imoonmoonlove-blog · 5 years
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This blog is about the problems especially the anxieties living inside their minds and body. Nowadays the suicidal rate of the youth are rising, according to Rappler “Globally, the World Health Organization reported an average of 3,000 people who die by suicide daily – this translates to one suicide every 40 seconds. Suicide is also listed as the second highest cause of death among people between the ages of 15 and 29.” Meaning that youth really are in deep problem that needs immediate action. But what are the factors that push the youth to end their own lives and stop hoping that the world someday will be a better place. 
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One of the major factor that affects the youth in being depressed is family and friend. Families that should be the one who nurture us, protects us and equip us with armor to battle this never ending war. Attention - One thing that every youth need sand starving to have. Attentions that will notice their problems and help them correct it, advice that will construct their path to their fruitful life. Giving praise and acknowledging their success, recognition, hard-work, and attainment in life is like giving them a treasure in their heart that cannot be bought nor destroyed. But no, some families refuse to do so and become the root of wrong judgment that suffocate the youth and become speechless. Is it really too much to ask, that one of our loved ones will say “Hey! Congratulations, heard you got a high score in your exam, Keep it up!” Or “I’ve heard that you failed your quiz today, don’t worry too much about it just try a little bit more. I know you can do it! Want some Ice cream?” Words that will change your attitude in life, that will lighten up your day even that it only happen for a mere seconds. Same thing applies to our friends that we don’t know if its real or fake. Friends nowadays are fast and can be broken easily like a glass beads. The world is full of judgmental people it is hard to find a friend that will walk in when the world turn its back on you. Your friend that will stab your back instead of healing your heart after the judgment that you receive from your family and other things. After knowing the truth that everyone really do against you, can you still stand up and fight for something that you don’t know for whom.
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Another one is technology, with the never ending progress of technologies competency rise. With a gadget that will let you see the status of other people, their perfections, their belongings, their happiness. Can you blame them that envy starts to grow in their hearts, that wishing they have the same thing too? Seeing many people attaining many achievements, do you want to have it too? In their minds words started to construct “Of course I wanted it too but who will appreciate me? Is it worth it? Many people have already done it should I still continue? If I do that will I be still unique? What if many people criticize me? What if they make fun of me? What should I do? No! No one will appreciate me, even from the start. What if I die... will that change? Will someone cry for me? Will there be any difference?” 
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Youth, don’t think like that, believe that there is an Almighty God that guides you and protect. God that will never let you be alone just believed and let Faith, Love, Hope and Anger play its game. Believe in that someday someone will see your sufferings and lift it, that someday you will be happy without weight. That you will be free and can fly like a butterfly. Believe that Someday you will find your happiness by being yourself, Just believe! Believe in the power that reside inside you. Don’t let other people knocks you down, if your family can’t love you then be patient God loves you and give that love to the family that you will make. Be someone that will make the world a better place. Take those broken wings and fly with all you can, smirk those who underestimate you and be courageous so that you can this hard world. Love yourself cause someday you will be great and be known. Love Love Love.
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