hybrids were also welcomed with open arms. Zero was different since it had variety.
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immalittlepandybear ¡ 6 years
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my favourite meddling kids ❤️
please reblog do not steal or repost my artwork
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immalittlepandybear ¡ 6 years
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Teddy rescue!
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immalittlepandybear ¡ 6 years
me: yes I’m an art account
also me: does this
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immalittlepandybear ¡ 6 years
Actually, can you write me a short, cute little meet-cute with Ohm and Moo? Maybe in a cafe on a rainy day? Rushing to get out of the rain only to bump into a cute stranger, leading to teasing each other on mundane things (type of coffee they drink, book they're reading, what shoes they wear, etc.) just... Somethin soft and cute because I am not okay™ rn :// thanks ❤
I’m really sorry to hear that you’re not doing too good right now, I hope you’re feeling better now and that this helps cheer you up :)
[Ryan POV]
His day couldn’t get any worse. The lack of hot water for his morning shower coupled with his co-worker’s non-stop chatter about nonsensical nonsense was quick to put him in a foul mood. Of course, it was on his walk home that the universe decided to make his day even worse, what had been a pleasantly warm day with patches of blue littering the sky had turned into a torrential downpour not long after he’d left.
He quickly ducked into the nearest coffee shop hoping to wait out the weather, however, he was too pre-occupied with shaking off some of the water clinging to his hair and clothes that he didn’t notice the man sitting at the table right next to him.
“I didn’t know they let dogs in here” He heard a soft voice say and didn’t immediately recognise it was aimed at him till he turned to see a man looking towards him, warm smile on his face. It was then that he realised that he had just shaken cold water over this guy and a mortified look crossed his face.
“Shit I’m so sorry dude, I honestly didn’t see you there”
The man gave a small chuckle which sounded far too happy and warm for someone who just got cold water shaken on them by an inconsiderate asshole. “It’s fine honestly, I needed a shower anyway”
He let out his own chuckle at the man’s remark “Well just let me know if I missed a spot, I’ve gottons more water spare”
“I’ll pass thanks, you got me pretty good the first time” Despite the man’s cheerfulness he couldn’t help but feel guilt rise up in him again.
“Again, I’m really sorry about that. Let me buy you a coffee to make up for it?”
“I appreciate the offer but I’m good thanks”
From his spot just to the right of where the man was sitting he could see his near empty cup, knowing that his previous statement was a lie.
“I know you’re almost finished with that, c’mon it’s the least I can do. What are you afraid to tell me your order?” By the way the man turned bright red and avoided his gaze told him all he needed to know. “Let me guess, white chocolate mocha with an extra shot of chocolate and some whipped cream?” The mans face got an even darker shade of red if possible and he knew his guess wasn’t too far off. “Sweet drink for a sweet guy, although it’s far from the realm of coffee anymore”
The both of them chuckled a little which was cut short when he heard the door open behind him, quickly moving up towards the counter, and out the way of people entering, with a promise to return with his ‘coffee’.
It wasn’t long before he sat down with drinks for the both of them, the man taking his cheerfully and thanking him before taking a sip.
“You have no idea how Frappe this makes me, thank you” It took him a moment to process what had been said to him, the concept that this grown man had just thrown out a coffee pun meant he could do little else but laugh, seemingly pleasing the other man. “Glad someone likes my puns, I had that one brewing for a while”
He couldn’t help but groan at that one “No offence dude but you need to work on your pun game”
The other man chuckled before leaning in a little closer “Hey man it’s hard to grind those puns out, a latte hard work goes into those”
This time he physically facepalmed whilst the man simply doubled over laughing “I will literally pay you to stop making puns” which only seemed to make the man laugh harder to the point he had to wipe tears from his eyes.
Eventually the man had managed to compose himself enough to say, “It appears my pun making has reached its bitter end” He groaned again whilst the other man laughed, but was unable to stop the small smile that graced his lips as well before taking a sip of his coffee. “I’m Brock by the way”
“Ryan” He shook the warm hand that the man offered him, each of them offering a warm smile to the other before taking another sip of their respective drinks.
“So, what brings you in here soaking wet”
He let out an awkward chuckle before answering his question “You know the usual, It’s the universe’s shit on Ryan day”
“It’s good to see that despite the universe’s best attempts to ground you down, you’re still per-sip-vering.”
“Are you always like this?”
“99% of the time, yes. Also, I recommend a coat next time you leave the house and a decent pair of shoes, you know, like ones from this century”
“I’ll give you the coat, but there’s nothing wrong with my shoes. They’re comfortable and multipurpose which is more than can be said for your…trainers” He looked down at his smart workshoes to confirm his statement, sure they were a little worn and his sock may have gotten a little wet from a hole he didn’t know was there, but there was no way for Brock to know that. “I’m guessing you’re here waiting out the rain because your shoes aren’t durable in this weather, or you were just waiting for a handsome stranger to get you nice and wet”
They both started to laugh loudly, drawing eyes from several other customers until they could finally contain their laughter, both still letting out the odd giggle here and there.
He barely heard Brock mutter out the words ‘fuck me’ after his laughing fit, which he quickly responded with “maybe later if you take back what you said about my shoes” that got another little chuckle from Brock who’s face was now bright red, whether from laughter or his statement he wasn’t sure.
“I meant every word” Before he could form a rebuttal Brock shot him what could only be described as a sly grin before taking another sip of his coffee.
They spent much of the afternoon in the same way, teasing each other relentlessly in an effort to get the other to laugh, not even realising how the time around them flew by until they were asked to leave due to the shop closing.
He was braced to be met with cold rain when he walked outside, only despite hearing it fall heavily around him he still remained relatively dry, turning to see Brock standing next to him, umbrella in hand to cover the both of them.
“Seems like your luck’s changed” He smiled at Brocks words, putting an arm around the man’s waist in an effort to keep them close and covered by the umbrella
“I should keep you close then now that you’re my lucky charm” Brock offered him a smile in response, in the dim light he could see a faint tinge of pink colouring his cheeks.
“C’mon, let’s get you home before Thor decides to strike you down or something” Both of them giggling as they started to make their way out of the rain, together.
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immalittlepandybear ¡ 6 years
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Sorry, I saw this yesterday, but during that time, I was tired! ;~;
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immalittlepandybear ¡ 6 years
Oh hey its @crimsonbluemoon
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Super Blood Wolf Moon 2019 ✨
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immalittlepandybear ¡ 6 years
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Feel the rain on your skin, while the viking watching from the bushes thinks you’re cute.
This is the best digital i have ever done, how the fuck did i make this happen?!
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