incorrectphantoms · 4 years
Willie: How did you find me?
Caleb: Oh, it was easy really. I just listened for the sound of complete and utter betrayal and followed that.
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incorrectphantoms · 4 years
Caleb: William, look in that mirror. Do you know what I see? I see a strong, confident, beautiful person.
Willie, smiling:
Caleb: Oh look, you're here too!
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incorrectphantoms · 4 years
The Phantoms: We’ve made the decision to trust you.
Caleb: A horrible decision, really.
268 notes · View notes
incorrectphantoms · 4 years
Julie: What do you say to silver dollar pancakes, crispy hash browns, bacon, eggs, freshly squeezed orange juice, and black coffee?
Luke: I’d say, “Oh, I don’t eat food.”
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incorrectphantoms · 4 years
Julie: Reggie!
Reggie, jumpy: What?!
Julie: I was just looking for you.
Reggie talking fast: Why? I didn’t do anything.
Julie: What?
Reggie: Huh?
Julie: I didn’t say you did.
Julie: What’d you do?
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incorrectphantoms · 4 years
what is your favorite song from jatp?
I love them all but my favorite is probably Wake Up
(my least favorite is I Got the Music)
58 notes · View notes
incorrectphantoms · 4 years
Alex: This is going to be a train wreck.
Reggie: Oooh, I love trains!
259 notes · View notes
incorrectphantoms · 4 years
William, you’re not supposed to name it. Once you name it, you start getting attached to it!
Caleb Covington, talking about Alex
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incorrectphantoms · 4 years
See this face? Take a good long look. Because this is the face that didn’t listen to a word you just said.
Reggie Peters
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incorrectphantoms · 4 years
Stop dancing. Stop dancing. This is a direct order: Stop. Dancing.
Luke, to Alex
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incorrectphantoms · 4 years
Something bad happens.
Alex: Oh that’s bad… that’s extremely very not good…
196 notes · View notes
incorrectphantoms · 4 years
Are you okay? You seemed especially bitter today.
Reggie, to Alex
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incorrectphantoms · 4 years
Luke: Come on, where's your optimism?
Alex: It opted out.
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incorrectphantoms · 4 years
Alex: You’ve got a plan, right?
Luke: Oh, it’s brewing. At least three-eighths of a plan right here. Two-eighths.
Luke: I’ll be honest, all I’ve got is the letter P. But sometimes that’s all I need.
175 notes · View notes
incorrectphantoms · 4 years
Julie: Aren’t you the cutest little thing!
Luke: Why thank y- you’re talking to the dog.
Julie: *Ignores him and continues petting the dog*
Luke: *side eyes the dog*
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incorrectphantoms · 4 years
I’d be more nervous if I weren’t so good looking.
Luke Patterson
89 notes · View notes
incorrectphantoms · 4 years
I expect nothing, and I’m still let down.
Alex Mercer
97 notes · View notes