T o o l a t e C o m p a l e i m s t a r t i n g a c u l t f o r b u r r i t o s n o w -
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edit:i dont actually know much about these things forgive me if im incorrect
but the impressions i have indicate that that isnt something you should do
[i seem to have confused myself]
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yknow what screw it
feel free to send random asks to the af2 points+verf/fanpoints
i'll answer
you just won't get any story on this blog
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hey guys just so you know im discontinuing this blog
because ive updated the lore/canon and i just need a fresh start on it
i will be releasing a comic weekly / biweekly over at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/indigostarsshadscapoddycomic
thank you to those who sent in asks
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is ghosty capable of murder ?
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Compale, just because arson is when you set a house on fire and not destroying them with ice doesn't mean you gotta be so grumpy! Now while you excuse me, im gonna explode a house.
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uh oh
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Can i keep the Emerald nuggie?
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Ghosty is pretty cool wouldn't you agree?
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uhhh notice thing i havent posted in a while due to lack of motivation, sorry about that for now any ask responses will just be doodles instead of full color yee :)
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Did one of the points make everyones' outfits? they're nice and funky :D
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Would ixol commit arson or is that too extreme
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funey void man
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can aero still fly a plane, but like, use ghost powers to move the plane
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Update: Adventure Forward 2 Points are open for asks
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can I give emerald an old stuffed animal
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How many ghost and spirit buddies does ghosty have? does he have a favorite?
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Hey mun, just a little reminder try to have a little more patience. I noticed that the blog has been active for less than a month, so it'll take time to grow.
-support anon
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“Yes, I know... It’s just hard when I have the proper motivation to answer asks but there aren’t any to answer. I’m trying my best to be patient.
“Although I really want a bit more of a community before christmas, which doesn’t exactly help with staying patient.
“I understand what you’re saying and I hope you’re alright with this answer.”
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I am once again requesting asks
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