infamousjm-blog · 11 years
A Final Goodbye
I almost miss this, but then I remember that Jim really doesn't have a point anymore. He's a useless character with few people he can properly interact with. I messed him up a lot by making him so closed.
And then there's the "oh god it's teenlock" stigma that surrounds this whole thing and I'm just disgusted. 
I'm done with rping as Jimmy.
He's clearly only really useful for two or three people and I just can't be arsed to feed him anymore. 
I've a slew of personal problems that I would rather not talk about that make it difficult to be on here anymore, so..yeah. If you're interested in me and my ideas as a writer or a friend, keep reading.
This blog will remain up in the event that anyone would ever want to read through past rps or anything, but it will be inactive now forever. If you want to rp with me as a mun, I can be found here, here, and here.
My skype is ink-face. Please include your url if you want to add me. 
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infamousjm-blog · 11 years
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I'm watching you.
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infamousjm-blog · 11 years
"I said silence." He hissed and felt his face with the back of his hand. Something was off. "Get out. I changed my mind. Get out of here." Something in the tone of her voice was pained with pity, which drove Jim's disgust over the edge.
Pain slowly crept through his body and he coughed violently into the sleeve of his pajamas. One of the gauze pads covered a puncture wound and he pulled it off and stared at it in disbelief, "she's fucking poisoned me. That fucking bitch!" He roared the last, but it was lost in a fit of coughing.
He's baaaack|| Open
Lori followed him in, settling on his nightstand drawer.
If circumstances had been different, she would have squeaked and fled with a red hot face at Jim’s nudity. But she found herself distracted by his wounds. Her ears flattened against her skull and her brow furrowed as her eyes widened. “Jim,” she whispered softly, before remembering his request and biting her lip.
She chose to sit there and wait patiently for him to finish. If he was going to rest, she was willing to watch over him. 
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infamousjm-blog · 11 years
By all means, master.
[The last word dripped with sarcasm and Jim bowed low, his eyes boring into the other's as he was watched, then he left.]
Then go. And only come back if you’ve actually got a job that needs doing.
[He leans back just slightly, eyes never leaving the other.]
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infamousjm-blog · 11 years
"You do not like tea. You drink cocoa, unless that preference has changed?" Something in the empty stare that Jim gave them barely hinted that they were under his skin. After all, Jim should have been used to this, shouldn't he have?He hummed to himself and shook his head, "no cocoa, no stories. I do love a good story.."
With that, he slunk into the flat, the door left as an open question. If they entered, they would drive him up a wall, but they would not get a reaction, he decided. That was all they ever wanted, after all. A reaction.
Two Against One || Twin AU || Open
“You’ve never done anything interesting,” James corrected him easily. There was a very big difference, after all. What amused the twin Jameses and what made Jim interesting would rarely follow the same path.
“We don’t drink ‘cocoa’,” the other scoffed. Of course, wearing down their brother’s patience was one thing but breaking his persistence was another fortunately neither was bad for the Jameses. “But we really must know,” 
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infamousjm-blog · 11 years
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infamousjm-blog · 11 years
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阳 - yang
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infamousjm-blog · 11 years
With indifference, Jim took the bow, but at the words of the other, he raised an eyebrow slightly and stared at him. "What?"
He raised the spoon to his lips and paused as he waited to see if the proposal was a joke.
He's baaaack|| Open
Jim sat across from the other and handed him the bowl. “Unless you want me to spoon feed you.” He says, though there’s no humor in his voice.
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infamousjm-blog · 11 years
Good point. Jim shrugged and settled himself into a comfortable sitting position as the other walked in with jelly and ice cream. He would be reasonable.
He's baaaack|| Open
“Obviously not, or you wouldn’t be in the hospital.” Jim says, standing up. He leaves the room and comes back a bit later, jello and ice cream in a bowl.
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infamousjm-blog · 11 years
"I'm fine." The retort was strong and edged with a faint anger...or was the tone one of disappointment? He didn't know, and didn't care.
He's baaaack|| Open
“You should eat anyway.” Jim says. “Let me get you jello or something at least…”
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infamousjm-blog · 11 years
"I'm sick, I didn't have my tonsils removed," the adolescent gave a bark of laughter, but his face stilled quickly, "I'm not hungry."
He's baaaack|| Open
Jim nods. “Of course. Right.”
He shrugged, trying not to let the others words get to him. 
“Let me get you something to eat, hm? Some ice cream or something.”
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infamousjm-blog · 11 years
Home? No, he was not okay. He did not know how he escaped from the woman, or if he had been...released. At the word 'dad', his lips thinned into a grave line, but relaxed slightly as the other explained that that was now what we call the 'nice' older us. Was that even possible?
Jim shook his head, "there's no 'nice' older us. He's manipulating you, doofus. I'm fine. I don't think they're still after me." Unless I displease them, perhaps, but I will be just fine.
He's baaaack|| Open
“Home.” Jim says, the reality sinking in. “You were really out of it…are you..okay? We can kill anyone who’s after you without a second thought.” He stares at the older teen. “I’ll call Dad.” he frowns. “I-I mean older me. The nice one.”
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infamousjm-blog · 11 years
"Where was I when you brought me here?"
Escaped, then. She would be hunting him until he changed. He needed to fake it until it became reality, then. Can't let the little one know. 
He's baaaack|| Open
Jim stirred lightly and rubbed his eyes, shifting under the coat someone had left atop him.
“g’morning…” He mumbles. “I brought you here. Few hours ago.” 
He yawns and snuggles under the coat further.
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infamousjm-blog · 11 years
[text] Thanks. Very useful. 
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infamousjm submitted:
Happy Christmas. Use it well.
- JM
It’s beautiful…thank you.
I wasnt sure what to get you but…
the pens are nice…they have a secret needle and vial for poison inside.
I hope you like them….Merry christmas.
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infamousjm-blog · 11 years
For all you industrial rock fans
Machine Love (Evil D & Sketchy Mix) (c) Genitorturers
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infamousjm-blog · 11 years
Mmmmmm, possibly.
[There’s a moment of silence as he thinks this over. He really isn’t in the habit of telling people to leave. So long as the trouble they’re causing is reasonable and manageable.] 
Would you actually go if I told you to?
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infamousjm-blog · 11 years
A few hours later, the older opened his eyes and looked around. Confusion dripped onto his features and he frowned. How had he gotten here? How did he escape from the woman? Was he simply in another place? He remembered her injecting something into his body that was surely liquid fire.
Dim memories floated through his head and he could not tell if they were nightmares or realities. Did she catch the younger Jim as well? He seemed to be resting lightly in a chair..
The room was similar to a hospital one. Did that mean he escaped?
"Jim." He didn't mean for his voice to sound so urgent, but he continued, "did you...how did I get here?" 
He's baaaack|| Open
Jim the younger smiles and relaxes, and eventually he falls into a light slumber as well, exhausted from worry.
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