#why am i still tagging
artofmirthos · 6 months
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Oh boy. It has been too long since I've drawn her. This woman singlehandedly developed my love for villain women (and probably a large portion of how fruity I am)
The idea of this is that I redesigned Catra during her Leader of the Horde era.
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icequeenlila · 8 months
someone just bookmarked my SatoSugu Oneshot in a collection called "dem gay sorcerers" and it made me laugh😂
idk why.... words are funny
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ana283 · 2 months
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HELP ME I SHIP VOX X ALASTOR X LUCIFER (credits to @valc0 for pic) THE. ALASTOR X VOX (unaware who made the pic) AND LUCIFER X LILITH (unaware who made pic) AND RAIDOAPPLE (unaware who made pic) AND VOX X VAL (made by megan joyce. I don't think they have tumblr)
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blarefordaglare · 8 months
TW: wild being an angsty guy and mentions of killing
Also sorry that this one isn’t as good, I’m not good at writing wild angst :/
“Guys, we have a…” Legend hesitated. Any word he would typically mentioned would be an understatement, “Situation?” 
Legend watched as the group of heroes came to a halt, “What kind of situation?” Time slowly asked, “Is someone-“
“Is someone in trouble?” Sky beat him to it, he gazed into Legend’s eyes. The look says it all, “Someone is in trouble, aren’t they?”
“It’s not just someone. It’s our cook.” Legend crossed his arms, “I don’t know what’s wrong with him but he’s pretty confused.” 
The air around the boy seemed tense, “Traveler, do you think you could take a look at him?” He wasn’t used to being the guy to ask things of others, “I think it’s important.” 
Hyrule nodded and motioned the others to come with, “What do you even mean by confused?” 
Legend hesitated. Should he tell them what Wild said? Was it his place to tell him? “you’ll see.”
The chain most definitely did see. They saw Wild on the ground sobbing to himself. But it wasn’t quite sobbing, the champion was full on gasping for breath. 
“Is he hurt?” Wind tugged on the captains sleeve. The look of sheer worry on his face shouldn’t be on someone so young like him.
“Traveler will look at him, don’t worry.”  Warriors ruffled the teens hair. In reality, worrying was the exact thing the captain himself was doing, he really was a liar. 
“Wild?” The traveler softly called out, “Can you hear me?” 
Wild looked up for a moment, revealing a face with tears streaming down his cheeks. His breathing was staggered and panicked. They’re so mad they will get revenge on me. Are they gonna kill me too? I deserve it. I shouldn’t have killed them.
Hyrule took that as a yes and stepped forward. The champion accepted his fate, they were going to kill him and there is nothing he would do about it.
“Wait.” Hyrule came to a halt as Sky’s typically soft spoken voice rang through the forest. The chosen hero looked over at Wild, with that worrying look in his eyes that the chain knew and (maybe not so much) loved. “Champ, what’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong is that I killed you all and now you guys are coming to haunt me.” As stupid as it sounded, Sky didn’t laugh. He couldn’t bring himself to laugh at the fact that the hero was most certainly not okay and not thinking straight. 
“Oh,” Sky whispered, “Twi, hold my sword for me, please.” Sky carefully dropped her into the rancher’s hands. 
Sky’s boots slowly crunched closer to where the champion was hiding from the world. Down on the grass, his chest rising and falling rapidly. His knees softly dropped down to the patch of grass where the cook was sobbing, “Come here, you need it.” The chosen hero outstretched his arms.
Wild wanted to scream and thrash and push the ghost away, but his body didn’t let him. He instead dropped himself right into the hero’s outstretched arms. “‘M sorry.” Wild’s tears slowly spilled onto the sailcloth.
Sky simply just hummed and rubbed the boy’s back. Each sob slowly broke his heart more and more in empathy. The last thing he wanted was his incarnation to suffer. “Shh… it’s okay oğlum. You didn’t hurt us.”
The boy just sobbed harder as he relaxed into the embrace. The chosen hero didn’t judge, he just sat there and listened. “Don’t worry. I promise it will be okay.” 
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thetrashcans-demise · 3 months
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idfk jack in a dress 😛
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starman-jpg · 1 year
Leave Before They Do
So... I'm here again for another little angsty drabble or whatever you want to call it. I originally wasn't going to post it, because I didn't think people would want to read it. But then I saw this post, saying that you should just post whatever you want to read.
So here we go! I personally feel very close to this topic and Steve probably does too. Just saying, man has trauma.
Without further ado... (also this wasn't beta read, so if there's any mistake, my bad)
Steve has been distancing himself. 
It started out slowly. Saying he can’t take the kids to the arcade and to ask another one of the older teens. They complain but ultimately just ask Jonathan who takes them. 
The older teens started a weekly movie night at Robin’s place. The six of them would fight over what movie to watch, eventually letting Robin decide since she’s the self acclaimed “movie expert”. Steve started missing those, leaving the other five concerned. 
Robin mentioned how there seemed to be something off between her and Steve. One day they were good, better than good, and then next day Steve is distant. Saying he’s busy any time Robin brings up an event.
Eddie also noticed the distance. 
It was no secret that he and Steve had a thing. Steve wouldn’t dare leave Eddie’s side when he was in his coma. Tell Wayne that he can’t leave because what if Eddie wakes up and no one is here. Of course, Wayne already knew about them, so he understood.
The other’s thought it was weird though. And it gave everyone a shock when Eddie woke up and Steve immediately kissed him. 
Eddie tried getting Steve to open up. But every time, Steve would change the subject to DnD, Eddie to ramble for hours about whatever campaign he was running. 
It didn’t fully hit until the Hopper-Byers decided to host a barbeque and Steve just didn’t show up. Everyone asked Eddie or Robin where Steve was and they both just gave some half-assed excuse. Everyone seemed down after that, but they tried to make the best of it.
The next day, Eddie drove to Steve’s with no call ahead. He didn’t want Steve to say he was busy, when Eddie knew he wasn’t. 
He heard the crunch of the gravel under his tires as he pulled in front of Steve’s house and quickly turned off his van. He jumps out, running towards the door. He takes out his key (Eddie is special enough for a key), only to find out the door was unlocked. 
He rushes in and calls for Steve, only to be met with silence. Eddie looks around the house: Steve’s room, Steve’s parent’s room, guest room, the bathrooms upstairs and downstairs… Jesus, this house is huge. 
After checking the kitchen, still no Steve, he curses and moves back to the dining room. He paces the room, trying to think how he’ll tell Robin her platonic soulmate is missing. Oh Eddie’s dead. 
He sighs, looking towards Steve’s backyard only to find Steve.
Oh thank God, Robin won’t kill him. 
Steve is sitting at the edge of his pool, his knees to his chest. Eddie quietly makes his way towards the boy. Eddie takes off his shoes, rolls up his pants before sitting down next to Steve, placing his feet in the water. 
Steve looks over, eyes wide when he realizes who’s next to him. Steve looks away, back towards the woods. 
“What’re you doing here?” His voice is soft and broken. 
“We all missed you yesterday.” Eddie spoke softly, hoping to not spook him.
Steve softly scoffs, “Yeah, right.” 
“Hey,” Eddie’s voice was stern, but soft nonetheless, “What makes you think you weren’t missed?” 
He shrugs, still not making eye contact with Eddie, “I don’t know.” 
Eddie frowns, gently placing his hand on Steve’s shoulder only for Steve to quickly dodge it. Well, that hurts. 
Eddie nods, looking away, “Steve… why-” Eddie struggles to find the words and Steve is seeming antsy. 
“Why what, Eddie?” His voice was stern, but his eyes said there was something up. 
“Why are you pushing us away? Me, Robin, the kids?” 
Steve stills, his face falling into a neutral state, “I’m not pushing you away.” 
“Yes, you are, Steve. I’ve noticed it, the kids noticed it, everyone has noticed.” 
“Well, it won’t matter in the long run.” 
Eddie physically flinches, but it seems to get missed by Steve. “What are you talking about?” 
“You’ll leave. They’ll leave. Everyone leaves.” Steve’s voice gets tighter as a tear falls down his cheek, “They always leave me.” 
“I’m not gonna leave yo-” 
“Don’t say that!” Steve yells, looking over at Eddie. His eyes fill with anger and sadness, “Y-You can’t say that.” 
“Why? I’m serious, I won’t-” Steve’s hands cover his mouth, not letting Eddie finish. 
“One day,” Steve’s voice is soft again, “You are going to wake up and realize I’m not worth it. And you will pack your bags and leave.” Tears freely fall down his face, “Everyone leaves.” 
“Steve, I will never-” 
“Stop Eddie!” He screams, shooting up on his feet and walking towards the door. 
“Steve!” Eddie rushes to Steve, and pulls his back, forcing Steve to look at him. “What the hell?” 
“You don’t understand!” Steve yells.
“Then explain it!” Eddie yells back.
“Okay, fine.” Steve gestures towards the deck chairs and Eddie takes one, Steve taking the other, “My parents. They left me when I was old enough to use a microwave. Girls couldn’t stand a second date with me, they only wanted sex. And when I finally found a girl who I liked, and who liked me back. I was so happy. And she promised me she’d never leave. A couple months later, she left me.” Steve is crying at this point, not even able to look at Eddie. 
Eddie drops to his knees in front of Steve, trying to capture his eyes. Steve shakes his head, “I-I can’t lose you Eddie. Or Robin. Or the kids.” He takes a shaky breath, “But, I guess I have been distant.” 
Eddie gently wipes away Steve’s tears and he continues on, “But it’s easier to push people away, then to have them leave.” He sighs, trying to turn away from Eddie again.
Eddie cradles his face in his hands, making Steve look at him. Steve looks at him with hope buried so deep it only shows in his eyes and the small hopeful smile. Eddie sighs happily, gently caressing his beautiful boy’s face.
A few tears of his own fall as he smiles,“I love you, Steve Harrington. There will never be a universe where I don’t love you.” Steve softly laughs, tears still falling down his face. Eddie takes his thumbs and rubs them away, smiling fondly at the man, “And, because I love you, that means I will never, ever, ever leave you.” 
Steve’s smile is so big, Eddie laughs. 
“You promise?” Steve’s voice is so quiet, as if he doesn’t want anyone or anything to interfere with this promise. 
“I promise,” Eddie says back, equally as quiet, “You’re it for me baby. You can never get rid of me now. I’m gonna marry the shit out of you one day,” He promises, “and you’ll never have to doubt if I’m leaving, cause the answer will always be no.”
Steve smiles, dropping out of his seat to tackle Eddie with a hug. Steve must’ve miscalculated how strong Eddie was. They instantly fall, Eddie taking most of (all of) the blow, his breath leaving him.
Steve scrambles up, scanning Eddie, “Oh shit. Sorry! Sorry!” 
Eddie smiles, pulling Steve to lay on him again, “It’s okay.” It was decidedly not okay, but how could he be mad when such a beautiful boy is looking at him like that. 
Steve softly kisses him, bringing his hand to Eddie’s face to pull him closer. Eddie kisses back, slowly, smiling brightly against his lips. 
“I love you.” Steve says between kisses, making Eddie giggle. 
“I love you way more, baby.” Steve rolls his eyes, but continues to kiss him again.  
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whatwenthereagain · 13 days
weeee loveeee mc-guckety
even if we die we love mc-guckety
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"I'll think of something to come up with, myself"
She said to the reflection in the mirror.
But her reflection knew it was a lie.
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Aight art suggestions or Whatever their called are now open(look at my last post for context)
And now some bill cipher doodlse
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str4wb3rryk1ss3z · 2 months
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me because i downloaded tumblr to geek out about my interests but then i remember im socially awkward and half the fandoms are dead.............. sigh
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jesterkilljoy · 1 year
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kindahoping4forever · 4 months
Apologies for the momentary spam vibes but I'm about to try to catch up on some of the tour content I missed while I was away 🫡
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irepostalot · 1 year
Great i learn that one of my favorit characters are alive and and learn that my favorit from a diffrent anime died on the SAME DAY
I like acually had to sit and proces it for a moment, even though i knew that there was a huge chance of it happening
Rip Gojo Satoru, fly high<3
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I just watched Kung Fu Panda 4, and I feel that it was so close to being a really good movie with a satisfying end to the series, but there were just too many little things holding it back, as well as some inconsistencies during the movie that made no sense for why some characters should've been where they were at certain times and it just felt slightly rushed and a touch too compressed, especially near the end of it all. I'm fine with the idea of passing on the title of Dragon Warrior and stuff, but I feel that it could've been handled better. But you best bet I am agreeing with anyone who says that Li and Mr. Ping are a couple and have gone on at least one date where they kept fumbling around, but that's not why I'm here. The Chameleon. Great design. Great power. Brilliant visuals. But not being able to get into any Kung Fu schools because she's too small? Then what's this little green stick bug here for then?! And this fangless snake that everyone kept making fun of? Or the bird built like a twig?! Literally Tigress is the only one who was really strong from the get go and fit the description The Chameleon was saying could be the only ones who could learn Kung Fu. And where was Oogway? Where was he when spirits kept getting yoinked? And shouldn't Kai be, like, not there? Like, I'm pretty sure he got turned into universe dust by Po, unless I remembered something wrong. Tai Lung was cool though, though I feel like his battle scene was a bit underwhelming for who he is. Made into disappointment when I realized that the lizards were still alive at the end of it. Like, Tai Lung doesn't show mercy. He's more than capable and has killed any who stood in the way of his goal. Of course, I am okay where at the end of the movie he accepted Po as being the right choice in the end. AND WHY ARE THE CRIME LORDS THERE?! THIS IMPLIES THAT THEY DIED AT SOME POINT, BUT WHY WOULD THE CHAMELEON BRING THEM BACK FOR THIS?! WHAT MANNER OF KUNG FU WOULD MAKE THAT WORTH IT?! And also, the thieves guild, what are they doing. They don't act like thieves except when showing that they are, in fact, supposed to be thieves. They're just a bunch of psychopaths that live in the sewers with how much they talk about and show how much they enjoy violence. I would've loved to see more interactions and reconciliations between Zhen(I only learned that was her name from the credits) and the pangolin dude(forgot his name). Like, that would've been so nice to see rather than "Hey there, we're going to kill you now" "Oh no, don't do that. Why kill now when you can do that later" "Oh, darn, you make a good point there. I shall leave you alone now and help you even though I want to kill you." Like, come on! The soundtrack was also kinda crazy at times, the last song felt really out of place with what was happening and the montage felt a touch unnecessary, which left a slightly bad taste in my mouth to wrap the movie up with. But for as much as I am complaining about it, it had a really solid concept and idea that was perfect for wrapping the series up. Po passing on the torch to someone else while becoming the new leader for his people, Zhen learning to trust and rely on another person was a beautiful thing to see that I feel was done pretty good. I loved the pangolin's design, and The Chameleon's transformation animations were so fluid and disturbing each time until the ultimate form one that felt kinda weird when you saw it moving and like just a dragon, but the Po form and execution was so scary and well done. And Mr. Ping and Li were a joy to watch bond and talk and bicker like a married couple(which they definitely are). Overall, it was so close to being a great movie with just too many small things bogging it down.
When I tried to talk to my brother about this we spent two hours complaining about the Project Monarch universe and how a lot of stuff that happens in it is dumb and how so many ideas and things are thrown out of the window. And where's Mothra? Where's my girl Mothera? Godzilla in that universe is nature's wrath, and apparently Mothera is supposed to be the nice part of nature or something like that it's been a while since I watched the movies okay, but like, where is she? I know she died or something, but a big part of what makes Mothera Mothera is that she is constantly being reborn, so where the freak is she?! My brother had a lot of other complaints that I forgot already, but I have to agree with him. The Monarch universe, while interesting concepts and other things that it started out with were good, has thrown far too many things out of the second story window and rewritten so many facets of itself and only ever implied, never saying or showing many things, implied so much that you would need a bulletin board to explain everything. And I only just learned tonight that there is an official Monarch series that has so much freaking stuff in it that explains so much that they never really advertised. And who is this angry red monkey playing with bones? I haven't yet seen the new Godzilla vs Kong movie, and I don't plan to, but who is he and why is he there?
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Please let me know your thoughts and feelings in the comments and tags and whatever else I may not know of since I am still new to this land of Tumblair, and have a lovely rest of your day.
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Welcome <3
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Oh well, that’s what happens when you let Sayori introduce us. Anyways, the rest of our information is under the cut~
Hi! We’re the Literature Club! We’re a club of four girls with a passion for literature and a strong friendship!
Oh, by the way! I’m Monika~ I like.. Y’know what, let’s save this post for a later date! I’ll introduce myself another time. For now, back to Sayori!
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ecbear21 · 21 days
Revenge is Sweet
My sister just walked into my room and threw a sock full of random coins at my bed (I was laying on it). She missed and hit my cat, she rushed out after realizing. Then I come charging at her with the sock wielded like a mighty weapon. I hurled it at the center of her back, she stumbled onto the floor. She wailed like a lost puppy dog.
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