incognitofoxxo · 7 years
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Aw Nick why are you so shy? Don’t you want a picture with your Carrots? @nicholas-pwilde ;)
This art is not mine, here is the source: touch.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=56719741
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incognitofoxxo · 7 years
Smoking as a teen can permanently stunt your lungs. #FailByCigs
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incognitofoxxo · 7 years
This pic cracked me up when I paused it at this exact moment in the film as you’ll see that Nick crosses out the ‘yes’ to having a criminal record and puts ‘no’ also another nice touch :p
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Nick’s employment application form
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incognitofoxxo · 7 years
Tumblr character limits seriously peeve me, but I’m back (unfortunately) and I am not posting as depressing stuff. Anyway, hope you enjoy the incoming shit post.
Oh, by the way, lemme know if you want me to try my hand at writing a decent bit of fluff or sweet stuff or smut or gore or dark things or just about anything really, I’m not opposed to anything.
I dunno what to title this :p
Silence. Silence can be effective in many situations in the sense of dissatisfaction, the sense to evoke fear, the sense to fulfil each other’s wildest desires. This was a different situation though. This was silence in the ZPD academy training grounds. Soundlessness filled the air as the polar bear who held authority over 15 mammals glared down at them. The only sound that could have been heard was the rain smashing into the backs of cadets and against the already soggy ground. Today was the final day of training before the assessment to determine whether the plucky cadets had pumped enough iron to prevent them from failing the opportunity to receive the glorious medal of valedictorian. However, it was a free session. “Today you rotten bags of flesh have the chance to scrape away the mould on anything you’re unsure of. We’ll have 4 previous valedictorians with us today to help keep track of you and watch your behaviour. I’m looking at you, long neck!” The giraffe cadet was startled by the sudden uproar from the polar bear, mainly from the fact his conversation had been wrenched from its roots. Nick, the smallest recruit there being a fox, raised his paw for the first time during his training to ask a serious question and not just display the extreme levels of sarcasm he possessed. After holding his arm up for a further five minutes as his instructor droned on, she only just caught his fluorescent orange flailing arm in the air that swung water everywhere as it did so. Not like it bothered the other mammals as they were already dripping with the rain. The first time it did rain in training, Nick took the piss out of his drill sergeant. He was sniggering at the water that soaked through her cap and out down her forehead as he asked himself the question: why is she wearing a hat? He later did ask that question directly to her and learnt his lesson from it due to later being face flat in a pool of soggy mud. She had seen him in the time he had his paw held up high in the air though, she was just too reluctant to answer with her previous experiences with the cocky fox. She made him wait till the end and after just as everyone was jogging to the starting line Nick finally got his question answered. “… Now, Wilde!” “Yes ma’am.” She was shocked he was being so courteous and rubbed her eyes in disbelief at his respectful attitude. She felt it was obligatory for her to return the favour whilst maintaining the casual conversation. “You had a question.” Now it was his turn to be shocked by her non-patronising attitude. “Oh yeah. Who are we getting for training and who are we getting for what?” She responded to his remark with an abiding smirk. “We’ll have to wait and see…” She rose her tone to the other cadets as Nick instantly regretted not treating her with more respect over her authority before hand. “Back here in an hour after twenty laps!” He let his ears sag backward and not just due to the fact that the pair of them were acting as flood plains, but the knowledge that he was now being kept in the dark by his instructor. He hastily snapped his fingers mentally and drew his attention back towards the present by following his comrades to the fence perimeter. After a gruelling hour of completing about a dozen laps around the half-mile long perimeter fence, everyone was huddled back towards the rear of the dorms where they set off from and as Nick turned the corner he was greeted by a tiger throwing up. “At least we know who had the rest of the pizza.” Nick only just managed to spit that out before he locked his vision onto the ground and proceeded to pant and puff his way back to a steady breath. Before he could get a chance to glance up he felt a hard slap on the back. “Exam’s tomorrow. Sure you can handle it slick?”
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incognitofoxxo · 7 years
“Dear Carrots, whenever I see you around the precinct or get to hang out with you (because you’re always so busy) I treasure the time we spend and the joy I feel. Whether we grab a bite to eat or we get assigned to a case. It’s all the better when I’m there with you. Even though we get assigned to rough cases, you’re optimistic yet suitable attitude always brightens up the situation and your face always brightens up my heart. I feel as though I can trust you with anything I tell you and you won’t think differently of me, however bad it may be. You’re always there for me and are so supportive. Judy, the truth is, I love you. I know it’s pathetic. A fox in love with a bunny. It’s abnormal. No one will agree with it. But your species doesn’t define who you are. You are so much more than the cute bunny you call yourself. You’re my everything. And I know it’s love from the amount of times I’ve just wanted to kiss you or invite you around mine for the night. But I know it’d make things worst if I did. I know you probably don’t like foxes in the same way I like bunnies, but you are seriously the best mammal in the entire world and at the age of 33 I think I may have found love for the first time in my life.” There was a large crinkle across the small paper which looked like water has set. That water could have only been one thing; salty tears.
“I know that when you get this, I’ll already be at my new precinct halfway across the country in the tactical team, but even though I may not return, I wanted to send you this letter to tell you how much you mean to me over the past few years and what I’ve been hiding for that time.”
Judy dropped the paper as she rubbed her eyes from the exasperatingly arrogant tod’s letter.
The tears that drooled down her cheeks was inducing her to reminisce the times she had bawled into Nick’s creamy, dreamy and furry chest that ushed his scent into her nose that seemingly calmed her like a pacifier does a baby.
She wanted to just feel him, just to at least touch him and they’d only been 2 days apart. She craved to caress his muzzle or playfully grab his ears. She just needed to reprieve this torture she was enduring and squeeze him tight in her arms for the reassurance that he was okay.
Nick was far from okay though. He was in hospital, internally bleeding to his death. All because someone wanted $20. He was about to lose the most precious thing to him. Judy. He was fight FOR HER. He was try to fight for her at least. He imagined her busting through the doors any second and reassuring him it would be okay. But no one came. No one. Then as his fatiguing body managed to pick up his phone out his blood drenched pocket, he laughed to himself as he sent a text he’d been debating on sending for a few years. “You’ve had a good run, Nick.”
He only had himself for company and after he sent the text he just about managed to phone her. He anxiously waited as it rung.
“Nick? Are you okay, I saw your text and I read your letter and I-”
“Judy, I don’t have long.”
“What are you on about? I lo-”
“I got shot and now I’m internally bleeding but I think this’ll be last ever chance we’ll have to speak.”
“…” Judy went quiet before dropping the phone in complete and utter shock. The only thing to prevent her dumbfounded fit persisting being her landlord banging on the ceiling with a broom. She scrambled back to the phone. “Nick, are you joking because if this is just a joke I’ll-”
“If you don’t believe me, video chat with me.” She wanted to see him for the final time if he was lying. He HAD to be lying. There wasn’t any doubt.
As she caught the stunning gaze of her fox companion with his eyes ringed in weariness, she broke down in tears. “I love you so much Nick.”
“I’ve wanted to hear that for the last 3 years. Ha- *spluttering*”
“I could look into your eyes for so long, they-”
“Look, Carrots, I love you. You mean more to me than anything. Don’t cry because I’m going away for a while. I’ll always be here for you. You know I will and besides, you get my apartment and basically everything I own. Just think of this as my way of saying thanks; for everything you did. Just keep being you, I couldn’t stand to make you miserable. I love you, carrots. I just wish you were here with me right now.” He started to cry. For the first time in his life with Judy, he’d cried and she wasn’t even there to comfort him. She watched him helplessly as he bawled his eyes out to her. “I’m scared, Judy.” She so badly wanted to hug him, to reassure him that it was all going to be fine. That he was as soft as she’d imagined him.
“Nick, be quiet, you’re not going anywhere. You’re staying right here with me, in my apartment and you’re going to sleep with me every night. I’m gonna hug you every night. I’m gonna watch a movie with you every night, we’ll still be solving cases together, you’ll still be there for me. I know you will.”
“Judy, I love you and if I could hold your paw now I would. But no one should have to watch their loved one die, how does tomorrow sound for muzzle time?”
“That sounds great Nick. I love you so much. I love you more than the world itself. You’re -heck, you’re…” and as she was halfway through her life confession, she heard the monotone sound that signalled something she could only mark as her best friend’s, her lover’s, her wannabe mate’s death. She couldn’t deal with it. She hung up. After she had done, her phone was flung off the bed and Nick was undoubtedly revived only to be slammed into surgery to correct it. The severity of his condition heightening to nothing they could have predicted.
All in the meanwhile Judy was mourning over the death of Nick after her chief had made the fatal decision to put Nick on a transfer. All because he didn’t want Nick in his precinct with disregard for anyone’s opinion.
She had enough. She was resigning. With the absence of Nick on the force, there was no point of being there. With the absence of Nick in general there was no point in being alive. He was her. He was what kept her going. He was what made her the most important beautiful amazing mammal he described her to be. He was the strife in her life.
Now she thought he was gone, she had to somehow make it on her own without her foxy little sidekick.
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incognitofoxxo · 7 years
Street hustler
So this is like my first 'draft' (if you'd call it that) and I'm more just uploading this so I have it somewhere if it somehow disappears. I mean I don't really at to upload this to my actual fanfic account because... it's just bad. In every way this is inept of meeting my expectations, but I thought it was a very abnormal idea where Nick and Finnick are both inexperienced street hustlers in their 20s. Oh and yeah, this has a lot of coarse language in. It doesn't really have any point but then again; will anything I upload have any meaning? (Who doesn't love a good bit of self-deprecation?) Anyway I literally wrote this as I was writing another more structured fic and was like "Oh damn, I need to write this idea down!" Thinking it would be all great but I just- *sigh*. Anyway as you know from my bio, this is where my effortless, thoughtless docs go. Read it if you're interested because here it is: Disclaimer: oh and btw, I was on the brink of falling asleep when I wrote this. Hopefully I can lay my weary head to rest without this thought haunting my mind. “Fin! What the fuck was that!” A pair of exhausted and startled foxes ran out of an alley panting, left in the dust of a motorcycle that's engine faded as it accelerated into the distance. Behind them lay at least six warm corpses, fallen beside their own guns as bullet holes punctured their chests, oozing blood onto the asphalt and mixing with the different mammals' blood that had fallen beside them. He appeared calm and collected despite his deep breathes to overcome the adrenaline now pumping through his veins. "I don't know what happened back there, but we still gotta catch this bitch.” Finnick, the fennec out of the two grasped the door handle of a car and smashed the driver’s window. “What the fuck are you doing!” He fiddled around above the pedals and sparked the car into action, all whilst the car was broadcasting its alarm to any other members of the gang who weren’t caught up in the ordeal they had a couple of seconds ago. In the meantime, Finnick was awaiting Nick’s taller body to play its part. “Drive!” Nick, the red fox of the two, scrambled into the lowrider and slammed his foot on the pedal causing the tires to screech. A door of an apartment behind them slammed open and as they were slowly accelerating, the gang member who appeared from the door started to fire a pistol at his own car. “Is he shooting at us?!” Nick was both shocked and not at the same time, he didn’t know whether to believe it or not. “What do you fucking think!” Both of them were ducking down and as a bullet smashed the back window and popped the rear left tire, the gun shots ceased. Presumably because he had to reload but it was a relief as they turned the corner, already disobeying the speed limit as they tailed a motorcycle that was at the least 50 feet ahead of them and that gap was slowly lengthening. “How the fuck are we supposed to catch him! He’s on a motherfucking bike and we’re in this shitty ass car which only does 40mph!” Despite the lack of speed, the wide car managed to squeeze through the traffic that seemed like a blur as horns blared from other vehicles. Nick twisted the steering wheel as far as it would go as he barely gripped onto the road whilst screeching round a corner. “Shit went down back there. It was supposed to be a quick deal. Get the package and get out. But no you drilled the first fool that saw us!” “You popped more than me if I remember correctly!” “We still gotta chase this fool for our money!” “What do you think I’m doing, little man?!” Finnick shut his jaws and gaped open his eyes at the sound of sirens.” “Shit, can you hear that?” Finnick switched off the radio as Nick listened to the whirring sound of sirens closing in on them whilst dumbly gazing into the rear view mirror. “Fin, deal with them!” Before Nick knew it he was heading towards a concrete wall. He pulled up the handbrake and spun around 180 degrees before the rear of the car slammed against the wall. “Jesus!” Smashing the rear lights, crippling the structure of the boot and rear fender and grinding down the wall with the left side of the car was not on the couple’s bucket list, but at least the Reynard who was originally on the bike was under Nick’s hood. Finnick had slammed into Nick who’d smashed into the door from the impact. They soon regained consciousness though. Nick wiped his paw down his face that was dripping with blood and froze for a second. Ears still ringing from the impact and feeling a little dizzy. Finnick punched his shoulder and knocked him out of it. Nick’s door had scraped against the wall and wasn’t willing to part with it, so had to wait for Finnick to open his. As the sirens neared, Finnick took one glance at the hood of their car that was sprayed with blood like graffitti and gripped Nick’s wrist before dragging his dazed partner out of the wreckage. Nick regained his awareness and sprinted into a suburban block opposite the road and Finnick quickly followed with blood stained paws and a cardboard wrapped package smothered with the deceased reynard’s blood. Nick continued to run trough the courtyard of the ramshackle apartment block until reaching the alley the other side. Nick climbed a fence before hearing the squad cars assigned to the call screech as they approached the scene. Finnick grabbed Nick’s tail and pulled himself up as Nick howled in pain. Big of them dropped down into a garden and before Finnick knew it Nick was climbing another fence leading into another garden. Finnick grappled Nick’s hind leg to get himself over the next one. Nick was already sick of getting treated as a climbing frame, so he decided to climb the fence over the back of the garden and when he did so was greeted with a pair of unfamiliar and shocked faces by the pair of foxes extremely eccentric behaviour. It didn’t take long for them to catch sight of the gun positioned in Nick’s hind belt strap as his t-shirt lipped over the gun. One reached for the phone before Finnick snatched it out of the buck’s paw and smashed it onto the bitter cold concrete. “You didn’t see us.” They were lucky, they were experienced with this. They’d done it before. They just needed to get away from the scene, go to the buyer and get their money. However, life wasn't always as simple as that.
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